
12/16/15 Morning

Dec 16th, 2015
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  1. RaduBarvon: Morning. o .o
  2. LordCainKnightLord: Morning
  3. LordCainKnightLord: Xendra said that my Niece came by last night smarting off ?
  4. RaduBarvon: Well it wasn't so much smarting off. It was just kind of... wtf.
  5. LordCainKnightLord: I see
  6. RaduBarvon: She came in and people said hello to her and then she went off and basically said "I know I don't come around very often, but I'm here for him and I'll come around when I'm wanted" then left
  7. LordCainKnightLord: Is it something i need too talk too WonRose about?
  8. RaduBarvon: I think it might be
  9. RaduBarvon: because it was just out of the blue and people HAD said Hello to her
  10. LordCainKnightLord: alright ill text message her
  11. RaduBarvon: I mean, it's not URGENT, it was just really odd to hear something like that after people said hello and stuff
  12. LordCainKnightLord: understood
  13. RaduBarvon: And I think Xendra didn't like it since she was one of the people who even said hello
  14. LordCainKnightLord: Well i text WonRose about it,its in her hand's now,But if WonRose comes by and ask questions you know why
  15. RaduBarvon: -nods- not a problem lol I'm working on that art I said I'd do for xenexus. x'D I've been mening to do that.
  16. LordCainKnightLord: i understand, i was deving but then imvu let me know i didnt have the credets too submet the outfit lol
  17. RaduBarvon: oh dear lol
  18. LordCainKnightLord: the outfit is something like what i have on but in Blue and gold
  19. RaduBarvon: o .o oh NICE
  20. LordCainKnightLord: and i found out this morning, i dont have too go too the dr's untill next week lol the 22 and 24th
  21. RaduBarvon: O -o oh! lmao oops xD but damn. D: An appointment on christmas eve day. :C ick
  22. LordCainKnightLord: ikr
  23. RaduBarvon: ; _ ; ugh. That's just stupid. :C it better be worth it lol
  24. LordCainKnightLord: ikr lol
  25. LordCainKnightLord: alright WonRose is going too check in on here
  26. RaduBarvon: ok
  27. RaduBarvon: She's welcome in here all she wants. :3
  28. LordCainKnightLord: well i told WonRose it kinda upset Sara's aunt Xendra ,so that will make WonRose react faster
  29. RaduBarvon: o -o oh.
  30. RaduBarvon: ah well Xendra would be her aunt now. xD Took me a second to process that
  31. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  32. LordCainKnightLord: yea i kinda throw everyone last night by doing that
  33. RaduBarvon: lol yeah you did. xD and I jsut woke up and still haven't really moved much xD
  34. LordCainKnightLord: lol
  35. LordCainKnightLord: ooooh , you will live radu lol
  36. RaduBarvon: lmao ik! x'D ; w ; just very strict Masters are my weakness. lol heck, he's making me write essays. xD
  37. LordCainKnightLord: i think its funny Radu,Xendra befor we was merried haves tryed too put her food down on me and i have ben turning it on her lol,shows whos lord lol
  38. RaduBarvon: o .o ah
  39. LordCainKnightLord: im sure she will try agind
  40. RaduBarvon: lol well I notice you're a sneaky person
  41. LordCainKnightLord: i dont play that ,thats the girls of to day, im old school
  42. LordCainKnightLord: being Sneaky is all out of fun
  43. RaduBarvon: o .o aaah
  44. LordCainKnightLord: i like too catch Xendra off Guard and keep her on her toes lol
  45. RaduBarvon: lol nothing wrong with that xD
  46. LordCainKnightLord: a woman my age will see it comeing,Xendra wont over haf the time
  47. RaduBarvon: o .o true on that
  48. LordCainKnightLord: like this morning , i woke Xendra up texting her,well i ask if she was mad for me wakeing her up,Xendra said well no she isnt mad,i text her saying damnit,makeing up is the most fun lol
  49. RaduBarvon: o -o lmao xD
  50. RaduBarvon: It's cute and funny
  51. LordCainKnightLord: lol i got her going oooooh i see lol
  52. RaduBarvon: xD lol although I do hope you let her sleep. o -o she seems like she'd be super scary if she's completely pissed off
  53. LordCainKnightLord: oh i let her go back too sleep
  54. RaduBarvon: xD okay good.
  55. LordCainKnightLord: i came on and dev alit
  56. RaduBarvon: -nods- I wish I had been able to create before it changed to VIP can only become creators now.
  57. LordCainKnightLord: i know, imvu is trying too get the money
  58. LordCainKnightLord: hell i rememeber when you could open all the rooms you wanted,
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