

Nov 22nd, 2020
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  1. East Prison Sea King and North Prison Sea King see that in the eye pupil that sev­eral want to blast open flashes through sev­eral to wipe the dif­fer­ent glow steep, they in sup­port made the com­pletely same ac­tion in same stub­bornly in­stantly, howl­ing in even/in­clud­ing mouth is also ex­actly the same:
  2. „Ex­alted King, draws back!!”
  3. They with half body sup­port, re­move most power, heavy bang to South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror.
  4. South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror not slightly hes­i­tant, body turns over, whole body golden glow hits vi­o­lently to two Sea King power.
  5. ————
  6. South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror is how pow­er­ful with two Great Sea King power, under the huge thrust force and coun­ter­shock force over­lap, South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror gets rid of the Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might to sup­press, then flick­ers the body full power, bring­ing float­ing blood fog to es­cape to leave.
  7. “Hah! ” Yel­low Em­peror and Em­peror Pur­ple Tenu­ity low roar­ing sound, acts si­mul­ta­ne­ously again, curls up be­fore South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror that air cur­rent that re­verses the space, will just with­draw curled the body .
  8. All just like the night­mares that falls sud­denly, two Great Di­vine Em­peror suc­cess­fully help South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror be saved from death, but is still still shaken.
  9. But South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror...... his half body blood drip­pings, sees the bone every­where, the right hand does not see the five fin­gers, dig­nity and haugh­ti­ness that some only bro­ken pha­lanxes, on the face have no again, under cov­ered with blood, only seems to have is trem­bled by the fear of ten thou­sand Moshi soul.
  10. With­out South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror power, in ad­di­tion two Great Sea King just now branched out most power force­fully, they have not been able to sup­port the Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might again.
  11. Al­most in the next flash that South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror es­capes from, Sea God di­vine glow of tem­po­rary stag­na­tion then bit not to have two Great Sea King bod­ies sud­denly, if also cut a day of rain­bow, pressed sud­denly under.
  12. „AH!!!!”
  13. The piti­ful yell that di­vulges con­tin­u­ally des­per­ately with­out enough time, Sea God di­vine glow Sea God and South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm that final two Great Sea King com­pletely en­gulfed an nu­mer­ous re­sist at risk of life.
  14. Rich and pure to as if should not save the world in golden glow, does not have Sea King and Sea God voice/sound and form again, even/in­clud­ing aura, was bit­ten with­out a trace that ex­tin­guishes, not, even if a es­cape or re­mains.
  15. Bang ——————
  16. golden glow passes through the world, falls in South­ern Sea Cap­i­tal City, in­stantly all things all ex­tin­guishes, myr­iad spir­its all buries, with the Sea God di­vine glow path, this South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm to high place from core to north edge, by in­com­pa­ra­bly neat crack.
  17. Under in­vin­ci­ble might that but in even the ray and voice/sound swal­low, this star­tles world peer­less de­struc­tion calamity, has not brought the huge rum­bled sound, only in the eye pupil and soul of in­nu­mer­able South­ern Sea life, carves the ter­ri­fy­ing mark that will never oblit­er­ate.
  18. Break South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm Sea God di­vine glow has not ex­tin­guished as be­fore com­pletely, flew to re­mote Star Ter­ri­tory...... at this mo­ment, South­ern God Ter­ri­tory about half Star Realm, can see that beau­ti­ful un­usual golden glow has flown from sky of dif­fer­ent po­si­tion to­gether.
  19. They have a dream do not think, under this beau­ti­ful golden glow path, was passed through or de­struc­tion Star Realm.
  20. RU­U­U­UM­BLE......
  21. Under the re­main­ing pres­tige, the South­ern Sea Cap­i­tal City in­nu­mer­able con­struc­tions at the crazy avalanche, com­bine with it, ar­rives at nearly heav­en­shak­ing panic-stricken piti­ful yell in­tensely.
  22. But, above the upper air, is ac­tu­ally pre­sent­ing a fear­ful deathly still­ness, re­gard­less of South­ern Sea, is other three King Realm pow­er­houses, if pulled out to seven soul six mor­tal forms, for a very long time is un­able to move and send out voice/sound......, but be­fore sev­eral breaths, in their chest cav­i­ties and eye pupils are also re­leas­ing the end­less ex­cite­ment, is wait­ing for in­vin­ci­ble might and Devil Lord that Yun Che's per­ished wit­nesses Sea God Can­non.
  23. But at this mo­ment, as in the pupil grad­ual di­ver­gence of Sea God di­vine glow, in void of dis­tor­tion does not see Sea King and Sea God resid­ual dust.
  24. „, This blows Sea God Can­non that as­cends the sky, orig­i­nally also no more than so, un­ex­pect­edly made your South­ern Sea live was run­ning away come out.”
  25. At a mod­er­ate pace voice/sound, in is ac­tu­ally shakes every­one heart to trem­ble at this mo­ment, the Yun Che slant­ing eye of low eye­brow, looks at the dis­tant break Star Ter­ri­tory: „Looks at this South­ern Sea first King Realm piti­ful con­di­tion, can look re­luc­tantly.” His be­hind, three Yama An­ces­tor all are mouth opened wide, the eye stares to crack, such as sees the ghosts and gods. Yun Che voice/sound falls, their bod­ies are also neat threw, the head deeply hangs.
  26. Yan Yi: „Lord human and god to over­awe an­cient Jue­jin, ver­ti­cal is a world when also sub­mits.”
  27. Yan Er: „Worthily is Mas­ter, so-called Sea God Can­non, in front of Mas­ter is also the triv­ial toys.”
  28. Yan San: „Bah! Pre­sent age the spo­ken lan­guage, was un­able to an­no­tate lord the even­tu­al­ity of human and god pres­tige, can give loy­alty to the Mas­ter foot bank, for the glory of my three peo­ple of ten life­times, the good for­tune of ten thou­sand th.”
  29. „......” Qianye Ying'er as­pi­rates slowly.
  30. „......” Qianye Wugu and Qianye Bingzhu are speech­less for a long time. Even when Sea God Can­non re­lease in­vin­ci­ble might, they not ex­tremely rad­i­cal chang­ing coun­te­nance, but all that at this mo­ment, they just wit­nessed, ac­tu­ally ex­ceeded them com­pletely orig­i­nally the far un­usual fresh cog­ni­tion.
  31. „Ac­tu­ally that...... is...... any­thing......” Qianye Wugu ab­sent-minded low nan.
  32. The vi­sion of peo­ple with Yun Che's voice, but shifts wooden, looks to re­turn safe and sound Yun Che, the com­plex­ion of every­one in in­com­pa­ra­bly is chang­ing fiercely, they can­not be­lieve, could not un­der­stand had any­thing.
  33. If their eye thor­ough see­ing things, have not just now seen, rum­bles un­ex­pect­edly to Yun Che's Sea God Can­non, under a Yun Che su­per­fi­cial sword, the counter- bang ap­proached South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror!?
  34. „Ac­tu­ally to have what...... that is ac­tu­ally what sor­cery?” Yel­low Em­peror flut­ters twit­ter­ing, as the em­peror of King Realm, in his mouth jumped un­ex­pect­edly „sor­cery” two char­ac­ters.
  35. Di­vine Em­peror Shit­ian at pre­sent sud­denly passes out­side past Blue Pole Star, after Mu Xu­anyin dies, var­i­ous Di­vine Em­per­ors sweeps across to one that Yun Che's power was shaken strangely, that pic­ture no one is still solv­able.
  36. In the brain of South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror also flashed through the past scene for the first time. How he is un­able to be­lieve, the sim­i­lar scene, reap­pears un­ex­pect­edly , above Sea God Can­non that over­steps pre­sent age the bound­ary.
  37. He wants to get hold of both hands, ac­tu­ally the sen­sa­tion does not ar­rive at ex­is­tence of fin­ger, under ex­treme shock­ing, even al­most the sen­sa­tion does not ar­rive at the ache. He raised the head slowly, the vi­sion of not in­de­pen­dent tremor de­cides stub­bornly in Yun Che body, touched satire thin smile of his cor­ners of the mouth, South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror sprouts in­com­pa­ra­bly fear­ful thought in the rea­son of lax edge:
  38. „You...... you are...... in­ten­tional......” this is he since birth, has spo­ken most dif­fi­cult a few words.
  39. „Hehe.” Yun Che smiles low and deep, raised the head slightly, the squint looks at the day, the dark clouds above sky tum­ble in crazy as be­fore, with­out di­verges be­cause of dis­si­pa­tion of Sea God Can­non in­vin­ci­ble might slightly, as if from the be­gin­ning then not be­cause of Sea God Can­non, but presently: „After tak­ing East­ern God Ter­ri­tory, wants to cope with your South­ern God Ter­ri­tory in the sim­i­lar method is im­pos­si­ble. this Devil Lord at once, pours could not re­ally have found out to be able in the short time to smash the South­ern God Ter­ri­tory method.”
  40. Rum­ble ~ ~
  41. The dark clouds surges, the heav­enly might fear world, does not have bolts of Tribu­la­tion Light­ning to lower. Be­cause Heaven's Way many years ago then has known, its strength of judge­ment, is un­able to in­jure to Yun Che is tiny bit.
  42. „There­fore, this Devil Lord, is this Devil Lord Devil Em­press, de­cides tem­porar­ily mo­tion­less South­ern God Ter­ri­tory. Until this Devil Lord knew ac­ci­den­tally, your South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm hides one to have Sea God Can­non of pres­tige of taboo it is said that this Devil Lord knows sud­denly,” he lifts the arm slowly, bent/tune stretch/open the five fin­gers cover to South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror is at: „In this world can help this Devil Lord tread bro­ken South­ern God Ter­ri­tory fast, is your South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror.”
  43. „......!!” South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror pale com­plex­ion split sec­ond be­comes scar­let, whole body al­most all blood rushed to the head crazily, he started the fierce ab­sent-minded line of sight to fall on Qianye Wugu body, by the great strength of Brahma Em­peror God Realm, will know in se­cret, even con­firmed that ex­is­tence of Sea God Can­non, can say the least bit was not sur­pris­ing.
  44. „You...... you kill Ash Dragon God, for...... for......” the South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror words cut­ting tooth, clenches teeth to want bro­ken, the South­ern Sea Di­vine Realm break, myr­iad spir­its buries the life, four Great Sea King all fall, once haughty ten six Sea God...... in sen­sa­tion only four aura, this is night­mares in ten thou­sand heavy night­mare, lets the night­mare that Di­vine Em­peror col­lapses suf­fi­ciently.
  45. „I , if not de­mented, how can also cause you to be de­mented.” The line of sight that the Yun Che smile, bends down has the ap­plause of sev­eral points of taunt: „De­stroys com­pletely South­ern Sea, is equal to tread­ing sec­ond half South­ern God Ter­ri­tory. Nan Wan­sheng, as this Devil Lord today's toys, your per­for­mance is quite good, eas­ily then de­stroyed the South­ern God Ter­ri­tory biggest stum­bling ob­sta­cle most prob­a­bly, re­ally worthily was South Ter­ri­tory num­ber one Di­vine Em­peror, hehe, Ha­ha­haha!”
  46. Qianye Ying'er lightly said: „After South­ern God Ter­ri­tory be­comes the place of Devil Lord under foot, South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror this great feat will also spread the eter­nity, after get­ting down hell, you may not for­get this ‚great honor’ are Devil Lord be­stow your.”
  47. Under the crack soul was ex­e­cuted the heart again scar­let, the South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror com­plex­ion by trans­fers the swarth fast, his arm is un­bend­ing, the enun­ci­a­tion trem­bles: „Yun...... Che, you...... you......”
  48. PU!!
  49. His upper body is stiff, big blood fog blasts out be­fore his body.
  50. „Fa­ther...... Royal Fa­ther!”
  51. „Ex­alted King!”
  52. Three Sea God that Nan Qian­qiu, also other only saves rush in a panic, South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror spurted more than ten mouth­ful of blood fog fi­nally the ex­haust fumes, looks final four Sea God that en­cir­cles, he at pre­sent is one black, bites the vi­tal­ity that the tooth con­trols to flee crazily but ac­tu­ally stub­bornly.
  53. The dis­tant place, in the hearts of South Ter­ri­tory three em­per­ors ten thou­sand big wave seethes.
  54. The Yun Che stance that they see today is very ar­ro­gant, he mas­sacres Ash Dragon God in their eyes is the lu­natic gen­eral los­ing wis­dom be­hav­ior, am­bi­tion and de­mented that also dis­plays, is com­pletely in the South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror mouth „mad dog”, there­fore, mak­ing South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror give up „rec­on­cil­i­a­tion”, chooses does not se­lect all means to put to death it.
  55. The South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror it­self/Ben thinks that is al­ways con­trol­ling the over­all sit­u­a­tion, is con­trol­ling the Yun Che's des­tiny, at this mo­ment, all tal­ents know in the star­tled chest­nut, is ac­tu­ally South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror al­ways plays with by Yun Che in ap­plaud­ing, is al­most ef­fort­less, with the hand of South­ern Sea, de­stroyed the South­ern Sea half wall.
  56. What is most fear­ful, Yun Che un­ex­pect­edly be­fore ar­riv­ing at South­ern Sea, then had rec­og­nized that South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror will arrange Sea God Can­non ahead of time.
  57. From their en­tire body flood into each pore of in­nu­mer­able ice cold to peak cold qi crazily, flees each bone, each veins.
  58. A palm that shoves open Nan Qian­qiu, South­ern Sea Di­vine Em­peror for­wards grad­u­ally, both eyes of blood-stained dense like the ghost, the wound of whole body con­tin­u­ally well up the blood be­cause of aura of riot: „Yun Che, my South­ern Sea......, even if broke the both arms, changes into the dirty demon cin­ders you suf­fi­ciently!”
  59. „Yes?” Com­pares and ob­vi­ously bor­ders on the mood of out-of-con­trol in the Nan Wan­sheng that blood-stained all over the body piti­ful con­di­tion, the Yun Che whole body is ac­tu­ally spot­less, the fa­cial ex­pres­sion makes one be afraid in­dif­fer­ently, he just about to opens the mouth, sud­denly cor­ner of the eye one slant­ing: „Un?”
  60. Bang!
  61. Chi!
  62. The ground blasts open , the space by the in­com­pa­ra­bly crude in­ci­sion, a pale per­son's shadow like the flow­ing light, the air wave, the form in the side of Nan Wan­sheng, is been from out of the blue peace­ful and ver­ti­cal presently, the fa­cial fea­tures are old, but the shin­ing white, does not dye a dust, if eye fos­sil lake, white beard ruler, white hair like snow.
  63. Nan Wan­sheng body in­tense shock, body hot tem­pered aura will col­lect shortly com­pletely, he has not looked back, does not have the face to look back, bows to kneel, low­ers the head trem­bling sound: „Royal...... Fa­ther......”
  64. His body side, Nan Qian­qiu and three Sea God have also bowed to kneel, is ac­tu­ally not able to voice for a very long time. How they are un­able to think, this old per­son again pre­sent world, un­ex­pect­edly under this sit­u­a­tion.
  65. „.” Yun Che nar­rows the pupil to sweep old man one eyes that this pre­sented sud­denly slightly, re­sponds with sneers.
  66. Qianye Bingzhu sighed lightly, opened the mouth slowly: „These years, car­ry­ing/sus­tain­ing Sea God Di­vine Power through­out few per­son. south from be­gin­ning to end, you have not re­ally died.”
  67. The white beard old man vi­sion has swept from under slowly, in the old pupil does not see the mighty waves, he re­turns by voice/sound of sim­i­lar sigh said: „Only has ‚dying’, does not ha­rass for the world only then, calms the mind to grasp prin­ci­ples. Bing Zhux­iong and fog Se­nior Gu not also so.”
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