
BATCHCHAT Before and after

May 6th, 2012
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  1. Message Recieving
  3. @echo off
  4. :chat
  5. cls
  6. type %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\chat.txt
  7. goto chat
  10. Message Sending
  12. @echo off
  13. echo Welcome To The Batch Dropbox Chat Program
  14. echo To Begin type In Your Nickname
  15. set /p name=Nickname:
  16. echo set user=%name% > user.bat
  17. echo %name% Has Joined The Chat >> %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BATCHCHAT\chat.txt
  18. goto chat
  19. :chat
  20. cls
  21. set /p message=Message:
  22. echo %name%: %message% >> %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\chat.txt
  23. goto checkban
  24. :checkban
  25. IF EXIST %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%name%.bat echo %name% Was Banned >> %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\chat.txt
  26. if EXIST %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%name%.bat exit
  27. goto chat
  31. Take That and Give it Like a Month Of Development
  34. BatchChat v1.8
  36. @echo off
  37. set version=1.8
  38. IF EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\updates\BatchChat" goto started
  39. IF EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\updates\BatchChat v*.*.zip" goto update
  40. :update
  41. echo Now Updating To Latest Version
  42. xcopy "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\updates\BatchChat v*.*.zip" "%CD%"
  43. extract e -tzip "%CD%\BatchChat"
  44. echo Finished Updating
  45. echo Now Exiting Please use The Latest Client
  46. pause
  47. exit
  48. :started
  49. title The BatchChat Client.
  50. echo Welcome to the BatchChat Client
  51. echo Please Type In Your Username.
  52. set /p name=Username:
  53. set nick=%name%
  54. cls
  55. echo Please Type In Your Password.
  56. set /p pass=Password:
  57. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\profiles\%name%.bat" goto password
  58. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\profiles\%name%.bat" goto makename
  59. :makename
  60. echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\profiles\%name%.bat"
  61. goto makepass
  62. :makepass
  63. echo set realpass=%pass% > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\profiles\%name%.bat"
  64. :password
  65. call "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\profiles\%name%.bat"
  66. if %realpass%==%pass% goto rank
  67. goto passinv
  68. :userinv
  69. echo That username is invalid. Please try again.
  70. goto started
  71. :passinv
  72. echo That password is invalid. Please try again.
  73. goto started
  74. :rank
  75. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-ADMIN\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  76. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-MOD\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  77. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-FOREMAN\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  78. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\ADMIN\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  79. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MOD\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  80. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MEMBER\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  81. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GUEST\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  82. echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GUEST\%name%.rank"
  83. :setrank
  84. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-ADMIN\%name%.rank" set rank=GLOBAL-ADMIN
  85. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-MOD\%name%.rank" set rank=GLOBAL-MOD
  86. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-FOREMAN\%name%.rank" set rank=GLOBAL-FOREMAN
  87. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\ADMIN\%name%.rank" set rank=ADMIN
  88. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MOD\%name%.rank" set rank=MOD
  89. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MEMBER\%name%.rank" set rank=MEMBER
  90. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GUEST\%name%.rank" set rank=GUEST
  91. goto bancheck
  92. :rank2
  93. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-ADMIN\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  94. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-MOD\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  95. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-FOREMAN\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  96. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\ADMIN\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  97. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MOD\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  98. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MEMBER\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  99. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GUEST\%name%.rank" goto setrank
  100. echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GUEST\%name%.rank"
  101. :setrank
  102. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-ADMIN\%name%.rank" set rank=GLOBAL-ADMIN
  103. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-MOD\%name%.rank" set rank=GLOBAL-MOD
  104. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-FOREMAN\%name%.rank" set rank=GLOBAL-FOREMAN
  105. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\ADMIN\%name%.rank" set rank=ADMIN
  106. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MOD\%name%.rank" set rank=MOD
  107. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MEMBER\%name%.rank" set rank=MEMBER
  108. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GUEST\%name%.rank" set rank=GUEST
  109. goto bancheck2
  110. :bancheck
  111. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\%name%.txt" goto banned
  112. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\%name%.txt" goto mutecheck
  113. :mutecheck
  114. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\%name%.txt" goto muted
  115. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\%name%.txt" goto ~roomselect
  116. :bancheck2
  117. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\%name%.txt" goto banned
  118. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\%name%.txt" goto kickcheck
  119. :kickcheck
  120. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\kick\%name%.txt" goto kicked
  121. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\kick\%name%.txt" goto mutecheck2
  122. :mutecheck2
  123. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\%name%.txt" goto muted
  124. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\%name%.txt" goto send2
  125. :banned
  126. echo You have been banned.
  127. echo to appeal to this ban, type ~appeal.
  128. set /p appeal=Command:
  129. if appeal==~appeal goto ~banappeal
  130. :banappeal
  131. echo Welcome to the ban appeal page.
  132. echo ---------------------------------------
  133. set /p appmessageban=Appeal Message:
  134. echo Your ban appeal will be sent to the admins and put into consideration.
  135. echo You may exit your client, come back later and check.
  136. echo If you have been accepted, you will be unbanned.
  137. echo If not, this will repeat. Goodbye!
  138. echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\newappeal.txt"
  139. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%name%appeal.txt" echo -----> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%name%appeal.txt"
  140. echo %name% WAS BANNED > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%name%appeal.txt"
  141. echo %appmessageban% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%name%appeal.txt"
  142. echo %name% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\appeals.txt"
  143. pause
  144. exit
  145. :muted
  146. echo You have been muted.
  147. echo to appeal this mute, type ~appeal.
  148. echo to continue on to the normal client, type ~continue
  149. set /p appeal=Command:
  150. if appeal==~appeal goto ~muteappeal
  151. if appeal==~continue goto chat
  152. :~muteappeal
  153. echo Welcome to the mute appeal page.
  154. echo ---------------------------------------
  155. set /p appmessagemute=Appeal Message:
  156. echo Your mute appeal will be sent to the admins and put into consideration.
  157. echo You may continue to the normal client, but you will only be able to use commands.
  158. echo If you have been accepted, you will be unbanned.
  159. echo If not, this will repeat. Goodbye!
  160. echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\newappeal.txt"
  161. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%name%appeal.txt" echo ----- > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%name%appeal.txt"
  162. echo %name% WAS MUTED > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%name%appeal.txt"
  163. echo %appmessagemute% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%name%appeal.txt"
  164. echo %name% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\appeals.txt"
  165. goto chat
  166. :kicked
  167. echo You have been kicked.
  168. ping >nul
  169. exit
  170. :loginmsg
  171. echo [%rank%]%name% Has Logged In >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  172. goto chat
  173. :chat
  174. cls
  175. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\version.txt" type "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\version.txt"
  176. echo .
  177. echo Your Login Name: %name%
  178. echo Your NickName: %nick%
  179. echo Your Rank: %rank%
  180. echo Your Chatroom: %roomselect%
  181. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%new.txt" echo Your Inbox: New Messages.
  182. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%new.txt" echo Your Inbox: No New Messages.
  183. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%rank%\~appeals.txt" set appdisplay=TRUE
  184. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\newappeal.txt" set appdisplay=Your Appeals Inbox: New Appeals.
  185. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\newappeal.txt" set appdisplay=Your Appeals Inbox: No New Appeals.
  186. echo %appdisplay%
  187. echo ---------------------------------------
  188. set /p message=Message:
  189. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%message%.txt" goto %message%
  190. goto send
  191. :send
  192. goto rank2
  193. :send2
  194. echo [%rank%]%nick%: %message% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  195. goto chat
  196. :~msg
  197. cls
  198. echo Welcome To Private Messaging.
  199. echo ---------------------------------------
  200. echo Your Friend list:
  201. dir  %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\FriendsList\%name%\ /b
  202. echo ---------------------------------------
  203. echo Your ID Is: %name%
  204. set /p pmwho=Who to Message:
  205. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%pmwho%.txt" goto chat
  206. goto sendmsg
  207. :sendmsg
  208. cls
  209. echo Welcome To Private Messaging.
  210. echo ---------------------------------------
  211. echo You are messaging: %pmwho%
  212. set /p pmwhat=What to Message:
  213. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%pmwhat%.txt" goto chat
  214. echo From %name%: %pmwhat% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%pmwho%.txt"
  215. echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%pmwho%new.txt"
  216. goto chat
  217. :~inbox
  218. cls
  219. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%new.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%new.txt"
  220. IF EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%.txt" type "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%.txt"
  221. IF NOT EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%.txt" echo No New Private Messages
  222. goto exit
  223. :~empty
  224. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\private\%name%.txt"
  225. goto chat
  226. :~refresh
  227. goto chat
  228. :~kick
  229. cls
  230. echo Welcome to the Kick Page.
  231. echo ---------------------------------------
  232. set /p kickwho=Kick:
  233. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%kickwho%.txt" goto chat
  234. echo >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\kick\%kickwho%.txt"
  235. echo [%rank%]%nick% - Kicking %kickwho% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  236. goto chat
  237. :~chat
  238. cls
  239. echo set name=%nick% > settings.bat
  240. if %roomselect%==room1 (start %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\CHAT-BOX.bat)
  241. if %roomselect%==room2 (start %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\CHAT-BOX2.bat)
  242. if %roomselect%==room3 (start %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\CHAT-BOX3.bat)
  243. if %roomselect%==room4 (start %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\CHAT-BOX4.bat)
  244. if %roomselect%==room5 (start %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\CHAT-BOX5.bat)
  245. goto chat
  246. :~clear
  247. del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  248. echo The Chat Log Was Cleared By [%rank%]%nick% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  249. goto chat
  250. :~ban
  251. cls
  252. echo Welcome to the Ban Page.
  253. echo ---------------------------------------
  254. echo type the Name Of the User you wish to ban
  255. set /p banwho=Ban:
  256. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%banwho%.txt" goto chat
  257. echo >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\ban\%banwho%.txt"
  258. echo [%rank%]%nick% - Banning %banwho% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  259. goto chat
  260. :~mute
  261. cls
  262. echo Welcome to the Mute Page.
  263. echo ---------------------------------------
  264. echo Type The Name Of The User you wish to Mute
  265. set /p mutewho=Mute:
  266. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%mutewho%.txt" goto chat
  267. echo >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\mute\%mutewho%.txt"
  268. echo [%rank%]%nick% - Muting %mutewho% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  269. goto chat
  270. :~unban
  271. cls
  272. echo Welcome to the Unban Page.
  273. echo ---------------------------------------
  274. echo Type the Name of the User you wish to UnBan
  275. set /p unbanwho=UnBan:
  276. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%unbanwho%.txt" goto chat
  277. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt"
  278. del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\ban\%unbanwho%.txt"
  279. echo [%rank%]%nick% - UnBanning %unbanwho% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  280. goto chat
  281. :~unmute
  282. cls
  283. echo Welcome to the Mute Page.
  284. echo ---------------------------------------
  285. echo Type the Name of the User you wish to UnMute
  286. set /p unmutewho=UnMute:
  287. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%unmutewho%.txt" goto chat
  288. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt"
  289. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\mute\%unmutewho%.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\mute\%unmutewho%.txt"
  290. echo [%rank%]%nick% - UnMuting %unmutewho% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  291. goto chat
  292. :~topic
  293. cls
  294. echo Welcome to the Topic Page.
  295. echo ---------------------------------------
  296. echo Type what the New Topic is.
  297. set /p topic=Topic:
  298. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%topic%.txt" goto chat
  299. echo The Current Topic Is: %topic% > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\topic.txt"
  300. echo [%rank%]%nick% - Changed the topic to: %topic% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  301. goto chat
  302. :~nick
  303. cls
  304. echo Welcome to the Nickname Page.
  305. echo ---------------------------------------
  306. echo Type your new nickname
  307. set /p nick=Nickname:
  308. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%nick%.txt" goto chat
  309. echo [%rank%]%nick% - Changed their nickname. >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  310. goto chat
  311. :~clean
  312. echo del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\* conflicted * *.txt" > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\delete.bat"
  313. IF EXIST "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\delete.bat" call "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\delete.bat"
  314. echo del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\* conflicted * *.txt" > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\delete.bat"
  315. goto chat
  316. :~me
  317. cls
  318. echo Welcome to the Emote Page.
  319. echo ---------------------------------------
  320. echo Type your emote.
  321. set /p emote=Emote:
  322. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%emote%.txt" goto chat
  323. echo %name% %emote% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  324. goto chat
  325. :~rank
  326. cls
  327. echo Welcome to the Ranking Page.
  328. echo ---------------------------------------
  329. echo Type the user you would like to change rank.
  330. set /p rankwho=User:
  331. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%rankwho%.txt" goto chat
  332. cls
  333. echo Welcome to the Ranking Page.
  334. echo ---------------------------------------
  335. echo Type the rank you would like %rankwho% to be.
  336. set /p rankname=Rank:
  337. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%rankname%.txt" goto chat
  338. echo %name%: Has changed the rank of %rankwho% to %rankname%. >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  339. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-ADMIN\%rankwho%.rank" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-ADMIN\%rankwho%.rank"
  340. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-MOD\%rankwho%.rank" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-MOD\%rankwho%.rank"
  341. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-FOREMAN\%rankwho%.rank" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GLOBAL-FOREMAN\%rankwho%.rank"
  342. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\ADMIN\%rankwho%.rank" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\ADMIN\%rankwho%.rank"
  343. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MOD\%rankwho%.rank" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MOD\%rankwho%.rank"
  344. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MEMBER\%rankwho%.rank" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\MEMBER\%rankwho%.rank"
  345. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GUEST\%rankwho%.rank" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\GUEST\%rankwho%.rank"
  346. echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rankname%\%rankwho%.rank"
  347. goto chat
  348. :~permissions
  349. cls
  350. echo Welcome to the Permissions Interface.
  351. echo ~back will return to the main messaging screen.
  352. echo ~add will add a command to a rank.
  353. echo ~list will look at all the folders and permissions there are.
  354. echo ~move will move a command from a rank to another rank.
  355. echo ~perms will look at what rank has what permissions.
  356. echo ~delete will delete a certain command from a rank.
  357. echo Welcome to the Permissions Interface.
  358. echo ---------------------------------------
  359. set /p pe=Command:
  360. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%rank%\%pe%.txt" goto %pe%
  361. goto ~permissions
  362. :~move
  363. cls
  364. echo Welcome to the Permissions Moving Interface.
  365. echo ---------------------------------------
  366. echo What folder would you like to move FROM.
  367. set /p movefrom=Folder:
  368. cls
  369. echo Welcome to the Permissions Moving Interface.
  370. echo ---------------------------------------
  371. echo What command would you like to move.
  372. set /p movewhat=Command:
  373. cls
  374. echo Welcome to the Permissions Moving Interface.
  375. echo ---------------------------------------
  376. echo What folder would you like to move TO.
  377. set /p movewhere=Folder:
  378. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%movefrom%\%movewhat%.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%movefrom%\%movewhat%.txt"
  379. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%movefrom%\%movewhat%.txt" echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%movewhere%\%movewhat%.txt"
  380. goto ~permissions
  381. :~back
  382. goto chat
  383. :~add
  384. cls
  385. echo Welcome to the Permissions Addition Interface.
  386. echo ---------------------------------------
  387. echo Please type what folder you would like to add a permission to.
  388. set /p addwhere=Folder:
  389. cls
  390. echo Welcome to the Permissions Addition Interface.
  391. echo ---------------------------------------
  392. echo Please type what command you would like to add.
  393. set /p addwhat=Permission:
  394. echo %name%: Has added the %addwhat% command to %addwhere%S. >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  395. echo > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%addwhere%\%addwhat%.txt"
  396. goto ~permissions
  397. :~list
  398. cls
  399. echo Welcome to the Permissions List Interface.
  400. echo ~folders will look at all the ranks.
  401. echo ~commands will look at all the commands.
  402. echo ---------------------------------------
  403. echo Type what you would like to look at.
  404. set /p browse=Command:
  405. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%rank%\%browse%.txt" goto %browse%
  406. :~ranks
  407. echo The Current Folders are:
  408. echo GUEST
  409. echo MEMBER
  410. echo MOD
  411. echo FORUM-MOD
  412. echo GLOBAL-FOREMAN
  413. echo ADMIN
  414. echo FORUM-ADMIN
  415. echo GLOBAL-MOD
  416. echo GLOBAL-ADMIN
  417. goto permexit
  418. :~commands
  419. echo The Current Commands are:
  420. echo ~help
  421. echo ~chat
  422. echo ~clear
  423. echo ~topic
  424. echo ~nick
  425. echo ~kick
  426. echo ~ban
  427. echo ~mute
  428. echo ~unban
  429. echo ~unmute
  430. echo ~back
  431. echo ~clean
  432. echo ~me
  433. echo ~rank
  434. echo ~permissions
  435. echo ~changepass
  436. echo ~delete
  437. echo ~add
  438. echo ~list
  439. echo ~folders
  440. echo ~commands
  441. echo ~perms
  442. echo ~exit
  443. echo ~inbox
  444. echo ~msg
  445. echo ~empty
  446. echo ~refresh
  447. echo ~appeals
  448. echo ~reload
  449. echo ~roomview
  450. echo ~roomselect
  451. echo ~forums
  452. echo ~fiends
  453. goto permexit
  454. :~perms
  455. cls
  456. echo Welcome to the List of Permissions Interface.
  457. echo ---------------------------------------
  458. echo Type what folder would like to look at.
  459. set /p permwhere=Folder:
  460. cls
  461. dir "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%permwhere%\*.txt" /B
  462. goto permexit
  463. :permexit
  464. set /p permback=Message:
  465. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%permback%.txt" goto ~permissions
  466. echo type ~back to return to the main messaging menu.
  467. goto ~chat
  468. :~delete
  469. cls
  470. echo Welcome to the Permissions Deletion Interface.
  471. echo ---------------------------------------
  472. echo Please type what folder you would like to delete from.
  473. set /p delwhere=Folder:
  474. cls
  475. echo Welcome to the Permissions Deletion Interface.
  476. echo ---------------------------------------
  477. echo Please type what command you would like to delete from.
  478. set /p delwhat=Remove:
  479. echo %name%: Has removed the %pe% command from %delwhere%S. >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  480. del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Permissions\%delwhere%\%delwhat%.txt"
  481. goto ~permissions
  482. :~changepass
  483. echo Welcome to the Password Change Page.
  484. echo ---------------------------------------
  485. echo Please type what you would like to change your password to.
  486. set /p newpass=New Password:
  487. echo set realpass=%newpass% > "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\profiles\%name%.bat"
  488. goto chat
  489. :~exit
  490. echo %name% has left the chat. >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  491. exit
  492. :~appeals
  493. cls
  494. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\newappeal.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\newappeal.txt"
  495. echo Welcome to the Appeals Page.
  496. echo ---------------------------------------
  497. dir "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\ban\appeals\*.txt" /B
  498. dir "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\mute\appeals\*.txt" /B
  499. echo Please type what appeal to look at. (Don't include the .txt)
  500. set /p viewappeal=Appeal select:
  501. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt" goto openappeal
  502. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt" goto openappeal
  503. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt" goto ~appeals
  504. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt" goto ~appeals
  505. goto ~appeals
  506. :openappeal
  507. cls
  508. type "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt"
  509. type "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt"
  510. echo ---------------------------------------
  511. echo Type ~accept to accept the appeal.
  512. echo Type ~deny to deny the appeal.
  513. set /p appchoice=Command:
  514. if %appchoice%==~appeals goto chat
  515. if %appchoice%==~accept goto acceptapp
  516. if %appchoice%==~deny goto chat
  517. goto chat
  518. :acceptapp
  519. cls
  520. echo You have accepted %viewappeal%'s appeal.
  521. echo [%rank%]%nick% - UnBanning %viewappeal% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\%roomselect%.txt"
  522. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt"
  523. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\appeals\%viewappeal%appeal.txt"
  524. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\%viewappeal%.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\ban\%viewappeal%.txt"
  525. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\%viewappeal%.txt" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\mute\%viewappeal%.txt"
  526. goto exit
  527. :~reload
  528. cls
  529. call "BatchChat v%version%.bat"
  530. :~friends
  531. cls
  532. echo ----------------------------------
  533. echo Avaliable Commands:
  534. echo ~removefriend to add a friend.
  535. echo ~addfriend to remove a friend.
  536. echo ~back to return to chat.
  537. echo ----------------------------------
  538. echo Friends List:
  539. if not exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\FriendsList\%name%\" mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\FriendsList\%name%\"
  540. dir  %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\FriendsList\%name%\ /b
  541. echo ----------------------------------
  542. :friendsloop
  543. set /p friendsinput=Command:
  544. if %friendsinput%==~back (goto :chat)
  545. if %friendsinput%==~removefrind (goto :~fremove)
  546. if %friendsinput%==~addfriend (goto :~fadd)
  547. goto friendsloop
  548. :~fadd
  549. cls
  550. echo ----------------------------------
  551. echo Add a Friend.
  552. echo ----------------------------------
  553. set /p fradd=ID of the User:
  554. echo %fradd% >> "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\FriendsList\%name%\%fradd%"
  555. goto fconfirm
  556. :~fremove
  557. cls
  558. echo ----------------------------------
  559. echo Remove a Friend.
  560. echo ----------------------------------
  561. set /p fremove=ID of the user:
  562. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\FriendsList\%name%\%fremove%" del "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\FriendsList\%name%\%fremove%"
  563. goto fconfirm
  564. :fconfirm
  565. echo User Successfully Added/Removed
  566. pause
  567. goto ~friends
  568. :~roomview
  569. cls
  570. echo ----------------------------------
  571. echo Welcome to the Room Viewing Page
  572. echo ----------------------------------
  573. echo Room 1: room1
  574. echo Room 2: room2
  575. echo Room 3: room3
  576. echo Room 4: room4
  577. echo Room 5: room5
  578. echo ----------------------------------
  579. :roomviewing
  580. set /p roomview=Which room do you want to view:
  581. if %roomview% ==room1 (START CHAT-BOX.bat)
  582. if %roomview% ==room2 (START CHAT-BOX2.bat)
  583. if %roomview% ==room3 (START CHAT-BOX3.bat)
  584. if %roomview% ==room4 (START CHAT-BOX4.bat)
  585. if %roomview% ==room5 (START CHAT-BOX5.bat)
  586. if %roomview% ==~back (goto :chat)
  587. goto roomviewing
  588. :~roomselect
  589. cls
  590. echo ----------------------------------
  591. echo Welcome to the Room Selection Page
  592. echo ----------------------------------
  593. echo Room 1: room1
  594. echo Room 2: room2
  595. echo Room 3: room3
  596. echo Room 4: room4
  597. echo Room 5: room5
  598. echo ----------------------------------
  599. :rooms
  600. set /p roomselect=Which room do you want to talk in:
  601. if %roomselect% ==room1 (goto :loginmsg)
  602. if %roomselect% ==room2 (goto :loginmsg)
  603. if %roomselect% ==room3 (goto :loginmsg)
  604. if %roomselect% ==room4 (goto :loginmsg)
  605. if %roomselect% ==room5 (goto :loginmsg)
  606. goto ~rooms
  607. :~forums
  608. call "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\forumversion.bat"
  609. start %USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\BatchChat\Forums%forumversion%
  610. goto chat
  611. :~help
  612. cls
  613. echo Welcome to the 1/2 Help Page.
  614. echo ---------------------------------------
  615. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~help.txt" echo ~help - Displays a full list of the commands.
  616. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~help.txt" echo ~help2 - Displays a second full list of commands.
  617. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~chat.txt" echo ~chat - Opens the chatbox.
  618. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~clear.txt" echo ~clear - Clears the chatbox.
  619. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~topic.txt" echo ~topic - Changes the topic in the Chatbox.
  620. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~nick.txt" echo ~nick - Changes your nickname.
  621. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~kick.txt" echo ~kick - Kicks a user.
  622. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~ban.txt" echo ~ban - Bans a user.
  623. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~mute.txt" echo ~mute - Mutes a user.
  624. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~unban.txt" echo ~unban - Unbans a user.
  625. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~unmute.txt" echo ~unmute - Unmutes a user.
  626. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~back.txt" echo ~back - Returns to the main messaging menu. (Only while in a command interface)
  627. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~clean.txt" echo ~clean - Deletes conflicted copies.
  628. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~me.txt" echo ~me - Displays the typed sentence as an emote.
  629. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~rank.txt" echo ~rank - Ranks a user.
  630. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~permissions.txt" echo ~permissions - Opens permissions interface.
  631. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~changepass.txt" echo ~changepass - Changes your password.
  632. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~delete.txt" echo ~delete - Deletes a permission. -Permissions-
  633. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~add.txt" echo ~add - Adds a permission. -Permissions-
  634. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~list.txt" echo ~list - Lets you browse from a list of things. -Permissions-
  635. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~ranks.txt" echo ~folders - Lets you look at all the current ranks. -List-
  636. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~commands.txt" echo ~commands - Lets you look at all the current commands. -List-
  637. goto exit
  638. :~help2
  639. cls
  640. echo Welcome to the 2/2 Help Page.
  641. echo ---------------------------------------
  642. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~perms.txt" echo ~perms - Shows the commands a certain rank has. -List-
  643. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~exit.txt" echo ~exit - Exits the window.
  644. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~msg.txt" echo ~msg - Opens the messaging window.
  645. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~inbox.txt" echo ~inbox - Opens your inbox.
  646. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~empty.txt" echo ~empty - Empties your inbox.
  647. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~refresh.txt" echo ~refresh - Refreshes the client.
  648. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~appeals.txt" echo ~appeals - Opens the appeals interface.
  649. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~reload.txt" echo ~reload - Reloads the client.
  650. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~roomselect.txt" echo ~roomselect - Opens the Room Selection Page.
  651. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~roomview.txt" echo ~roomview - Opens the Room Viewing Page.
  652. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~forums.txt" echo ~forums - Opens the Forums.
  653. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\~friends.txt" echo ~friends - Opens the Friends interface.
  654. goto exit
  655. :exit
  656. set /p back=Message:
  657. if exist "%USERPROFILE%\Dropbox\Batchchat\Permissions\%rank%\%back%.txt" goto chat
  658. echo type ~back to return to the main messaging menu.
  659. goto exit
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