
Trash dont look.

Nov 7th, 2019
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  1. So is yous sayain I'm here to f****** amuse you. Oh, geez. Lets Turn you down.
  2. This episode brought to u by Daniel. You know
  3. The guy... Daniel..... Im f****** hungry John gaet me not john and i dont know what garfeilds bitching about.
  4. in this day and age because of social media. Can you tell us why bill because there's so many Temptations like an old f*** that you cant hear so u smack his face. I can can hear them. Yeah, so many Temptations of their Temptations are what beautiful women. You're beautiful women, right? How can you turn down? No, but much more of the opposite. It's like yeah. Well that yeah, that's true. But think about women think about women right women women women think they're so hot on social media and then what do they get sent to them? Oh dick pics this good. Yeah, they get dick pics. Of course. Yeah. Well, I do you women out there. Are your you show pictures of your tits out and you're hot as f*** so obviously guys are sliding into the direct message and they're saying yo, what's up? And then they send what dick pics say it more first. Oh Rick pics. Yeah and after so many dick pics what happens to the girls? Well, look for bigger dicks. No, no, no. No. What? No, what happens to the girls after they get bombarded they get what they know. Close though. You're in the vicinity. Okay. Now what happens is they get they get beat up. I can't control it and they just break down and they take the deck. I say, you know, it's kind of like tapping out. You know, it's like, okay so many dick pics and my boyfriend's on the road or you know, where he's not paying attention to me and all these talks are coming at me. So finally going to take one cock. Oh, okay. That makes sense. It's yeah, they take one for the team or two or three or sometimes for you know what it means. But I mean, it's a lot. I think it's a lot. It harder for women to be faithful than it is guys to be faithful because women get bombarded so much and on social media, I would like to I would like to be I would like to see the DM's of all these girls. I mean imagine how many girls got their the imagine how many girls there talk? Excuse me. How many guys imagine how many guys women are talking to you right now on their Instagram? Oh unbelievable. How many? Oh my god without trying to be funny for real. My probably dozens of doesn't forget dozens here because they're like juggling a lot, right? Oh, yeah. Yeah because they look hot and then and that's just crazy. But you know what time it is it's pretty to ask party time. Let's go.
  6. Mumble rapper
  8. Somebody wanted to complain. You know what? I think Pauly Shore Is a f****** who? Rebuild it. Okay.
  10. I don't know who that is. Cheers pretty f****** lame October 21st, 2019 officially one of the funniest episodes of getting Doug with high. I've seen to date f****** hilarious. Please don't flush your toothbrushes.
  12. Nero for your service, I appreciate it if I could throw a PSA out real quick real quick. I just love these dogs and frankly shouldn't have them. If you see the coverage in the used Side. I want one of these dogs either by a finish trained fully trained and finished off. Professional or just just don't get one at all and Epstein didn't kill himself cackle cackle. Laughs laughs noises. Thank you very much. I'm going to speed dial Daisy in a minute. And some real truth. And I know this to be a fact majored in Psychology. That's the truth. I am wrong. Everyone else is messed up. That's partially Coke my opinion. That's true. So you can say it like that and I feel the same way that mercury does. Thank you very much. See you fisherman circus asking wiring harness doing buddy. Has a lot of friends. I got to tell you last year and a half and meeting one and Sonny to talk to Warren if we can every day don't make any mistake about it. I have been talking to learn and it's just one of those people that I reached out to a reached out to me one of the other and we both agree. We agree on. The handling of social matters, we agree as the moral turpitude. We agree as to who should be sentenced to the bottom of the flatter than one should not we agree on whether or not a person should be at the bottom of the fired for something as simple as a liar a half-truth. We have the same rules for tonight, believe it or not. We If we have the same morals, so we'll go one doesn't put a pot on his head. He does have some interesting gifts interesting things in the mail this week that I would want to talk about. He might even make a video before he goes into the hospital Monday morning. Why is it for you to create and like Dennis Adams is you Morris just slightly off center, but doesn't make him a bad person Bobby the midget. Hey, yo. Hey, yo recognize me from Howard Beach. I'll be the major. Let me go to your channel and check that out. I know you know. All right, let's let's go to Fabio shell Bobby. Oh. Okay, now I can't get this picture big enough to see who you are and I can't see the pictures my glasses these glasses are.
  14. Your picture is probably 30 years old. So now I'm going through my memory. I'm gonna throw my memory and it's not a very good fish. I'd be great Bobby over welcome to the machine and you recognize me from the beach Howard Beach. Don't lie. Exactly, but you gave me some more information. I will thank you. Oh my god. Eh Mercury Scott Scott. Again. Diancie a new member of my community. Thank you Bobby. Jon Escape. Happy Halloween whirring, ding ding ding. Mercury my wallet pulled into reverberation station almost exit. Wow, that's a me end we contribute to this great entertainment by Michael Fazio. Thank you. All right, we're gonna be singing We have something to do. So first we need to get to Bobby the midget now if you want. With no picture I would have Associated you with used in stone or a parts and if you know anybody or everybody from the beach he had a place out in Oceanside. And that's how I would have Associated Bobby's immediate West he was a little bit shorter than me, but he was a tough guy. So Bob is measured chronosync. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much for having me from Michael Fazio. And there's me. Come from the beach and always. My dates and for those of you who don't know.
  16. You can turn off the light. ...
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