
Ch 6: Part 4: The Throne of Abraxas: Session 105

Jan 15th, 2014
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  1. [15:42] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:42] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 6: Descent into Midnight~~~
  3. [15:43] <Kilarra> -Session 105-
  4. [15:48] <Kilarra> The party has joined forces with a host of Charda warriors for the final assault on Allevrah's fortress, the Throne of Abraxas. Additionally, Kilarra has summoned two Ghaele's to aid in their attack. The forced began to move out, and have now amassed on the shore of the Caltherium, ready to make their assault.
  5. [15:51] <Kilarra> Kjell steps up to the host of Chardas. "Now then, are there those among you who would like to volunteer themselves to benefit from my enlargement spell?"
  6. [15:52] <Kilarra> The Chardas chitter amongst each other for a bit, and eventually each squad sends forth one of its members to gather around Kjell.
  7. [15:53] <Kilarra> Kjell smirks and raises his spell arm, "Time to go big." He casts the spell, and not only do the twelve elected chardas double in size, but he does too. He winks down at Aluthyra, who was normally taller than him. "Figured if I had some leftover capacity I could take advantage of it."
  8. [15:54] * Aluthyra chuckles, rolling her eyes. "Good, the more ready we are for this fight-- the better."
  9. [15:56] <Kilarra> The Chardas make a lot of excited noise at seeing their enlarged warriors. The warrior themselves let out a louder, deeper trilling in return, then begin to wade into the Caltherium, heading towards the Throne of Abraxas. Each one has eleven regular chardas fall in behind or around it. It was a bit odd, yet also interesting to watch as they swam through the thick black substance as though it were just water.
  10. [15:56] * Kilarra looks to the Ghaele light orbs. "Once you get across and start the fight, make sure you send up a lot of light so that Kjell can see where to teleport us."
  11. [15:57] <Kilarra> Jezelle's orb bobs and says in an echoey tone, "Understood. May Calistria bless us all with good fortune this day." She and the other Ghaele then begin to float over the Caltherium, above the swimming mass of Chardas.
  12. [15:59] <Kilarra> Kjell looks down to Kahree, "Are you ready for this?" He chuckles a bit nervously; "We could all be dead in a few hours."
  13. [16:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "We won't be. We'll kick their asses."
  14. [16:00] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I'm certainly inclined to agree."
  15. [16:02] * Kilarra reaches up and pulls Aluthyra close, giving her a considerably passionate and talented kiss. She holds it for a full minute before breaking off, a little red in the face. "Might not get another opportunity to do that until the drow lady sings." She smiles
  16. [16:04] * Aluthyra smiles, pulling Kilarra back in for another passionate, though not as talented kiss. Hers is shorter, but no less meaningful. "Might as well have an extra, just in case."
  17. [16:05] * Kilarra turns a little more red, then giggles. It's odd to hear that kind of noise come from her, but it's very cute. "Let's kick her ass."
  18. [16:06] <Kilarra> Kjell pulls out another teleport scroll, since they would have to jump a couple miles, which was still well outside the range of his short range dimension door.
  19. [16:06] <Kilarra> The Charda forces have disappeared into the darkness, with only the distant light of the Ghaele's keeping their position noticeable.
  20. [16:07] <Aluthyra> Kahree gets her maces ready, grinning widely. "Almost done... let's finish this."
  21. [16:11] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kahree can hear the distant sounds of battle every so faintly from this distance. After another couple minutes, two beams of light streak away from the island and hit the shore a few feet away from the party.
  22. [16:11] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "That's our cue." He uses the scroll, teleporting the party into the fray...
  23. [16:12] <Kilarra> The fray is very much that. Unlike the skirmishes the party has seen, this major battle harkens back to the massive confrontations they experienced in the liberation of Celwynvian
  24. [16:14] <Kilarra> The Chardas, led by their enlarged elites, are swarming around the drow. Smaller and more numerous, they take the drow two or even three to one as they are able, while the larger Chardas attempt to topple the driders in order to keep them from casting too many spells. The occasional bolt of lighting or blast of fire bursts amidst the chaos, and crossbow bolts fly every which way
  25. [16:15] <Kilarra> Meanwhile, the two Ghaele's, still in orb form, are floating above the battle, keeping the bat mounted drow occupied, and occasionally sending one tumbling down to break their necks, searing the bats with powerful rays of light.
  26. [16:22] <Kilarra> The party finds themselves assailed from the north by a troop of drow and driders coming from one of the other bunkers to join the fray. The driders skitter forward, each one spurred by a drow soldier, while a dozen bat mounted drow swoop overhead to provider aerial support.
  27. [16:22] <Kilarra> The first two driders attempt to cast webs at the party, to hold them in place.
  28. [16:24] <Kilarra> Kilarra is ensnared by the first set of webs, but all of the other party members are nimble or lucky enough to duck and roll out of the way.
  29. [16:25] <Kilarra> Three of the driders are intent to make short work of the one 'prey' who they managed to ensnare, each throwing a lightning bolt at her.
  30. [16:27] * Kilarra screams as the webs hold her in place for the lightning strikes. All things considered, it could have been worse, but it still hurt.
  31. [16:28] <Kilarra> Two more driders take aim at Aluthyra, throwing lightning at her as well to try and keep her from getting into the air
  32. [16:28] <Kilarra> Two others go after Kahree
  33. [16:30] <Kilarra> Kahree is nimble enough to completely avoid the lightning strikes, and Aluthyra gets a little singed, but not struck directly.
  34. [16:33] * Kilarra casts a spell on herself to liberate herself from the webs, slipping away from them with magically assisted fluidity.
  35. [16:35] <Kilarra> The crossbow wielding drow take aim at Kjell and open fire, taking advantage of his size
  36. [16:37] <Kilarra> Most of the bolts shatter harmlessly against Kjell's enlarged Adamantine Plate, but one manages to graze his cheek.
  37. [16:42] * Aluthyra aims up, nocking and firing a duo of arrows into three of the bats flying above.
  38. [16:44] <Kilarra> Aluthyra deftly takes three of the bats out of the sky at once, sending their riders tumbling to a hard, unyielding splatter on the pointed rocks below.
  39. [16:45] <Aluthyra> Kahree steps forward, looking to the drow and driders on the ground. Showing off a little, she brandishes her maces, threatening with a flourish what will come if they near.
  40. [16:47] <Kilarra> The driders falter a bit. The mace brandishing uplander had completely avoided their most powerful spells and wasn't even scratched.
  41. [16:47] <Kilarra> The drow spurring them seem a little less enthusiastic as well.
  42. [16:49] <Kilarra> Kjell smirks and takes advantage of the drow's hesitation. He pulls out the metamagic dagger with his spell arm, lighning crackling around it. He takes a swipe at one of the driders with his blade before launching an empowered lightning bolt through the dagger through the drow lines.
  43. [16:53] <Kilarra> Kjell's blade leaves a deep gash in the body of one drider, while his lightning bolt rips through their ranks, with half a dozen of the soldiers and three driders suffering harm from it
  44. [16:54] <Kilarra> The Driders turn to focus their efforts on Kjell, answering in kind with lightning of their own.
  45. [16:55] <Kilarra> Kjell is reasonably nimble for his size, but nowhere near as much as Kahree and Aluthyra, taking the brunt of one bolt and getting seared by the others.
  46. [16:56] <Kilarra> Four more driders turn to Kahree and cast missiles of arcane energy at her, aiming to leave her no chance of evasion
  47. [16:57] <Kilarra> Kahree is pelted by a dozen magical projectiles
  48. [16:58] <Aluthyra> Kahree scowls, ending her mace-twirling. They'll pay for that!
  49. [17:03] * Kilarra sees Kjell taking a lot of lightning hits and runs up to him, casting protection from Lightning Energy upon him.
  50. [17:04] <Kilarra> Half of the drow soldiers take aim at Kilarra now, since she was the least injured. The other six aim for Aluthyra
  51. [17:06] <Kilarra> Aluthyra remains virtually untouchable between her Ki hardened skin and evasiveness, but Kilarra gets stuck with three bolts. Mercifully, the poison within them doesn't take hold.
  52. [17:08] * Aluthyra continues to fire into the bat-riding drow, firing another duo of arrows at three bats.
  53. [17:10] <Kilarra> Aluthyra sends three more bats tumbling from the sky along with their riders.
  54. [17:14] <Aluthyra> Kahree charges forward, rushing the line of driders. As soon as she nears one, she raises her mace up high, bringing it down on its carapace.
  55. [17:17] <Kilarra> The drider crumples under Kahree's blow, being intimidated by her leaving it open to a vital area getting hit.
  56. [17:18] <Kilarra> The remaining half dozen bat riders fly in closer to avoid falling so hard if hit, but remain out of Kjell's reach while using their height to an advantage against Aluthyra
  57. [17:20] <Kilarra> A single bolt manages to successfully graze Aluthyra, but the traces of poison are immediately suppressed by her superhuman immune system.
  58. [17:21] <Kilarra> Kjell decides that it's a good time to keep up with the fireworks, since the demons guarding the gate would be immune to lightning anyways. He takes a swing at another drider, hoping to weaken it enough for another suped up lightning bolt to kill it, and if he was lucky, some of the other troops.
  59. [17:23] <Kilarra> Kjell manages to drop the two driders he had previously slashed and bolted, and six of the drow soldiers crumple in line with them. The third injured drider remains standing, but in bad shape.
  60. [17:24] <Kilarra> The badly wounded drider throws a lightning bolt at Aluthyra, then attempts to scurry away.
  61. [17:26] <Kilarra> Aluthyra ducks the lightning bolt, but is still a little singed
  62. [17:29] <Kilarra> Three more Driders attack Kjell with lightning again, having not been paying attention to Kilarra.
  63. [17:30] <Kilarra> The lightning disipates thanks to Kilarra's protection spell.
  64. [17:31] <Kilarra> the last four driders, noticing this, turn their attention to Kilarra, unleashing a flury of magic missiles at her
  65. [17:31] * Kilarra gasps and staggers. Those things -hurt-
  66. [17:34] * Kilarra looks around and decides to take the opportunity to heal herself. If anyone else went down, she could pick them back up after the fact, but no one else in their group could heal her as well as she could.
  67. [17:52] <Kilarra> As the party makes their own mark on the battle, the Chardas and Ghaele's seem to be doing well. Without the reinforcements from the forth bunker, all of whom were engaged with the party, they retained their advantage of numbers. A few of them had fallen, including one of the big ones, but Jezelle was now going around and curing Chardas so they could re-enter the fray, while her partner covered them.
  68. [17:53] <Kilarra> The six remaining drow soldiers were on the far side of Kjell's lightning and remain unharmed. They decide to aim for Kahree, who had brought down a drider with a single blow.
  69. [17:56] <Kilarra> Kahree takes only a single glancing hit, and nothing worse
  70. [17:58] * Aluthyra frowns. Although she's hitting her marks, this is severely lowering her arrow-count. With a shake of her head, she fires another round of arrows into three bat-riders.
  71. [18:02] <Kilarra> Three more fall from the sky. Their riders are badly hurt in the fall, but coming in lower spares them from immediate fatatlity. They don't look like they want to get back up though.
  72. [18:02] <Kilarra> The three remaining fliers try to move away from Aluthyra and her deadly aim, instead trying to use their height advantage against Kahree.
  73. [18:05] <Kilarra> Kahree takes another single hit, but is not badly hurt
  74. [18:06] <Aluthyra> Kahree moves in, going for the nearest drider with another blow from her mace.
  75. [18:14] <Kilarra> Kahree pummels it, leaving it looking terrified of her
  76. [18:15] <Kilarra> Kjell decides to toss a firball at the last three flying drow to keep them from sucking up too much more of Aluthyra's ammunition.
  77. [18:16] <Kilarra> The bats and their riders get smoked, but none are killed immediately. The bats look like a single shot would finish them though.
  78. [18:19] <Kilarra> The still badly wounded drider scurries away form the fight altogether. Three of the remainders go after Kahree again, surrounding her and trying to get her before she could get them.
  79. [18:20] <Kilarra> She's lanced by nine more magical projectiles.
  80. [18:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree growls, gritting her teeth to ignore the pain. They'd... pay for those too!
  81. [18:24] * Kilarra frowns. Kahree wasn't looking good. She didn't really trust that she could kill and of the driders without wasting some of her more potent magic, but what Kahree really needed was an opportunity to slip away from her current predicament. She casts a Daylight spell centered on Kahree
  82. [18:24] <Kilarra> The burst of light causes drow and driders alike to wince and stagger backwards.
  83. [18:25] <Kilarra> Kjell looks around, frowning, "We need to break through soon!"
  84. [18:28] <Kilarra> The drow soldiers have their hands over their eyes, and are unable to see, stumbling around a bit.
  85. [18:28] * Kilarra nods, "I think that now's a good a time as any. We've done our part here, but we still need to move on and deal with Allevrah."
  86. [18:31] <Kilarra> Kjell shouts, "Everyone get in close, I'll get us out of here."
  87. [18:31] * Aluthyra nods, lowering her bow and moving to Kjell's side.
  88. [18:32] <Aluthyra> Kahree follows, grumbling as she hides her limp towards Kjell.
  89. [18:33] <Kilarra> Kjell reaches down and places a finger on each of Kahree and Aluthyra's shoulder's. He then nudges Kilarra with his heel and uses his short range teleport to take them out of the fray and closer to the Blood Bascilica. "Alright, take a breather, then we go for the bridge. When we reach it, we can stop and recover and make sure we weren't pusued."
  90. [18:35] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  91. [18:35] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 18, 38,400 Exp each
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