monotonetimunarchive 2017-11-02 [22:45] - 864deda4-846c-4953-a672-5d2d28c73542.mpeg

Nov 2nd, 2017
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  1. [22:46:03] rintezuka1: ello o/
  2. [22:46:05] koolman9921: Oh
  3. [22:46:06] pimanrules: oh no
  4. [22:46:09] koolman9921: timOh
  5. [22:46:11] pimanrules: this is no good
  6. [22:46:12] arhowe: noooo
  7. [22:46:27] pimanrules: this isn't lotus juice
  8. [22:46:28] bananaburger: heh
  9. [22:46:36] docthemagicllama: Tim please
  10. [22:46:49] johnkilo3: Did you see that game I tweeted to you, Tim?
  11. [22:46:52] koolman9921: Dubstep in 2017
  12. [22:46:59] hackoon_: sona
  13. [22:47:07] bananaburger: this sure is something
  14. [22:47:11] johnkilo3: ok
  15. [22:47:20] bobbob2238: timtimtimm
  16. [22:47:36] perciacalos: Mobile stream today?
  17. [22:47:46] koolman9921: Something PluffNub would do as a joke to ruin it
  18. [22:47:56] megabro5000: hello internet person I like
  19. [22:47:56] shimmerfairy: kawaii desu
  20. [22:48:06] memnarch6: timNo
  21. [22:48:09] blekacross: oooooooooooooh
  22. [22:48:21] basssic: is curtjetsien on google play music
  23. [22:48:24] arhowe: stay woke SourPls
  24. [22:48:42] koolman9921: Sad part is that he probably thinks this is quality music
  25. [22:48:48] docthemagicllama: Seems about right
  26. [22:48:49] shimmerfairy: NEXT rick & morty rap???
  27. [22:48:49] johnnymaq: uh oh
  28. [22:49:39] hackoon_: this is the kinda music that plays at anime convention "raves"
  29. [22:49:43] basssic: timMinus timMinus timMinus timMinus
  30. [22:50:00] ttiewinwt: What is this new community over fifty five?
  31. [22:50:08] koolman9921: Voting season
  32. [22:50:35] basssic: love zelda dubstep
  33. [22:51:03] blekacross: haHAA
  34. [22:51:08] koolman9921: why
  35. [22:51:17] ttiewinwt: jesus christ why are you doing this tim
  36. [22:51:17] bananaburger: SourPls
  37. [22:51:18] docthemagicllama: RAP GOD
  38. [22:51:31] koolman9921: Nobody
  39. [22:51:33] bananaburger: you cant say you wouldnt blast this in your car
  40. [22:51:33] basssic: $231 per song...
  41. [22:51:52] koolman9921: Hand me the aux
  42. [22:52:04] bananaburger: what does the E mean?
  43. [22:52:06] link2006: oh no google play music
  44. [22:52:14] bananaburger: oh explicit
  45. [22:52:21] q1s2: oh
  46. [22:52:23] bananaburger: is this a charliewinsmore song?
  47. [22:52:25] q1s2: what is this
  48. [22:52:29] blekacross: timOh
  49. [22:52:36] metaconstruct: he- oh
  50. [22:52:41] shimmerfairy: I think it is an autobiography
  51. [22:52:46] metaconstruct: ?????
  52. [22:52:48] basssic: (stop)
  53. [22:52:53] bananaburger: ok
  54. [22:53:10] pimanrules: oh please no
  55. [22:53:14] megabro5000: the 13 year olds had it coming to them
  56. [22:53:16] perciacalos: Does anyone even listen to dubstep anymore?
  57. [22:53:22] arhowe: haHAA
  58. [22:53:24] koolman9921: offbeat
  59. [22:53:24] bananaburger: i swear if mario raps
  60. [22:53:30] blekacross: even wackier than Ricegums
  61. [22:53:31] bananaburger: if he raps with the mario voice
  62. [22:53:33] blekacross: ?
  63. [22:53:50] basssic: it's instrumental... no raps here boyo
  64. [22:53:51] metaconstruct: wow this actually hurts me
  65. [22:53:51] dthomson15: its instumental.
  66. [22:53:55] bananaburger: oh its an in- yeah
  67. [22:54:00] perciacalos: timOh
  68. [22:54:00] metaconstruct: LOL
  69. [22:54:01] pimanrules: what do your play music recommendations look like?
  70. [22:54:01] bananaburger: WHAT
  71. [22:54:03] docthemagicllama: timOh
  72. [22:54:07] addekladde: wtf
  73. [22:54:11] bananaburger: let the goombas hit the
  74. [22:54:13] bananaburger: FLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR
  75. [22:55:00] bananaburger: i have the persona 5 soundtrack in flac if you want it
  76. [22:55:01] koolman9921: Spotify does i believe
  77. [22:55:16] docthemagicllama: no
  78. [22:55:22] ronocthede: I bet there isn't any pepsi music on there
  79. [22:55:33] bananaburger: wait is the yelling from
  80. [22:55:33] turnsie: This guy is on spotify to
  81. [22:55:35] turnsie: too
  82. [22:55:42] koolman9921: oh no
  83. [22:55:43] bananaburger: that rap video on youtube?
  84. [22:55:52] bananaburger: wow
  85. [22:55:53] q1s2: anyone tennis
  86. [22:55:53] basssic: ?????????
  87. [22:56:11] egg1111115: tim
  88. [22:56:12] q1s2: ??????
  89. [22:56:14] egg1111115: what did you do
  90. [22:56:14] bananaburger: i cant wait to hear him do biggie
  91. [22:56:15] metaconstruct: uh
  92. [22:56:15] liquid_gold_: Ughhhhh
  93. [22:56:17] ttiewinwt: So did you start streaming just to torture us with this?
  94. [22:56:18] blekacross: ???
  95. [22:56:18] koolman9921: 23 styles
  96. [22:56:22] bananaburger: and by that i mean i really dont want to hear him do biggie
  97. [22:56:24] spofford2415: more racist and homophobic than you. sounds like a nice guy. bless his heart
  98. [22:56:43] docthemagicllama: waiting
  99. [22:56:45] bananaburger: our president's twitter!
  100. [22:56:45] ttiewinwt: ?????????
  101. [22:56:50] perciacalos: Uh
  102. [22:56:53] bananaburger: damn it jack
  103. [22:56:55] metaconstruct: ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  104. [22:56:56] shimmerfairy: HOLY JESUS CHRIST
  105. [22:56:56] basssic: good
  106. [22:56:57] basssic: finally
  107. [22:56:59] anonymousv8: what
  108. [22:56:59] bananaburger: jack is out for blood
  109. [22:56:59] rintezuka1: oh wow
  110. [22:57:03] liquid_gold_: who pulled the plug??
  111. [22:57:07] megabro5000: oh crap its gone
  112. [22:57:10] megabro5000: it's all gone
  113. [22:57:11] link2006: WHAT
  114. [22:57:14] themusicdan: Huh, weird
  115. [22:57:18] ttiewinwt: holy shit
  116. [22:57:20] captjackh:
  117. [22:57:22] shimmerfairy: WHERE DID IT GO
  118. [22:57:22] koolman9921: Not what are those verified people going to attack now
  119. [22:57:27] egg1111115: i think it like just happened
  120. [22:57:31] captjackh: still there
  121. [22:57:39] bananaburger: @koolman9921 they'll find someone else dont worry
  122. [22:57:43] pimanrules: anyway, if you want the real persona 5 soundtrack, I can hook you up
  123. [22:57:47] egg1111115: did he change his name?
  124. [22:57:51] spofford2415: it's called it provide evidence. time to scrub
  125. [22:57:53] basssic: @POTUS still alive
  126. [22:58:15] megabro5000: the news has to break any second
  127. [22:58:17] koolman9921: "breaking"
  128. [22:58:37] rwarstuff: did some big news happen that I dont know about??
  129. [22:58:41] egg1111115: it happened like a minute ago
  130. [22:58:42] rwarstuff: why are you guys looking at news?
  131. [22:58:50] themusicdan: Assuming the news to be truthful, it's long overdue
  132. [22:58:57] rosaagustina: Journalists are always the last to catch up with things, ironically
  133. [22:59:03] koolman9921: breaking for the verified twitter accounts
  134. [22:59:08] ttiewinwt: look at the breakdown in there
  135. [22:59:25] soviethulk: hegone
  136. [22:59:38] egg1111115: can you do that on twitter even?
  137. [22:59:38] soviethulk: Check his instagram
  138. [22:59:38] link2006: yep @ttiewinwt
  139. [22:59:40] bananaburger: gottem
  140. [22:59:47] link2006: everyone's breaking down on this
  141. [22:59:50] ttiewinwt: nooooooooo
  142. [22:59:53] bananaburger: i'm still blaming jack
  143. [22:59:56] koolman9921: Social Experiment by Donald
  144. [22:59:57] orionsnebula: Can Twitter ban the POTUS?
  145. [23:00:05] egg1111115: you can on facebook but
  146. [23:00:09] rwarstuff: I wouldnt be surprised if it got hacked and deleted then twitter will restore it.
  147. [23:00:10] egg1111115: i dont know on here
  148. [23:00:10] basssic: why wouldn't twitter be able to ban potus
  149. [23:00:10] docthemagicllama: I think there is a 24 period before your account is deleted
  150. [23:00:11] dajmasta: all your stalkers will notice, tim
  151. [23:00:12] it_is_fanatic: i could see him on the app
  152. [23:00:14] egg1111115: oh
  153. [23:00:17] egg1111115: it's apaprently back
  154. [23:00:29] basssic: yeah it's back
  155. [23:00:29] link2006: oh it's back
  156. [23:00:36] bananaburger: phew
  157. [23:00:37] basssic: lame
  158. [23:00:39] basssic: i'm disappointed
  159. [23:00:39] orionsnebula: Awww :(
  160. [23:00:46] plcx: What a prank
  161. [23:00:50] rwarstuff: it was probably hacked and twitter restored it.
  162. [23:00:52] link2006: Might just be a twitter bug
  163. [23:00:54] theletter8: hello Tim & chat
  164. [23:00:55] bananaburger: now the verified accounts can still have something to complain about
  165. [23:00:58] perciacalos: Well damn
  166. [23:00:58] koolman9921: Major Headlines
  167. [23:00:59] bananaburger: false alarm everyone
  168. [23:01:00] egg1111115: im sad
  169. [23:01:03] bobbob2238: P. impennis this species name though
  170. [23:01:25] ttiewinwt: this music is making me sad
  171. [23:01:28] bananaburger: also time to type out my formal apology to @jack
  172. [23:01:31] shimmerfairy: Did you start the stream just to torture us with music?
  173. [23:01:36] rubensandwich: Hello darkness my old friend...
  174. [23:01:38] it_is_fanatic: HAAAHAHAHA
  175. [23:01:40] dajmasta: it's more of a dumpster fire of pixels
  176. [23:01:41] basssic: mario GOLF baby
  177. [23:01:42] bananaburger: ohbee
  178. [23:01:44] basssic: it's time for Fuckin Golf
  179. [23:01:46] koolman9921: Time to beat Wario?
  180. [23:01:49] murugo: More like Wario Golf
  181. [23:01:59] docthemagicllama: mario golf is dead
  182. [23:02:00] rubensandwich: Oh.
  183. [23:02:12] orionsnebula: Just restart. It'll be like 1 minute
  184. [23:02:16] rubensandwich: Lets olay Mario Odissey then
  185. [23:02:19] dthomson15: Did those PUBG pants ever sell?
  186. [23:02:28] raynor_ex: open devices in the control panel, check if there's an error with the controller
  187. [23:02:38] themusicdan: Tidus is the best thing that ever happened to Mario Golf
  188. [23:02:41] koolman9921: Is the controller plugged in
  189. [23:02:44] metaconstruct:
  190. [23:02:47] dthomson15: Ah nice
  191. [23:03:05] themusicdan: I wish there were an easy way to play golf using an ocarina
  192. [23:03:05] rubensandwich: Stop buying cntrollers on craiglist
  193. [23:03:27] rintezuka1: oh no
  194. [23:04:36] link2006: oh no rip usb device
  195. [23:04:38] koolman9921: could it be the port itself,?
  196. [23:04:45] rubensandwich: Oh no.
  197. [23:04:52] rintezuka1: restart PC?
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