
Retelling of DDA session

Feb 19th, 2021
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  1. >Be me, 16 yo japanese delenquent girl with an angle and a devil for partners
  2. >Be not me, horny frenchman obsessed with wine and coffee with a zombie cyborg gunsnake and autistic/retarded satan dinosaur as his partners and a dude who looks like he walked off a punk rock album with a mowhawk that's probably the most chill of the group with a spooky scary skeleton partner
  3. >Just fought our way to the top of this large tower
  4. >Doing it to shut down machine that has been running cards that were made out of digimon so they stop being used by any other humans since it basically kills the digimon inside by loading them into ours
  5. >Hologram of some sickly looking dude shows up to monologue, he's the guy behind everything, gives us the whole "break a few eggs to make an omlette" bullshit
  6. >Punk guy tells himthere has to be another way to solve whatever problems he's got going on in his life than fusing the real and digital worlds which would unleash untold destruction on both and that the guy has to be off his rocker if he can't see that
  7. >He tries to pay us in cards that would give us Ultimate/Mega level to fuck off while he does his bullshit
  8. >I immediately tear mine in half, because power not earned isn't power at all
  9. >Mowhawk does the same because we don't negotiate with crazy
  10. >frenchman shoves his in his back pocket
  11. >Tell off hologram man that we've already iced his brother and we're going to do the same to him
  12. >He summons a fuckoff huge skeleton dinosaur I punched in session 1 because despite being a 5'1" tall japanese highschool girl my character has Masaru Daimon syndrome
  13. >The fight begins
  14. >Drop one of my cards to try and get an edge, angewomon blasts him with her Slayer: Nightmare Soldiers quality-boosted Celestial Arrow for good damage but we drop in the turn order due to the card going forward
  15. >Mohawk tries to debuff him with his skullsatamon, but it does nothing because he has immunity
  16. >Still gets off some decent damage
  17. >Skullgreymon goes next
  18. >Drops a fat fucking poison missile on us
  19. >Lady Devimon intercedes for me, other partners do the same for their humans, all the digimon are poisoned
  20. >Pop a card that I can use as a reaction to remove LadyDevimon's poison and make her immune for the rest of the fight
  21. >Area around them is now toxic if they touch the ground, so poison gets re-applied, for 2 rounds
  22. >BlackWarGrowlmon charges in and hits for a fuckload of damage
  23. >Skullgreymon starts talking mad shit and egging BlackWargrowlmon on
  24. >GM DMs something to his player, rolls are made
  25. >BlackWargrowlmon Dark Evolves into Meggidramon
  26. >Angewomon rolls to see if she knows what the fuck this is since she's been shown to have a hatred for nightmare soldiers and "Evil" digimon in general for a while
  27. >Nails it
  28. >Literal apocalypse dragon who is literally drooling and muttering "hungry" over and over
  29. >Says that she's going to kill it, getting backlash from BWG's tamer
  30. >My tamer intervenes and tells angewomon off, telling the frenchman to get his partner under control
  31. >Meggidramon attacks Gigadramon, the other digimon paired with the frenchman
  32. >Hits pretty hard, but because of the twisted evo the GM rules he isn't benefiting from stuff like Weapon or other similar qualities
  33. >SkullSatamon gets slapped by SkullGreymon since he and Meggidramon share initiative all the way back to Champion/Adult, Flawizardmon
  34. >Frenchman tries to snap his partner out of it and comes close but not close enough
  35. >Has Gigadramon fire off a point-blank Genocide Gear into Meggidramon to little effect
  36. >Flarwizarmon and his tamer retreat, but not before mowhawk gives my tamer a card.
  37. Forgot to mention, the Frenchman used a card that let him wrestle temporary control of meggidramon back, a throwback to Adventure called Black Gear. 3 rounds of total control over a digimon of his choice. But again, no qualities so Meggidramon was kinda shit but good enough to deal solid damage to Skullgreymon. Anyway, back to the story:
  38. >Card lets me add BIT + CPU + RAM of my digimon to their core stats for 3 rounds, but not only do they lose that but they also suffer a penalty equal to that value for the rest of the fight on the 4th round, potentially just straight-up taking them out of the fight
  39. >My turn rolls around
  40. >Use the card on ANgewomon because she has a total +14 bonus and also gets a bonus against Skullgreymon because he's a Nightmare Soldier
  41. >She throws everything she has at SkullGreymon, dropping into Offensive Stance for a whopping total of something like 68d6 accuracy with Huge Power/Overkill on an Armor Piercing 3 attack
  42. >Literally so strong it puts a hole in SkullGreymon's chest
  44. >He dies
  45. >But actually, no.
  46. >The bones of his corpse - which stuck around for some reason - stab into the digitama
  48. >First shot forces Angewomon to intercede for both LadyDevimon and her tamer
  49. >She takes pretty big damage, but the buff is still active so not too much
  50. >Frenchman manages to pull a critical success on his check to snap Meggidramon out of it
  51. >He slide evolves into ChaosDukemon and regains his sanity
  52. >Hits BlackWargreymon for a big chunk of damage and delivers some HAVE AT YE dialogue
  53. >Mohawk is still retreating, rolls over to my charracters
  54. >Angewomon point-blank shoots BlackWargreymon for massive damage, tearing off one of his wings and damaging his side but not taking him out
  55. >He uses a move that has knockback AND damage
  56. >Seeing Angewomon as one of our two best shots at taking this guy out, LadyDevimon steps in to intercede when an attack would force her to dodge - which she probably couldn't - and her tamer
  57. >Gets knocked back down to Adult/Champion and knocked off the tower we're on.
  58. >She can't fly at adult level
  59. >Oh fuck.jpg
  60. >Gigadramon also knocked down to Tankmon
  61. >Oh double fuck.jpg
  62. >Turn rolls around to Frenchman
  63. >Lets BlackWargreymon have everything he's got from ChaosDukemon
  64. >It literally deals just enough damage to put him down
  65. >Angewomon immediately bolts to save her twin, manages to nail the Body check to catch her and heft her back up in time
  66. >Debate how to shut down the machine
  67. >Fire a tank shell from Tankmon at the glowing thing the hologram dude appeared from earlier
  68. >It flickers out
  69. >Tower we're on begins to shake
  70. >Panic
  71. >We basically haul ass down screaming for everyone to leave because it turns out the Machine we needed to take out was literally the tower (we should have seen it coming - it was called Machine Tower).
  72. >Barely make it out alive
  73. >Other humans we saw last session nowhere to be seen, hopefully they got away
  74. >Take a breather and prep to go back to a nearby village to see if the other humans went there like my character suggested they do if shit hits the fan last session
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