

May 5th, 2018
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  1. command /ho <text>:
  2. permission: ho.admin
  3. permission message: &cYou dont have permission needed "ho.admin"
  4. usage: /ho help
  5. trigger:
  6. if arg 1 is "help":
  7. send "&8- &a/ho gui &b増え鬼の設定画面を開きます"
  8. send "&8- &a/ho start &bかくれんぼを開始します"
  9. send "&8- &a/ho wp &b鬼を決めます"
  10. send "&8- &a/ho reset &b増え鬼をリセットします"
  11. send "&8- &a/ho pvp <enable:disable> &b殴れるかなどを設定します"
  12. send "&8- &a/ho shop &b隠れる人のshopを見ます"
  13. if arg 1 is "gui":
  14. wait 1 tick
  15. open chest with 1 row named "&b&lHueoniGui" to player
  16. format slot 0 of player with clock named "&e増え鬼スタート" to close then run "ho start"
  17. format slot 1 of player with ender pearl named "&d増え鬼抽選" to close then run "ho wp"
  18. format slot 2 of player with lava bucket named "&c増え鬼リセット" to close then run "ho reset"
  19. if arg 1 is "oni shop":
  20. player have permission ""
  21. wait 1 tick
  22. open chest with 1 row named "&a&lKakureShop" to player
  23. format slot 0 of player with iron sword named "&7一撃剣" with lore "&b一回殴ると壊れます" to close then run ""
  24. if arg 1 is "start":
  25. broadcast "&b増え鬼スタート!"
  26. execute console command "/give @a cooked_porkchop 64"
  27. execute console command "/ho pvp enable"
  28. if arg 1 is "wp":
  29. execute console command "/tp @r[x=-36,y=15,z=-35,dx=-4,dz=-4] -40 15 -42 -90 0"
  30. execute console command "/scoreboard teams join oni @a[x=-40,y=15,z=-42,dy=1]"
  31. execute console command "/give @a[team=oni] diamond_helmet"
  32. execute console command "/setblock 19 5 -75 redstone_block"
  33. if arg 1 is "reset":
  34. execute console command "/ho pvp disable"
  35. execute console command "/scoreboard teams leave @a"
  36. execute console command "/clear @a"
  37. execute console command "/tp @a -41 15 -48 -90 0"
  38. execute console command "/gamemode 2 @a"
  39. broadcast "&b増え鬼ごっこ終了!"
  40. if arg 1 is "pvp enable":
  41. send "&cPvP is now &benable!"
  42. enable PvP
  43. if arg 1 is "pvp disable":
  44. send "&cPvP is now &bdisable!"
  45. disable PvP
  46. on join:
  47. broadcast "&b%player%さんが増え鬼鯖に&aログインしました"
  48. send "&bようこそ 増え鬼鯖へ"
  49. send "&a鬼のルールを説明します"
  50. send "&a鬼はヘルメットを&c&l必ず&aかぶってください"
  51. send "&a鬼の人は&b/ho oni shop&aでshopが見れます!"
  52. make console execute command "gamemode adventure %player%"
  54. on quit:
  55. broadcast "&b%player%さんが増え鬼鯖から&aログアウトしました"
  57. on death:
  58. make console execute command "gamemode spectator %player%"
  60. command /plugins:
  61. trigger:
  62. send message "Plugins (4): &aHueOnigokko&f, &aWorldEdit&f, &aWorldGuard&f, &aLunaChat"
  64. command /pl:
  65. trigger:
  66. send message "Plugins (4): &aHueOnigokko&f, &aWorldEdit&f, &aWorldGuard&f, &aLunaChat"
  68. command /broadcast <text>:
  69. permission: ho.admin
  70. permission message: &cYou dont have permission needed "ho.admin"
  71. usage: /broadcast
  72. aliases: /bc
  73. trigger:
  74. broadcast "&d[Server]%argument%"
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