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a guest
Jun 19th, 2019
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  1. <ActionBar class="action-bar" backgroundColor="black">
  2. <NavigationButton visibility="hidden"></NavigationButton>
  3. <GridLayout columns="auto,*,auto,auto">
  4. <Button class="mdi btnIcon p-r-20 p-l-20"
  5. [text]="'mdi-arrow-back' | fonticon"
  6. color="white"
  7. (tap)="goTo('/configuration')"
  8. col="0">
  9. </Button>
  10. <Label class="actionBar__ttl" text="Acciones Timer" color="white" col="1"></Label>
  12. </GridLayout>
  13. </ActionBar>
  14. <GridLayout rows="*" backgroundColor="black">
  15. <StackLayout>
  16. <Button text="CAF MOCK" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  17. marginBottom="10"
  18. height="40"
  19. shadow
  20. elevation="3"
  21. cornerRadius="4"
  22. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  23. (tap)="mockDupCAF()">
  24. </Button>
  25. <Button text="DELETE CAF DB" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  26. marginBottom="10"
  27. height="40"
  28. shadow
  29. elevation="3"
  30. cornerRadius="4"
  31. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  32. (tap)="deleteCAFDB()">
  33. </Button>
  34. <Button text="EXEC PATCH" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  35. marginBottom="10"
  36. height="40"
  37. shadow
  38. elevation="3"
  39. cornerRadius="4"
  40. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  41. (tap)="execPatch()">
  42. </Button>
  43. <Button text="CREATE IDXS on CAF" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  44. marginBottom="10"
  45. height="40"
  46. shadow
  47. elevation="3"
  48. cornerRadius="4"
  49. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  50. (tap)="createIDX()">
  51. </Button>
  52. <Button text="REMOVE IDX CAF" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  53. marginBottom="10"
  54. height="40"
  55. shadow
  56. elevation="3"
  57. cornerRadius="4"
  58. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  59. (tap)="removeIDX()">
  60. </Button>
  61. <Button text="Init connection" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  62. marginBottom="10"
  63. height="40"
  64. shadow
  65. elevation="3"
  66. cornerRadius="4"
  67. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  68. (tap)="initConnection()">
  69. </Button>
  70. <Button text="(PUB) => Check Docs [Pend]" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  71. marginBottom="10"
  72. height="40"
  73. shadow
  74. elevation="3"
  75. cornerRadius="4"
  76. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  77. (tap)="checkPendingDocs()">
  78. </Button>
  79. <Button text="(PUB) => Check Docs [Sent]" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  80. marginBottom="10"
  81. height="40"
  82. shadow
  83. elevation="3"
  84. cornerRadius="4"
  85. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  86. (tap)="checkSentDocs()">
  87. </Button>
  88. <Button text="(SUB) => Fetch Docs ACK" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  89. marginBottom="10"
  90. height="40"
  91. shadow
  92. elevation="3"
  93. cornerRadius="4"
  94. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  95. (tap)="fetchDocsACK()">
  96. </Button>
  97. <Button text="(PUB) => Request CAF [39]" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  98. marginBottom="10"
  99. height="40"
  100. shadow
  101. elevation="3"
  102. cornerRadius="4"
  103. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  104. (tap)="requestCAF()">
  105. </Button>
  106. <Button text="(SUB) => Fetch CAF [39]" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  107. marginBottom="10"
  108. height="40"
  109. shadow
  110. elevation="3"
  111. cornerRadius="4"
  112. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  113. (tap)="fetchCAF()">
  114. </Button>
  115. <Button text="(SUB & PUB) => Supp Report Request" class="btn btnBlue w100 upper border-radius"
  116. marginBottom="10"
  117. height="40"
  118. shadow
  119. elevation="3"
  120. cornerRadius="4"
  121. bgcolor="#1984f6"
  122. (tap)="fetchSuppReportRequest()">
  123. </Button>
  124. </StackLayout>
  125. </GridLayout>
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