

Feb 11th, 2020
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  1. [17:25] Andrew Mercia says, "Two for one."
  2. [17:28] Had Metztli gotten delusional, had they gotten brave? Stupid even. Whatever the case was, the batty woman lingered in a tree within the farming distincts of Osrona. It's eyes covered by a pair of thick, black sunglasses. Scanning the surrounding area as various humans passed on by.
  4. Perhaps they thought they were more hidden among the branches of the tree than they actually were. Because a particular individual seemed to have turned toward them, and stated something in their direction. There was a tilt of a head, and a soft, gentle body movement. While the woman was clearly... humanoid in shape, their tall form, their silver skin and pointy ears? Were clearly not human features.
  6. No words were given. But eyes stayed focused upon Andrew's form. Maybe he was just talking to himself, while staring at a tree? Hopefully.
  7. (Metztli)
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. [17:35] Andrew looks over towards the tree and back at Ashe if something was there it wouldn't come out while she was in the area. He'd turn towards her he said in a rather cold tone and a breath was taken leaving a trail do to the cold area.
  12. "Ashe it might be something here or it might not be; however I doubt whatever it is does anything while people are in groups. If there is something I'll handle it and if not then I'll go on about my business then.
  14. After the argument last night it feels like I'm getting in your way so, I'll just stick to my combat role.
  16. I didn't mean to make you question yourself or what you plan to do with the guild. So, I got this even if it is something still you have better things to do than get hurt.
  18. You have people that depend on you and worry for your safety plus you have someone waiting for you to come home everyday.
  20. I got this."
  22. He'd pause and threw his hood over his head.
  24. "Is something back there and if so I'm willing to take this to another location if you answer a few question of mine."
  25. (Andrew Mercia)
  26. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. [17:40] Ashe sighed in response, she had just been making her way back to the city after Andrews other encounter. Surely he was worn out...
  30. "Andie... Even Flame-Keepers fight demons in groups if possible, you know that..." She bit at her lip nervously. "If you think something is in the trees, there's an easy way to find out."
  32. She took a rolled cigarette from her pocket, placing it in her mouth, her fingers snapped, lighting the cigarette and a precise blaze and string of reactive explosion magic netting through the tree line before them, likely causing a small explosion and the reveal of a certain bat demon.
  34. She ashed the cigarette after taking a long drag. "See? Easy as that."
  35. (Ashe Lieyan)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. [17:41] There was a slight rustle in the trees, and the Demon stayed within her little nest. Combat role? The creature heard these words finely. A look was given over toward Ashe who they had remembered previously encountering. Only to then look at Mercia.
  40. "What do you want? I'm trying to nap." The creature spoke while sticking to the shadows of the tree. It was dusk, their outfit was dark, and this particular area wasn't lit of bright enough that one might see the bat-Demon and their true skin color or even their ears. Even a passing light might cause the creatures pointed ears to be confused for tree branches near the head.
  42. Whatever the case, even if Ashe fought the bat before, their voice was different, less monstrous in their human form. Even stil, the explosion would go off, and it would shine light on the bat, causing them to turn away from it and them almost immediately. Even with sunglasses on, an explosion gave off a lot of light.
  44. They would jump from one tree to the next, aiming to lose these humans in the branches.
  45. (Metztli)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [17:45] Andrew didn't expect Ashe to make such a haste action towards the creature; however he didn't plan to attack it for his own reason.
  50. "I wanted to asked you a few things fighting doesn't even have to be involved. I'm willing to go to a more private location to ensure your safety in a way. I personally want to ask you something without having you worried I'd try to attack you.
  52. I don't plan to hur--- son of a---"
  54. Andrew started cashing the bat lady.
  55. (Andrew Mercia)
  56. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [17:50] Ashe saw the figure move through the tree line and sent another precise string of explosions through it. They were small, might take a chunk from a tree, but they were controlled, and would leave the area and whatever the presence was mostly unharmed. Shortly after the other string, she too, gave chase to the demon, following Andrew more than anything, as she couldn't quite see the figure moving well, the occasional activation of reactive magic being the only indication of their presence for Ashe.
  60. "I'll stop trying to blow you up if you stop running!~ You have nothing to fear if you don't mean us harm.~" That was a bit of a lie, but who knows, maybe she meant it. "I'm sure we both have questions we can answer for each other.~"
  61. (Ashe Lieyan)
  62. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. [17:53] As Ashe was too busy blowing up trees from a-far, the Demon was able to avoid them. However one particular explosion seemed to have met the doom of Metztli's escape. Even if they were a nimble creature, without their wings they could not change direction mid-air. And they did not want to shift in the middle of the city and draw more attention than needed.
  66. The bat went to step on a tree branch, only for it to be blown off. This caused their agile self to fall from said tree, landing on the ground with a thump. The thump would allow Andrew to catch up to the femme bat some distance away from the street as she let out a pained cry from the impact onto the ground.
  68. It'd be impossible to evade the white-cloaked man now.
  69. (Metztli)
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. [17:58] Andrew appears in an open field with the demon and he kept his word and he prepares to ask them the same question like the others. He didn't have a reason to fear them since most of them attacked on sight though this one was willing to listen to him.
  74. "I want to know why you attack people and spread corruption though the land? Villion has done more damaged than you I'm sure, I'd like to know your reason and what you hope to achieve."
  76. Andrew took one step closer towards the bat-lady.
  78. "I want to understand where your mind is and how it works."
  79. (Andrew Mercia)
  80. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  82. [18:01] The vixen caught up to the group delayed, stepping out of the tree line and ashing her cigarette. She remained quiet, curious as well, and not wanting to get in Andrews way. He had a plan here, clearly, a line of question, she didn't have that prepared.
  84. Knowing anything would help their defenses significantly...
  85. (Ashe Lieyan)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [18:02] The Demon was not able to flee, and perhaps Ashe would be able to catch up by the time Andrew's questions were heard by Metztli, and responded to. "I hunt to eat. I hunt to hunt those that hurt my kind. I otherwise gather knowledge." The creature spoke as the took several more back-steps from Andrew. It was clear that the beast had no intention of lingering around long. Any commoner passerby could see it now..
  90. A long, slender form. The glowing red eyes, the long, pointed ears and the silver, angular facial features. It was evident that they were a demon or perhaps some other form of humanoid that wasn't human, simply by looking at them.
  92. A hiss came from their lips. "Leave me be."
  93. (Metztli)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [18:07] Andrew squints and while the answer was straight he still didn't understand about demons in general.
  98. "You do realized that this wouldn't be a problem if demons didn't hunt people for sport. The day that they came into this world everyone one became prey and they started eating them.
  100. Now that people are getting strong enough to face them it's our fault that we hurt your kind? I think it's called self-defense. I didn't attack you and look how much progress is being made."
  102. Andrew bit his lip lightly while thinking.
  104. "Life is vital, but at this rate there won't be any kind left alive if we continue on the same route."
  105. (Andrew Mercia)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [18:10] Ashe heard the answer and was unimpressed.
  110. "Dogs." She said snidely, turning her gaze away at the tree line.
  112. They didn't even have morals or philosophy they just ate and killed.
  114. What a pitiful existence she thought to herself, nearly smirking at the demons discomfort and potential for panic. Like a cornered animal.
  115. (Ashe Lieyan)
  116. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. [18:16] Andrew words were heard. And Metztli took them into consideration. "I was attacked. Hunted... by a blonde with an eyepatch, blue coat. Ice magic. Because I was a demon. A demon scanning skies of Silverwall. Protecting the Mountain from Theria. Even when she said she was ally of Theria, and I let her go. Her and... Kir-cheese attacked me. Saying it was their... 'divine light' duty to hunt my kind to extinction!" A hiss yet again, it seemed these two individuals would not go away, it seems they wouldn't let the Demon return to it's shadows and continue to observe humans.
  120. The ebb and flow of an occult aura flowed around the demon, creating a thick veil of occultism. The dark arts were strong in this individual, so strong that the magic was thick. Creating a shroud that seemed to hide all of their features, but that of their eyes in this dark knight.
  122. "I consume to grow. I grow to fight. I fight to live. I live to ascend." The beaststated. A simple mantra embedded into the mind of the Felblood. To keep itself alive. Motivated for the future.
  123. (Metztli)
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [18:29] Andre wasn't taken back by the aura he didn't fear it even it was foul and the area around them became a bit heavy at the moment.
  128. "Have you thought that there was another way of solving an issue like that by living a normal live? You can eat human food and live a normal life without being hunted by other people of the city.
  130. I'm sorry to hear that you were attack; however, two wrongs don't make a right dear. You should know that better than me I assume your older and a bit more wise.
  132. You should really reconsider your actions."
  134. Andrew didn't approach her for a reason he wanted them to feel safe even in this situation.
  135. (Andrew Mercia)
  136. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. [18:33] The vixen took a long drag from her cigarette, tossing it to the ground and stomping it out. Her amber hues looked over the feldemon.
  140. "I have no doubt, that no matter what we offer it, it will stay committed to its way, Andrew." The girl sneered. "It'd be better if we just killed it, but I suppose if it cooperated now, it could be given a chance."
  142. Her hand had been on her hilt this entire time, and it didn't leave it now.
  143. (Ashe Lieyan)
  144. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  146. [18:36] The words of the foxkin only aided in the tension that the demoness felt. "See? I could not live here freely! I am a DEMON. I am OCCULT. My mere presence in this city being known is a death sentence. The knights would sooner kill...ask questions later.
  148. And this one? Calls me an 'it'. Cannot be treated as a person when called an 'it'!" She clearly didn't like this. And it was evident in their tone. Another few steps backed up. As the creature continued to allow it's occult aura to wrap it's form within the shadows. Though this man was kind-acting toward Metztli…
  150. She couldn't help but to feel paranoia.
  151. (Metztli)
  152. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  154. [18:43] Andrew took a few steps forwards towards the demon and tired to put their worries to rest for now at least.
  156. "You're talking to me so, focus on my works I can clearly see you're a woman. You don't have to live within the city, but you can change you life and live freely without hurting with the reason of them.
  158. You don't have to dig your grave with the rest of them, what is your name? I'm Andrew Mercia"
  160. He'd hold his arms open towards them.
  162. "I don't plan to hurt you."
  163. (Andrew Mercia)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [18:46] The good cop, bad cop routine was old, she took out another cigarette and lit it, looking out over the cliff edge with red, stressed eyes. She would let Andrew handle the talking, she had no sympathy for a demon, no matter how weak or fake they want to be, they always would return to evil.
  167. (Ashe Lieyan)
  168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. [18:48] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  171. [18:50] The open armed gesture was not something the Demoness understood. Infact, it came off as odd. Did he intend to capture her? To run off with the bat woman to use for some weird experiments like Tyrith did? The bat scanned his form. Eyeing him from top to bottom. A small hiss came as she looked over at Ashe.
  173. He wanted a name? And for what reason.
  175. "Make Knights not hunt demons. Who only hunt to feed and protect themselves. Then maybe. I will trust." And then the Bat moved toward the other trees. It was then that the demoness leapt into the woodwork. Aiming to use the trees once more as a way to flee from the scenario. There was much to think about. Much for the Felbat to register in it's mind. Whether it could trust this human or not.
  177. Information needed to be gained, first.
  178. (Metztli)
  179. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  180. (later that evening)
  181. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  183. [22:12] Andrew slowly walks out towards the demon he remembers this one quite well, but it seems like it was back for whatever reason. He'd begin twirling his staff while absorbing the cosmic magic into his body while the words of the demon fell on deaf ears.
  185. "Your kind never learns and now we have to teach you a hard lesson."
  187. Andrew dashed towards the demon attempting to take her down without thinking twice about it.
  188. (Andrew Mercia)
  189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. [22:12] Maria begins to mumble quietly and rapidly to herself about magic theory, Time magic, swordsmanship, and the metaphysical in general. Unfortunately for Champ and Nerin, they both can hear her.
  192. (Maria Masters)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [22:17] Suica lends Darroth a hand to help him off the ground, "You alright man?"
  196. (Suica SweetSauce)
  197. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. [22:18] Andrew slowly twirled his staff and slammed on the ground while approaching the demon that he brought to their knees. He didn't really have anything left to say to the demon and it seem whatever person they were trying to capture was safe.
  201. He was tired of the demons continuing to attack the city one after another for their own enjoyment. It was sick and he'd handle them one at a time if given the chance.
  203. "This is your last chance leave and don't come back."
  204. (Andrew Mercia)
  205. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  207. [22:19] Darroth takes Suica's hand and quickly checks himself for any injuries "Surprisingly I'm not hurt, thanks"
  208. (Darroth Brymenor)
  209. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. [22:20] The demon was too tired. Too badly beaten to continue. Every bit of cosmic energy seemed to blind the beast. It was helpless against cosmic magi. They were too strong. Too powerful for it to do much of anything nd thus... it was forced to drop it's captive, Darroth.
  213. With the man dropped, the Bat flew off. Using what strength it had to get away as fast as it could. "You said. We could be friends. You wouldn't hurt... m...e... you lied." Humans proven to not be trustworthy yet again.
  215. Using the darkness of night, the Bat flew s fast as it could toward the westward mountains.
  216. (Metztli)
  217. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  218. [22:24] "Friends? I said I wanted to get information from you and understand why you act the way that you do. Look at you running into the city and attacking people. I'm part of one of the strongest guild in the city and we hunt demons that continue to attack.
  220. I got the information I wanted and you came back just to what? Try to slander me? I told you to never come back and you came back to attack anyway.
  222. You got lucky this time, but guess you can't help attack weak people for fun. It was my mistake not being able to catch you after you ran away."
  224. Andrew had nothing else to say this proves something that he could write down in his report. He learned a great deal from this encounter and it would prove useful in the future.
  225. (Andrew Mercia)
  226. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  228. [22:25] Andrew Mercia says, "Ahse."
  229. [22:25] Maria Masters says, "Sensitivity to bright, flashing light could potentially be a shared, common weakness."
  230. [22:25] Andrew Mercia says, "We're killing them all."
  231. [22:25] Ashe Lieyan says, "Oh yeah."
  232. [22:25] Ashe Lieyan says, "I know."
  233. [22:25] Andrew Mercia says, "If they smell like occult magic."
  234. [22:25] Suica SweetSauce says, "If that is the case, we would specialize in killing demons"
  235. [22:25] Xin'Kro says, "Mm.."
  236. [22:25] Andrew Mercia says, "I'm killing them."
  237. [22:25] Ashe Lieyan says, "Sounds good to me..."
  238. [22:25] Ashe Lieyan says, "And no"
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