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a guest
Nov 25th, 2013
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  1. Buildings: 618046
  2. Addresses: 224571
  3. POIs: 48551
  4. Places: 48629
  5. W/Levels: 80647
  6. Fixmes: 95
  7. Opening hours: 2308
  8. Entrances: 946
  9. CLADR codes: 2
  10. created_by: 11
  11. Seamarks: 3
  12. PGS objects: 1
  13. addr:place: 2
  14. Allotments: 14
  15. addr2:*: 48
  16. New power: 8
  18. Total highway length: 214267.40 km
  19. Major highway length: 170081.49 km
  20. Track highway length: 20980.82 km
  21. Waterway length: 29195.73 km
  22. Total rail length: 7437.59 km
  23. Major rail length: 6725.46 km
  24. Narrow rail length: 188.18 km
  25. Tram line length: 127.37 km
  26. Barrier length: 4015.49 km
  27. Power line length: 4719.14 km
  28. Minor power line lenght: 486.78 km
  29. Coastline lenght: 0.00 km
  30. PGS lenght: 0.00 km
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