
APT2 usage example

May 8th, 2019
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  1. root@kali:~# msfdb start
  2. [+] Starting database
  3. root@kali:~#
  4. root@kali:~# msfconsole -q -x 'load msgrpc User=msf Pass=msfpass ServerPort=55552'
  5. /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/msf/core/opt.rb:55: warning: constant OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::METHODS is deprecated
  6. [*] MSGRPC Service:
  7. [*] MSGRPC Username: msf
  8. [*] MSGRPC Password: msfpass
  9. [*] Successfully loaded plugin: msgrpc
  10. msf >
  13. root@kali:~# apt2 -s 0 -b --target
  14. [*]
  16. [*] ,MMb MM `Mb / MM \
  17. [*] d'YM. MM MM MM ____
  18. [*] ,P `Mb MM MM MM 6MMMMb
  19. [*] d' YM. MM .M9 MM MM' `Mb
  20. [*] ,P `Mb MMMMMMM9' MM ,MM
  21. [*] d' YM. MM MM ,MM'
  22. [*] ,MMMMMMMMb MM MM ,M'
  23. [*] d' YM. MM MM ,M'
  24. [*] _dM_ _dMM_MM_ _MM_MMMMMMMM
  25. [*]
  26. [*]
  27. [*] An Automated Penetration Testing Toolkit
  28. [*] Written by: Adam Compton & Austin Lane
  29. [*] Verion: 1.0.0
  30. [!] Module 'apt2_shodan' disabled:
  31. [!] API key is missing
  32. [!] Module 'searchnfsshare' disabled:
  33. [!] Module Manually Disabled !!!
  34. [*] Input Modules Loaded: 2
  35. [*] Action Modules Loaded: 43
  36. [*] Report Modules Loaded: 1
  37. [*]
  38. [*] The KnowledgeBase will be auto saved to : /root/.apt2/proofs/
  39. [*] Local IP is set to :
  40. [*] If you would rather use a different IP, then specify it via the [--ip <ip>] argument.
  41. [*] Scan file saved to [/root/.apt2/proofs/NMAP-nmapScan192.168.103.128-fvqoswtplf]
  42. [*] Use the following controls while scans are running:
  43. [*] Starting responder...
  44. [*] - p - pause/resume event queueing
  45. [!] VULN [NULLSession] Found on []
  46. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [10]
  47. [*] ==> Responder, GetHostname, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, NmapMS08067Scan, NmapSMBSigning, NmapSMBShareScan, MSFSMBUserEnum
  48. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [10]
  49. [*] ==> Responder, GetHostname, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, NmapMS08067Scan, NmapSMBSigning, NmapSMBShareScan, MSFSMBUserEnum
  50. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [9]
  51. [*] ==> Responder, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, NmapMS08067Scan, NmapSMBSigning, NmapSMBShareScan, MSFSMBUserEnum
  52. [*] Scan file saved to [/root/.apt2/proofs/NMAP-]
  53. [*] Scan file saved to [/root/.apt2/proofs/NMAP-]
  54. [*] Scan file saved to [/root/.apt2/proofs/NMAP-]
  55. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [6]
  56. [*] ==> Responder, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFSMBUserEnum
  57. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [6]
  58. [*] ==> Responder, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFSMBUserEnum
  59. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [6]
  60. [*] ==> Responder, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFJbossVulnscan, MSFTomcatMgrLogin, MSFSMBUserEnum
  61. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [1]
  62. [*] ==> Responder
  63. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [1]
  64. [*] ==> Responder
  65. [*] Current # of Active Threads = [1]
  66. [*] ==> Responder
  67. [*] Generating Reports
  68. [*] Report file located at /root/.apt2/reports/reportGenHTML_shfrqjwgxs.html
  69. [*]
  70. [*] Good Bye!
  71. root@kali:~#
  72. root@kali:~#
  73. root@kali:~# tree /root/.apt2/
  74. /root/.apt2/
  75. ├── logs
  76. │ └── processlog.txt
  77. ├── proofs
  78. │ ├── httpOptions_192.168.103.128_80_vnkzicnlst
  79. │ ├── HTTPServerVersion_192.168.103.128_443_tzeexsuztp
  80. │ ├── HTTPServerVersion_192.168.103.128_80_awllaokxlc
  81. │ ├──
  82. │ ├── MSFJbossVulnscan_192.168.103.128_bcchobmmzp
  83. │ ├── MSFJbossVulnscan_192.168.103.128_mbpdgqtezt
  84. │ ├── MSFSMBUserEnum_192.168.103.128_krcyxrdotc
  85. │ ├── MSFTomcatMgrLogin_192.168.103.128_pqvkxxjweb
  86. │ ├── MSFTomcatMgrLogin_192.168.103.128_stccicqbwu
  87. │ ├── NMAP-
  88. │ ├── NMAP-
  89. │ ├── NMAP-
  90. │ ├── NMAP-
  91. │ ├── NMAP-
  92. │ ├── NMAP-
  93. │ ├── NMAP-
  94. │ ├── NMAP-
  95. │ ├── NMAP-
  96. │ ├── NMAP-nmapScan192.168.103.128-fvqoswtplf.gnmap
  97. │ ├── NMAP-nmapScan192.168.103.128-fvqoswtplf.nmap
  98. │ ├── NMAP-nmapScan192.168.103.128-fvqoswtplf.xml
  99. │ ├── nmblookup_192.168.103.128_fkiytphaty
  100. │ ├── nmblookup_192.168.103.128_jhklrjsumn
  101. │ ├── nmblookup_192.168.103.128_pcbiyotbkm
  102. │ ├── NULLSessionRpcClient_192.168.103.128_lfidievfys
  103. │ ├── NULLSessionSmbClient_192.168.103.128_kgixcdjuse
  104. │ ├── Responder_rlxujzjrqo
  105. │ ├── Responder_tgtekbrxou
  106. │ └── UserEnumRpcClient_192.168.103.128_nehnpiwedo
  107. ├── reports
  108. │ └── reportGenHTML_shfrqjwgxs.html
  109. └── tmp
  111. 4 directories, 31 files
  112. root@kali:~#
  113. root@kali:~#
  114. root@kali:~# firefox /root/.apt2/reports/reportGenHTML_shfrqjwgxs.html
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