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Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. #ifndef _COLOR_H_
  2. #define _COLOR_H_
  4. static const int TEXT_COLOR_BLACK = 0;
  5. static const int TEXT_COLOR_BLUE = 1;
  6. static const int TEXT_COLOR_GREEN = 2;
  7. static const int TEXT_COLOR_CYAN = 3;
  8. static const int TEXT_COLOR_RED = 4;
  9. static const int TEXT_COLOR_PURPLE = 5;
  10. static const int TEXT_COLOR_YELLOW = 6;
  11. static const int TEXT_COLOR_WHITE = 7;
  13. static const int TEXT_MODE_NORMAL = 0;
  14. static const int TEXT_MODE_INVERT = 1;
  16. typedef unsigned short color;
  18. static const color color_aliceblue = 0xF7DF;
  19. static const color color_antiquewhite = 0xFF5A;
  20. static const color color_aqua = 0x07FF;
  21. static const color color_aquamarine = 0x7FFA;
  22. static const color color_azure = 0xF7FF;
  23. static const color color_beige = 0xF7BB;
  24. static const color color_bisque = 0xFF38;
  25. static const color color_black = 0x0000;
  26. static const color color_blanchedalmond = 0xFF59;
  27. static const color color_blue = 0x001F;
  28. static const color color_blueviolet = 0x895C;
  29. static const color color_brown = 0xA145;
  30. static const color color_burlywood = 0xDDD0;
  31. static const color color_cadetblue = 0x5CF4;
  32. static const color color_chartreuse = 0x7FE0;
  33. static const color color_chocolate = 0xD343;
  34. static const color color_coral = 0xFBEA;
  35. static const color color_cornflowerblue = 0x64BD;
  36. static const color color_cornsilk = 0xFFDB;
  37. static const color color_crimson = 0xD8A7;
  38. static const color color_cyan = 0x07FF;
  39. static const color color_darkblue = 0x0011;
  40. static const color color_darkcyan = 0x0451;
  41. static const color color_darkgoldenrod = 0xBC21;
  42. static const color color_darkgray = 0xAD55;
  43. static const color color_darkgreen = 0x0320;
  44. static const color color_darkkhaki = 0xBDAD;
  45. static const color color_darkmagenta = 0x8811;
  46. static const color color_darkolivegreen = 0x5345;
  47. static const color color_darkorange = 0xFC60;
  48. static const color color_darkorchid = 0x9999;
  49. static const color color_darkred = 0x8800;
  50. static const color color_darksalmon = 0xECAF;
  51. static const color color_darkseagreen = 0x8DF1;
  52. static const color color_darkslateblue = 0x49F1;
  53. static const color color_darkslategray = 0x2A69;
  54. static const color color_darkturquoise = 0x067A;
  55. static const color color_darkviolet = 0x901A;
  56. static const color color_deeppink = 0xF8B2;
  57. static const color color_deepskyblue = 0x05FF;
  58. static const color color_dimgray = 0x6B4D;
  59. static const color color_dodgerblue = 0x1C9F;
  60. static const color color_firebrick = 0xB104;
  61. static const color color_floralwhite = 0xFFDE;
  62. static const color color_forestgreen = 0x2444;
  63. static const color color_fuchsia = 0xF81F;
  64. static const color color_gainsboro = 0xDEFB;
  65. static const color color_ghostwhite = 0xFFDF;
  66. static const color color_gold = 0xFEA0;
  67. static const color color_goldenrod = 0xDD24;
  68. static const color color_gray = 0x8410;
  69. static const color color_green = 0x0400;
  70. static const color color_greenyellow = 0xAFE5;
  71. static const color color_honeydew = 0xF7FE;
  72. static const color color_hotpink = 0xFB56;
  73. static const color color_indianred = 0xCAEB;
  74. static const color color_indigo = 0x4810;
  75. static const color color_ivory = 0xFFFE;
  76. static const color color_khaki = 0xF731;
  77. static const color color_lavender = 0xE73F;
  78. static const color color_lavenderblush = 0xFF9E;
  79. static const color color_lawngreen = 0x7FE0;
  80. static const color color_lemonchiffon = 0xFFD9;
  81. static const color color_lightblue = 0xAEDC;
  82. static const color color_lightcoral = 0xF410;
  83. static const color color_lightcyan = 0xE7FF;
  84. static const color color_lightgoldenrodyellow = 0xFFDA;
  85. static const color color_lightgray = 0xD69A;
  86. static const color color_lightgreen = 0x9772;
  87. static const color color_lightpink = 0xFDB8;
  88. static const color color_lightsalmon = 0xFD0F;
  89. static const color color_lightseagreen = 0x2595;
  90. static const color color_lightskyblue = 0x867F;
  91. static const color color_lightslategray = 0x7453;
  92. static const color color_lightsteelblue = 0xB63B;
  93. static const color color_lightyellow = 0xFFFC;
  94. static const color color_lime = 0x07E0;
  95. static const color color_limegreen = 0x3666;
  96. static const color color_linen = 0xFF9C;
  97. static const color color_magenta = 0xF81F;
  98. static const color color_maroon = 0x8000;
  99. static const color color_mediumaquamarine = 0x6675;
  100. static const color color_mediumblue = 0x0019;
  101. static const color color_mediumorchid = 0xBABA;
  102. static const color color_mediumpurple = 0x939B;
  103. static const color color_mediumseagreen = 0x3D8E;
  104. static const color color_mediumslateblue = 0x7B5D;
  105. static const color color_mediumspringgreen = 0x07D3;
  106. static const color color_mediumturquoise = 0x4E99;
  107. static const color color_mediumvioletred = 0xC0B0;
  108. static const color color_midnightblue = 0x18CE;
  109. static const color color_mintcream = 0xF7FF;
  110. static const color color_mistyrose = 0xFF3C;
  111. static const color color_moccasin = 0xFF36;
  112. static const color color_navajowhite = 0xFEF5;
  113. static const color color_navy = 0x0010;
  114. static const color color_oldlace = 0xFFBC;
  115. static const color color_olive = 0x8400;
  116. static const color color_olivedrab = 0x6C64;
  117. static const color color_orange = 0xFD20;
  118. static const color color_orangered = 0xFA20;
  119. static const color color_orchid = 0xDB9A;
  120. static const color color_palegoldenrod = 0xEF55;
  121. static const color color_palegreen = 0x9FD3;
  122. static const color color_paleturquoise = 0xAF7D;
  123. static const color color_palevioletred = 0xDB92;
  124. static const color color_papayawhip = 0xFF7A;
  125. static const color color_peachpuff = 0xFED7;
  126. static const color color_peru = 0xCC27;
  127. static const color color_pink = 0xFE19;
  128. static const color color_plum = 0xDD1B;
  129. static const color color_powderblue = 0xB71C;
  130. static const color color_purple = 0x8010;
  131. static const color color_red = 0xF800;
  132. static const color color_rosybrown = 0xBC71;
  133. static const color color_royalblue = 0x435C;
  134. static const color color_saddlebrown = 0x8A22;
  135. static const color color_salmon = 0xFC0E;
  136. static const color color_sandybrown = 0xF52C;
  137. static const color color_seagreen = 0x2C4A;
  138. static const color color_seashell = 0xFFBD;
  139. static const color color_sienna = 0xA285;
  140. static const color color_silver = 0xC618;
  141. static const color color_skyblue = 0x867D;
  142. static const color color_slateblue = 0x6AD9;
  143. static const color color_slategray = 0x7412;
  144. static const color color_snow = 0xFFDF;
  145. static const color color_springgreen = 0x07EF;
  146. static const color color_steelblue = 0x4416;
  147. static const color color_tan = 0xD5B1;
  148. static const color color_teal = 0x0410;
  149. static const color color_thistle = 0xDDFB;
  150. static const color color_tomato = 0xFB08;
  151. static const color color_turquoise = 0x471A;
  152. static const color color_violet = 0xEC1D;
  153. static const color color_wheat = 0xF6F6;
  154. static const color color_white = 0xFFFF;
  155. static const color color_whitesmoke = 0xF7BE;
  156. static const color color_yellow = 0xFFE0;
  157. static const color color_yellowgreen = 0x9E66;
  160. #endif
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