
Rarity's Visitor

May 31st, 2012
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  1. >Be Fluttershy
  2. >Go to visit Rarity in prison
  3. >Sitting across from her at the table in visitation room
  4. >Tell her to hold on a minute
  5. >Disappear around corner
  6. >Come back wearing a diaper and bib, licking a huge lollipop
  7. >"Hey Rarity, I think I figured out what your fetish is!"
  8. >She stares, straight faced
  9. >Doesn't seem pleased at all
  10. >Your eyes tear up, lip quivers
  11. >Start to cry
  12. >Grin finally spreads across her face
  13. >Notice her hoof start to move back and forth beneath the table with increasing rapidity
  14. >Wipe tears away and smile
  15. >She stops, glares at you menacingly
  16. >Start crying again, harder this time
  17. >Rarity resumes, stroking feverishly now as she leans back in her chair, ogling you with rapacious desire
  18. >Her eyes roll back in her head as she suddenly begins to writhe in pleasure, biting down on her lip until she could taste the blood
  19. >You begin to shit loudly into your diaper, you're so scared
  20. >This drives her over the edge, she's moaning so loud you can feel the reverb
  21. >She shudders in ecstasy as she smells the fear wafting up to her nostrils from your dirty diaper
  22. >She orgasms ferociously, screaming until your ears hurt as she falls out of her chair, knocking the table over in the process
  23. >Finishes on the floor, then stands up and sighs with satisfaction
  24. >Dusts herself off
  25. >Hands you a pacifier
  26. >You put it in your mouth and suck as your tears dry up
  27. >Rarity smiles at you softly, blood still trickling out of her mouth
  28. >Turns and walks to the guard window
  29. >Door opens, she exits room, door closes and locks behind her
  30. >You're mildly confused, but fuck it
  31. >Whatever that was, you think you did it right
  32. >You get up to leave, smiling wide as you waddle down the hall, happily sucking your new pacifier
  33. >everythingwentbetterthanexpect.png
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