
Maybe you should stop stealing shit

Apr 16th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: Alexithymiaa: -Adam stood behind the counter with a line of people in front of him waiting to make their purchases. Ringing as fast as he could, he punched things into the register to tally the current customer's total, swiping the credit card and immediately going to bag the items for them before passing the card back over the counter. "And he's your receipt. Have a good night." He spoke with a smile, sticking the receipt in the bag and handing off the bag to the male, watching him walk away and the female behind him step up to the counter with her books.-
  2. Tsaaq: Hayley came from the back from organizing the back issues and took a seat as she quietly opened up her phone. "Need me to help ring?" She asked. // Bliss came out of the bathroom from vigorous cleaning and things. Cause she's Bliss.
  3. Covet: Eli had spent the weekend working on the loss reports coming up with the numbers after he started his investigation last week, walking out of the office with the stack of stapled papers, he gave Adam a nod, then walked around him so that he could get one of the envelopes with the special brad thingy to close them. "Going alright out here?" He asked Adam as he slid the papers into the folder and labled it for Monica.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -He continued to move quickly, glancing at Hayley briefly before continuing to ring the woman's items. "I'm okay. Almost done. Twenty seven fifty." He spoke to her, his hands moving to bag her comics before taking the cash she held out to him. "Everythings good. Just a little busy right now. Everything okay with you?"-
  5. Tsaaq: She nodded as she slid off the stool. She looked around the shop to attempt to find something for herself to do. She let out a heavy sigh and put her hands on her hips. // Bliss went to put the cleaning supplies. "What's that?" She nodded her head at the papers.
  6. Covet: "Eh, They're alright with me. I wish I could say the same for the shop. I have a meeting in the morning with Monica, to give her all of this information, then I'll find out if I'll be calling the security peoples to come give us a quote for the survelance system." He said explaining to them. "Thankfully, I trust and know that none of you guys are the ones causing the issue, but I'm pretty sure someone on the day shift is either walking out with merchandise, or helping someone else do it."
  7. Alexithymiaa: -He furrowed his brows as he checked out the woman, passing her things to her before fully turning to look at Eli. "Someone is stealing things?" He asked in surprise.-
  8. Tsaaq: Hayley tilted her head. "What happened?" She turned her head to look at Eli. "I'll kick their ass." // Bliss began to frown as she lowered her. "How unfortunate. I was hoping that we wouldn't have to do that..."
  9. Covet: "It's not a lot, but it's enough to bring some concern, because it could be a potentially bigger issue if it's not adressed now." He explained to them. "I'm not sure what's going on, aside from the fact that we're getting more and more business so that means more of a chance of these things happening."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Wow..." He mumbled, turning back to help the next customer, beginning to scan things as he spoke over his shoulder. "How do you get to the bottom of whos doing this?"-
  11. Tsaaq: "I just said how, I'll kick their ass." Hayley said as she looked to Adam as she lifted her shoulders into a shrug. "What have they taken, comics and stuff?" She asked. // She pursed her lips a moment. "Eli said we'd have to install a camera system." She said as she looked to Eli. "Or are we actually getting security."
  12. Covet: "No, as much as I appreciate it, I can't condone ass kicking." Eli said almsot relucntantly, "It's been a variety of merchandise as far as I can tell, nothing big." He said, "Just a camera system. I can't justify getting security, when we already have the alarm company."
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Ahh..." He said as he finished ringing the last customer before turning to face Eli again. "That's probably the best course of action to take. That way you have proof of who's doing it. Or if it's someone during the day shift and they find out you're doing it, maybe they'll stop."-
  14. Tsaaq: She turned and leaned her elbows on the surface of the counter. "Fine." She pouted. "I'll keep my eye out while I'm working though." Hayley announced. // "I'm sure it'll work out. You know I trust your decisions." Bliss smiled as she went to turn to Adam. "You keep an eye out too."
  15. Covet: "Exactly my thoughts, Adam. I just don't understand it, if it's coming from an employee, between the pay check and the discount you guys get, I don't understand the need for it." Eli said. "Thank you guys for keeping an eye out though. That will be a big help as well."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Of course I'll keep an eye out. I dont want this to happen any more than you do." He swept his hand up through his hair, shifting his weight on his feet. "What do we do if we see anything?"-
  17. Tsaaq: "You're welcome." She bowed to Eli. "Say something." Hayley said to Adam with a quirk of her eyebrows. "Isn't that like a law or something? When you see something, say something?" She inquired as she spun out of her seat and went to pick up the shop before closing. // Bliss went to nod her head. "What else can I do to help?" She asked.
  18. Covet: "Make a note of it. If you can, go up to them and ask if they need help finding anything. Often times that alerts them to know they're being watched, and they'll put stuff back or pay for it. If it's an employee definitely write it down and let me know as soon as possible. If at least us four are being vigilant about it, then it should be stopped fairly quick."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "So... we shouldnt try to stop them ourselves or confront them?" He asked for clarification, looking around their small group.-
  20. Tsaaq: She signaled Eli a thumbs up as she went to walk around the back where the games where to clean that too. "Got it." Hayley called out. // Bliss gave a nod. "Well... I don't think we're legally allowed to aprehend people." She chimed in. "What are you doing to for Hayley's birthday?" Bliss asked as soon as the other female was out of ear shot.
  21. Covet: "Than you guys. If you do infact see them take something and they walk out of the store, we can call the police and file a report so the next time it happens we can have them arrested, and banned from the shop." He said then looked at Adam, because he was curious about this now too.
  22. Covet: *Thank
  23. Alexithymiaa: "No problem." He said with a nod, quickly looking over his shoulder at Hayley to make sure she was out of earshot before turning back to Bliss and Eli, a grin spreading across his face and lowering his voice. "It's a bit of a surprise. I couldn't get everything all set up for today because it was a Sunday, but Tuesday after the game I have a really nice birthday evening planned for her. I'm pretty excited actually, but I've been trying to play it off casually so she doesn't suspect anything."-
  24. Tsaaq: "What else needs to be done?" She called out from the back of the store. // Bliss gasped quietly and clapped her hands. "That's so nice! After a good basketball game tomorrow." She grinned and patted him on the shoulder. She glanced at the back then over to Eli.
  25. Covet: "Aw, that's real nice of you Adam." Eli said with a smile. "I'll get something thrown together for her and get it to you for you that night if you don't mind giving it to her amidst your plans." He added then looked around, " Uh, just head around the shop and make sure everything looks nice and tidy. Bliss and I can cover the last few things that need to be done."
  26. Alexithymiaa: "Of course. I'm sure she'll be really happy you did something for her too." He said before, grabbing the rag from under the counter, beginning to wipe it down just for preps.-
  27. Tsaaq: "Got it." She said. She crossed her arms over her chest as walked around, doing just that. "I guess I'm ready to go." Hayley called out. // "Of course. I wanted to give her a little something too." She muttered. "When are we installing the cameras?" She asked Eli.
  28. Covet: "It will probably be done on Wednesday if I can get that order in. They'll have a company come do the install on it. I just have to be here to supervise and make sure we have all the areas covered." He told her as he went to the register to get it counted down and bagged for the night.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "Well let me know if you need anyone else to be here while they do it. I'm always willing to help." He said with a nod, tossing the rag back under the counter and looking to Hayley. "I'm ready to head out also." Moving to the computer, he clocked himself out before making his way over to Hayley to offer her his hand so they could walk out together.-
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