
Urban Mage Anon

Dec 27th, 2012
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  1. Prologue
  2. >You are Anonymous and you are not your average everyday face in the crowd though there is little to show otherwise
  3. >Living in a standard apartment in a completely average building on a boringly normal street.
  4. >The strangest thing about you is your coat that you wear no matter what the weather is like.
  5. >Well that AND all the strange visitors you seem to have at odd hours.
  6. >However both are calling cards of how you are different from all the others out there.
  7. >Your life is touched with magic. Not your cards up your sleeves, rabbit in the hat magic. Real honest magic.
  8. >You are a sorcerer. An Urban sorcerer if you want to be precise.
  9. >Your teacher used to say "Magic is life. Life is magic. Whenever life finds itself in a unique environment it adapts and magic does as well.". The man knew what he was talking about even if he was a little crazy but it comes with the territory.
  10. >Living in the heart of the city, your magic is much different than the sorcerers anywhere else.
  11. >You don't cast spells in a forest glade with a rod of silver and a branch of holly under a full moon.
  12. >Your magic is of the street and city skyline. Ley lines? Power lines are your ley lines. Your power waxes with rush hour and wanes with the workday.
  13. >The city is as much a part of you as your lungs.
  14. >You are not the only sorcerer in the city however, far from it. You are one of about fifteen that ply your trade in this hive of commerce and life.
  15. >As far as sorcerers go you are pretty average. Others are more precise or more powerful than you but you make do.
  16. >The only thing going for you was the fact that you had yet to piss off anything or anyone who is truly powerful.
  17. >Well you HAD that going for you.
  18. >A client approached you like any other. Seeking you for your skill with finding people who don't want to be found and your general neutrality in the magical "underworld".
  19. >Something about a brother who stole some money and was hiding from him. Said the guy new a few parlor tricks to keep from being found.
  20. >It sounded reasonable at the time so you did what he asked and started hunting him
  21. >When you found yourself outside of what you easily recognized to be a vampire den you decided it really was not worth the money.
  22. >You called the man and told him you could not find the guy. Then went home and went to bed.
  23. >The next day your cat Cygnus woke you early. He had heard word from the other cats in the neighborhood that word on the street is that you had destroyed a den full of vampires.
  24. >You were dressed and running around your apartment grabbing everything you could.
  25. >After all a sorcerer who hunts vampires and can take out an entire den on their own turf needs to be put down quick.
  26. >It took less then an hour before you where halfway across the city with everything you could carry inconspicuously.
  27. >First stop of the morning was a small Catholic church on the south side of town. Certain whispers said they had ties to a vampire hunting ring.
  28. >If they do then they would be spelled to keep vampires away.
  29. >As soon as they heard your name they physically threw you out.
  30. >Seems that they don't like freelance hunters. So much for sanctuary.
  31. >Of the two other sorcerers you trusted not to turn you over to the bloodsuckers one slammed the door in your face and the other refused to even answer the door.
  32. >Everywhere you went you were turned away. The problem with never making trouble in this city is that you never can get anyone to watch your back when trouble finds you.
  33. >As the sun starts to set you start walking letting your magic and gut guide you.
  34. >Hell you have no better ideas. Short of abandoning the city and setting out for a new home you are pretty much fucked.
  35. >Perhaps if you went and turned yourself in to the vamp council...
  36. >"They would just kill me quickly." you say aloud finishing your thought.
  37. >Shaking your head to get the image of you laying on the ground with your throat ripped out to leave your sick and twisted mind you take a look at where you are.
  38. >With a glance you see that you are standing on the bridge overlooking the river.
  39. >This is where you think best. Where the natural magics of the river and the thrumming of the cars crossing behind you mix into a concoction of natural and urban magics.
  40. >Looking down upon the darkened river below and watching the reflections of the city lights reflect off it you feel the gentle tug of its magics. They pull at you gently and whisper of the wonders that it can show you in the depths.
  41. >Ignoring the call was the first act you learned as a sorcerer. You cant let the magics around you sway your thoughts too much or they will devour you.
  42. >The howl of a certain cat causes you to turn and stare straight into a pair of blood read eyes.
  43. >Screaming you snatch the power from the street lights above you and shove a ball of electricity into the vampires chest.
  44. >With an audible thump the electricity arcs from your hand to his chest and the vampire's heart beats for the first time since it met its unlholy fate.
  45. >Staggering away from you he doubles over and clutches its chest as the electrical charge passes through it.
  46. >Taking quick stock of the situation you see two more vampires on the bridge with you.
  47. >They have got you blocked in with no easy exit.
  48. >Pulling more power from the lights overhead you allow it to crackle and arc between your fingers hoping to ward them away.
  49. >Any hope of that was gone when the leader, you assume, stands upright again and cackles at you smoke creeping from the smoldering hole that.
  50. >"No where to run sorcerer! Your silly little tricks wont save you from your fate. Your death certificate was signed when you killed our brothers."
  51. >The two vampires on either side of you begin to slowly walk your way.
  52. >Realizing that this is where you die your concentration wavers and you feel the pull of the river once again sink its claws into you
  53. "So I take it that you would not believe me if I said it was not me?"
  54. >His quiet chuckle was all the answer you needed.
  55. "Jump on"
  56. >Cygnus leaps to your shoulders and sinks his claws into your coat.
  57. >The vampire you shocked before screams "KILL HIM!" and those on either side begin their charge
  58. >Before they can take three steps you throw your hands out to the side and send twisting bolts of electricity at them
  59. >It wont do much more than slow them down but that is all you need.
  60. >Turning you throw yourself as hard as you can over the railing and at the welcoming waters below.
  61. >Your plan was perfectly executed. However that is as far ahead as you thought.
  62. >Screaming you plummet to the frigid waters below.
  63. >A thousand spells come to mind and in your panic addled state you start casting them all at once.
  64. >You draw deep from the magic of the river and throw it into your jumbled mash of magic.
  65. >With a phrase that is part prayer, part curse, and part spell slides out of your mouth as you descend to your watery fate.
  67. >Darkness surrounds you as your consciousness begins to return.
  68. >Your first thought is that you feel cold. Really cold. In fact you don't think you have ever been this cold in your life
  69. >It's a biting aching cold encasing your body like an overly sexual hug from creepy old man winter himself.
  70. >However once your body becomes aware of more than the cold you forget how to even spell the word "Sexual"
  71. >As the feeling returns you are overwhelmed by levels of pain that until this point were theoretical
  72. >It feels like a thousand fire clawed imps running scalpels made of acid across your flesh while a badger tries to escape the confines of your chest cavity
  73. >Instinctively you gasp as the pain washes over you.
  74. >Along with the ever so small amount of blessed air you get a mouthful of cold snow that causes you to choke and gag
  75. >Throwing yourself forward the water frozen around your form scratches at the bare skin of your hands and face
  76. >Snow and chunks of ice cling to you as you fight tooth and nail to reach the open air
  77. >Your body is dieing. You can feel the life slipping out of it as you are caressed by the cold hand of death.
  78. >Grabbing every last drop of magic you can grab you force heat out into your form as you fight your way out of your icy tomb.
  79. >Fire floods through your body as the magic forces heat back into your freezing limbs. This however only makes the pain worse.
  80. >Clawing at the snow above you, your hands reach open air and you throw yourself as hard as you can at the newly formed hole.
  81. -- --
  82. >Seconds that ticked by like eons later you are gasping on the ground staring at the snowdrift you fought your way out of while snow falls heavily
  83. >The dim light of the sun behind thick clouds shines glumly between the snow laden branches of trees around you
  84. >The pale white light light reveals a forest landscape in the dead of winter.
  85. >As the pain in your...everything begins to fade and the firey magic inside you dwindles away one thought forces its way through your addled mind.
  86. >"Where the fuck am I?"
  87. >Musing over this for a few moments you notice that there are no footprints other than the few you made since you dove out of the snowbank
  88. >That suggests that either they were filled up with snow from the storm, they were covered up, or however you got here left no tracks to find.
  89. >Next order of business was to see what all you had at your disposal.
  90. >A quick look shows that you still have your long coat on so you start rifling through your pockets to make sure you still have everything
  91. >In your main pockets you have a lighter, a Swiss army knife, your case with your business cards, your wallet, your cell phone, and various pieces of pocket debris such as receipts and lint.
  92. >However it's what's in your "special" pockets that you are really worried about. After all it would not do for a sorcerer to be without his tools.
  93. >Four cans of spray paint, a ring of blank keys, a six pack of cheap beer, a carton of cigarettes, three bottles of glitter, a bag of random coins and paper bills, an ink vial of your blood, an ink vial of a dead guys blood, a raven quill, and most importantly a small steel vial of powder.
  94. >Ensured that everything is still in its place you go back to examining the snow drift where you woke up
  95. >A sudden vibration and rubbing against your leg drags your attention to a brown and grey cat with bright gold eyes
  96. >It is rubbing against your leg and purring loudly. You crouch down and gently scratch him behind the ear.
  97. "Cygnus there you are! Where in the name of God are we?"
  98. >"Mwaor!" he intones at you loudly
  99. "What? Why should I follow you? Last time I did that I ended up with 30 stitches and a new scar. Besides I need to find out how we got here."
  100. >"Meow~. Eerr rawl maow."
  101. "I don't care if you knew I could take it I almost died. Now stop pestering me. Go kill a squirrel or something."
  102. >"Meowawar."
  103. "WHAT? If someone is in trouble you should have told me right away you miserable fur ball! Lead the way."
  104. >Shaking his head Cygnus runs off in what looks like a random direction.
  105. >With a sigh you clutch your coat tighter and march after him, snow blowing into your face
  106. >You trudge for a few minutes before you come across a limb laying on the snow. But it's not the limb that catches your attention
  107. >Its the strange prints that lead up to the limb and the drag marks that lead away from the limb that bother you
  108. >Looks like that limb struck whatever had walked up here and then was drug off by something else with the same kind of prints but these seemed smaller
  109. >Well shit what the fuck is out here
  110. >Another look at the limb and you see it would be a decent weapon in a pinch
  111. >You heft it over you shoulder and motion to Cygnus for him to continue on
  112. >What your watch says was fifteen minutes later you hear Cygnus meow at you
  113. >Running up to where he is you see two lumps half covered in the snow about the size of large children
  114. >"Rowwawr."
  115. "I wont freak out. Don't worry about me."
  116. >Placing your stick down beside you, you examine the lumps.
  117. >The first one you look at is the larger of the two. IT seems to be something wrapped in an extremely heavy purple coat with some sort of rain boots
  118. >You reach for the creatures head and pull back the hood that covers it
  119. >You are greeted by a small purple equine head with a horn sticking out of the middle
  120. >Dropping the creatures hood you fall back on your ass
  121. "Th-Thats a..."
  122. >"Mwaaar meow maah."
  123. "But...they a-"
  124. >"Meow meow."
  125. "What do you mean they said they would help?"
  126. >"Meow grawr."
  127. "Wait. They speak English?"
  128. >"Mwah."
  129. >Leaning forward again you gingerly touch the unicorns horn and trace your head down the back of her head.
  130. >You find a large lump that does not feel normal
  131. "Well I know what happened to this one."
  132. >It is still quite warm and it is breathing regularly so you put the unicorns hood back up and move to the other one
  133. >This one is smaller but you immediately see the spray of pink hair spread across the snow
  134. >examining it you notice it is not wearing a thick coat but more of a jacket that seems t-HOLY FUCK ARE THOSE WINGS
  135. "Is this a fucking pegasus?"
  136. >"Mwah."
  137. >"God damn it Cygnus where the fuck are we" you think to yourself
  138. >Reaching out to its yellow head you notice this one does not have a horn.
  139. >You brush its face with your hand and it feels deathly cold.
  140. >Running your hand down to its neck you feel for a pulse.
  141. >It is there but it is extremely faint. This thing is freezing to death.
  142. >Think man think. You learned what to do in this kind of shit. Your master taught you the survival skills you need in this kind of situation.
  143. >But what did he teach you? God damn it why did you not pay more attention when it came to this shit.
  144. >Suddenly you remember something that would help here
  145. >You pull your well worn Swiss army knife and pick up your stick and carve a few symbols in it
  146. >Finally when you are done you stand the stick straight up in the snow and let go
  147. >It starts to lean back to you as if to fall when it suddenly starts spinning around
  148. >Then it falls into the snow with a light thud revealing the arrow you carved into it pointing off into the forest
  149. >Ahh the old shelter spell. Reveals the closest safe shelter from a storm. Living in the city you never saw much use for it but it helped you a few times when you were out in the suburbs or caught in the rain
  150. >That yellow one probably wont make it to wherever that shelter is without dieing from the cold
  151. >Unzipping your your coat you grab the yellow one and place her inside before zipping it back up
  152. >She is surprisingly light only weighing around 20lbs
  153. >Next you pick up the unicorn and your stick and head in the direction your spell told you to go
  154. >Eventually you reach a small cave that is just short enough to keep you from standing straight
  155. >Wearily you enter the cave and birch to yourself about the pain in your back
  156. >Its not that you are fat or lazy or anything like that it's just that you just are not used to hiking carrying 60+ extra pounds for fifteen minutes or more
  157. >laying the purple one down you unzip your coat and lay the yellow one next to it
  158. >Grabbing your stick you start snapping it and breaking down for firewood
  159. >Once you have your sticks small enough you retrieve your lighter and some old receipts from your pocket and try, in vain, to start a fire
  160. >Try as you might you cannot get your lighter to light
  161. >Gathering up what little power you have you try to start a small flame and fail pathetically.
  162. >You look around and see no source to pull power from to light the fire so you decide to pull out an old spell you have used quite often
  163. >Looking around you find Cygnus curled up against the yellow one so you toss your lighter to him
  164. >He swats it out of the air and pins it to the ground with his paw
  165. >Flipping up your coats collar you start bobbing your head to music that only you can hear and start the spell
  166. >Reaching into your pocket you pull out a cig and start feeling around in your pockets
  167. >Once you have checked your pockets you look left and right before "seeing" Cygnus
  168. >Throwing a little more magic into the works you smile at him and point to your cigarette
  169. "Yo buddy! Hate to be a bother but you got a light?"
  170. >Cygnus, caught up in the spell, checks his nonexistent pockets before sliding the lighter over to you with his paw
  171. >"Maow mew."
  172. >Grinning you light your cigarette and the receipts before quickly piling the sticks on top of them
  173. >The fire quickly spreads to the sticks and before long you have a tolerably cool cave
  174. >Deciding to examine the yellow pegasus you pick her up and start examining her body.
  175. >You manage to confirm two things. One that this thing is a female and two that it is still too cold for your liking
  176. >Picking her up you place her in your lap and move closer to the fire hoping that between you and it she will be warmed up quick
  177. >After a few moments you get curious about her wings and start to fiddle with them
  178. >The limbs themselves seem almost fragile in your hands yet they have a give to them
  179. >It does disturb you when you realize that her wings have not warmed up at all
  180. >Horrific images of blackened skin and stories of lost limbs due to frostbite fill your mind
  181. >You decide to gently rub her wings and try to work some warmth back into them hoping to avoid such a fate for her
  182. >Laying her head on your chest you lean back and starting at the base of her wings you slowly stroke all the way up to the tip
  183. >Stroke after stroke you let your mind wander as you caress the unbelievably soft fur of her wings
  184. >Thoughts of how you came to be here fill you head as well as curiosity at where exactly "here" is
  185. >Not everywhere has brightly colored mythical creatures that apparently speak English.
  186. >A quiet moan comes from the yellow pegasus as it nuzzles its head against your chest causing you to look down at her.
  187. >A warm smile is on her face for a few moments before her eyes flutter open.
  188. >You are greeted with two wide bright blue eyes set in the middle of a very surprised face
  189. >Trying not to be scary you smile a bright cheerful smile at her and say
  190. "Hello?"
  191. >She lets out a small shriek and tries to jump off of you. Mission failed.
  192. >Her legs support her weight for a few seconds before they crumple and she painfully collapses back onto you.
  193. >When she realizes she cant move she starts shuddering violently and tears start forming in her eyes.
  194. >Forcing herself into a tight fetal position she tries to make herself as small as possible
  195. "Its OK I am not going to hurt you. I found you and the purple one over there" you point at the unicorn by the fire "Half frozen in the snow. She was fine in that thick coat of hers but you were really cold so I was using my body to warm you."
  196. >One eye visible behind her mane and it is full of fear.
  197. >You sigh and pick her up off your lap causing her to squeak and start shivering harder
  198. >Gently you set her down next to the purple unicorn
  199. >She lays flat against the ground with her eyes closed tight
  200. >Well that went well. Maybe Cygnus can help you?
  201. >Looking around you don't see neither hide nor hair of that fleabag.
  202. >Just like a cat. Always gone when you need him.
  203. >Looking back at your...Guests? You see the yellow one is nudging the purple one trying to wake her.
  204. "Don't worry she looks like she took a bump on the head but she will be fine."
  205. >She cowers away a bit when you speak
  206. "My name is Anonymous. What's yours?"
  207. >"M-my name is F-Fluttershy" She ends with her voice cracking.
  208. "Nice to meet you."
  209. >Well that at least proves they speak English
  210. >Failing to think of anything useful to say you resign yourself to staring at the fire for a couple of minutes
  211. >You notice it is starting to burn low
  212. "Well I will be back. The fire is getting low so I going to go grab firewood."
  213. >She nods and you make your way back out into the frozen waste that is this forest.
  214. >It does not take you long to find a few old limbs for the fire
  215. >They are wet so you will have to add them slowly to get them to burn
  216. >When you decide that you have gathered a nice armload of the sodden wood you make your merry way back whistling against the dreary woods that surround you.
  217. >The snow has still not stopped falling. If it continues you may end up getting snowed in here.
  218. >The mouth of the cave is in sight when a loud growling stops you in your tracks.
  219. >In an instant your mind throws images of giant wolves made of wood at you.
  220. >Shakily you turn around and see...a border collie standing there threateningly.
  221. >Sighing in relief you look up and see the bewildered orange pony standing behind it.
  222. >"What in the hay?"
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