
Destiny Lab

Jan 17th, 2020
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  3. I guess you'd call it "truth hop"? It's pretty good. He's got a real mastery of both music and his subject matter. Understands a lot about scripture too.
  5. This is all I ask for in good spiritual music, really. Just make it sound good and original in whatever style suits you best. It doesn't have to be pigeonholed by praise or gratitude or inversely despair or anger. It's whateva you need it to be.
  7. His biggest hit is Unseen Zones:
  10. I'm neutral about hip-hop. I absolutely loathe the industry and everything about it. But I was raised on Bob Marley's Chant Down Babylon hip-hop remix album, and a fair amount of hip-hop in general. Mom loved the stuff... So I can definitely dig the beat and vibe if it's good, but I stay away from anything with vile or profane trash lyrics. Judgmental I know but whatever, that stuff was pushed to degrade society on purpose.
  12. Hate to be a stick in the mud lol. Mindless ego/sex lyrics are why I don't like certain songs by, say, Sublime or RHCP or Funkadelic or even some hard rock classics like Zeppelin or Sabbath or Hendrix anymore. That whole British wave of music had roots in the Tavistock institution of social engineering and psychological-operations. It's a long story and a tangled web involving Jimmy Saville, Aleister Crowley, the Beatles, Jimmy Page, the Queen, and so-on --- without getting too fantastic, let me just say there's reason to be suspicious of ALL of my favorite music growing up. I was obsessed with RHCP, and you know what? It turns out Anthony Kiedis has been a practicing Kabbalist for decades!
  14. It all adds up to me. How many coincidences until a mathematical impossibility? Anyway.
  16. There's emormous potential with hip-hop as a baseline genre. Lo-fi is mind gravy, even if it's hipster bait. I'm still picky. I hear Immortal Technique is another good group in this kind of sub-genre though.
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