
D&D campaign 2 session 11

Jan 19th, 2012
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  3. Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
  4. Canuhearmenow has connected.
  5. Hjortkayre has connected.
  6. Jekko has connected.
  7. Nirrti has connected.
  8. Nirrti is disconnected.
  10. Neogi:
  11. Please assume the Party Escort Submission Position
  13. Neogi:
  14. Or you will miss the party.
  16. Lemure 1:
  17. mrrhmmmrm
  19. Lemure 2:
  20. I have no mouth, yet I must scream
  21. Hjortkayre:
  22. No, they have mouths.
  23. Darth GW7:
  24. It's "And I must scream" anyway
  25. Hjortkayre:
  26. true
  27. Hjortkayre:
  28. Darth, is Nirrti still connected at all?
  29. Canuhearmenow:
  30. It looks like it
  31. Canuhearmenow:
  32. Doesn't say disconnected
  33. Darth GW7:
  34. Nope
  35. Hjortkayre:
  36. Yeah, he did dc, it seems. :\
  37. You have disconnected.
  38. Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
  39. Nirrti has connected.
  40. Hjortkayre has connected.
  41. Lampshade has connected.
  42. Jekko has connected.
  43. Canuhearmenow has connected.
  44. Lampshade:
  45. Shit working now for everyone?
  46. Canuhearmenow:
  47. Gonna get a bit laggy now, downloading a game
  48. Canuhearmenow:
  49. Working
  50. Lampshade:
  51. So...
  52. Lampshade:
  53. Roll for init?
  54. Hjortkayre:
  55. Grim can't make it, and said someone should control his character. Anyone want to miss everything?
  56. Lampshade:
  57. I could
  58. Lampshade:
  59. Since done it before
  60. Canuhearmenow:
  61. Or
  62. Canuhearmenow:
  63. We could sell Ehthos to the Naogti as a slave
  64. Canuhearmenow:
  65. And get safe passage
  66. Lampshade:
  67. I like that idea
  68. Lampshade:
  69. Ahwassa, however, does not
  70. Hjortkayre:
  71. It's a zombie. I don't think it has any real interest in what it used to.
  72. Darth GW7:
  73. hahaha oh wow
  74. Darth GW7:
  75. I love the names guys
  76. Lampshade:
  77. Haha
  78. Hjortkayre:
  79. D'aw
  80. Lampshade:
  81. Who named them?
  82. Darth GW7:
  83. I dunno
  84. Darth GW7:
  85. someone with good taste
  86. Nirrti:
  87. you missed Barnaby
  88. Canuhearmenow:
  89. Where's AM
  90. Lampshade:
  91. AM?
  92. Hjortkayre:
  93. Hello, Canu.
  94. Darth GW7:
  95. heh
  96. Darth GW7:
  97. That works, yeah
  98. Darth GW7:
  99. HJORT
  100. Canuhearmenow:
  101. AM is the main antagonist
  102. Canuhearmenow:
  104. Darth GW7:
  106. Darth GW7:
  108. Darth GW7:
  110. Hjortkayre:
  111. Hang on a sec
  112. Hjortkayre is disconnected.
  113. DM has connected.
  114. Darth GW7:
  115. You spelled AM wrong
  116. DM:
  117. I know
  118. DM:
  119. Other things
  120. DM:
  121. Canu was complaining about the length of my name
  122. DM:
  123. Hypocrite.
  124. Darth GW7:
  125. shall I make a thread about that deus ex video
  126. Darth GW7:
  127. :v
  128. Darth GW7:
  129. And where
  130. DM:
  131. Right
  132. DM:
  133. Are we rolling for init?
  134. Lampshade:
  135. Are we in combat?
  136. Canuhearmenow:
  137. I believe so, negotiations broke down
  138. Lampshade:
  139. Are they hostile?
  140. Canuhearmenow:
  141. They want MONEY
  142. * Nirrti rolls: d20+2 => 3 + 2 = 5
  143. Lampshade:
  144. I'm not giving them any of my money >
  145. Nirrti:
  146. i am the INITMASTER
  147. * Lampshade rolls: d20-2 => 8 - 2 = 6
  148. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 10 + 2 = 12
  149. Lampshade:
  150. I am the init QUEEN!
  151. Canuhearmenow:
  153. * Lampshade rolls: d20+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
  154. Nirrti:
  155. you're the init peasant
  156. Lampshade:
  157. Grim got 9
  158. Lampshade:
  159. What is this
  160. * Jekko rolls: 1d20+3 => 16 + 3 = 19
  161. Lampshade:
  162. Oh yay, Jekko goes first
  163. Lampshade:
  164. We're saved
  165. Nirrti:
  166. the init worm
  167. DM:
  168. Darth?
  169. Nirrti:
  170. darth thinks rolling init is too mainstream
  171. Lampshade:
  172. He's making that thread me thinks
  173. DM:
  174. Bloody hell
  175. Nirrti:
  176. i can roll for him
  177. Darth GW7:
  178. hi
  179. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+1 => 18 + 1 = 19
  180. Darth GW7:
  181. woo
  182. Lampshade:
  183. Darth is second then?
  184. * DM rolls: d20 + 3 => 4 + 3 = 7
  185. Canuhearmenow:
  186. Darth is the Great Sandworm of Arrakis
  187. Nirrti:
  188. Darth is the initmaggot
  189. DM:
  190. Why all these old literature references?
  191. Lampshade:
  192. No idea
  193. Canuhearmenow:
  194. Because we're getting to a major plot event
  195. * DM rolls: d20 => 13
  196. Lampshade:
  197. Jekko, go stab them with your dagger
  198. Lampshade:
  199. That'll show 'em
  200. Jekko:
  201. undead
  202. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 7 + 2 = 9
  203. Nirrti:
  204. you mean toothpick
  205. Lampshade:
  206. It's barely even that
  207. Jekko:
  208. nirrti is closer
  209. Lampshade:
  210. But you go first I think
  211. Jekko:
  212. banzai!!
  213. Darth GW7:
  214. why is hjort rolling all these numbers
  215. Nirrti:
  216. enemy init
  217. Nirrti:
  218. duh
  219. Lampshade:
  220. He wants to know how horribly we will die
  221. * DM rolls: d20 + 12 => 10 + 12 = 22
  222. Lampshade:
  223. Dat mod
  224. * DM rolls: d8 + 4 => 1 + 4 = 5
  225. Canuhearmenow:
  226. That's now it's AC
  227. Darth GW7:
  228. critical fail
  229. DM:
  230. Right, Jekko's turn.
  231. Darth GW7:
  232. how many of us got fucked up the ass
  233. Nirrti:
  234. you
  235. * DM rolls: 2d8 => 12
  236. Jekko:
  237. enemy is 5 feet too far
  238. Nirrti:
  239. charge
  240. DM:
  241. Yeah, up to 2 times your speed.
  242. Darth GW7:
  243. Why are you only 20ft speed?
  244. Jekko:
  245. will do
  246. DM:
  247. Small sie
  248. Jekko:
  249. banzai!!
  250. Darth GW7:
  251. ah
  252. Nirrti:
  253. because racecar
  254. Darth GW7:
  255. holy shit
  256. Darth GW7:
  257. jekko
  258. Jekko:
  259. charge gives?
  260. Darth GW7:
  261. how do you have 1k
  262. Darth GW7:
  263. ._.
  264. DM:
  265. NO REASON
  266. Nirrti:
  267. i have 1k too
  268. Darth GW7:
  269. what
  270. Lampshade:
  271. They didn't spend their money I guess
  272. Canuhearmenow:
  273. NO RAISIN
  274. Lampshade:
  275. or something
  276. Darth GW7:
  277. but we didn't spend much either
  278. Lampshade:
  279. Charge gives +2 to attack
  280. DM:
  282. Darth GW7:
  283. :v
  284. Canuhearmenow:
  285. I am the greetest
  286. Nirrti:
  287. no cement
  288. * Jekko rolls: d20+4 => 14 + 4 = 18
  289. Jekko:
  290. stab
  291. Darth GW7:
  292. *le stab*
  293. Canuhearmenow:
  294. He is the spy
  295. DM:
  296. That is a hit.
  297. * Jekko rolls: 1d3 => 3
  298. Nirrti:
  299. look at that massive damage
  300. Lampshade:
  301. How can we top that?
  302. Canuhearmenow:
  303. We can't
  304. Nirrti:
  305. i'm going to charge and grapple one of them
  306. Canuhearmenow:
  307. Maybe if Nirrti sneezes, but even then
  308. Canuhearmenow:
  309. Not too sure
  310. Canuhearmenow:
  311. GRAPPLE?
  312. Canuhearmenow:
  313. NO
  314. Nirrti:
  316. Jekko:
  317. just laydown your weapons and walk a way
  318. DM:
  319. If Jekko's finished, its Darth's turn.
  320. Jekko:
  321. yea
  322. Lampshade:
  323. Go get 'em
  324. Lampshade:
  325. Oh wait, you can't
  326. Nirrti:
  327. man when i get my prestige class
  328. Darth GW7:
  329. well
  330. Nirrti:
  331. i will spontaneously combust all of the things
  332. Darth GW7:
  333. er
  334. Darth GW7:
  335. can I charge through people
  336. Lampshade:
  337. Including yourself
  338. DM:
  339. No, Darth
  340. DM:
  341. You have to have a direct path.
  342. Nirrti:
  343. chargekick Xannan
  344. Darth GW7:
  345. can I move then charge?
  346. Lampshade:
  347. no
  348. DM:
  349. No
  350. Darth GW7:
  351. sigh
  352. DM:
  353. Full Round Action
  354. Nirrti:
  355. which in turn pushes Ahwassa
  356. Nirrti:
  357. it's like that, what was it called
  358. Nirrti:
  359. peasant cannon?
  360. Nirrti:
  361. except with people
  362. DM:
  363. heh
  364. Darth GW7:
  365. welp
  366. Darth GW7:
  367. I can't do much can I
  368. Lampshade:
  369. Nope
  370. DM:
  371. Finished?
  372. Darth GW7:
  373. wait
  374. Lampshade:
  375. You can yell at them
  376. Darth GW7:
  377. I'm thinking
  378. Nirrti:
  379. jump
  380. Lampshade:
  381. Throw your sword!
  382. Canuhearmenow:
  383. Say something menacing!
  384. DM:
  385. That's a surprise.
  386. Lampshade:
  387. Taunt!
  388. Lampshade:
  389. Demoralize!
  390. Nirrti:
  391. dance
  392. Canuhearmenow:
  393. Use intimidate!
  394. Darth GW7:
  395. Does anyone have fire?
  396. Nirrti:
  397. oh but you can't
  398. Nirrti:
  399. you can only dance in designated dance zones
  400. Darth GW7:
  401. wait
  402. Darth GW7:
  403. I have fire
  404. Lampshade:
  405. haha
  406. Darth GW7:
  407. wtf is wrong with me
  408. Darth GW7:
  409. OKAY
  410. DM:
  411. Darth you BREATHE fire.
  412. Darth GW7:
  414. Nirrti:
  415. throw your shoes at them
  416. Lampshade:
  417. Let's hear it
  418. Canuhearmenow:
  419. Do the dance outlined in the Steam chat
  420. Nirrti:
  421. like that guy in austin powers
  422. * Z'ar Kor gets out a container of oil
  423. Darth GW7:
  425. Darth GW7:
  427. Canuhearmenow:
  428. Gettin' greased up eh
  429. Canuhearmenow:
  430. Kinky
  431. * Z'ar Kor throws the container at Gorrister
  432. Nirrti:
  434. Lampshade:
  435. You need to roll for that methinks
  436. Nirrti:
  437. yeah
  438. Darth GW7:
  439. Roll what
  440. Darth GW7:
  441. Ranged?
  442. Canuhearmenow:
  443. -4
  444. Nirrti:
  445. throw
  446. DM:
  447. Ranged improv attack
  448. Canuhearmenow:
  449. Since it's improvised
  450. DM:
  451. I guess.
  452. Darth GW7:
  453. +4
  454. DM:
  456. Darth GW7:
  457. no I mean
  458. Canuhearmenow:
  459. 0
  460. Darth GW7:
  461. yeah
  462. Darth GW7:
  463. in total
  464. DM:
  465. Right, right.
  466. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20 => 15
  467. Lampshade:
  468. Totally gonna work
  469. Darth GW7:
  471. Canuhearmenow:
  472. Then it's immune to fire
  473. Darth GW7:
  475. Lampshade:
  476. Ye
  477. Darth GW7:
  478. what the fuck is it anyway
  479. Darth GW7:
  480. holy shit
  481. Darth GW7:
  482. I just zoomed in on it
  483. DM:
  484. Yes.
  485. DM:
  486. It's a Neogi.
  487. DM:
  488. :D
  489. DM:
  490. You should see how they reproduce. It's horrible.
  491. Lampshade:
  492. Neogi?
  493. DM:
  494. Yeah
  495. Darth GW7:
  496. Are those in the 4e campaign too?
  497. Lampshade:
  498. ...what
  499. DM:
  500. Yes
  501. Lampshade:
  502. I shall knowledge roll on that
  503. * Lampshade rolls: d20+7 => 5 + 7 = 12
  504. DM:
  505. Dungeoneering
  506. Lampshade:
  507. aww
  508. Jekko:
  509. grim?
  510. DM:
  511. That's a hit, Darth.
  512. DM:
  513. Grim has it, yes.
  514. Lampshade:
  515. What happened to planar knowledge to everything
  516. Lampshade:
  517. ooh
  518. Canuhearmenow:
  520. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 19 + 6 = 25
  521. Lampshade:
  522. 25 good enough?
  523. Nirrti:
  524. no
  525. Lampshade:
  526. Dungeoneering by Xannan
  527. Nirrti:
  528. you need 25.5
  529. DM:
  530. Yup.
  531. Darth GW7:
  532. So
  533. Darth GW7:
  534. What happened
  535. Darth GW7:
  536. c:
  537. DM:
  538. You have oiled up the Neogi.
  539. Canuhearmenow:
  540. Gonna get that Neogi a gem, Neogi's love gems
  541. Lampshade:
  542. It's now oiled up
  543. Darth GW7:
  544. woo
  545. DM:
  546. Have fun
  547. Nirrti:
  548. that oil is fire retardant
  550. Gorrister:
  551. AAAH what the HELL man these were clean on this morning
  552. DM:
  553. Btw
  554. DM:
  555. I'll give you this for free
  556. DM:
  557. The Lemures are devils
  558. DM:
  559. And are immune
  560. DM:
  561. to fire
  563. Gorrister:
  564. god DAMN what is wrong with you aaaa
  565. DM:
  566. :D
  567. * Lampshade rolls: d20+7 => 1 + 7 = 8
  568. Darth GW7:
  569. good thing I didn't aim at them
  570. DM:
  571. ...
  572. Darth GW7:
  573. c:
  574. Lampshade:
  575. yeah, my roll wouldn't have told that
  576. DM:
  577. ...Lamp.
  578. Lampshade:
  579. So...
  580. Lampshade:
  581. Who's next?
  582. DM:
  583. Hang on, knowledge stuff
  584. DM:
  585. Neogi's are a race of spiderlike creatures who originate in the Far Realm. They act as planar slavers - they have the ability to control the minds of creatures. As a society, they are cruel, and rutheless - Neogi owning other Neogi is common. However, despite this, they are highly lawful, and willing to engage in contracts with those who present agreeable offers. Some scholars claim that they used to be slaves to the Mind Flayers, in the Far Realm.
  586. Lampshade:
  587. So...
  588. Lampshade:
  589. We gonna get mind controlled
  590. Lampshade:
  591. ...yay
  592. Nirrti:
  593. combat music
  594. DM:
  595. Darth, for the oil?
  596. DM:
  597. Roll 1d3.
  598. Nirrti:
  599. darth is going in commando
  600. Nirrti:
  601. and grapple
  602. DM:
  603. The oily spider thing
  604. Canuhearmenow:
  605. So he can breath fire on it
  606. Canuhearmenow:
  607. Yeah
  608. Jekko:
  609. we new that from last weak
  610. * Darth GW7 rolls: d3 => 2
  611. Darth GW7:
  612. well
  613. Darth GW7:
  614. that was a 1/3 chance
  615. Canuhearmenow:
  616. Oh, oh
  617. Canuhearmenow:
  618. Speaking of Oil
  619. Canuhearmenow:
  620. Roll reflex or else fall prone?
  621. Darth GW7:
  622. also
  623. Jekko:
  624. so i can backstab these?
  625. Darth GW7:
  626. how would I grapple with it
  627. Jekko:
  628. yay
  629. Darth GW7:
  630. it's covered in OIL
  631. Nirrti:
  632. with your arms
  633. Darth GW7:
  634. oil is SLIPPERY
  635. Canuhearmenow:
  636. Kinky
  637. Darth GW7:
  638. or is it sticky
  639. Canuhearmenow:
  640. You gotta "anchor" yourself to it
  641. Canuhearmenow:
  642. Clearly
  643. Darth GW7:
  644. what kind of oil is this
  645. Nirrti:
  646. yes
  647. Darth GW7:
  648. sticky or slippery
  649. Nirrti:
  650. stickery
  651. DM:
  652. As one, the lemures surge forward.
  653. Darth GW7:
  654. well then I'm DEFINITELY not grappling with it
  655. Canuhearmenow:
  656. And then, in the next room
  657. Canuhearmenow:
  658. 400 Mind Flayers
  659. Nirrti:
  660. no worries
  661. Darth GW7:
  662. sup
  663. Nirrti:
  664. i'll use my retcon and become cthulhu
  665. Nirrti:
  666. i mean uh
  667. DM:
  668. :P
  669. Darth GW7:
  670. GUYS
  671. Darth GW7:
  673. Darth GW7:
  674. KK?
  675. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 17 + 2 = 19
  676. Nirrti:
  677. set yourself on fire
  678. Nirrti:
  679. then grapple it
  680. * DM rolls: d4 => 1
  681. Nirrti:
  682. it can't catch you
  683. DM:
  684. 1 DAMAGE
  685. Darth GW7:
  686. to who
  687. DM:
  688. you
  689. Nirrti:
  690. jekk
  691. Nirrti:
  692. oh
  693. Darth GW7:
  695. Nirrti:
  696. '
  697. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 1 + 2 = 3
  698. Lampshade:
  699. How will you survive?
  700. Darth GW7:
  701. LOL
  702. Lampshade:
  703. Also, hahahaha
  704. DM:
  705. The lemure collapses in a pile of goop and love.
  706. Canuhearmenow:
  707. Wouldn't that be it attacks it's friend?
  708. Darth GW7:
  709. oh wow
  710. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 8 + 2 = 10
  711. DM:
  712. No, Canu
  713. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 7 + 2 = 9
  714. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 18 + 2 = 20
  715. * DM rolls: d4 => 1
  716. DM:
  717. Jekko, take 1 damage.
  718. Darth GW7:
  719. wow
  720. DM:
  721. Canu's turn.
  722. Darth GW7:
  723. I'm loving the damage rolls so far
  724. Canuhearmenow:
  725. Is it in doubt what I'll use? I gotta get more spells
  726. Canuhearmenow:
  727. After this, one more spell
  728. Canuhearmenow:
  729. I attack Noagi
  730. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 2d4 + 2 => 5 + 2 = 7
  731. Darth GW7:
  733. DM:
  734. Right.
  735. DM:
  736. Anything else?
  738. Halfred:
  739. some support would be nice?
  740. Lampshade:
  741. Then Xannan?
  742. DM:
  743. Mhm
  745. Elias:
  746. It's a shame we couldn't negotiate a deal
  748. Ahwassa:
  749. Working on it!
  751. Halfred:
  752. tis but a scratch
  753. Lampshade:
  754. Xannan...
  755. Lampshade:
  756. Rapid shoots the neogi
  757. Darth GW7:
  758. with fire?
  760. OMG'ahr:
  761. Fuck. Negotiating.
  762. DM:
  763. Roll to attack then.
  764. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 17 + 6 = 23
  765. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 2 + 6 = 8
  766. Darth GW7:
  767. er
  768. * Lampshade rolls: d8 => 7
  769. DM:
  770. Right
  771. Darth GW7:
  772. I do believe that first one hit
  773. Lampshade:
  774. 7 damage
  775. Lampshade:
  776. No point blank bonus
  777. Darth GW7:
  778. Don't you get a DEX bonus or anything?
  779. DM:
  780. Not for damage
  781. Lampshade:
  782. Rapid shooting is -2 on attack
  783. Darth GW7:
  784. oh
  785. Jekko:
  786. and the second hited ahwassas back
  787. Darth GW7:
  788. Melee attacks get a damage bonus
  789. Darth GW7:
  790. no it wasn't a crit fail
  791. Darth GW7:
  792. just a very bad miss
  793. Lampshade:
  794. Who's next?
  795. DM:
  796. Me
  797. DM:
  798. Hang on.
  799. * DM rolls: d20 + 4 => 12 + 4 = 16
  800. DM:
  801. vs 11 Touch, I think.
  802. DM:
  803. Darth.
  804. Lampshade:
  805. ?
  806. Lampshade:
  807. What was that
  808. Darth GW7:
  809. hallo
  810. DM:
  811. MAGIC
  812. Darth GW7:
  813. what of it
  814. Lampshade:
  815. What happened?
  816. Canuhearmenow:
  817. We are NOW getting attacked by MAGIC!
  818. Darth GW7:
  819. also how can it be touching me
  820. Darth GW7:
  821. I'm not at touch distance
  822. Canuhearmenow:
  823. ranged
  824. Darth GW7:
  826. Canuhearmenow:
  827. ranged touch
  828. DM:
  829. Darth, make a will save.
  830. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20 => 10
  831. Lampshade:
  832. This gonna be good...
  833. Darth GW7:
  834. oh boy
  835. DM:
  836. Ahahaha
  837. Jekko:
  838. brb food
  839. DM:
  840. Ooh boy
  841. Lampshade:
  842. Your will save is 0?
  843. Darth GW7:
  845. Lampshade:
  846. Haha
  847. Darth GW7:
  848. I have -1 wisdom
  849. Darth GW7:
  850. er
  851. Lampshade:
  852. You're not very smart
  853. Darth GW7:
  854. wisdom MOD
  855. DM whispers: And now you are Dominated. Congratulations!
  856. DM:
  857. Shanto runs in and hits things, I assume?
  858. Jekko:
  859. int is for smartnes
  860. Lampshade:
  861. Probably
  862. Canuhearmenow:
  863. Yes
  864. Lampshade:
  865. Fine, Darth doesn't know anything
  866. Lampshade:
  867. Z'ar*
  868. Darth GW7:
  869. I know things
  870. Canuhearmenow:
  871. IT'S PRONE
  872. Canuhearmenow:
  873. Coup it
  874. DM:
  875. Okay
  876. Darth GW7:
  877. I just lack... application?
  878. Lampshade:
  879. Why is it prone?
  880. DM:
  881. It's basically going to die anyway.
  882. Canuhearmenow:
  883. crit 1
  884. Lampshade:
  885. Oh right
  886. DM:
  887. Lamp's turn
  888. Lampshade:
  889. You didn't hit it?
  890. Lampshade:
  891. ah
  892. You whisper to DM: Tell me if you want me to do anything superficial
  893. DM whispers: Not now.
  894. You whisper to DM: That is, talking or whatever
  895. * Lampshade rolls: d20+3 => 12 + 3 = 15
  896. DM:
  897. Stop
  898. DM:
  899. Darth
  900. Lampshade:
  901. ?
  902. DM:
  903. Make an AoO.
  904. Darth GW7:
  905. uh, okay
  906. Lampshade:
  907. oh....
  908. Lampshade:
  909. shit
  910. Lampshade:
  911. You bastard!
  912. DM whispers: FIGHT.
  913. Canuhearmenow:
  914. Oh god
  915. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+6 => 6 + 6 = 12
  916. Canuhearmenow:
  917. Ohhhhhhhhh god
  918. Lampshade:
  919. HAHA!
  920. Canuhearmenow:
  921. Nice
  922. Lampshade:
  923. Is Ellen going to die now?
  924. Canuhearmenow:
  925. Why does Ahwassa only have 13 AC
  926. Lampshade:
  927. Shit dex
  928. DM:
  929. Shit Dex
  930. DM:
  931. heh
  932. DM:
  933. RIght, continue
  934. * Lampshade rolls: 2d6+1 => 7 + 1 = 8
  935. Canuhearmenow:
  936. Wait
  937. Canuhearmenow:
  938. Lamp rolled previously
  939. Canuhearmenow:
  940. oh nvm
  941. DM:
  942. Hm?
  943. Canuhearmenow:
  944. Nvm
  945. Canuhearmenow:
  946. Thought that was a to hit roll
  947. Lampshade:
  948. Did Ellen now die?
  949. DM:
  950. Yeap
  951. * DM rolls: d20 + 5 => 1 + 5 = 6
  952. Darth GW7:
  953. derp
  954. DM:
  955. Like to point out
  956. DM:
  957. Coup is a full round action
  959. Elias:
  961. * DM rolls: d20 + 3 => 19 + 3 = 22
  963. Elias:
  964. We. Don't. Hit. Allies
  965. * DM rolls: d6 + 3 => 4 + 3 = 7
  966. DM:
  967. Jekko, take 7 damage.
  968. Darth GW7:
  969. what do you mean full round action :v
  970. DM:
  971. An action
  972. DM:
  973. That takes a full round.
  974. DM:
  975. Duh
  976. Lampshade:
  977. So you can't move and do it
  978. Darth GW7:
  979. oh
  980. DM:
  981. Right
  982. DM:
  983. Nirrti's turn
  984. Nirrti:
  985. finally
  986. Jekko:
  987. where did my turn go?
  988. Canuhearmenow:
  989. Can only make on AoO per round
  990. Canuhearmenow:
  991. And yeah for Jekko
  992. DM:
  993. You... went first.
  994. DM:
  995. Yes, Canu.
  996. * Nirrti rolls: d20+9 => 12 + 9 = 21
  997. Canuhearmenow:
  998. Cleave time?
  999. DM:
  1000. Not in range
  1001. DM:
  1002. Cough
  1003. Nirrti:
  1004. no position to cleave
  1005. Canuhearmenow:
  1006. 5 ft step
  1007. Nirrti:
  1008. nope
  1009. Canuhearmenow:
  1010. Is allowed under Cleave
  1011. Canuhearmenow:
  1012. Oh
  1013. Lampshade:
  1014. Why didn't you hit the big dude?
  1015. DM:
  1016. Technically small sized.
  1017. Nirrti:
  1018. because racecar
  1019. DM:
  1020. That's a hit, obviously.
  1021. * Nirrti rolls: d12+7+1 => 7 + 7 + 1 = 15
  1022. Canuhearmenow:
  1023. That can't be a kill
  1024. DM:
  1025. Jekko.
  1026. Jekko:
  1027. any way to flank whit out getting aoo
  1028. Darth GW7:
  1029. Five foot step
  1030. Lampshade:
  1031. There are no allies near it, so you can't flank it
  1032. Darth GW7:
  1033. I suggest that way
  1034. Darth GW7:
  1035. not.. right into gorrister
  1036. Canuhearmenow:
  1037. But you can hit Gorrister then!
  1038. Lampshade:
  1039. Yeah!
  1040. Darth GW7:
  1041. Someone set him on fire already
  1042. Darth GW7:
  1043. don't waste my oil
  1044. Lampshade:
  1045. With what?
  1046. Darth GW7:
  1047. ...flint and steel?
  1048. Canuhearmenow:
  1049. Torch
  1050. Lampshade:
  1051. We haven't lit any
  1052. Darth GW7:
  1053. yes you did
  1054. * Jekko rolls: d20+2 => 19 + 2 = 21
  1055. DM:
  1056. What was that?
  1057. Jekko:
  1058. crit
  1059. Canuhearmenow:
  1060. niiiiice
  1061. Lampshade:
  1062. Is it a crit?
  1063. Darth GW7:
  1064. how else have you been walking around a dark cathedral
  1065. Lampshade:
  1066. confirm
  1067. Jekko:
  1068. crit
  1069. * Jekko rolls: d20+2 => 15 + 2 = 17
  1070. Lampshade:
  1071. Hmm, true
  1072. DM:
  1073. Confirmed.
  1074. Canuhearmenow:
  1075. Crit confirmed
  1076. Canuhearmenow:
  1077. 2d3, oh no
  1078. Lampshade:
  1079. Now, witness the massive damage of 2d3!
  1080. DM:
  1081. Shanto was carrying torches.
  1082. Lampshade:
  1083. Are any lit?
  1084. Darth GW7:
  1085. no more throwing torches guys
  1086. Canuhearmenow:
  1087. Shanto goes Tibetan monk
  1088. Darth GW7:
  1089. goddman
  1090. * Jekko rolls: 2d3 => 4
  1091. Darth GW7:
  1092. WOW
  1093. Darth GW7:
  1094. HOLY SHIT
  1095. Canuhearmenow:
  1096. Aka he lights himself on fire
  1097. Darth GW7:
  1099. DM:
  1100. Sigh
  1101. Darth GW7:
  1103. DM:
  1104. Jekko, are you done?
  1105. Jekko:
  1106. yea
  1107. Jekko:
  1108. sorry eating horse
  1109. Darth GW7:
  1110. That sounded contemptuous
  1111. DM:
  1112. When did that one die?
  1113. Darth GW7:
  1114. ", you did four damage. are you done?"
  1115. Canuhearmenow:
  1116. It fell prone
  1117. Lampshade:
  1118. You said it died
  1119. Canuhearmenow:
  1120. Shanto hit it
  1121. Lampshade:
  1122. To shanto
  1123. DM:
  1124. Shanto didn't
  1125. DM:
  1126. He crit failed.
  1127. Lampshade:
  1128. Oh....
  1129. DM:
  1130. He couldn't coup.
  1131. Nirrti:
  1132. gj lamp
  1133. Lampshade:
  1134. ??
  1135. Lampshade:
  1136. Watdidido
  1137. Nirrti:
  1138. everything wrong
  1139. Gorrister whispers: Now... fight. Kill the mageling for me.
  1140. Lampshade:
  1141. :
  1142. Lampshade:
  1144. * Z'ar Kor turns to Elias
  1145. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 3 + 8 = 11
  1146. Lampshade:
  1147. Nope
  1148. Canuhearmenow:
  1149. Narrowly missed
  1150. Lampshade:
  1151. Again
  1152. DM:
  1153. ffs Darth
  1154. Lampshade:
  1155. Haha
  1156. DM:
  1157. You make the worst Enslaved warrior.
  1158. Darth GW7:
  1159. For being bad at killing my allies?
  1160. Darth GW7:
  1161. Sorry!
  1162. Lampshade:
  1163. I should buff Darth with something to make it challenging
  1164. Canuhearmenow:
  1165. Darth
  1166. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 14 + 2 = 16
  1167. Nirrti:
  1168. should've enslaved me
  1169. Canuhearmenow:
  1170. You had a +8
  1171. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 4 + 2 = 6
  1172. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 8 + 2 = 10
  1173. Nirrti:
  1174. everyone would be dead
  1175. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 8 + 2 = 10
  1176. Lampshade:
  1177. Should I enlarge Darth?
  1178. Nirrti:
  1179. in the name of khorne
  1180. Darth GW7:
  1181. I get bad rolls WHEN IT COUNTS!
  1182. * DM rolls: d4 => 2
  1183. DM:
  1184. Jekko, 2 more damage.
  1185. Darth GW7:
  1186. why four attack rolls?
  1187. Jekko:
  1188. 9 hp
  1189. DM:
  1190. Two attacks each
  1191. Darth GW7:
  1192. oh
  1193. Lampshade:
  1194. I guess they have two
  1195. DM:
  1196. Canu.
  1197. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 2d4 + 2 => 5 + 2 = 7
  1198. Nirrti:
  1199. they have two arms you know
  1200. Canuhearmenow:
  1201. Naogti
  1202. Canuhearmenow:
  1203. Now out of spells
  1204. Darth GW7:
  1205. so do I but I can't attack twice in a turn
  1206. Lampshade:
  1207. You have shield on the other
  1208. Nirrti:
  1209. yes but you're a silly dragonborn
  1210. Darth GW7:
  1211. you can't attack twice in a turn either
  1212. Lampshade:
  1213. If you used fists, you could attack twice
  1214. Nirrti:
  1215. i can if i get good rolls
  1216. Nirrti:
  1217. cleave
  1218. Canuhearmenow:
  1219. What if you cast fist?
  1220. Nirrti:
  1221. hah
  1222. DM:
  1223. Grim's turn.
  1224. DM:
  1225. ...Lamp?
  1226. Lampshade:
  1227. oh right
  1228. Lampshade:
  1229. sorry
  1230. Lampshade:
  1231. spaced out
  1232. Jekko:
  1233. heal?
  1234. Lampshade:
  1235. rapid shooting the mind controlling freak
  1236. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 16 + 6 = 22
  1237. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 2 + 6 = 8
  1238. DM:
  1239. Not moving first?
  1240. Lampshade:
  1241. Rapid shooting is a full round I think
  1242. DM:
  1243. True
  1244. DM:
  1245. One hit
  1246. * Lampshade rolls: d8 => 7
  1247. Lampshade:
  1248. Dea vu
  1249. Lampshade:
  1250. Deja vu*
  1251. Canuhearmenow:
  1252. Every hit
  1253. Canuhearmenow:
  1254. We did on that Naogi
  1255. Canuhearmenow:
  1256. Was 7
  1257. Lampshade:
  1258. Haha
  1259. Darth GW7:
  1260. Btw are we going to look for someone to replace shanto?
  1261. Lampshade:
  1262. What is this shit
  1263. Darth GW7:
  1264. Or are we continuing normally
  1265. Lampshade:
  1266. Normally imo
  1267. Canuhearmenow:
  1268. We're cannibalizing him Darth
  1269. DM:
  1270. Probably not. 6 is as good number as any.
  1271. Lampshade:
  1272. We're pretty full
  1273. Darth GW7:
  1274. that's if you count grim
  1275. Lampshade:
  1276. we have 5.5 members
  1277. Darth GW7:
  1278. he doesn't show up enough to count
  1279. Darth GW7:
  1280. :|
  1281. DM:
  1282. Lamp
  1283. Canuhearmenow:
  1284. And when he does he forgets to post
  1285. * DM rolls: d20 + 7 => 3 + 7 = 10
  1286. DM:
  1287. Aw
  1288. Lampshade:
  1289. Hah
  1290. Darth GW7:
  1291. wow it's running away scared
  1292. Lampshade:
  1293. lemme try a will save for the lulz
  1294. Darth GW7:
  1295. bless
  1296. Jekko:
  1297. hey
  1298. Darth GW7:
  1299. wait
  1300. Jekko:
  1301. 5.5?
  1302. Lampshade:
  1303. or what was that attack
  1304. DM:
  1305. It wasn't magic
  1306. DM:
  1307. That was a crossbow bolt.
  1308. Lampshade:
  1309. What?
  1310. Canuhearmenow:
  1311. How is that thing still alive
  1312. Lampshade:
  1313. Who shot me?
  1314. Canuhearmenow:
  1315. Skullington
  1316. Lampshade:
  1317. That traitorous bastard....
  1318. DM:
  1319. Shanto attacks again, I guess.
  1320. * DM rolls: d20 + 1 => 15 + 1 = 16
  1321. * DM rolls: d20 + 1 => 7 + 1 = 8
  1322. * DM rolls: d6 + 3 => 2 + 3 = 5
  1323. DM:
  1324. Right
  1325. DM:
  1326. Lamp's turn.
  1327. Lampshade:
  1328. CHAAARGE!
  1329. Lampshade:
  1330. Can I?
  1331. DM:
  1332. Sure
  1333. DM:
  1334. Darth
  1335. DM:
  1336. Make an AoO
  1337. Lampshade:
  1338. oh shit
  1339. Darth GW7:
  1340. When do I get to save
  1341. Darth GW7:
  1342. :v
  1343. Lampshade:
  1344. This better not hit, lizardboy!
  1345. DM:
  1346. Tomorrow.
  1347. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 13 + 8 = 21
  1348. Darth GW7:
  1349. ...
  1350. Darth GW7:
  1351. hue
  1352. DM:
  1353. That's a hit.
  1354. Lampshade:
  1355. You asshole
  1356. DM:
  1357. roll for damage.
  1358. * Darth GW7 rolls: d8+5 => 4 + 5 = 9
  1359. DM:
  1360. Right Lamp, roll to attack.
  1361. * Lampshade rolls: d20+3 => 4 + 3 = 7
  1362. Lampshade:
  1363. wait, it's a 9
  1364. Lampshade:
  1365. still nothing I guess
  1366. DM:
  1367. Right.
  1368. DM:
  1369. Nirrti's turn.
  1370. Canuhearmenow:
  1371. Ahwassa gon die
  1372. Nirrti:
  1373. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  1374. Lampshade:
  1375. Bullshit, I never die
  1376. Nirrti:
  1377. can i kill z'ar
  1378. Darth GW7:
  1379. Not from there you can't
  1380. Nirrti:
  1381. oh how i want to kill z'ar
  1382. Nirrti:
  1383. i'm going to 5ft step all over your ugly face
  1384. Darth GW7:
  1385. also someone set it on fire already god damn
  1386. Lampshade:
  1387. We can't!
  1388. * Nirrti rolls: d20+9 => 2 + 9 = 11
  1389. Nirrti:
  1390. gj
  1391. Darth GW7:
  1393. Darth GW7:
  1394. A TORCH
  1395. DM:
  1396. That's a miss.
  1397. Nirrti:
  1398. gotta love my rolls when they matter
  1399. Darth GW7:
  1401. DM:
  1402. Jekko's turn.
  1403. Lampshade:
  1404. Hey, can I light my torch and throw it as full round action?
  1405. Darth GW7:
  1406. throw it?
  1407. Darth GW7:
  1408. You're RIGHT NEXT TO IT
  1409. Lampshade:
  1410. Or hit with it
  1411. Lampshade:
  1412. Whateveer
  1413. DM:
  1414. Yeah
  1415. Lampshade:
  1416. I'll do that then
  1417. DM:
  1418. Except
  1419. DM:
  1420. Oil lasts for 2 rounds
  1421. DM:
  1422. :P
  1423. Darth GW7:
  1425. Lampshade:
  1426. ...
  1427. Lampshade:
  1428. Shut up
  1429. DM:
  1430. Jekko's turn.
  1431. Darth GW7:
  1433. Darth GW7:
  1434. wait
  1435. Darth GW7:
  1436. it's only been one round so far?
  1437. Lampshade:
  1438. Mister "I got mind controlled"
  1439. DM:
  1440. By the time Lamp's next turn comes round.
  1441. Darth GW7:
  1443. Darth GW7:
  1444. SOMEONE
  1445. Darth GW7:
  1446. wait
  1447. Darth GW7:
  1448. No there should be more time than that
  1449. Darth GW7:
  1450. I did it on my turn
  1451. DM:
  1452. Which is next.
  1453. Darth GW7:
  1454. Next time it's my turn that'll be one round
  1455. Darth GW7:
  1456. Yeah
  1457. DM:
  1458. Darth
  1459. DM:
  1460. No
  1461. DM:
  1462. It'll be two.
  1463. Darth GW7:
  1464. Why
  1465. Lampshade:
  1466. Yeah
  1467. Darth GW7:
  1468. I've only had one turn
  1469. Darth GW7:
  1470. :v
  1471. DM:
  1473. Darth GW7:
  1474. I didn't get to save
  1475. Darth GW7:
  1476. wtf
  1477. DM:
  1478. :D
  1479. Canuhearmenow:
  1480. Wait what
  1481. Lampshade:
  1482. That's a feat or talent or something
  1483. Darth GW7:
  1484. I should get to save
  1485. Lampshade:
  1486. You don't have it naturally
  1487. DM whispers: A save every 24 hours. :D
  1488. You whisper to DM: fffff
  1489. DM:
  1490. Anyway
  1491. DM:
  1492. Jekko.
  1493. You whisper to DM: that's bullshit and OP and I hate this game and I'm leaving
  1494. DM whispers: Bye bye.
  1495. * Jekko rolls: d20+2 => 1 + 2 = 3
  1496. Lampshade:
  1497. lol
  1498. DM:
  1499. ...roll for damage.
  1500. DM:
  1501. and then roll a d100.
  1502. Nirrti:
  1503. i think that's gonna hit me
  1504. * Jekko rolls: 1d3 => 2
  1505. Nirrti:
  1506. how will i live with such damage
  1507. * Jekko rolls: d100 => 81
  1508. Nirrti:
  1509. maybe i'll pay it back
  1510. DM:
  1511. Right, yeah, Nirrti, take 2 damage.
  1512. DM:
  1513. Darth's turn
  1514. Darth GW7:
  1515. Okay I think I'll-
  1516. Darth GW7:
  1517. oh.
  1518. DM whispers: Save me, you fool!
  1519. Lampshade:
  1520. Nope
  1521. Darth GW7:
  1522. Ooh.
  1523. Darth GW7:
  1524. This could be interesting
  1525. DM whispers: Kill the priestess!
  1526. Lampshade:
  1527. Attack Shanto!
  1528. Lampshade:
  1529. He is our most valuable member!
  1530. Darth GW7:
  1531. anything happen?
  1532. DM whispers: Just a note, you don't actually have free will at this point
  1533. DM:
  1534. Yeah, Canu and Shanto can make an AoO
  1535. Canuhearmenow:
  1536. With what
  1537. Darth GW7:
  1538. If they choose
  1539. Darth GW7:
  1540. :v
  1541. DM:
  1542. FIST
  1543. Nirrti:
  1544. grapple
  1545. Nirrti:
  1546. GRAPPLE
  1547. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 - 1 => 6 - 1 = 5
  1548. Darth GW7:
  1549. would you guys attack me?
  1550. Canuhearmenow:
  1551. Hurr hurr
  1552. * DM rolls: d20 + 3 => 4 + 3 = 7
  1553. Nirrti:
  1555. Darth GW7:
  1556. well
  1557. Darth GW7:
  1558. that was successful
  1559. Darth GW7:
  1560. sup lamp
  1561. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 18 + 8 = 26
  1562. DM:
  1563. :D
  1564. Darth GW7:
  1565. SUP LAMP
  1566. * Darth GW7 rolls: d8+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
  1567. Darth GW7:
  1568. SUP LAMP
  1569. Lampshade:
  1570. Well hello that
  1571. Lampshade:
  1572. Fuck you
  1573. Jekko:
  1574. lamp is dead
  1575. DM:
  1576. Dying
  1577. DM:
  1578. Gawd
  1579. Canuhearmenow:
  1580. Dying
  1581. DM:
  1582. There's a difference
  1583. * Z'ar Kor thinks "Bahamut forgive me"
  1584. DM:
  1585. You can't
  1586. Nirrti:
  1587. i'll forgive you
  1588. DM:
  1589. :D
  1590. Lampshade:
  1591. Hey Darth
  1592. Nirrti:
  1593. with my AXEEeeeeeeeeeee
  1594. * Z'ar Kor or maybe not
  1595. Lampshade:
  1596. Do you like getting healed?
  1597. * Z'ar Kor sup bahamut
  1598. Darth GW7:
  1599. guys
  1600. Darth GW7:
  1601. gorrister must speak common
  1602. Darth GW7:
  1603. NEGOTIATE!
  1604. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 7 + 2 = 9
  1605. Nirrti:
  1606. fuck.
  1607. Nirrti:
  1608. negotiating.
  1609. Canuhearmenow:
  1610. I TRIED
  1611. Lampshade:
  1612. The time for words is over!
  1613. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 8 + 2 = 10
  1614. Darth GW7:
  1615. The time for dying has come!
  1616. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 14 + 2 = 16
  1617. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 9 + 2 = 11
  1618. * DM rolls: d4 => 3
  1619. DM:
  1620. Nirrti, take 3 damage.
  1621. DM whispers: Make a will save, +2 bonus.
  1622. DM whispers: ...
  1623. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+2 => 7 + 2 = 9
  1624. Darth GW7:
  1625. nope
  1626. Lampshade:
  1627. Who next?
  1628. DM:
  1629. Canu
  1631. Halfred:
  1632. the lizzard has gone mad!
  1634. Elias:
  1635. Gods damn you Z'ar!
  1636. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 3 => 19 + 3 = 22
  1637. Lampshade:
  1638. I'd like to answer "No shit" but I'm uncoscious
  1639. DM:
  1640. What... was that?
  1641. Canuhearmenow:
  1642. Crossbow
  1643. DM:
  1644. Right
  1645. Canuhearmenow:
  1646. Naogi
  1647. Lampshade:
  1648. confirm
  1649. Lampshade:
  1650. crit
  1651. Darth GW7:
  1652. that wasn't actually an attack roll
  1653. Darth GW7:
  1654. just so you know
  1655. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 3 => 20 + 3 = 23
  1656. Lampshade:
  1657. ahaha
  1658. Darth GW7:
  1659. oh my
  1660. DM:
  1661. Well
  1662. DM:
  1663. Roll for Crit
  1664. Canuhearmenow:
  1665. Is that another crit
  1666. Canuhearmenow:
  1667. ?
  1668. DM:
  1669. No
  1670. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 3 => 4 + 3 = 7
  1671. Canuhearmenow:
  1672. Wait wait
  1673. DM:
  1674. What
  1675. Lampshade:
  1676. roll the damage
  1677. Canuhearmenow:
  1678. I got the 19 last time
  1679. Canuhearmenow:
  1680. Oooh
  1681. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 2d8 => 9
  1682. DM:
  1683. Right
  1684. Canuhearmenow:
  1685. ...
  1686. * Elias reloads
  1687. DM:
  1688. Grim's turn.
  1689. Darth GW7:
  1690. Reload doctor freeman
  1691. Darth GW7:
  1692. GUYS
  1693. Darth GW7:
  1695. Darth GW7:
  1697. Lampshade:
  1698. We fucking can't!
  1699. Canuhearmenow:
  1700. You're gonna coup Ahwassa aren't you
  1701. Darth GW7:
  1702. god you guys are shit at this game
  1703. * Lampshade rolls: d20+8 => 1 + 8 = 9
  1704. Darth GW7:
  1705. you have torches use them
  1706. Darth GW7:
  1707. GOD
  1708. DM:
  1709. ...
  1710. Lampshade:
  1711. Fuck you Grim
  1712. DM:
  1713. Grim might.
  1714. DM:
  1715. Lamp, roll a d100.
  1716. * Lampshade rolls: d100 => 60
  1717. DM:
  1718. Roll for damage.
  1719. * Lampshade rolls: d8 => 4
  1720. Lampshade:
  1721. So what should I reroll as?
  1722. DM:
  1723. Something competent.
  1724. Darth GW7:
  1725. unlike grim?
  1726. DM:
  1727. Shanto takes 4 damage
  1728. Lampshade:
  1729. Phew
  1730. Jekko:
  1731. shanto is human shield
  1732. Canuhearmenow:
  1733. The front of Shanto's head erupts in brain matter and skull fragment as the arrow bursts forth
  1734. * Gorrister Old People's Naked Bodies Fishing Secrets With Their Manly Beards
  1735. DM:
  1736. Haha, what
  1737. * DM rolls: d20 + 7 => 9 + 7 = 16
  1738. Darth GW7:
  1739. AoO from lamp!
  1740. DM:
  1741. vs Canu
  1742. Darth GW7:
  1743. oh wait
  1744. Canuhearmenow:
  1745. Dead
  1746. Darth GW7:
  1747. Dying*
  1748. Canuhearmenow:
  1749. nvm
  1750. Canuhearmenow:
  1751. It's a hit DM
  1752. * DM rolls: d8 => 4
  1753. Canuhearmenow:
  1754. Done
  1755. DM:
  1756. Make a fortitude save.
  1757. Canuhearmenow:
  1758. 4 HP left
  1759. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 13 + 2 = 15
  1760. DM:
  1761. Shanto's turn
  1762. Lampshade:
  1763. Hey Canu
  1764. Canuhearmenow:
  1765. What
  1766. * DM rolls: d20 + 3 => 12 + 3 = 15
  1767. Lampshade:
  1768. Remember when I said we should erest and you opened that door?
  1769. Lampshade:
  1770. That was fun
  1771. DM:
  1772. Lamp's turn.
  1773. * Lampshade rolls: d20 => 7
  1774. Lampshade:
  1775. I bleed
  1776. Darth GW7:
  1777. well bled
  1778. DM:
  1780. Nirrti:
  1781. for your panini
  1782. DM:
  1783. :D
  1784. Lampshade:
  1785. Can I ask for a divine intervention from Kord?
  1786. DM:
  1787. Yes
  1788. Canuhearmenow:
  1789. How
  1790. Canuhearmenow:
  1791. Oh
  1792. Lampshade:
  1793. Cool
  1794. Nirrti:
  1795. ask divine intervention from khorne
  1796. Lampshade:
  1797. He'd kill me
  1799. more blod:
  1800. Hey blood!
  1801. Nirrti:
  1802. not necessarily
  1804. blod:
  1805. Hey blood!
  1806. Nirrti:
  1807. if you offered enough blood
  1808. Lampshade:
  1809. Blod
  1810. Lampshade:
  1811. Anyways
  1812. Lampshade:
  1813. Continue onwards
  1814. Lampshade:
  1815. I hope someone has healing potions
  1816. Jekko:
  1817. nope
  1818. DM:
  1819. Nirrti's turn
  1820. Nirrti:
  1821. can i hit jekko
  1822. Jekko:
  1823. nope
  1824. Canuhearmenow:
  1825. Kill the Naogi
  1826. Canuhearmenow:
  1827. And the mind control ends
  1828. Nirrti:
  1829. kill both?
  1830. Lampshade:
  1831. Kill the Naogi
  1832. Nirrti:
  1833. aoo
  1834. DM:
  1835. Yea
  1836. DM:
  1837. 4 damage
  1838. DM:
  1839. OH GOD
  1840. Darth GW7:
  1841. SO MUCH BLOD
  1842. Nirrti:
  1843. no, but i'd lose the turn without doing anything
  1844. Nirrti:
  1845. well i guess i'll try
  1846. Canuhearmenow:
  1847. Nirrti
  1848. Nirrti:
  1849. because you guys are failing
  1850. Canuhearmenow:
  1851. You have 31 HP
  1852. DM:
  1853. Beat it to death with Lamp's dying body.
  1854. * DM rolls: d0 + 2 => Invalid expression: d0 + 2.
  1855. Nirrti:
  1856. can i?
  1857. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 10 + 2 = 12
  1858. Darth GW7:
  1859. DM failed
  1860. Darth GW7:
  1861. insta win
  1862. DM:
  1863. Continue
  1864. * Nirrti rolls: d20+9 => 11 + 9 = 20
  1865. DM:
  1866. That's a hit
  1867. * Nirrti rolls: d12+7+1 => 6 + 7 + 1 = 14
  1868. Lampshade:
  1869. It better be fucking dead now
  1870. Nirrti:
  1871. damn
  1872. DM:
  1873. Nope
  1874. Nirrti:
  1875. i could've hit z'ar
  1876. Nirrti:
  1877. and then he'd gone down aswell
  1878. DM whispers: I will end your life if you keep this up
  1879. Nirrti:
  1880. you guys suck
  1881. Canuhearmenow:
  1882. How much HP does this thing have
  1883. You whisper to DM: ^.^
  1884. DM:
  1885. Jekko's turn
  1886. Canuhearmenow:
  1887. We've done like....
  1888. * Jekko rolls: d20+2 => 3 + 2 = 5
  1889. Canuhearmenow:
  1890. 37 + 14
  1892. Dragon:
  1893. rrerr
  1894. Jekko:
  1895. why!!
  1896. DM:
  1897. You've done 54 damage.
  1898. DM:
  1899. Darth
  1900. Darth GW7:
  1901. Yeeeessss?
  1902. Nirrti:
  1903. kill urself
  1904. Darth GW7:
  1905. okay
  1906. DM whispers: Will save, then attack Nirrti.
  1907. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+2 => 2 + 2 = 4
  1908. Lampshade:
  1909. Hah
  1910. Darth GW7:
  1911. wh... why do you hate me
  1912. DM:
  1913. Continue the killing
  1914. Nirrti:
  1915. because khorne
  1916. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 14 + 8 = 22
  1917. Darth GW7:
  1918. sup nirrti
  1919. Nirrti:
  1920. sup
  1921. DM:
  1922. Roll for damage.
  1923. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+5 => 16 + 5 = 21
  1924. Darth GW7:
  1925. wait
  1926. Nirrti:
  1927. i'm going to cleave your ass into oblivion next round FYI
  1928. Lampshade:
  1929. Who made this blod?
  1930. Darth GW7:
  1931. never-
  1932. * Darth GW7 rolls: d8+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
  1933. DM:
  1934. Nirrti, take 11 damage.
  1935. Canuhearmenow:
  1936. Nirrti
  1937. Canuhearmenow:
  1938. Doubtful
  1939. Darth GW7:
  1940. You did lamp
  1941. Canuhearmenow:
  1942. That assumes you kill the Naogi
  1943. Darth GW7:
  1944. you're bleding
  1945. Nirrti:
  1946. no
  1947. Nirrti:
  1948. i'm going to actually cleave the naogi
  1949. DM:
  1950. Neogi.
  1951. Nirrti:
  1952. whatever
  1953. Darth GW7:
  1954. prince abubu
  1955. Darth GW7:
  1956. BuBWAH
  1957. Darth GW7:
  1958. whatever
  1959. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 1 + 2 = 3
  1960. DM:
  1961. Jekko, make an AoO
  1962. Nirrti:
  1963. see, i'm going to put z'ar down
  1964. * Jekko rolls: d20+2 => 19 + 2 = 21
  1965. Jekko:
  1966. crit
  1967. Darth GW7:
  1968. nice
  1969. * Jekko rolls: d20+2 => 6 + 2 = 8
  1970. DM:
  1971. Roll for damage.
  1972. Darth GW7:
  1973. we keep doing this
  1974. DM:
  1975. No crit.
  1976. Darth GW7:
  1977. critting then getting shit crit rolls
  1978. Nirrti:
  1979. hey i haven't gotten even one crit so
  1980. Nirrti:
  1981. no wait i have
  1982. Nirrti:
  1983. one crit
  1984. Nirrti:
  1985. exactly one crit
  1986. DM:
  1987. How many crits are there?
  1988. Lampshade:
  1989. That's what you get for using a greataxe
  1990. Nirrti:
  1991. billions and billions
  1992. Jekko:
  1993. aoo count as sneak attack?
  1994. DM:
  1995. No
  1996. Nirrti:
  1997. yeah well make me a sandwich and bleed on it
  1998. * Jekko rolls: 1d3 => 3
  1999. Jekko:
  2000. dead?
  2001. Darth GW7:
  2002. nice
  2003. Darth GW7:
  2004. full damage
  2005. DM:
  2006. The lemure explodes into a pile of giblets and lost memories.
  2007. Nirrti:
  2008. must've been one hell of a hit
  2009. DM:
  2010. Canu's turn./
  2011. Nirrti:
  2012. considering the weapon is like the size of a fucking toothpick
  2013. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 3 => 3 + 3 = 6
  2014. * Elias reloads
  2015. Canuhearmenow:
  2016. NOPE
  2017. DM:
  2018. Grim's turn
  2019. DM:
  2020. Lamp
  2021. Lampshade:
  2022. Rapid shot!
  2023. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 4 + 6 = 10
  2024. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 13 + 6 = 19
  2025. * Lampshade rolls: d8 => 3
  2026. DM:
  2027. 1 hit
  2028. DM:
  2029. ok
  2030. Lampshade:
  2031. Neogi
  2032. * DM rolls: d20 + 7 => 3 + 7 = 10
  2033. DM:
  2034. Right
  2035. * DM rolls: d20 +1 => 15 + 1 = 16
  2036. * DM rolls: d20 + 1 => 14 + 1 = 15
  2037. Nirrti:
  2038. i hope it doesn't die yet
  2039. Nirrti:
  2040. i really want to land a successful hit on z'ar
  2041. Nirrti:
  2042. might do it even if it dies
  2043. * DM rolls: d6 + 3 => 2 + 3 = 5
  2044. DM:
  2045. Lamp's turn
  2046. * Lampshade rolls: d20 => 15
  2047. Lampshade:
  2048. I bleed
  2049. DM:
  2050. :P
  2051. Lampshade:
  2052. Guys, four more round and I'm dead for realz
  2053. Canuhearmenow:
  2054. I think we'll still be going at this for 4 rounds
  2055. Lampshade:
  2056. Nirrti, you got any rage left?
  2057. Nirrti:
  2058. all of it
  2059. DM:
  2060. Roll a d100 lamp
  2061. * Lampshade rolls: d100 => 16
  2062. Lampshade:
  2063. That can't be good
  2064. DM:
  2065. Roll another
  2066. * Lampshade rolls: d100 => 55
  2067. DM:
  2068. Right
  2069. DM:
  2070. Nirrti's turn.
  2071. Nirrti:
  2072. guys, i hope you won't hate me for this, but i'm seriously going to hit z'ar
  2073. * Nirrti rolls: d20+9 => 1 + 9 = 10
  2074. Nirrti:
  2075. well
  2076. Darth GW7:
  2077. ...
  2078. Nirrti:
  2079. apparently not
  2080. Canuhearmenow:
  2081. ...
  2082. Darth GW7:
  2083. good one
  2084. Lampshade:
  2085. Nope
  2086. Canuhearmenow:
  2087. Accidentally hit Neogi
  2088. DM:
  2089. Roll for damage.
  2090. * Nirrti rolls: d12+7+1 => 5 + 7 + 1 = 13
  2091. Nirrti:
  2092. figures the one thing i actually want to do fails
  2093. DM:
  2094. ...
  2095. DM:
  2096. Um.
  2097. DM:
  2098. This is...
  2099. Darth GW7:
  2100. he killed the neogi?
  2101. DM:
  2102. yeah.
  2103. Darth GW7:
  2104. OH WOW
  2105. Lampshade:
  2106. haha
  2107. DM:
  2108. Oh dear.
  2109. Nirrti:
  2110. damnit
  2111. DM:
  2112. Well done... I. I think?
  2113. DM:
  2114. Do... do you get xp for that?
  2115. Nirrti:
  2116. i get all of the XP
  2117. DM whispers: You come back to reason.
  2118. Nirrti:
  2119. it was a clever ruse
  2120. DM:
  2121. AH OF COURSE
  2123. Z'ar Kor:
  2124. Er.
  2126. Elias:
  2127. You there Ahwassa? Say something!
  2129. OMG'ahr:
  2130. I uh... I meant to do that
  2132. Z'ar Kor:
  2133. What just happened?
  2135. Ahwassa:
  2136. ...
  2138. Elias:
  2139. You idiot just killed our Cleric!
  2140. * Ahwassa bleeds.
  2142. Z'ar Kor:
  2143. I, uh, what?
  2144. Lampshade:
  2145. Do I roll?
  2146. * blod goes everywhere.
  2147. Lampshade:
  2148. For bleeding?
  2149. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 1 => 13 + 1 = 14
  2150. Canuhearmenow:
  2151. Heal?
  2152. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20 => 4
  2153. Nirrti:
  2154. can i roll to punch z'ar
  2155. Jekko:
  2156. fail
  2157. DM:
  2158. Urm
  2159. * Z'ar Kor faints
  2160. Jekko:
  2161. need 15
  2162. Nirrti:
  2163. yes
  2164. Nirrti:
  2165. oh
  2166. * Lampshade rolls: d20+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
  2167. Nirrti:
  2168. i can kick z'ar
  2169. * Nirrti rolls: d20+5 => 3 + 5 = 8
  2170. Lampshade:
  2171. Shanto, save me
  2173. Elias:
  2174. Skin 'em alive, Omg, I'm sure we could use the leather for boots
  2175. * Jekko rolls: d20+1 => 4 + 1 = 5
  2177. OMG'ahr:
  2178. What me? who do you think I am, a hunter?
  2179. DM:
  2180. Canu stops Ahwassa from dying of blood loss.
  2182. Elias:
  2183. So it'll be messy
  2184. Lampshade:
  2185. He does?
  2186. * Elias finishes bandaging up Ahwassa
  2187. DM:
  2188. Heal check
  2189. DM:
  2190. Sure
  2191. DM:
  2192. Right
  2193. DM:
  2194. She still isn't conscious.
  2195. Nirrti:
  2196. so how much xp
  2197. Jekko:
  2198. i thought you need 15
  2199. Lampshade:
  2200. shhh
  2201. DM:
  2202. Hm?
  2203. DM:
  2204. Oh, 14.
  2205. DM:
  2206. Right
  2207. Lampshade:
  2208. Gee thanks
  2209. DM:
  2210. Lamp is still dying.
  2211. Nirrti:
  2212. how about i roll to heal instead
  2213. Canuhearmenow:
  2214. Great job Jekko
  2215. * Nirrti rolls: d20+1 => 4 + 1 = 5
  2216. DM:
  2217. You can roll to assist.
  2218. Nirrti:
  2219. see
  2220. Nirrti:
  2221. that's how a barbarian heals
  2222. Nirrti:
  2223. by hitting with an axe
  2224. Lampshade:
  2225. Shanto?
  2226. Jekko:
  2227. ill assis the sorere
  2228. Jekko:
  2229. *sorcerer
  2230. Jekko:
  2231. so it makes it 15
  2232. Lampshade:
  2233. Hey, DM
  2234. Lampshade:
  2235. Make shanto roll
  2236. Jekko:
  2237. 16
  2238. DM:
  2239. Make a heal check Jekko
  2240. Jekko:
  2241. it gives 2
  2242. * Jekko rolls: d20+1 => 14 + 1 = 15
  2243. Jekko:
  2244. well that did it
  2245. DM:
  2246. That works.
  2247. DM:
  2248. No more blood everywhere oh god you can never wash it away oh god.
  2249. Lampshade:
  2250. Hey, this might sound crazy
  2251. Lampshade:
  2252. But I think we should rest
  2253. Nirrti:
  2254. fuck rest
  2255. Nirrti:
  2256. i'm going to go kick open the next door
  2258. Halfred:
  2259. i think she will make it elias
  2261. Elias:
  2262. You need to work on your damnable ability to resist mind control, Z'ar
  2264. Elias:
  2265. Next time this happens? I don't care how much pleading you do
  2266. * Z'ar Kor is still blacked out
  2267. * Z'ar Kor for dramatic effect
  2269. OMG'ahr:
  2270. Hey the lizard can't do anything about it, he's just such a weak mind
  2271. DM:
  2272. I would like to point out
  2274. Elias:
  2275. Let's just rest here
  2276. DM:
  2277. You don't go back up to full health after a rest.
  2278. Lampshade:
  2279. To what hp then?
  2280. DM:
  2281. You're level 3 right?
  2282. Lampshade:
  2283. Ye
  2284. * Halfred shuts the door
  2285. Nirrti:
  2286. i will eat all of my rations
  2287. Nirrti:
  2288. eating food always restores HP
  2289. Darth GW7:
  2291. DM:
  2292. You get 3 health.
  2293. Darth GW7:
  2294. what
  2295. Lampshade:
  2296. O yay...
  2297. Lampshade:
  2298. Right, so we double rest
  2299. DM:
  2300. I'd be willing to homerule it if you guys want.
  2301. Nirrti:
  2302. maybe i should eat the other axe too
  2303. Lampshade:
  2304. With me healing everyone in between
  2305. DM:
  2306. Because that
  2307. DM:
  2308. seems kinda
  2309. DM:
  2310. y'know.
  2311. Lampshade:
  2312. Yeah
  2313. Lampshade:
  2314. All that would do
  2315. DM:
  2316. Will we have a vote?
  2317. Lampshade:
  2318. Is making us double rest
  2319. Lampshade:
  2320. And I heal everyone to full
  2322. more blod:
  2323. Nooooo! my brothers!
  2324. Lampshade:
  2325. I say full hp from rest
  2326. * Darth GW7 snif
  2327. Darth GW7:
  2328. they will be missed
  2329. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 4 => 20 + 4 = 24
  2330. Nirrti:
  2331. we just rest a really long time
  2332. Nirrti:
  2333. like
  2334. Nirrti:
  2335. a week
  2336. Canuhearmenow:
  2337. That was search
  2338. Nirrti:
  2339. without waking up
  2340. Canuhearmenow:
  2341. Neogi and the others
  2342. Canuhearmenow:
  2343. And around generally
  2344. Canuhearmenow:
  2345. Also shouldn't have been a +4
  2346. Canuhearmenow:
  2347. Just a +1
  2348. DM:
  2349. Well, the huge orbs on the wall are humming along quite nicely.
  2350. Canuhearmenow:
  2351. Wait no, +3
  2352. Darth GW7:
  2353. wait what
  2354. Lampshade:
  2355. Take them!
  2356. Darth GW7:
  2357. also
  2358. Darth GW7:
  2359. canu
  2361. Halfred:
  2362. greedy sorcerer
  2363. Darth GW7:
  2364. it was a critical success
  2365. Darth GW7:
  2366. you nub
  2367. Canuhearmenow:
  2368. I know
  2369. Canuhearmenow:
  2370. Waiting for results
  2371. Lampshade:
  2372. Not for skills
  2373. Darth GW7:
  2374. also
  2375. Darth GW7:
  2376. what orbs
  2377. DM:
  2378. The huge orbs in the wall
  2379. Darth GW7:
  2380. orbs?
  2381. Darth GW7:
  2382. GUYS
  2383. DM:
  2384. I mentioned them when you first entered the room.
  2385. Darth GW7:
  2387. Darth GW7:
  2389. DM:
  2390. Shall we just have full heal after a rest, then?
  2391. Lampshade:
  2392. haha
  2393. Lampshade:
  2394. Yes
  2395. Lampshade:
  2396. Please
  2397. Darth GW7:
  2398. After a long rest I suppose
  2399. Jekko:
  2400. half heal?
  2401. Darth GW7:
  2402. or a decent rest
  2403. Canuhearmenow:
  2404. Also how much XP?
  2405. Lampshade:
  2406. Ye
  2407. DM:
  2408. 500 xp
  2410. Elias:
  2411. Hey guys
  2412. Nirrti:
  2413. do i get any extra for my clever ruse
  2415. Elias:
  2416. This Neogi has some gold on him
  2418. Halfred:
  2419. gold music to my ears
  2421. Elias:
  2422. 2k gold!
  2423. Lampshade:
  2424. ooh
  2425. Canuhearmenow:
  2426. Split between five people
  2427. DM:
  2428. You see Canu put the orb he took from the previous room into one of the empty sockets.
  2429. DM:
  2430. The Cathedral begins to shake.
  2431. Canuhearmenow:
  2432. GRiM, Nirrti, Lamp, Jekko
  2433. Canuhearmenow:
  2434. And me
  2435. Darth GW7:
  2436. ...
  2437. Lampshade:
  2438. haha
  2439. Darth GW7:
  2440. Hey, uh
  2441. Darth GW7:
  2442. I think you missed someone
  2443. Nirrti:
  2444. excellent idea
  2445. Canuhearmenow:
  2446. You were a detriment to the team
  2447. Jekko:
  2448. yes it is
  2449. Darth GW7:
  2450. I threw oil!
  2451. Darth GW7:
  2452. You just didn't utilise it
  2453. Lampshade:
  2454. lol
  2455. Canuhearmenow:
  2456. And almost killed our Cleric
  2457. Canuhearmenow:
  2458. And me
  2459. Darth GW7:
  2460. not my fault
  2461. Canuhearmenow:
  2462. And Nirrti
  2463. Nirrti:
  2464. me?
  2465. Canuhearmenow:
  2466. Elias is a cold bastard
  2467. Nirrti:
  2468. that wasn't even close
  2469. Nirrti:
  2470. i was closer to killing him than he was me
  2471. Canuhearmenow:
  2472. 400 gp for errbody
  2473. Lampshade:
  2474. Not Z'ar tho
  2475. Canuhearmenow:
  2476. Yeah
  2477. Canuhearmenow:
  2478. not Z'ar
  2479. Canuhearmenow:
  2480. Luckily he's unconscious
  2481. Darth GW7:
  2482. fuck this I'm leaving
  2483. Jekko:
  2484. dont make the host angry
  2485. Nirrti:
  2486. not our fault he's got a weak mind
  2487. Canuhearmenow:
  2488. If anyone wants to give up some of their gold
  2489. Canuhearmenow:
  2490. Then be my guest then
  2491. Nirrti:
  2492. nope
  2493. Lampshade:
  2494. Over my dead body
  2495. Nirrti:
  2496. well you're close enough for that
  2497. Nirrti:
  2498. i'll take your gold too
  2499. Lampshade:
  2501. Nirrti:
  2503. DM:
  2504. So, what's going on?
  2505. Canuhearmenow:
  2506. Sorry Darth, just sorta a throwback to when you guys almost beat me up for that Draconic tablet
  2507. Darth GW7:
  2508. Uh
  2509. Lampshade:
  2510. We divided up the gold in a fair way
  2511. Darth GW7:
  2512. Wasn't I the one who negotiated with you then?
  2513. Darth GW7:
  2514. And actually helped you figure out what it was?
  2515. Canuhearmenow:
  2516. Yup!
  2517. Nirrti:
  2518. wasn't it me who didn't give fucks about it
  2519. Darth GW7:
  2520. By, y'know, reading draconic?
  2521. Darth GW7:
  2522. Wasn't that the tablet that got us more loot?
  2523. Darth GW7:
  2524. Wasn't that the tablet that got you scrolls and a potion?
  2525. Nirrti:
  2526. wasn't it you who put the cleric in critical condition
  2527. Darth GW7:
  2528. I have a bad memory for these things clearly
  2530. Halfred:
  2531. hey elias give me the orb
  2533. Elias:
  2534. Too late, already inserted it
  2536. Halfred:
  2537. you did?
  2538. * Elias looks at Z'ar, and grumply walks over to him
  2540. Halfred:
  2541. that was fast
  2542. * Elias gives Z'ar 200 gp
  2544. Z'ar Kor:
  2545. What is this for?
  2546. Darth GW7:
  2547. hue
  2549. Elias:
  2550. Part of your share, even though you were trying to kill us
  2552. Elias:
  2553. Just remember if this happens again, we're going to try and kill you
  2555. Z'ar Kor:
  2556. Er... What actually happened?
  2557. Darth GW7:
  2558. Do I actually remember it at all
  2559. Jekko:
  2560. so are we rested?
  2562. Elias:
  2563. Your simple mind couldn't take the Neogi's mind control, and proceeded to assault your own friends
  2565. Elias:
  2566. You almost killed Ahwassa
  2568. Z'ar Kor:
  2569. Ah. Oh dear. Is she alright?
  2571. Elias:
  2572. No thanks to you, but yes
  2573. DM whispers: It's hazy, but you remember surges of anger and hate towards someone who looks familiar.
  2574. DM:
  2575. I assume so, Jekko.
  2577. Z'ar Kor:
  2578. You can't honestly blame me for that, can you? I had no choice in the matter.
  2579. Lampshade:
  2580. New spells!
  2582. Elias:
  2583. You lacked the will to resist, which is enough blame
  2584. Darth GW7:
  2585. magic
  2586. Darth GW7:
  2587. *snort snort*
  2589. Z'ar Kor:
  2590. Hrm. If you say so.
  2592. Halfred:
  2593. lets move on guys ill cheack the door
  2595. Elias:
  2596. Wait!
  2597. DM:
  2598. As you walk up to the door, it opens before you. There is a corridor lined with statues of armoured figures. The pair closest to you begin to emit light from their helmets.
  2599. * Elias moves to the orbs
  2600. * Elias unscrews a few of them and gently places them next to their pedestals
  2602. Halfred:
  2603. sorcere come here
  2604. DM:
  2605. The humming noise quietens.
  2606. Darth GW7:
  2607. Can we make it play a tune?
  2608. * Elias keeps one of the orbs in his pack
  2609. Nirrti:
  2611. Darth GW7:
  2612. Just take out orbs and put them back in a random order
  2613. Darth GW7:
  2614. X A Y X A Y
  2615. Canuhearmenow:
  2617. Canuhearmenow:
  2618. It lasts for 3 hours
  2619. Darth GW7:
  2620. You played zelda's lullaby!
  2621. DM:
  2622. Only the volume changes. Not the actual noise.
  2623. DM:
  2624. Sure, sure.
  2625. * Halfred cheaks fo traps
  2626. Nirrti:
  2627. song of time
  2628. Darth GW7:
  2630. * Jekko rolls: d20 +6 => 6 + 6 = 12
  2631. DM:
  2632. You find no traps.
  2633. Darth GW7:
  2634. oh boy
  2635. * Elias looks at the armored figures, then holds out the orb
  2636. DM:
  2637. Bugger all happens
  2638. * DM rolls: d20 => 8
  2640. Ahwassa:
  2641. Hey, Z'ar
  2643. Ahwassa:
  2644. Fuck you
  2646. Z'ar Kor:
  2647. Er. Yes. I guess I deserve that.
  2649. OMG'ahr:
  2650. Cat's got a tongue
  2651. Darth GW7:
  2652. wait
  2653. Darth GW7:
  2654. let me-
  2655. Darth GW7:
  2656. let me rephrase that
  2657. Darth GW7:
  2658. nice formation
  2659. Lampshade:
  2660. Ye
  2662. Halfred:
  2663. well ho gose first?
  2664. Darth GW7:
  2665. except the wizard is at the front
  2666. Canuhearmenow:
  2667. There we go
  2668. Darth GW7:
  2669. beautiful
  2670. DM:
  2671. Hang on a sec
  2672. DM:
  2673. I'll be back in a minute
  2674. Darth GW7:
  2675. er
  2676. Darth GW7:
  2677. no nirrti
  2678. Darth GW7:
  2679. ranger in the middle
  2680. Darth GW7:
  2681. Lamp is a combat cleric
  2682. Nirrti:
  2683. notice the word
  2684. Nirrti:
  2685. "cleric"
  2686. Darth GW7:
  2687. notice the word
  2688. Darth GW7:
  2689. "combat"
  2690. Canuhearmenow:
  2691. GRiM needs clear line of sight to shoot
  2692. Nirrti:
  2693. cleric cancels it out
  2694. Nirrti:
  2695. and does more
  2696. Canuhearmenow:
  2697. That's why GRiM is there
  2698. Darth GW7:
  2699. halfred needs to check for traps
  2700. DM:
  2701. You see no traps, remember?
  2702. Jekko:
  2703. no re rolls
  2704. Darth GW7:
  2705. he needs to check further along the corridor
  2706. Nirrti:
  2707. so z'ar goes first
  2708. Nirrti:
  2709. incase there are traps
  2710. Darth GW7:
  2711. No, you go first
  2712. Darth GW7:
  2713. You're expendable
  2714. Darth GW7:
  2715. I actually hit things
  2716. Jekko:
  2717. fine i go
  2718. Nirrti:
  2719. you're expendable
  2720. Nirrti:
  2721. i'm not
  2722. Darth GW7:
  2723. when I'm aiming for them
  2724. Nirrti:
  2725. i can rage
  2726. Nirrti:
  2727. and i have killed much more than you
  2728. Darth GW7:
  2729. I can hit things
  2730. DM:
  2731. As you walk along the corridor, the statues light up in a similar way to the original pair.
  2732. Darth GW7:
  2733. I've done much more damage than you have
  2734. DM:
  2735. Btw
  2736. * Elias runs off to pick up the rest of the orbs on the ground
  2737. Darth GW7:
  2738. Due to the fact that you miss 99% of the time
  2739. Nirrti:
  2740. actually you haven't
  2741. DM:
  2742. There are a lot more pipes going into this room.
  2743. Darth GW7:
  2744. And I've only missed like once or twice
  2745. DM:
  2746. Continuing on?
  2747. Jekko:
  2748. that can't be good
  2749. Darth GW7:
  2750. tap on the pipes
  2751. Darth GW7:
  2752. what could possible go wrong
  2753. Canuhearmenow:
  2755. Canuhearmenow:
  2756. ARTYOM
  2757. Canuhearmenow:
  2759. DM:
  2760. Do you, Darth?
  2761. Darth GW7:
  2762. Of course
  2763. Darth GW7:
  2764. not
  2765. DM:
  2766. Aw, ok.
  2768. Ahwassa:
  2769. Well this looks interesting...
  2770. DM:
  2771. Do you open the door, Jekko?
  2772. Darth GW7:
  2773. Of course
  2774. Darth GW7:
  2775. not
  2776. Jekko:
  2777. hide and peek
  2778. Darth GW7:
  2780. Darth GW7:
  2782. Nirrti:
  2783. let me kick it open
  2784. Nirrti:
  2785. KICK
  2786. Nirrti:
  2787. THE DOOR IN
  2788. Jekko:
  2789. peek!!
  2790. Darth GW7:
  2791. Kick!
  2792. Nirrti:
  2793. kick halfred THROUGH THE DOOR
  2794. Darth GW7:
  2795. Punch!
  2796. Darth GW7:
  2797. Chop!
  2798. Darth GW7:
  2799. Block!
  2800. * Jekko rolls: d20 +10 => 5 + 10 = 15
  2801. Darth GW7:
  2802. Again!
  2803. Jekko:
  2804. hide
  2805. DM:
  2806. As you reach out to touch the door, it swings open.
  2807. Jekko:
  2808. ah
  2809. Nirrti:
  2812. Halfred:
  2813. well intresting
  2814. DM:
  2815. You enter a huge room. Skeletal soldiers line the walls at the sides, leading up to a large throne towards the back of the room. There are two creatures here, standing out from the army of skeletons. The first is a tall, frail, mage of some sort – while humanoid, it is distinctly inhuman. Below the waist, it wears black robes, above the waist, where parts of its body are visible, it almost wholly lacks skin – its muscles and organs are on display for all to see, with only slight scraps of flesh binding it together. The other creature is even less pleasant to look upon – a mass of flesh and eyes, crafted into a vaguely humanoid form. Eyes cover its form, disappearing and re-emerging, seemingly travelling with wills of their own. It sits atop its shattered throne, and seems to smile when it sees you. Only, it lacks a proper mouth – a couple of toothless scars rapture the flesh around its “head,” the teeth having migrated to embed themselves elsewhere in the beast. Some horrid amalgamation of flesh and metal, it appears to be physically bonded with the throne on which it sits, as well as the huge machines and tubes stuck into its body. Words echo in your head – “We meet face to face at last. It took you long enough. Too long, yes, much too long. Far too long, even for something that even time cannot kill. But. But. But, my, my, my, my, mmmy, where ARE my manners? Come, travelers, regale me with the tale of why you have come to invade my home! Tell me your reasons for killing my servants! And, and and, and, and most importantly, YES, most importantly, MOST IMPERATIVELY, tell me how you will PAY FOR THESE TRANSGRESSIONS.” Silence falls.
  2816. Lampshade:
  2817. whoa
  2818. Darth GW7:
  2819. tl;dr
  2820. Darth GW7:
  2821. brb dinner
  2822. Darth GW7:
  2823. feesh and cheeps
  2824. DM:
  2825. heh
  2827. Halfred:
  2828. well... elias your turn
  2829. Lampshade:
  2830. Planar check!
  2831. * Lampshade rolls: d20+7 => 6 + 7 = 13
  2832. Lampshade:
  2833. also religion
  2835. Elias:
  2836. I...
  2837. * Lampshade rolls: d20+7 => 16 + 7 = 23
  2839. Elias:
  2840. I... Uhh
  2841. Nirrti:
  2842. that is not dead which can eternal lie
  2843. Nirrti:
  2844. and with strange aeons even death may die
  2845. Lampshade:
  2846. What are you quoting?
  2848. Elias:
  2849. You must be the lord of this cathedral, are you not?
  2850. Nirrti:
  2851. necronomicon
  2852. Lampshade:
  2853. Dungeoneerign check by Grim!
  2854. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 14 + 6 = 20
  2855. Canuhearmenow:
  2856. First gotta roll Diplomacy to see how eloquent I should be
  2858. Ahwassa:
  2859. Hey Elias
  2860. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 8 => 13 + 8 = 21
  2862. Ahwassa:
  2863. That thing is a Secret of Vecna
  2865. Ahwassa:
  2866. Just by the way
  2868. Skullington:
  2869. hi frends!
  2870. DM:
  2871. The skeletons stare into the air in silence.
  2873. Elias:
  2874. Honored servant of the Keeper of Secrets! We were taken to this Cathedral blind and ignorant. We thought it was abandoned, it was not. We thought this would be easy! It was not. These untruths are but many we've endured in our ignorant march to our objective
  2876. ???:
  2877. Ignorance of... the law, my law, yes. No excuse.
  2879. Elias:
  2880. We stand before you now, because it is the last place we thought to look for a way out of here
  2882. Elias:
  2883. Ignorance does not breed contempt, Secret of Secrets!
  2885. Elias:
  2886. We did not understand your laws!
  2887. DM:
  2888. What
  2889. Canuhearmenow:
  2890. You said ignorance of our laws
  2891. Canuhearmenow:
  2892. And I'm saying we didn't know the laws and didn't maliciously break them
  2893. DM:
  2894. You uh
  2895. DM:
  2896. murdered everyone you met
  2898. Ahwassa:
  2899. They attacked first!
  2900. Canuhearmenow:
  2901. Technicalities
  2902. Lampshade:
  2903. not in character
  2904. Canuhearmenow:
  2905. Self defense
  2906. Lampshade:
  2907. Yeah
  2909. Secret of Vecna:
  2910. What barbaric lands one must come from, to think slaughter is innocence.
  2911. * Secret of Vecna whispers to the thing on the throne.
  2913. Elias:
  2914. It is not like we had a decision in the matter, Keeper!
  2916. Elias:
  2917. In fact I spoke to those within the first chambers for peace, they did not listen
  2919. OMG'ahr:
  2920. Slaughter is not innocence, it is to satisfy the thirst of my GOD!
  2921. DM:
  2922. Oh well
  2924. Elias:
  2925. When we were attacked by one of our four legged pets, I even then tried to find a peaceful way out
  2926. Lampshade:
  2927. We should go closer to Elias
  2929. Elias:
  2930. Every encounter we tried peace!
  2932. Ahwassa:
  2933. It's true!
  2935. ???:
  2936. Silence.
  2937. * DM rolls: d20 + 8 => 14 + 8 = 22
  2938. Jekko:
  2939. well combat time
  2940. DM:
  2941. Not yet
  2942. Lampshade:
  2943. I have a plan
  2944. Lampshade:
  2945. For combat
  2946. Jekko:
  2947. if that happens
  2948. * Elias looks at the thing upon it's throne, then back at the party, almost mournfully
  2949. Nirrti is disconnected.
  2950. Lampshade is disconnected.
  2951. Jekko is disconnected.
  2952. DM is disconnected.
  2953. Canuhearmenow is disconnected.
  2954. Lampshade has connected.
  2955. DM has connected.
  2956. Nirrti has connected.
  2957. DM:
  2958. Aaaand, we're back?
  2959. Lampshade:
  2960. Yep
  2961. Lampshade:
  2962. Roll init?
  2963. Lampshade:
  2964. Or....
  2965. Canuhearmenow has connected.
  2966. Jekko has connected.
  2968. ???:
  2969. Then it shall be war.
  2970. DM:
  2971. Roll init.
  2972. Canuhearmenow:
  2973. Why can't I click Elias for impersonation
  2974. Darth GW7:
  2975. Did I miss something?
  2976. * Lampshade rolls: d20-2 => 1 - 2 = -1
  2977. Darth GW7:
  2978. LOL
  2979. DM:
  2980. ...
  2981. Lampshade:
  2982. hah
  2983. Lampshade:
  2984. a
  2985. Jekko:
  2986. right click
  2987. Jekko:
  2988. on him
  2989. Darth GW7:
  2990. Is that the first negative roll we've had
  2991. Lampshade:
  2992. Yes
  2993. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 14 + 2 = 16
  2994. Darth GW7:
  2995. Good job.
  2996. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+1 => 17 + 1 = 18
  2997. Lampshade:
  2998. Now for Grim
  2999. * Lampshade rolls: d20+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
  3000. Darth GW7:
  3001. less bad
  3002. Darth GW7:
  3003. but only a little
  3004. * Jekko rolls: d20 +3 => 20 + 3 = 23
  3006. Elias:
  3007. No! Not now, not here with them watching!
  3008. * Nirrti rolls: d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
  3009. * DM rolls: d20 + 3 => 7 + 3 = 10
  3010. Canuhearmenow:
  3011. (in response to something I say out loud during the private convo)
  3013. Ahwassa:
  3014. Elias! What kind of trouble did you get us into?
  3015. Jekko:
  3016. monster elias monster elias
  3017. DM:
  3018. My init now.
  3020. Elias:
  3021. More like what trouble I KEPT you out of Ahwassa
  3022. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 19 + 2 = 21
  3023. * Elias looks troubled
  3024. Darth GW7:
  3025. oh my
  3026. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 15 + 2 = 17
  3027. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 6 + 2 = 8
  3028. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 8 + 2 = 10
  3029. Darth GW7:
  3030. wait
  3031. Darth GW7:
  3032. FOUR init rolls?
  3033. Darth GW7:
  3034. something isn't right here
  3035. * DM rolls: d20 + 2 => 19 + 2 = 21
  3036. Canuhearmenow:
  3037. For each column of Skellies
  3038. Darth GW7:
  3039. oh
  3040. * DM rolls: d20 + 11 => 4 + 11 = 15
  3041. Darth GW7:
  3042. I...
  3043. Darth GW7:
  3044. oh my
  3045. Darth GW7:
  3046. +11 init
  3047. Darth GW7:
  3048. that can't be good
  3049. Darth GW7:
  3050. I dread to think what sort of AC it has
  3051. Nirrti:
  3052. i think it's time to rage
  3053. Nirrti:
  3054. rage, charge, fuck shit up, die
  3055. Lampshade:
  3056. Ya think?
  3057. Lampshade:
  3058. Wait
  3059. Nirrti:
  3060. such is the way of khorne
  3061. Lampshade:
  3062. I need to buff you into shape first
  3063. Lampshade:
  3064. So can you do your turn after me?
  3065. Nirrti:
  3066. dunno
  3067. Nirrti:
  3068. can i
  3069. Lampshade:
  3070. Rules say you can
  3071. Nirrti:
  3072. init says i can't
  3073. Nirrti:
  3074. khorne waits for no cleric
  3075. DM:
  3076. Prepare an action
  3077. Darth GW7:
  3078. according to DA RULEZ
  3079. Lampshade:
  3080. Cmon, I have a enlarge person with your name on it
  3081. Darth GW7:
  3082. eew
  3083. Darth GW7:
  3084. TMI
  3085. Lampshade:
  3086. Shut up
  3087. Nirrti:
  3088. darth wishes it was aimed at him
  3089. Lampshade:
  3090. Or I could do a turn undead the first turn
  3091. Lampshade:
  3092. and kill loads of skellies
  3093. Darth GW7:
  3094. My dragon dong is big enough
  3095. Canuhearmenow:
  3096. But you're asexual
  3097. Darth GW7:
  3098. That's what made me faint earlier
  3099. Nirrti:
  3100. how long range does enlarge person have
  3101. Darth GW7:
  3102. I got an erection
  3103. Nirrti:
  3104. it was because you remembered you're a dragonborn
  3105. Jekko:
  3106. 10ft
  3107. Darth GW7:
  3108. Wasn't enough blood
  3109. Nirrti:
  3110. a silly and stupid race
  3111. Lampshade:
  3112. 30ft
  3113. Nirrti:
  3115. Lampshade:
  3116. I can move 20ft
  3117. Darth GW7:
  3118. Half orc is a silly and stupid race
  3119. Darth GW7:
  3120. it implies a human had sex with an orc
  3121. Lampshade:
  3122. Well fuck that then
  3123. Nirrti:
  3124. atleast half-orc is a proper race
  3125. Darth GW7:
  3126. that's just... eew
  3127. Lampshade:
  3128. I kill skellies
  3129. Darth GW7:
  3130. dragonborn is most proper race
  3131. * Jekko rolls: d20 +10 => 6 + 10 = 16
  3132. Nirrti:
  3133. dragonborn is most peon race
  3134. Darth GW7:
  3135. dragonborn is the most "I WILL FUCK YOU UP WITH FIRE BREATH" race
  3136. * DM rolls: d20 + 9 => 18 + 9 = 27
  3137. DM:
  3138. Surprise round for Nat 20 on init.
  3139. DM:
  3140. Go Jekko
  3141. * Jekko rolls: d20 +2 => 3 + 2 = 5
  3142. * Jekko rolls: d20 +2 => 10 + 2 = 12
  3143. DM:
  3144. Miss
  3145. DM:
  3146. Wait
  3147. DM:
  3148. second hits
  3149. Lampshade:
  3150. Two attacks?
  3151. DM:
  3152. Surprise round, from nat 20 init.
  3153. Lampshade:
  3154. oh right
  3155. * Jekko rolls: 1d3 => 3
  3156. DM:
  3157. Right
  3158. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 4 => 10 + 4 = 14
  3159. DM:
  3160. Yes
  3161. DM:
  3162. Right, Canu, you survive the Mind Rape.
  3163. Canuhearmenow:
  3164. Mind Rape?
  3165. Canuhearmenow:
  3166. Oh dear god
  3167. DM:
  3168. Darth's turn.
  3169. Halfred:
  3170. oh hi skeliis
  3171. Darth GW7:
  3172. what does charging do, other than being awesome and doubling movement?
  3173. DM whispers: nothing else
  3174. Jekko:
  3175. + 2 hit
  3176. Lampshade:
  3177. and -2 to ac for one round
  3178. * Z'ar Kor readies his longsword and charges, roaring as he goes, small flames flickering briefly in his mouth
  3180. Z'ar Kor:
  3182. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 16 + 8 = 24
  3183. Nirrti:
  3184. can you charge and breath weapon?
  3185. DM:
  3186. It's a hit.
  3187. Darth GW7:
  3188. I wasn't
  3189. Darth GW7:
  3190. I was just charging
  3191. Nirrti:
  3192. yeah but can you actually do that
  3193. Nirrti:
  3194. would it benefit on the breath weapon
  3195. DM:
  3196. I don't think so.
  3197. Nirrti:
  3198. just curious
  3199. * Darth GW7 rolls: d8+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
  3200. Darth GW7:
  3201. Full damage fuck yeha
  3202. DM:
  3203. It has to be a simple attack, I think.
  3204. DM:
  3205. The skeleton shatters.
  3206. Nirrti:
  3207. well yeah, it wouldn't make much sense
  3208. Darth GW7:
  3209. one down.
  3210. Darth GW7:
  3211. 15 more to go
  3212. Nirrti:
  3213. since you know, flames or such don't have much of physical force
  3214. DM:
  3215. mhm
  3216. Darth GW7:
  3217. yeah so doing it would essentially result in me running into my own fire
  3218. Darth GW7:
  3219. which is a bad idea
  3220. Lampshade:
  3221. Hey Darth, remember the first skeletons here?
  3222. * DM rolls: d20 + 1 => 17 + 1 = 18
  3223. * DM rolls: d20 + 1 => 12 + 1 = 13
  3224. Nirrti:
  3225. you're fireproof, aren't you
  3226. * DM rolls: d20 + 1 => 16 + 1 = 17
  3227. Darth GW7:
  3228. Er.
  3229. Darth GW7:
  3230. I don't think so
  3231. * DM rolls: d6 => 4
  3232. * DM rolls: d6 => 3
  3233. DM:
  3234. Jekko, 4 damage
  3235. Darth GW7:
  3236. I don't recall anything like that
  3237. DM:
  3238. Canu, 3 damage.
  3239. DM:
  3240. Canu's turn.
  3242. Elias:
  3243. Face us one on one, you coward!
  3244. Canuhearmenow:
  3245. I attack uh
  3246. Lampshade:
  3247. I meant the whole dungeon
  3248. Canuhearmenow:
  3249. Skeleton 8 with, you guessed it
  3250. Darth GW7:
  3251. no, not immune to fire at all
  3252. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 2d4 + 2 => 4 + 2 = 6
  3254. ???:
  3255. Very well. Step forward, if you must.
  3256. * DM rolls: d20 + 1 => 5 + 1 = 6
  3257. DM:
  3258. Alright
  3259. DM:
  3260. THe missiles strike the skeleton, and it shatters. Bones go flying around the room.
  3262. Z'ar Kor:
  3263. Elias! What are you doing?!
  3264. Lampshade:
  3265. Do the other skeletons get hit and take damage?
  3267. Elias:
  3268. I'm saving your damn hides!
  3269. Nirrti:
  3270. if that smaller thing would move next to elias i could charge it
  3272. Ahwassa:
  3273. I really hope you know what you're doing
  3275. Halfred:
  3276. some thing stupid!
  3277. Nirrti:
  3278. well, close to elias
  3279. Nirrti:
  3280. damnit
  3281. * DM rolls: d20 + 6 => 14 + 6 = 20
  3282. Canuhearmenow:
  3283. On who?
  3284. DM:
  3285. You
  3286. * DM rolls: 2d4 => 6
  3287. Canuhearmenow:
  3288. Oh yay
  3289. DM:
  3290. 6 force damage.
  3291. DM:
  3292. Nirrti's turn
  3293. Lampshade:
  3294. What spell was it?
  3295. Canuhearmenow:
  3296. I think it's not magic
  3297. Lampshade:
  3298. Do spellcraft?
  3299. Nirrti:
  3300. hmm
  3301. Nirrti:
  3302. charge two skeletons, hope to hit one, cleave second
  3303. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 11 => 8 + 11 = 19
  3304. Nirrti:
  3305. or kill elias
  3306. DM:
  3307. It wasn't a spell.
  3308. Darth GW7:
  3309. "Force damage"
  3310. Darth GW7:
  3311. Fus ro da?
  3312. Canuhearmenow:
  3313. Which leaves divine or psionics
  3314. DM:
  3316. Darth GW7:
  3317. Jedi powers?
  3318. Lampshade:
  3319. Are there psionics in this campaign?
  3320. Jekko:
  3321. sith?
  3322. DM:
  3323. Yes
  3324. Lampshade:
  3325. okay
  3326. DM:
  3327. That big guy
  3328. DM:
  3329. He has psionics.
  3330. Lampshade:
  3331. Oh
  3332. Darth GW7:
  3333. oh my
  3334. Darth GW7:
  3335. but it's okay guys
  3336. DM:
  3337. Continue, Nirrti.
  3338. Darth GW7:
  3340. Darth GW7:
  3342. Darth GW7:
  3344. Darth GW7:
  3346. Nirrti:
  3347. i guess i'll charge those skeletons next to jekko
  3348. Darth GW7:
  3351. OMG'ahr:
  3353. Lampshade:
  3354. But you have 40 move right?
  3355. Darth GW7:
  3357. Nirrti:
  3358. lamp
  3359. Darth GW7:
  3360. Shut up lamp
  3361. Nirrti:
  3362. charge
  3363. Darth GW7:
  3364. people are being awesome here
  3365. Nirrti:
  3366. more attack roll
  3367. * Nirrti rolls: d20+11 => 5 + 11 = 16
  3368. DM:
  3369. That's a hit
  3370. Lampshade:
  3371. I mean, the secret of vecna is at 75 distance
  3372. Nirrti:
  3373. thank god for that +2 on charge
  3374. Nirrti:
  3375. i have 30 move
  3376. Nirrti:
  3377. not 40
  3378. Nirrti:
  3379. medium armor
  3380. Nirrti:
  3381. remember
  3382. Lampshade:
  3383. ah
  3384. Lampshade:
  3385. Right
  3386. Lampshade:
  3387. Nevermind then
  3388. Nirrti:
  3389. would be 40 in light
  3390. * Nirrti rolls: d12+7+1 => 5 + 7 + 1 = 13
  3391. Nirrti:
  3392. is that enough for kill
  3393. Nirrti:
  3394. i can never remember the amount of HP for the skeletons
  3395. Canuhearmenow:
  3396. A 6 killed one
  3397. DM:
  3398. The skeleton is cleaved in twain.
  3399. Lampshade:
  3400. There are so many that it better be
  3401. Nirrti:
  3402. CLEAVE
  3403. * Nirrti rolls: d20+11 => 19 + 11 = 30
  3404. Darth GW7:
  3405. nice
  3406. Canuhearmenow:
  3407. Oh my god
  3408. Darth GW7:
  3409. nice round number
  3410. * Nirrti rolls: d12+7+1 => 2 + 7 + 1 = 10
  3411. Jekko:
  3412. crit
  3413. Nirrti:
  3414. nope
  3415. Darth GW7:
  3416. this is when he keeps cleaving and kills me and jekko
  3417. Jekko:
  3418. oh yea
  3419. DM:
  3420. Cleave only works once
  3421. Nirrti:
  3422. i would if i had great cleave
  3423. Nirrti:
  3424. i mean uh
  3425. DM:
  3426. Great Cleave, however...
  3427. DM:
  3428. :D
  3429. Lampshade:
  3430. Who next?
  3431. Nirrti:
  3432. well lamp, there's your chance to cast spells
  3433. DM:
  3434. Grim
  3435. Lampshade:
  3436. He shoots at Secret of Vecna
  3437. * Lampshade rolls: d20+8 => 9 + 8 = 17
  3438. * Lampshade rolls: d8 => 5
  3439. Lampshade:
  3440. if hit
  3441. DM:
  3442. How far away is he?
  3443. Canuhearmenow:
  3444. 90
  3445. Lampshade:
  3446. 90
  3447. DM:
  3448. Right
  3449. Canuhearmenow:
  3450. longbow has 120
  3451. DM:
  3452. Hit
  3453. Lampshade:
  3454. Says 100 in his sheet
  3455. Canuhearmenow:
  3456. He lies
  3457. Lampshade:
  3458. it did 5 damage
  3459. DM:
  3460. The arrow strikes the creature in the shoulder.
  3461. * DM rolls: d20 + 7 => 15 + 7 = 22
  3462. * DM rolls: d6 + 3 => 6 + 3 = 9
  3463. Darth GW7:
  3464. we are killing quite a few skeletons
  3465. Darth GW7:
  3466. by the way
  3467. Lampshade:
  3468. Yep
  3469. Darth GW7:
  3470. what has skullington been doing this whole time
  3471. Canuhearmenow:
  3472. Skellies are the least of our worries
  3473. Nirrti:
  3474. if i only had greatcleave
  3475. Darth GW7:
  3476. and his friends
  3477. Lampshade:
  3478. Skulking
  3479. DM:
  3480. Lamp
  3481. Lampshade:
  3482. My turn?
  3484. Z'ar Kor:
  3485. Hey, skull! Would you mind giving us a hand?
  3486. DM:
  3487. His friends died, Darth
  3488. DM:
  3489. Yeah, Lamo
  3490. DM:
  3491. Lamp
  3492. DM:
  3493. :(
  3494. Darth GW7:
  3495. oh...
  3496. Darth GW7:
  3497. oh dear
  3498. Lampshade:
  3499. I cast
  3500. Lampshade:
  3501. Turn undead!
  3502. Darth GW7:
  3503. "all of our friends are dead 8("
  3505. Skullington:
  3508. Z'ar Kor:
  3509. ...
  3510. Lampshade:
  3511. I forgot what to roll
  3513. Z'ar Kor:
  3514. Never mind.
  3515. DM:
  3516. ...for?
  3517. * Lampshade rolls: d20+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
  3518. Lampshade:
  3519. I reroll
  3520. * Lampshade rolls: d20+4 => 16 + 4 = 20
  3521. Lampshade:
  3522. Better
  3523. Lampshade:
  3524. Used my luck now
  3525. DM:
  3526. 6 hd
  3527. * Lampshade rolls: 2d6+3+2 => 11 + 3 + 2 = 16
  3528. DM:
  3529. ...well.
  3530. Lampshade:
  3531. so
  3532. Lampshade:
  3533. I kill them all?
  3534. Lampshade:
  3535. Bye Skull
  3536. Lampshade:
  3537. The range is 60 feet
  3538. Lampshade:
  3539. So some survive
  3540. Darth GW7:
  3542. Lampshade:
  3543. Jekko
  3544. Darth GW7:
  3545. this is skull
  3546. Darth GW7:
  3547. what the hell just-
  3548. Lampshade:
  3549. Use the range thing
  3550. Darth GW7:
  3551. you... you MONSTER
  3552. Lampshade:
  3553. One skeleton more
  3554. Darth GW7:
  3555. LAMP
  3556. Darth GW7:
  3558. DM:
  3559. The room fills with bright light. When your eyes re-adjust, half the skeletons lie in piles of rubble.
  3560. Lampshade:
  3561. You forgot one
  3563. Elias:
  3564. That was very impressive
  3566. Skullington:
  3568. DM:
  3569. Jekko's turn
  3571. Ahwassa:
  3572. How about we even the odds a bit
  3574. Skullington:
  3577. Skullington:
  3579. * Skullington disintegrates into a pile of ash
  3580. Jekko:
  3581. done
  3582. DM:
  3583. Nirrti, make a will save.
  3584. DM:
  3585. Lamp, make a will save.
  3586. * Nirrti rolls: d20+2 => 9 + 2 = 11
  3587. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 6 + 6 = 12
  3588. DM:
  3589. Oh ho.
  3590. DM:
  3591. Who wants to go first?
  3592. Lampshade:
  3593. This sounds fun
  3594. * DM rolls: 2d10 => 6
  3595. * DM rolls: 2d10 => 12
  3597. ???:
  3598. I CAST FIST!
  3599. DM:
  3600. Lamp, 6 damage, Nirrti, 12.
  3601. * DM rolls: d20 + 1 => 13 + 1 = 14
  3602. Jekko:
  3603. miss
  3604. DM:
  3605. Darth's turn
  3607. Elias:
  3608. Missss
  3609. Darth GW7:
  3610. MY TURN
  3611. Darth GW7:
  3612. might as well kill this last skelly
  3613. Nirrti:
  3614. lamp, where's my enlarge person
  3616. Skeleton 13:
  3617. You forgot me
  3618. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 6 + 8 = 14
  3619. Darth GW7:
  3620. shut up you don't count
  3621. Lampshade:
  3622. I thought killing all the skeletons was more important
  3623. DM:
  3624. That's a hit
  3626. Skully Skellinski:
  3627. Skellinksi at your service!
  3628. * Darth GW7 rolls: d8+5 => 3 + 5 = 8
  3629. DM:
  3630. You stab the skeleton.
  3631. DM:
  3632. Somehow, this manages to kill it.
  3633. Darth GW7:
  3634. no i don't
  3635. Nirrti:
  3636. canu, FYI, if you move away from there, i'll be able to charge the fucker
  3637. Darth GW7:
  3638. longswords are slashing weapons
  3639. DM:
  3640. Point still stands.
  3641. Canuhearmenow:
  3642. 60 feet?
  3643. Nirrti:
  3644. 55
  3645. Darth GW7:
  3646. If I slash at bones
  3647. Darth GW7:
  3648. they break
  3649. Darth GW7:
  3650. I sweep them aside with my blows
  3651. DM:
  3652. Uh... Well, the skeletons are dead, so Canu's turn.
  3653. Nirrti:
  3654. well, not the best choice of action
  3655. Canuhearmenow:
  3656. I cast MM on the Secret
  3657. Nirrti:
  3658. because it's targeting you
  3659. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 2d4 + 2 => 5 + 2 = 7
  3660. DM:
  3661. Right
  3662. Lampshade:
  3663. Nirrti
  3664. Lampshade:
  3665. This tie
  3666. Lampshade:
  3667. time
  3668. Lampshade:
  3669. Wait
  3670. Nirrti:
  3671. i cannot
  3672. Lampshade:
  3673. Yes you can
  3674. Nirrti:
  3676. Canuhearmenow:
  3677. OH GOD
  3678. * DM rolls: d20 + 4 => 4 + 4 = 8
  3679. Canuhearmenow:
  3680. GUYS GUYS
  3681. Nirrti:
  3682. told you canu
  3683. * DM rolls: d20 + 4 => 6 + 4 = 10
  3684. Nirrti:
  3685. i fucking told you
  3686. Lampshade:
  3687. Oh, nevermind
  3688. DM:
  3689. Welp
  3690. Canuhearmenow:
  3691. I'm now
  3692. DM:
  3693. Nirrti.
  3694. Canuhearmenow:
  3695. Oh missed
  3696. Lampshade:
  3697. Go into his corner
  3698. Lampshade:
  3699. Otherwise no bigger Nirrti
  3700. Nirrti:
  3701. i will run closer
  3702. Lampshade:
  3703. Wait, damnit halfred
  3704. Nirrti:
  3705. yep
  3706. Lampshade:
  3707. Can you jump over him?
  3708. Jekko:
  3709. what
  3710. Lampshade:
  3711. You're in the way!
  3712. Jekko:
  3713. just jump
  3714. Nirrti:
  3715. that's the closest i can get
  3716. Nirrti:
  3717. can't jump in charge
  3718. Lampshade:
  3719. Hmm, true
  3720. Nirrti:
  3721. it's charge, not run
  3722. Darth GW7:
  3723. you can only jump your speed anyway
  3724. DM:
  3725. Done?
  3726. Nirrti:
  3727. well, i can't do anything else, unless you guys want me to charge the skeleton
  3728. Darth GW7:
  3729. er
  3730. Darth GW7:
  3731. if you like
  3732. Lampshade:
  3733. Do it
  3734. Lampshade:
  3735. You can attack Vecna dude anyways next turn
  3736. * Nirrti rolls: d20+11 => 7 + 11 = 18
  3737. DM:
  3738. Hit
  3739. Jekko:
  3740. hit
  3741. * Nirrti rolls: d12+7+1 => 3 + 7 + 1 = 11
  3742. Lampshade:
  3743. And ded
  3744. Darth GW7:
  3745. pow
  3746. DM:
  3747. The skeleton breaks.
  3749. Z'ar Kor:
  3750. No more skeletons.
  3751. DM:
  3752. Grim
  3754. Z'ar Kor:
  3755. I still miss skullington though -sniff-
  3756. Lampshade:
  3757. and shoot
  3758. * Lampshade rolls: d20+8 => 12 + 8 = 20
  3759. DM:
  3760. Hit
  3762. Z'ar Kor:
  3763. He lost his friends and his life.. all in just a few short hours.
  3764. Lampshade:
  3765. at vecna thing
  3766. * Lampshade rolls: d8 => 6
  3767. * Z'ar Kor wipes a tear from his eye
  3768. Canuhearmenow:
  3769. $20 monopoly dollars says this thing has triple digit HP
  3770. DM:
  3771. heh
  3772. Lampshade:
  3773. Deal
  3774. DM:
  3775. Lamp's turn
  3776. Lampshade:
  3777. You shall mail it to me
  3778. Canuhearmenow:
  3779. Speaking of which Lamp
  3780. Lampshade:
  3781. Because it will have 99 hp
  3782. Nirrti:
  3783. well hey, maybe i can actually score a crit and see what the fuck this thing does
  3784. Darth GW7:
  3785. monopoly money is more valuable than zimbabwe dollars
  3786. Darth GW7:
  3787. true story
  3788. Lampshade:
  3789. haha
  3790. Lampshade:
  3791. hmm
  3792. Lampshade:
  3793. Can I charge with touch attack?
  3794. Darth GW7:
  3795. if he crits and instakills it
  3796. Darth GW7:
  3797. that would be
  3798. Darth GW7:
  3799. amazing
  3800. Lampshade:
  3801. nevermind
  3802. Darth GW7:
  3803. stop touching things that don't belong to you
  3804. Lampshade:
  3805. I cast
  3806. Lampshade:
  3807. Spiritual Weapon
  3808. Nirrti:
  3809. ENLARGE
  3810. Nirrti:
  3811. PERSON
  3812. Nirrti:
  3813. bitch
  3814. Darth GW7:
  3815. spiritual weapon?
  3816. Lampshade:
  3817. No range
  3818. Nirrti:
  3819. fu
  3820. Darth GW7:
  3821. Wouldn't that pass through people?
  3822. Darth GW7:
  3823. also enlarge me
  3824. Darth GW7:
  3825. I could be BIGGER
  3826. Nirrti:
  3827. you'd be smaller
  3828. Lampshade:
  3829. 284 players handbook Hjort
  3830. Nirrti:
  3831. remember, you're a shorty
  3832. Darth GW7:
  3834. Nirrti:
  3835. TINY LIL' OL' MAN
  3836. Darth GW7:
  3838. Nirrti:
  3840. Lampshade:
  3841. So
  3842. Lampshade:
  3843. DM, got the spell?
  3844. Nirrti:
  3846. DM:
  3847. mhm
  3848. Nirrti:
  3849. this is how OMG'ahr sounds like
  3850. Lampshade:
  3851. The weapon attacks Vecna thing
  3852. * Lampshade rolls: d20+2 => 7 + 2 = 9
  3853. Lampshade:
  3854. and misses
  3855. Darth GW7:
  3856. so badass and edgey
  3857. Nirrti:
  3858. aka Darth is jealous
  3859. Darth GW7:
  3860. never played warhammer so not really
  3861. Lampshade:
  3862. I guess it's Jekko
  3863. Darth GW7:
  3864. ;v
  3865. Nirrti:
  3866. so even more so then, hah
  3867. Canuhearmenow:
  3868. Who is enlarged?
  3869. Lampshade:
  3870. No one
  3871. Darth GW7:
  3872. can't be jealous of something if I don't even know what the fuck it is
  3873. DM:
  3874. Jekko
  3875. Canuhearmenow:
  3876. aww
  3877. Lampshade:
  3878. I cast spiritual weapon
  3879. Canuhearmenow:
  3880. NO
  3881. Canuhearmenow:
  3882. NO
  3883. Canuhearmenow:
  3884. DON'T
  3885. Canuhearmenow:
  3886. NOT THERE
  3887. Canuhearmenow:
  3888. Z'ar can't charge now
  3889. Nirrti:
  3890. jekko
  3891. Nirrti:
  3892. chargeblocker 2012
  3893. DM:
  3894. Up one.
  3895. Canuhearmenow:
  3896. Jekko, just don't attack it
  3897. DM:
  3898. You flank and Nirrt can still charge
  3899. Darth GW7:
  3900. You can go one more square up without being AoO#d
  3901. Nirrti:
  3902. i'm going to charge the big fuck on the throne
  3903. Nirrti:
  3904. and rage
  3905. Nirrti:
  3906. i mean
  3907. Nirrti:
  3908. rage
  3909. Nirrti:
  3910. charge
  3911. Nirrti:
  3912. fuck shit up
  3913. Jekko:
  3914. flank
  3915. DM:
  3916. Right
  3917. Jekko:
  3918. so what flank gives?
  3919. Canuhearmenow:
  3920. +2
  3921. * Jekko rolls: d20 +4 => 15 + 4 = 19
  3922. Nirrti:
  3923. can you chargeflank?
  3924. Darth GW7:
  3925. nice
  3926. Nirrti:
  3928. DM:
  3929. That's a hit
  3930. Canuhearmenow:
  3931. BACKSTAB?
  3932. Darth GW7:
  3933. nirrti
  3934. Darth GW7:
  3935. that's called
  3936. Darth GW7:
  3937. anal sex
  3938. DM:
  3939. Not on undead.
  3940. * Jekko rolls: 1d3 => 2
  3941. Nirrti:
  3942. it's called powerflanking
  3943. Darth GW7:
  3944. TWO DAMAGE
  3945. Darth GW7:
  3946. OH YEAH
  3947. Nirrti:
  3948. because i named it so
  3949. Lampshade:
  3950. That thing is undead?
  3951. Canuhearmenow:
  3952. Better then 0 Darth
  3953. Darth GW7:
  3954. It was already called anal sex
  3955. Lampshade:
  3956. Awesome!
  3957. Nirrti:
  3958. hold on
  3959. Nirrti:
  3960. backstab + flanking + charge
  3961. DM:
  3962. ...oh.
  3963. Darth GW7:
  3964. How do you backstab?
  3965. DM:
  3966. ...oh my.
  3967. DM:
  3968. heh
  3969. Darth GW7:
  3970. As in
  3971. Nirrti:
  3972. i don't
  3973. Darth GW7:
  3974. what are the conditions
  3975. Nirrti:
  3976. you stab
  3977. Nirrti:
  3978. at someone's back
  3979. Darth GW7:
  3980. helpful
  3981. Nirrti:
  3982. obvious
  3983. Darth GW7:
  3984. and what are the effects
  3985. Nirrti:
  3986. you stab
  3987. Lampshade:
  3988. it's more damage
  3989. Darth GW7:
  3990. ah
  3991. Lampshade:
  3992. 1d6 at that level
  3993. Darth GW7:
  3994. that's neat.
  3995. Canuhearmenow:
  3996. Did ??? just move
  3997. * Jekko rolls: 2d6 => 10
  3998. DM:
  3999. Yes
  4000. Darth GW7:
  4001. yes
  4002. Darth GW7:
  4003. yes it did
  4004. Canuhearmenow:
  4005. But isn't it
  4006. Canuhearmenow:
  4007. Isn't it attached to a throne
  4008. Darth GW7:
  4009. clearly the throne moved too
  4010. Nirrti:
  4011. throne moves on rails
  4012. Lampshade:
  4013. The throne has tiny wheels under it
  4014. Canuhearmenow:
  4015. Oh god
  4016. DM:
  4017. It can teleport
  4018. Darth GW7:
  4019. another skeleton?
  4020. Lampshade:
  4021. Oh come on
  4022. Canuhearmenow:
  4023. Nirrti, the Bloodletter quoted Sega
  4024. Nirrti:
  4025. it's got tiny little barleys under it
  4026. Lampshade:
  4027. And it shits skeletons?
  4028. Canuhearmenow:
  4029. "Terrible, terrible damage"
  4030. Lampshade:
  4031. Who's turn?
  4032. DM:
  4033. That was a spell, Canu
  4034. Jekko:
  4035. done
  4036. Lampshade:
  4037. Canu
  4038. Lampshade:
  4039. Hint hint
  4040. Darth GW7:
  4041. Canu
  4042. Canuhearmenow:
  4043. What
  4044. Darth GW7:
  4045. spellcraft
  4046. Canuhearmenow:
  4047. Oh
  4048. Darth GW7:
  4049. hint
  4050. Canuhearmenow:
  4051. Lemme do so
  4052. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 11 => 16 + 11 = 27
  4053. DM:
  4054. Darth, make a will save.
  4055. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20 => 17
  4056. Darth GW7:
  4057. WOO
  4058. DM:
  4059. Right
  4060. Darth GW7:
  4062. Darth GW7:
  4063. NO SIR!
  4064. Nirrti:
  4065. rage's a free action, right
  4066. Lampshade:
  4067. It somehow succeeded
  4068. Lampshade:
  4069. Yes
  4070. Canuhearmenow:
  4071. Ok I'm dead
  4072. Darth GW7:
  4073. owlbear skeleton?
  4074. Darth GW7:
  4075. It looks like a human skeleton to me
  4076. * DM rolls: d20 + 6 => 11 + 6 = 17
  4077. DM:
  4078. Hit?
  4079. Canuhearmenow:
  4080. yes
  4081. * DM rolls: d6 + 5 => 4 + 5 = 9
  4082. DM:
  4083. 9 damage.
  4084. Canuhearmenow:
  4085. Dying
  4086. Darth GW7:
  4087. oh wow
  4088. Lampshade:
  4089. How do you have so little hp??
  4090. Darth GW7:
  4091. wizard
  4092. Nirrti:
  4093. i think elias should try to
  4094. Canuhearmenow:
  4095. Had 17 initially
  4096. DM:
  4097. hd 4
  4098. Nirrti:
  4099. put himself back together
  4100. Lampshade:
  4101. What happened to the rest of your hp?
  4102. Canuhearmenow:
  4103. I have been kinda attacked a lot by the Secret
  4104. Darth GW7:
  4105. he lost it
  4106. Canuhearmenow:
  4107. And the ??
  4108. Darth GW7:
  4109. clearly
  4110. Nirrti:
  4111. they scurried off
  4112. Canuhearmenow:
  4113. ???&
  4114. Lampshade:
  4115. Oh right
  4116. Lampshade:
  4117. forgot
  4118. Lampshade:
  4119. sorry
  4120. DM:
  4121. The newly summoned skeleton tears open your skin, trying to defend it's master.
  4122. DM:
  4123. Darth's turn.
  4125. Elias:
  4126. I... It hurts....
  4128. Z'ar Kor:
  4129. ELIAS!
  4130. * Z'ar Kor charge
  4131. Nirrti:
  4133. Darth GW7:
  4134. kind of
  4135. DM:
  4136. ...
  4137. DM:
  4138. no
  4139. Darth GW7:
  4140. no not really
  4141. DM:
  4142. That's not a charge
  4143. Darth GW7:
  4144. whatever
  4145. Darth GW7:
  4146. It's 30 movement anyway
  4147. * DM rolls: 5d12 => 39
  4148. Darth GW7:
  4149. so I walked quick-
  4150. Darth GW7:
  4151. wait what
  4152. DM:
  4153. Nothin
  4154. DM:
  4155. continue
  4156. Darth GW7:
  4158. DM:
  4159. God no
  4160. Canuhearmenow:
  4161. Health probs
  4162. Canuhearmenow:
  4163. It regained health
  4164. * Z'ar Kor attacks the owlbear skeleton
  4165. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 17 + 8 = 25
  4166. DM:
  4167. ...hit.
  4168. * Darth GW7 rolls: d8+5 => 3 + 5 = 8
  4169. Lampshade:
  4170. Owlbears are like moonkins right?
  4171. Darth GW7:
  4172. ...what
  4173. DM:
  4174. oops, forgot that
  4175. DM:
  4176. Sorry
  4177. Lampshade:
  4178. You hit it and it grew
  4179. DM:
  4180. ...
  4181. Darth GW7:
  4182. oh god what have I DONE
  4183. Darth GW7:
  4185. DM:
  4186. Roll for damage
  4187. Darth GW7:
  4188. I did
  4189. Darth GW7:
  4190. :v
  4191. Darth GW7:
  4192. do you want me to roll again
  4193. DM:
  4194. no
  4195. Darth GW7:
  4196. then why would you ask
  4197. Darth GW7:
  4198. nub
  4199. Canuhearmenow:
  4200. This is probably what Elias sounds like, without the etherealeness
  4201. Canuhearmenow:
  4202. (in Steam chat)
  4203. DM:
  4204. Canu
  4205. Canuhearmenow:
  4206. Yes?
  4207. Canuhearmenow:
  4208. I'm rolling concentration to stabilize
  4209. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 7 => 12 + 7 = 19
  4210. DM:
  4211. what
  4212. Canuhearmenow:
  4213. How do I stabilize
  4214. Lampshade:
  4215. You roll d20
  4216. DM:
  4217. Roll a d100
  4218. Lampshade:
  4219. and hope for a 20
  4220. Lampshade:
  4221. oh
  4222. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d100 => 36
  4223. DM:
  4224. Aw well
  4225. Lampshade:
  4226. I thought it was somehow else
  4227. Canuhearmenow:
  4228. -2
  4229. DM:
  4230. Jekko, make an AoO.
  4231. * Jekko rolls: d20 +2 => 9 + 2 = 11
  4232. * Secret of Vecna reaches down towards Elias.
  4233. Canuhearmenow:
  4234. What
  4235. Canuhearmenow:
  4236. What what what
  4237. * Secret of Vecna snatches the book from his pockets.
  4239. Z'ar Kor:
  4240. No!
  4241. Canuhearmenow:
  4242. Is there anything Elias can do?
  4243. Canuhearmenow:
  4244. Even if it's not effective?
  4245. Lampshade:
  4246. He can bleed
  4248. Secret of Vecna:
  4249. ...this is not the end, child.
  4250. Lampshade:
  4251. Bleed on him, that'll show him
  4252. Canuhearmenow:
  4253. Child?
  4254. DM:
  4255. And, with a flash of light, it disappears.
  4256. Lampshade:
  4257. The book?
  4258. Canuhearmenow:
  4259. Gone
  4260. DM:
  4261. Goes with it.
  4262. Lampshade:
  4263. oh, the whole thing
  4264. Darth GW7:
  4265. wonderful
  4266. DM:
  4267. Nirrti
  4268. Jekko:
  4269. there go the evidence
  4270. Nirrti:
  4271. RAGE
  4272. Nirrti:
  4274. Lampshade:
  4275. Position yourself on right under him on the map
  4276. Lampshade:
  4277. That way I can enlarge
  4278. Nirrti:
  4279. also charge
  4280. DM:
  4281. Roll to hit
  4282. * Nirrti rolls: d20+13 => 19 + 13 = 32
  4283. Lampshade:
  4284. Ouch
  4285. Lampshade:
  4286. I really wish you had a greatsword now
  4287. DM:
  4288. Still not a crit?
  4289. Lampshade:
  4290. Nope
  4291. Nirrti:
  4292. nope
  4293. Nirrti:
  4294. since no 20
  4295. DM:
  4296. Damn
  4297. Nirrti:
  4298. :|
  4299. DM:
  4300. Roll to damage.
  4301. Nirrti:
  4302. i wish i had used power attack
  4303. Nirrti:
  4304. would've done way more damage
  4305. Lampshade:
  4306. Same
  4307. DM:
  4308. Roll to murder.
  4309. * Nirrti rolls: d12+10+1 => 2 + 10 + 1 = 13
  4310. Nirrti:
  4311. or not
  4312. Lampshade:
  4313. 2
  4314. Nirrti:
  4315. maybe next turn
  4316. Nirrti:
  4317. when large
  4318. Lampshade:
  4319. Maybe
  4320. Nirrti:
  4321. what did enlarge person give
  4322. Lampshade:
  4323. 2 str -2 dex
  4324. Lampshade:
  4325. against large enemies like this
  4326. Lampshade:
  4327. and better weapon damage
  4328. Nirrti:
  4329. so then my STR is +8
  4330. DM:
  4331. You slice at the wires and tubes connecting it to the cathedral. Some are chopped in half. The whole place begins to shake, and parts of the ceiling begin to crumble.
  4332. Lampshade:
  4333. The weapon damage is the big thing
  4334. DM:
  4335. Grim's turn.
  4336. Lampshade:
  4337. Oh
  4338. Nirrti:
  4339. so enlarge + rage + power attack = ?
  4340. * Lampshade rolls: d20+8 => 5 + 8 = 13
  4341. Lampshade:
  4342. I shoot the skellie
  4343. DM:
  4344. Hit
  4345. * Lampshade rolls: d8 => 6
  4346. Lampshade:
  4347. +2
  4348. Lampshade:
  4349. +1
  4350. Lampshade:
  4351. *
  4352. Lampshade:
  4353. for point blank
  4354. Canuhearmenow:
  4355. +1
  4356. * DM rolls: d20 + 3 => 10 + 3 = 13
  4357. * DM rolls: d6 + 3 => 3 + 3 = 6
  4358. DM:
  4359. Lamp's turn
  4360. Nirrti:
  4361. so if you do enlarge me, i can roll d20+9 and then i can add +6 to dmg
  4362. Lampshade:
  4363. I cast enlarge person
  4364. Lampshade:
  4365. on Nirrti
  4366. Nirrti:
  4367. and then we just better fucking hope i hit
  4368. Lampshade:
  4369. and my spiritual wapon hits the skeleton
  4370. * Lampshade rolls: d20+2 => 11 + 2 = 13
  4371. * Lampshade rolls: d8+1 => 4 + 1 = 5
  4372. Lampshade:
  4373. for 5 damage
  4374. DM:
  4375. Alright.
  4376. Nirrti:
  4378. DM:
  4379. Jekko's turn.
  4380. Lampshade:
  4381. You get hit if you do that
  4382. Lampshade:
  4383. Twice
  4384. DM:
  4385. indeed
  4386. * Jekko rolls: d20 +2 => 19 + 2 = 21
  4387. DM:
  4388. Hit
  4389. Lampshade:
  4390. crit
  4391. * Jekko rolls: d20 +2 => 15 + 2 = 17
  4392. Lampshade:
  4393. I think
  4394. DM:
  4395. Right
  4396. DM:
  4397. Crit.
  4398. Canuhearmenow:
  4399. 2d3 oh boy
  4400. * Jekko rolls: 2d3 => 5
  4401. Lampshade:
  4402. I like how it's JEKKO who crits
  4403. Lampshade:
  4404. and deals 5 damage
  4405. DM:
  4406. Nirrti, make an AoO
  4407. Lampshade:
  4408. Why?
  4409. DM:
  4410. Because
  4411. DM:
  4412. Reasons
  4413. Nirrti:
  4414. so wait what
  4415. Lampshade:
  4416. No idea
  4417. Nirrti:
  4418. hold on
  4419. * Nirrti rolls: d20+12 => 17 + 12 = 29
  4420. DM:
  4421. Roll for damage.
  4422. * Nirrti rolls: d12+12+1 => 1 + 12 + 1 = 14
  4423. Nirrti:
  4424. really
  4425. Nirrti:
  4426. 1
  4427. Nirrti:
  4428. really
  4429. Nirrti:
  4430. fucking
  4431. Nirrti:
  4432. really
  4433. Lampshade:
  4434. wait
  4435. Lampshade:
  4436. You're large now
  4437. Lampshade:
  4438. you do 3d6 damage
  4439. Nirrti:
  4440. oh
  4441. Lampshade:
  4442. instead of d12
  4443. Nirrti:
  4444. well i forgot that already
  4445. Canuhearmenow:
  4446. Just roll a 1d6
  4447. Canuhearmenow:
  4448. And add that
  4449. Lampshade:
  4450. woudln't be the same
  4451. DM:
  4452. and add 1
  4453. DM:
  4454. because
  4455. Lampshade:
  4456. But it still is different
  4457. DM:
  4458. you couldn't get a 1
  4459. Nirrti:
  4460. how about i roll 2d3?
  4461. DM:
  4462. sure
  4463. Lampshade:
  4464. Like with 2d6 the most likely result is 7
  4465. Nirrti:
  4466. well fuck if i know
  4467. Nirrti:
  4468. what do i roll
  4469. Lampshade:
  4470. 3d6
  4471. Canuhearmenow:
  4472. 2d3 + 1
  4473. DM:
  4474. no
  4475. DM:
  4476. just 2d3
  4477. * Nirrti rolls: 2d3 => 5
  4478. DM:
  4479. Now, make a reflex save.
  4480. Nirrti:
  4481. do i get minus for being large
  4482. Nirrti:
  4483. on reflex
  4484. DM:
  4485. Um
  4486. Lampshade:
  4487. it's the dex
  4488. Lampshade:
  4489. I think
  4490. Jekko:
  4491. -1
  4492. * Nirrti rolls: d20+2 => 15 + 2 = 17
  4493. DM:
  4494. Good save. You only take half damage from this.
  4495. * DM rolls: 5d8 => 21
  4496. Lampshade:
  4497. ........what
  4498. Nirrti:
  4499. so 10?
  4500. Lampshade:
  4501. the
  4502. Canuhearmenow:
  4503. Was that
  4504. Canuhearmenow:
  4505. Uhh
  4506. Canuhearmenow:
  4507. What
  4508. Nirrti:
  4509. dunno
  4510. Nirrti:
  4511. but i sure as hell hope i'm going to crit
  4512. Nirrti:
  4513. because i want to know what the weapon does
  4514. Nirrti:
  4515. plus
  4516. DM:
  4517. Fire explodes around the creature. Your skin is now charred.
  4518. Nirrti:
  4520. DM:
  4521. Plus
  4522. DM:
  4523. Lamp
  4524. Lampshade:
  4525. ?
  4526. DM:
  4527. Will save
  4528. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 18 + 6 = 24
  4529. Lampshade:
  4530. Nope
  4531. DM:
  4532. Right
  4533. DM:
  4534. Darth's turn
  4535. Nirrti:
  4536. hold on
  4537. Nirrti:
  4538. since my damage is now 3d6
  4539. Nirrti:
  4540. do i roll 3d6x3 if i crit
  4541. Canuhearmenow:
  4542. 9d6
  4543. Darth GW7:
  4544. Okay
  4545. Darth GW7:
  4546. I attack the skeleton some more
  4547. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 19 + 8 = 27
  4548. Darth GW7:
  4549. CRIT
  4550. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 19 + 8 = 27
  4551. Darth GW7:
  4552. ...CRIT
  4553. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 17 + 8 = 25
  4554. Darth GW7:
  4555. not crit
  4556. DM:
  4557. Darth
  4558. DM:
  4559. you only roll for threats
  4560. DM:
  4561. not crits on threats
  4562. Canuhearmenow:
  4563. I wish we had exploding dice
  4564. Darth GW7:
  4565. What do you mean
  4566. Nirrti:
  4567. i wish i had good dice
  4568. DM:
  4569. Roll for damage.
  4570. DM:
  4571. ...
  4572. Darth GW7:
  4573. Waht do you mean hjort
  4574. Darth GW7:
  4575. About critting on thread
  4576. Darth GW7:
  4577. *threat
  4578. Lampshade:
  4579. You can't do infinite damage
  4580. Darth GW7:
  4581. Only if you keep rolling crits?
  4582. Lampshade:
  4583. So you can't keep critting on one hit
  4584. Darth GW7:
  4585. oh
  4586. Darth GW7:
  4587. that sucks
  4588. DM:
  4589. The fact that the second it a crit, is not relevant.
  4590. Darth GW7:
  4591. fine
  4592. DM:
  4593. Roll for damage.
  4594. Darth GW7:
  4595. Is it just twice the weapon damage
  4596. Darth GW7:
  4597. Or twice the weapon damage plus mods
  4598. Canuhearmenow:
  4599. 2d8 + mod
  4600. * Darth GW7 rolls: 2d8+5 => 7 + 5 = 12
  4601. DM:
  4602. Right
  4603. DM:
  4604. The skeleton collapses in a pile of bones and ash, before disappearing into thin air.
  4605. Darth GW7:
  4606. Sorry, am trying to make a new deus ex thread D:
  4607. DM:
  4608. Canu
  4609. DM:
  4610. Roll to not die.
  4611. Canuhearmenow:
  4612. Stabilize or just not die
  4613. DM:
  4614. the former
  4615. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d100 => 52
  4616. DM:
  4617. Nope
  4618. Nirrti:
  4619. so canu not not dies
  4620. DM:
  4621. Nirrti's turn.
  4622. Nirrti:
  4623. well
  4624. Nirrti:
  4625. power attack is go
  4626. Nirrti:
  4627. taking 3 from attack roll, so i'll be adding 6 to damage if i hit
  4628. * Nirrti rolls: d20+9 => 13 + 9 = 22
  4629. DM:
  4630. It's a hit
  4631. Nirrti:
  4632. where are my crits
  4633. Nirrti:
  4634. seriously
  4635. * Nirrti rolls: 3d6+12+1+6 => 11 + 12 + 1 + 6 = 30
  4636. Lampshade:
  4637. ouch
  4638. Nirrti:
  4639. that will be adequate
  4640. Nirrti:
  4642. DM:
  4643. In a frenzy, you hack through the throne itself. The creature is now free to fly through the cathedral. Parts of its flesh slough off as the wiring falls from its body. As it rises into the air, the cathedral begins to collapse. The part you are in is now falling.
  4644. DM:
  4645. Grim's turn.
  4647. Ahwassa:
  4648. This is working just GREAT!
  4650. OMG'ahr:
  4652. Lampshade:
  4653. He rapid shoots
  4654. * Elias groans
  4655. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 20 + 6 = 26
  4656. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 12 + 6 = 18
  4657. DM:
  4658. ...
  4659. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 9 + 6 = 15
  4660. DM:
  4661. Well
  4662. Lampshade:
  4663. How many hit?
  4664. DM:
  4665. All of them
  4666. * Lampshade rolls: 3d8 => 8
  4667. Lampshade:
  4668. I am mad
  4669. DM:
  4670. ...oh well.
  4671. Canuhearmenow:
  4672. GRiM wins the day again
  4673. DM:
  4674. The arrows pierce the fleshy strips hanging from the creature's body. It moans in agony from a thousand hellish mouths.
  4675. * DM rolls: d20 + 5 => 11 + 5 = 16
  4676. Lampshade:
  4677. Was that shooting three arrows?
  4678. Jekko:
  4679. so its ac is smaler then 15
  4680. * DM rolls: d6 + 3 => 3 + 3 = 6
  4681. DM:
  4682. Lamp's turn.
  4683. Lampshade:
  4684. first
  4685. * Lampshade rolls: d20+2 => 4 + 2 = 6
  4686. DM:
  4687. wait
  4688. Lampshade:
  4689. the spiritual weapon misses and vanishes
  4690. DM:
  4691. was that the weapon?
  4692. Lampshade:
  4693. Yes
  4694. DM:
  4695. Hang on
  4696. DM:
  4697. What page, again?
  4698. Lampshade:
  4699. 284
  4700. Lampshade:
  4701. Hey Nirrti
  4702. Nirrti:
  4703. canu
  4704. Nirrti:
  4705. the skeletons dance to
  4706. DM:
  4707. Make a caster check
  4708. Lampshade:
  4709. Wanna get +4 to strength?
  4710. DM:
  4711. d20 + 3
  4712. Nirrti:
  4713. sure
  4714. Nirrti:
  4715. why not
  4716. * Lampshade rolls: d20+3 => 20 + 3 = 23
  4717. Lampshade:
  4718. huehue
  4719. Nirrti:
  4720. it's fucking through the roof already
  4721. DM:
  4722. :D
  4723. Lampshade:
  4724. so
  4725. Nirrti:
  4726. +4 str?
  4727. DM:
  4728. It disappears
  4729. Lampshade:
  4730. I cast Bull's Strength on Nirrti
  4731. DM:
  4732. continue
  4733. DM:
  4734. Right
  4735. Lampshade:
  4736. Get 4 str
  4737. Nirrti:
  4738. what disappears?
  4739. DM:
  4740. Jekko's turn
  4741. Lampshade:
  4742. My spiritual weapon
  4743. Nirrti:
  4744. oh
  4745. DM:
  4746. The spiritual weapon Lamp summoned
  4747. Nirrti:
  4748. str is meagre 30
  4749. Lampshade:
  4750. haha
  4751. * Jekko rolls: d20 +2 => 20 + 2 = 22
  4752. Jekko:
  4753. crit
  4754. Lampshade:
  4755. OH COME ON!
  4756. Nirrti:
  4757. jekko
  4758. * Jekko rolls: d20 +2 => 10 + 2 = 12
  4759. Nirrti:
  4760. why you steal my crit rolls
  4761. DM:
  4762. Not a crit
  4763. Lampshade:
  4764. How copme he gets all the fucking crits
  4765. Nirrti:
  4766. because halfling
  4767. Lampshade:
  4768. I want to see Nirrti crit now
  4769. Lampshade:
  4770. It'll be awesome
  4771. * Jekko rolls: 1d3 => 2
  4772. Nirrti:
  4773. indeed
  4774. Canuhearmenow:
  4775. Uhh
  4776. Canuhearmenow:
  4777. The place is collapsing all around us guys
  4778. DM:
  4779. Shuddup
  4780. DM:
  4781. You're dying
  4782. Canuhearmenow:
  4783. Sorry, I mean
  4784. Lampshade:
  4785. We're taking this thing down!
  4786. Nirrti:
  4787. fuck that i have huge guts and muscles to break through dimensions
  4788. Canuhearmenow:
  4789. Mhhhmrrmrmhmhhhmmmrmrrr
  4790. Lampshade:
  4791. Yes?
  4792. DM:
  4793. heh
  4794. DM:
  4795. Uh
  4796. Nirrti:
  4797. whose turn
  4798. DM:
  4799. Nirrti, Lamp, Will saves please
  4800. * Lampshade rolls: d20+6 => 5 + 6 = 11
  4801. Lampshade:
  4802. ohshit
  4803. DM:
  4804. Nirrti
  4805. * Nirrti rolls: d20+4 => 1 + 4 = 5
  4806. Nirrti:
  4807. gj
  4808. Lampshade:
  4809. OH SHIT
  4810. * DM rolls: 2d10 => 13
  4811. Nirrti:
  4812. sure feels good to have GOOD FUCKING ROLLS
  4813. Lampshade:
  4814. The steroid giant is loose!
  4815. * DM rolls: 2d10 => 8
  4816. DM:
  4817. Lamp, 13 damage, Nirrti, 8.
  4818. DM:
  4819. Ethereal tendrils of madness touch your minds. It is becoming painful to think.
  4820. Nirrti:
  4821. i need not to think
  4822. Nirrti:
  4824. Darth GW7:
  4825. I've seen enough hentai to-
  4826. DM:
  4827. Darth's turn.
  4828. Darth GW7:
  4829. We've done this joke already
  4830. DM:
  4831. Yeah
  4832. Darth GW7:
  4834. Nirrti:
  4835. i bet he crits too
  4836. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+8 => 18 + 8 = 26
  4837. Darth GW7:
  4838. not quite
  4839. Nirrti:
  4840. and then i roll 1 again
  4841. Lampshade:
  4842. Almost
  4843. * Darth GW7 rolls: d8+5 => 7 + 5 = 12
  4844. Darth GW7:
  4845. almost full damage
  4846. Nirrti:
  4847. well then i'll roll 2
  4848. Darth GW7:
  4849. 1 off in each case
  4850. DM:
  4851. Canu
  4852. DM:
  4853. Roll to stop dying
  4854. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d100 => 3
  4855. Canuhearmenow:
  4856. Wow
  4857. DM:
  4858. ...nope.
  4859. Canuhearmenow:
  4860. -1 again?
  4861. DM:
  4862. Yup
  4863. Lampshade:
  4864. Sorry, I need to keep Nirrti alive for now
  4865. * Elias leaks precious bodily fluids
  4866. DM:
  4867. Nirrti's turn.
  4868. Nirrti:
  4869. i still have 8hp
  4870. Lampshade:
  4871. I have 2d8 heal up my sleeve
  4872. Nirrti:
  4873. i shall do the same i did before, power attack with -3 on attack and +6 on dmg if hit
  4874. Lampshade:
  4875. ok
  4876. Lampshade:
  4877. Crit!
  4878. Lampshade:
  4879. CRIT!
  4880. * Nirrti rolls: d20+11 => 1 + 11 = 12
  4881. Nirrti:
  4882. told you
  4883. Lampshade:
  4884. .............
  4885. Nirrti:
  4886. that i'd roll 1
  4887. DM:
  4888. ...
  4889. Nirrti:
  4890. that's just my luck isn't it
  4891. Nirrti:
  4892. it's going to hit ahwassa
  4893. Nirrti:
  4894. and she'll splatter like a bug
  4895. DM:
  4896. Roll a d100
  4897. * Nirrti rolls: d100 => 45
  4898. DM:
  4899. Roll for damage.
  4900. Lampshade:
  4901. Well
  4902. Lampshade:
  4903. Nice knowing you guys
  4904. * Nirrti rolls: 3d6+15+1+6 => 14 + 15 + 1 + 6 = 36
  4905. DM:
  4906. Darth, take 36 damage.
  4907. Darth GW7:
  4908. I...
  4909. Darth GW7:
  4910. what
  4911. DM:
  4912. Yeah
  4913. Nirrti:
  4914. must be divine retribution
  4915. Canuhearmenow:
  4916. 2 HP left
  4917. DM:
  4918. Grim's turn
  4920. Z'ar Kor:
  4921. Ye gods... ouch...
  4922. Lampshade:
  4923. Buffing Nirrti was a great idea!
  4924. Nirrti:
  4925. sure was
  4926. * DM rolls: d20 => 3
  4928. Z'ar Kor:
  4929. Does this... make us even?
  4930. Lampshade:
  4931. You know
  4932. Lampshade:
  4933. He ran out of arrows
  4934. Canuhearmenow:
  4935. He's like a big steroid ape!
  4936. DM:
  4937. ...
  4938. Canuhearmenow:
  4939. he's firing air
  4940. Lampshade:
  4941. Charge!
  4942. * Lampshade rolls: d20+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
  4943. Lampshade:
  4944. And miss
  4945. DM:
  4946. Ayup
  4947. Nirrti:
  4948. you should've healed z'ar
  4949. Canuhearmenow:
  4950. Heal someone Lamp
  4951. * DM rolls: d20 + 5 => 10 + 5 = 15
  4952. Lampshade:
  4953. Dude, it was Grim
  4954. * DM rolls: d6 + 3 => 6 + 3 = 9
  4955. Nirrti:
  4956. oh
  4957. DM:
  4958. Lamp's turn
  4959. Nirrti:
  4960. how long does enlarge person last
  4961. Nirrti:
  4962. 3 rounds?
  4963. Lampshade:
  4964. Long enough
  4965. Lampshade:
  4966. 3 min I think
  4967. * Lampshade rolls: 2d8+3 => 12 + 3 = 15
  4968. Lampshade:
  4969. Nirrti, get 15 hp
  4970. Lampshade:
  4971. And I move there
  4972. Nirrti:
  4973. my rage's still got what, 3 or 4 rounds left
  4974. Jekko:
  4975. whos turn?
  4976. DM:
  4977. Eh
  4978. DM:
  4979. Yours
  4980. DM:
  4981. Everyone
  4982. DM:
  4983. Make balance checks
  4984. * Lampshade rolls: d20-2 => 12 - 2 = 10
  4985. Canuhearmenow:
  4986. What about me
  4987. DM:
  4988. ...not you.
  4989. Canuhearmenow:
  4990. I just roll around like a log then
  4991. * Jekko rolls: d20 +5 => 16 + 5 = 21
  4992. Nirrti:
  4993. did enlarge person give minus to dex
  4994. Nirrti:
  4995. i already forgot
  4996. Lampshade:
  4997. yes
  4998. Lampshade:
  4999. -2
  5000. Canuhearmenow:
  5001. yes
  5002. Nirrti:
  5003. so -1 mod
  5004. Lampshade:
  5005. Yes
  5006. * Nirrti rolls: d20+1 => 11 + 1 = 12
  5007. * Elias collides with the wall and explodes in a shower of gore
  5008. Lampshade:
  5009. Wait, does balance get minus from armor?
  5010. DM:
  5011. probably
  5012. Lampshade:
  5013. shit
  5014. Lampshade:
  5015. I got 6 then
  5016. DM:
  5017. Yeah, Armour Check penalty
  5018. Nirrti:
  5019. well i got 9
  5020. DM:
  5021. Darth?
  5022. Lampshade:
  5023. Yeah, I get a 6
  5024. Nirrti:
  5026. DM:
  5027. Lamp and Nirrti are now prone
  5028. Darth GW7:
  5029. er
  5030. DM:
  5031. roll for grim
  5032. Darth GW7:
  5033. Yes?
  5034. DM:
  5035. Balance check
  5036. * Lampshade rolls: d20+2 => 17 + 2 = 19
  5037. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+1 => 11 + 1 = 12
  5038. Lampshade:
  5039. He stays up!
  5040. Darth GW7:
  5041. I possibly don't
  5043. ???:
  5044. I shall tear you down, and the skies along with you.
  5045. DM:
  5046. Apply Armour penalty, Darth
  5047. Darth GW7:
  5048. What penalty
  5049. Lampshade:
  5050. -4
  5051. Darth GW7:
  5052. k
  5053. Lampshade:
  5054. for you
  5055. DM:
  5056. Darth is prone
  5057. Lampshade:
  5058. wait, -2
  5059. Lampshade:
  5060. sorry
  5061. DM:
  5062. -2?
  5063. Lampshade:
  5064. Thought you had breast plate
  5065. Darth GW7:
  5066. Wait
  5067. DM:
  5068. Darth is not prone
  5069. Lampshade:
  5070. yeah
  5071. Darth GW7:
  5072. Why do I have a penalty
  5073. Darth GW7:
  5074. I'm wearing light armour
  5075. Lampshade:
  5076. Armor check penalty
  5077. Darth GW7:
  5078. Oh
  5079. Darth GW7:
  5080. shield
  5081. Lampshade:
  5082. It still has it
  5083. Lampshade:
  5084. oh right, I forgot tha
  5085. Lampshade:
  5086. that
  5087. * DM rolls: d20 + 6 => 8 + 6 = 14
  5088. Lampshade:
  5089. yeah, it's -4
  5090. DM:
  5091. Darth is prone, then.
  5092. DM:
  5093. DC to beat is 10
  5094. DM:
  5095. Jekko's turn
  5096. Darth GW7:
  5097. wait
  5098. DM:
  5099. You're flanking
  5100. Darth GW7:
  5101. I dropped my shield
  5102. * Jekko rolls: d20 +2 => 3 + 2 = 5
  5103. Darth GW7:
  5104. AAAGES ago
  5105. Darth GW7:
  5106. weren't you listening?
  5107. Jekko:
  5108. why now
  5109. Lampshade:
  5110. wat
  5111. DM:
  5112. Is this your retcon Darth?
  5113. Darth GW7:
  5115. DM:
  5116. Then, no, you didn't.
  5117. DM:
  5118. Grim makes a will save.
  5119. DM:
  5120. Jekko, make one too.
  5121. Nirrti:
  5122. how long does it take to get up
  5123. * Lampshade rolls: d20 => 13
  5124. * Jekko rolls: d20 +3 => 5 + 3 = 8
  5125. DM:
  5126. Oh, so so so close, Lamp.
  5127. * DM rolls: 2d10 => 8
  5128. * DM rolls: 2d10 => 13
  5129. Jekko:
  5130. au
  5131. Lampshade:
  5132. was it 14?
  5133. DM:
  5134. Yeah
  5135. DM:
  5136. Jekko takes 13 damage, Grim takes 8
  5137. Jekko:
  5138. we are going to die
  5139. DM:
  5140. It takes a move action to get up
  5141. DM:
  5142. Which provokes an AoO
  5143. Lampshade:
  5144. oh phew
  5145. Lampshade:
  5146. oh damn
  5147. Lampshade:
  5148. Who wants to take one for the team
  5149. Lampshade:
  5150. Nirrti?
  5151. DM:
  5152. But you can still attack while prone
  5153. DM:
  5154. Darth's turn
  5155. Nirrti:
  5156. doesn't it give minus though
  5157. Nirrti:
  5158. if attacking when prone
  5159. DM:
  5160. -4
  5161. Nirrti:
  5162. so yes, fuck that
  5163. Nirrti:
  5164. i'm getting up yo
  5165. DM:
  5166. Darth...?
  5167. Darth GW7:
  5168. er
  5169. Jekko:
  5170. kill
  5171. Darth GW7:
  5172. What's its attack mod again?
  5173. DM:
  5174. Is this a good point to bring up the fact that, uh, it doesn't have a melee attack?
  5175. Darth GW7:
  5176. I may risk standing up
  5177. Darth GW7:
  5178. so...
  5179. Darth GW7:
  5180. How can it have an AoO?
  5181. Canuhearmenow:
  5182. No AoO
  5183. DM:
  5184. It's basic attack is psionic. The 2d10 thing.
  5185. DM:
  5186. It doesn't.
  5187. DM:
  5188. :D
  5189. Darth GW7:
  5190. I stand up
  5191. Lampshade:
  5192. Ah
  5193. DM:
  5194. Balance check
  5195. * Z'ar Kor is the real slim shady
  5196. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20-3 => 12 - 3 = 9
  5197. Darth GW7:
  5198. ...
  5199. DM:
  5200. You fall back down again
  5201. DM:
  5202. Canu
  5203. Darth GW7:
  5204. wait what
  5205. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d100 => 83
  5206. DM:
  5207. Well
  5208. Darth GW7:
  5209. Did that use up a turn?
  5210. DM:
  5211. Nah
  5212. DM:
  5213. You can attack
  5214. DM:
  5215. Good point
  5216. Darth GW7:
  5217. Yeah bitch
  5218. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20+4 => 13 + 4 = 17
  5219. DM:
  5220. -4, yes?
  5221. Darth GW7:
  5222. +8-4
  5223. DM:
  5224. right, right
  5225. DM:
  5226. roll for damage.
  5227. * Darth GW7 rolls: d8+5 => 3 + 5 = 8
  5228. DM:
  5229. Right
  5230. DM:
  5231. Nirrti
  5232. Nirrti:
  5233. get the fuck up
  5234. Nirrti:
  5235. what do i roll
  5236. Nirrti:
  5238. Jekko:
  5239. balance
  5240. Lampshade:
  5241. Balance
  5242. Lampshade:
  5243. then attack
  5244. Canuhearmenow:
  5245. Try not to fall on your face again
  5246. * Nirrti rolls: d20+1 => 6 + 1 = 7
  5247. Nirrti:
  5248. yeah no
  5249. Lampshade:
  5250. Attack with -4
  5251. DM:
  5252. Roll to hit it
  5253. Nirrti:
  5254. i guess i'll just take a swing at the ankles there
  5255. Canuhearmenow:
  5256. It doens't have ankles
  5257. DM:
  5258. Hush
  5259. * Nirrti rolls: d20+10 => 14 + 10 = 24
  5260. DM:
  5261. Hack at the dregs of skin
  5262. DM:
  5263. That's a hit.
  5264. Lampshade:
  5265. Incoming MASSIVE DAMAGE
  5266. * Nirrti rolls: 3d6+15+1 => 8 + 15 + 1 = 24
  5267. DM:
  5268. You reach up, grab hold of one of the ropier strands of flesh. With one hand, you yank the beast down. With your axe in the other, you split it open, causing blood and ichor to spill out into the falling room.
  5269. Lampshade:
  5270. Is it ded?
  5272. OMG'ahr:
  5274. DM:
  5275. Yeah
  5277. Ahwassa:
  5278. I think we should get out of here...
  5279. Lampshade:
  5280. Is combat over?
  5282. Halfred:
  5283. when this is over ahwassa get elias ill cheack the corpse then we nee to get out of here
  5284. DM:
  5285. The room, btw, has been hitting off of other pieces of the cathedral. It isn't going as fast as it would on a full, clear descent.
  5286. DM:
  5287. Combat's over.
  5288. Lampshade:
  5289. Right
  5290. * Jekko rolls: d20 +6 => 2 + 6 = 8
  5291. * Lampshade rolls: d20-6 => 16 - 6 = 10
  5292. Lampshade:
  5293. Balance check
  5294. Lampshade:
  5295. Do I pass?
  5296. Jekko:
  5297. serch
  5298. * Nirrti rolls: d20+1 => 14 + 1 = 15
  5299. Nirrti:
  5300. balance aswell
  5302. ???:
  5303. You... bastards... It was all so perfect, so, so, so, so glorious. And now it's...
  5304. Nirrti:
  5305. still -1 mod due to fatigue
  5306. DM:
  5307. Lamp and Nirrti pass
  5308. Lampshade:
  5309. I cast
  5310. Canuhearmenow:
  5311. DEATH
  5312. * Lampshade rolls: 2d8+3 => 14 + 3 = 17
  5313. Nirrti:
  5314. FIST
  5315. Lampshade:
  5316. 17 heal
  5318. Ahwassa:
  5319. Get up Elias, we need to move
  5320. Canuhearmenow:
  5321. 5 HP away from full health!
  5322. DM:
  5323. Canu, balance check
  5324. * OMG'ahr sits down, tired and weary
  5326. Elias:
  5327. Bwah, what happened
  5328. Lampshade:
  5329. We killed the thing
  5330. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 20 + 2 = 22
  5332. Ahwassa:
  5333. We killed that... thing
  5334. Canuhearmenow:
  5335. I am completely unfazed by the falling room
  5336. Lampshade:
  5337. I cast Lesser Vigor on Z'ar
  5338. DM:
  5339. Canu attains flight.
  5341. OMG'ahr:
  5342. Yeah, sorry about that Z'ar, kinda missed that one swing. Badly.
  5344. Ahwassa:
  5345. This should ease the pain Z'ar
  5346. * Elias flutters away like a butterfly
  5347. * Z'ar Kor coughs
  5349. Z'ar Kor:
  5350. yeah... you could say that.
  5351. Lampshade:
  5352. You get 1 hp per 6 seconds up to 15
  5353. Darth GW7:
  5354. So, basically I have 17hp?
  5356. Ahwassa:
  5357. I'd like to say you deserved it...
  5359. Ahwassa:
  5360. But I forgive you over that mind control incident
  5362. Z'ar Kor:
  5363. Thanks.
  5364. * Z'ar Kor gets up slowly
  5365. Darth GW7:
  5366. Do I have to do a balance check?
  5367. DM:
  5368. Yeah
  5369. * Darth GW7 rolls: d20-3 => 15 - 3 = 12
  5370. Darth GW7:
  5371. phew
  5372. DM:
  5373. mhm
  5374. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 3 => 8 + 3 = 11
  5375. Lampshade:
  5376. So is this part of the cathedral going to crash or something?
  5377. DM:
  5378. Yeah
  5379. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 9 => 19 + 9 = 28
  5380. DM:
  5381. everything up to the fog back there
  5382. Canuhearmenow:
  5383. Arcana Check
  5384. DM:
  5385. On...?
  5386. Canuhearmenow:
  5387. Creature
  5389. Halfred:
  5390. there is nothing in here time to leave
  5391. Lampshade:
  5392. What fog?
  5393. Lampshade:
  5394. Ah, the in the hallway after the next hall?
  5395. DM:
  5396. mhm
  5398. Ahwassa:
  5399. Come on, we need to get out of here NOW
  5400. DM:
  5401. Hang on
  5402. DM:
  5403. Arcana check to sort out
  5404. Lampshade:
  5405. ok
  5407. OMG'ahr:
  5408. Not exactly in best shape right now...
  5409. * Jekko rolls: d20 +9 => 5 + 9 = 14
  5411. Ahwassa:
  5412. Do you want to end up among the rubble when this thing collapses?
  5414. Z'ar Kor:
  5415. You'd better get in the best shape for running, or you won't be in shape for anything.
  5417. Z'ar Kor:
  5418. Now come ON, let's MOVE!
  5420. OMG'ahr:
  5421. Do I look like I want to?
  5423. OMG'ahr:
  5424. But the rage, it drains me so
  5426. Z'ar Kor:
  5427. I will carry you myself so help me I will
  5428. Darth GW7:
  5429. How much do you weigh
  5430. Darth GW7:
  5431. just.,.. for reference
  5432. Nirrti:
  5433. too much for you
  5434. Canuhearmenow:
  5435. He's a lard ass
  5436. Darth GW7:
  5437. fat bastard
  5438. Jekko:
  5439. some one spot cheack for secret door
  5440. Nirrti:
  5441. 330lbs
  5443. Ahwassa:
  5444. And equipment
  5445. Lampshade:
  5446. that was ooc
  5447. Lampshade:
  5448. So about 370 or something
  5449. Nirrti:
  5450. yeah, around
  5451. Nirrti:
  5452. actually more
  5453. Nirrti:
  5454. 400 closer
  5455. Nirrti:
  5456. armor is 25lbs, both weapons 12lbs
  5457. Lampshade:
  5458. Oh right, you had two
  5459. Darth GW7:
  5460. okay
  5461. Darth GW7:
  5462. so
  5463. Lampshade:
  5464. We're running out
  5465. Darth GW7:
  5466. carrying not an option at least
  5467. Nirrti:
  5468. draw me like one of your french girls
  5469. Nirrti:
  5470. i mean
  5471. Nirrti:
  5472. drag me
  5474. Z'ar Kor:
  5475. What are we falling into, anyway?
  5476. DM:
  5477. Wasteland
  5478. Lampshade:
  5479. Just what kind of French girls do you know?
  5480. Nirrti:
  5481. ugly ones
  5482. Jekko:
  5483. 100feet down
  5485. Ahwassa:
  5486. Does it really matter?
  5487. Lampshade:
  5488. So what's the black part?
  5489. DM:
  5490. Where it cut off
  5491. DM:
  5492. There is nothing beyond that, essentially.
  5493. Lampshade:
  5494. We need to jump?
  5495. Lampshade:
  5496. oh
  5497. * Elias begins removing the orbs as quickly as he can
  5498. Darth GW7:
  5499. Well guys
  5500. Darth GW7:
  5501. Sucks to be you
  5502. Darth GW7:
  5503. but this is where we part ways
  5504. Lampshade:
  5505. ...
  5506. Nirrti:
  5507. my jump IS 9
  5508. * Darth GW7 FLYYYYYY
  5510. Ahwassa:
  5511. Coward!
  5513. Halfred:
  5514. there must be secret door out of here
  5516. Z'ar Kor:
  5517. Anyone know how to fly?
  5519. Halfred:
  5520. no
  5521. DM:
  5522. Jekko
  5524. Ahwassa:
  5525. Tha secret door better have seven featherfall potions in it
  5526. DM:
  5527. Wouldn't the area beyond the door ALSO be falling?
  5529. Ahwassa:
  5530. Otherwise it's going to be somewhat useless
  5531. * Elias begins unscrewing the three large Spelljammer cores
  5532. Nirrti:
  5533. bob dylans i see
  5534. Jekko:
  5535. yea
  5537. Ahwassa:
  5538. Elias, I hope to the gods that you know what you're doing
  5540. Z'ar Kor:
  5541. As far as I can see I can only see me and halfred getting out of here.
  5543. Z'ar Kor:
  5544. Am I missing something?
  5545. DM:
  5546. Yes
  5548. Halfred:
  5549. any ideas?
  5550. Lampshade:
  5551. So does fiddling with the cores do anything?
  5552. DM:
  5553. Hush for a second
  5554. * OMG'ahr sits down again
  5555. DM:
  5556. Arcana and religion checks.
  5557. * Elias begins frantically looking around the room
  5558. * Lampshade rolls: d20+7 => 12 + 7 = 19
  5559. * Canuhearmenow rolls: 1d20 + 11 => 8 + 11 = 19
  5560. DM:
  5561. right
  5562. Lampshade:
  5563. Happy?
  5564. DM:
  5565. Sure, sure.
  5566. DM:
  5567. Hang on
  5568. * Elias begins screwing in orbs rapidly
  5569. Darth GW7:
  5570. personally I want to just jump out with halfred
  5571. Darth GW7:
  5572. I can carry him
  5573. Nirrti:
  5574. do it and i'll jump on you
  5575. Lampshade:
  5576. Go ahead
  5577. Nirrti:
  5578. and WE'LL ALL DIE
  5580. Elias:
  5581. Guys
  5582. Lampshade:
  5583. We'll meet you at the bottom
  5585. Ahwassa:
  5586. Please tell me you got something
  5587. Nirrti:
  5588. it's not the fall that gets you
  5589. Nirrti:
  5590. it's the sudden stop at the bottom
  5592. Elias:
  5593. I'm gonna have to.... Do something
  5594. DM:
  5595. It's the half-orc coming after you
  5596. Nirrti:
  5597. that too
  5598. Lampshade:
  5599. Hey, can I go take a look at the armors in the hallway?
  5601. Elias:
  5602. Just... Tell my master Elias died in the line of duty, ok?
  5604. Halfred:
  5605. litless conversation litle more action please
  5607. Z'ar Kor:
  5608. Elias...
  5609. DM:
  5610. Sure, Lamp.
  5612. Ahwassa:
  5613. What?
  5614. * Elias looks at the throne
  5615. * Elias he begins to touch it
  5616. Lampshade:
  5617. Are they valuable in any way?
  5618. Jekko:
  5619. nope
  5620. * Z'ar Kor looks at the floor, sighing
  5621. Nirrti:
  5622. elias is getting consensual with some furniture
  5624. Z'ar Kor:
  5625. I... I really hope he can do this.
  5627. Z'ar Kor:
  5628. Because... I'm the one who will have to leave if he can't.
  5630. Z'ar Kor:
  5631. And I don't want to have to do that.
  5632. * Darth GW7 awkward silence
  5633. DM:
  5634. hang on a sec
  5635. * Nirrti crickets
  5636. Nirrti:
  5637. A BAT
  5638. * Elias shoves the wires of the throne into his arms
  5640. OMG'ahr:
  5641. You sure that's a good idea Elias?
  5642. Lampshade:
  5643. Seeing as I had a 19 for religion, do I know what's going on?
  5644. Darth GW7:
  5645. canu I don't think booting up the hyron project is a good idea
  5647. OMG'ahr:
  5648. I mean, you did see the thing that previously inhabited the throne, didn't you
  5649. * Elias falls unconscious as a large series of tubes plug into his head and back
  5650. Darth GW7:
  5651. Yup, he's booting the hyron project
  5653. Ahwassa:
  5654. That....
  5656. OMG'ahr:
  5657. Right, so, I guess we'll have to kill him now, too
  5658. DM:
  5659. The cathedral begins to slow.
  5660. * DM rolls: 20d6 => 69
  5662. Ahwassa:
  5663. He's just controlling the cathedral
  5664. DM:
  5665. Everyone take 69 non lethal damage.
  5666. Lampshade:
  5667. oh
  5668. Darth GW7:
  5669. er
  5670. Lampshade:
  5671. So fall uncoscious
  5672. Lampshade:
  5673. right?
  5674. Darth GW7:
  5675. oh my
  5676. DM:
  5677. yes
  5678. Darth GW7:
  5679. I should have jumped already
  5680. Jekko:
  5681. and that ends the game to be continued
  5682. DM:
  5683. And now, there is blackness.
  5684. Nirrti:
  5686. DM:
  5687. Not while you're unconscious.
  5688. * Z'ar Kor thinks "Well so much for that life insurance"
  5690. Elias:
  5691. I have control
  5692. Nirrti:
  5693. maybe i'm sleepwalking eh
  5694. Canuhearmenow:
  5695. Hue
  5696. Nirrti:
  5697. with my eyes open eh
  5698. Darth GW7:
  5699. maybe we're canadian eh
  5700. Nirrti:
  5701. maybe give me some money eh
  5702. * Z'ar Kor thinks "How long is this darkness going to last"
  5703. DM whispers: How long can you stay on for?
  5704. * Z'ar Kor thinks "Damn I could really go for a cheeseburger right now. Oh, wait, unconcious. Never mind."
  5705. You whisper to DM: Bit longer tonight I think
  5706. DM:
  5707. Right
  5708. * Lampshade dreams of sheep
  5709. * Z'ar Kor thinks lamp is welsh
  5710. Jekko:
  5711. so how much xp?
  5712. Darth GW7:
  5713. none
  5714. Lampshade:
  5715. True
  5716. Darth GW7:
  5717. we're dead
  5718. Lampshade:
  5719. That is very important
  5720. Canuhearmenow:
  5721. Well you guys are unconscious
  5722. Darth GW7:
  5723. "You guys"
  5724. Darth GW7:
  5725. wait..
  5726. Lampshade:
  5727. Elias is special
  5728. Canuhearmenow:
  5729. lol
  5730. Darth GW7:
  5731. is he coming back as a risen martyr
  5732. DM:
  5733. Don't you need to be divine for that?
  5734. Darth GW7:
  5735. I hope that canu knew that
  5736. * Nirrti rolls: d100 => 89
  5737. Darth GW7:
  5738. Wait what
  5739. Darth GW7:
  5740. Ooh me too me too
  5741. * Darth GW7 rolls: d100 => 71
  5742. Darth GW7:
  5743. aw
  5744. Nirrti:
  5745. no
  5746. DM:
  5747. no
  5748. Nirrti:
  5749. that was FOR QUEST
  5750. Nirrti:
  5751. secret stuff
  5752. Darth GW7:
  5753. I feel left out
  5754. Nirrti:
  5755. ssshh
  5756. Darth GW7:
  5758. Canuhearmenow:
  5759. Is that for whatever happens next?
  5760. Darth GW7:
  5761. I guess so
  5762. Nirrti:
  5763. yes
  5764. Nirrti:
  5765. it decided your fate
  5766. Darth GW7:
  5767. oh, the roll?
  5768. Nirrti:
  5769. yes
  5770. Darth GW7:
  5771. I thought you were talking about the music
  5772. * Nirrti rolls: d100 => 57
  5773. Canuhearmenow:
  5774. I was talking about the music
  5775. * Nirrti rolls: d20+1 => 15 + 1 = 16
  5776. Jekko:
  5777. ds
  5778. Lampshade:
  5779. Can we see the map?
  5780. Jekko:
  5781. nope
  5782. DM:
  5783. Not yet, I guess.
  5785. OMG'ahr:
  5786. So do those tubeholes heal up normally then?
  5788. Elias:
  5789. Err
  5791. Elias:
  5792. I guess a lick of magic couldn't hurt
  5793. Lampshade:
  5794. I cast cure minor wounds on you
  5795. Lampshade:
  5796. You heal one hp
  5797. DM:
  5798. WOW
  5799. Canuhearmenow:
  5800. Why are we still blindddd
  5801. DM:
  5802. Because shut up, gawd
  5803. Darth GW7:
  5804. Well
  5805. Darth GW7:
  5806. I need to go soon
  5807. DM:
  5808. let's end here then, I guess. I can get a decent map done for next week.
  5809. Darth GW7:
  5810. okay
  5811. Lampshade:
  5812. All right
  5813. Lampshade:
  5814. Works for me
  5815. Darth GW7:
  5816. hey
  5817. Jekko:
  5818. xp?
  5819. Darth GW7:
  5820. hey hjort
  5821. Lampshade:
  5822. XP!
  5823. Darth GW7:
  5824. you still have saturday
  5825. Darth GW7:
  5826. c:
  5827. DM:
  5828. Yeah, Darth
  5829. DM:
  5830. 1000 xp
  5831. Canuhearmenow:
  5832. Didn't Hjort say something about us going to level 4 upon finishing the Cathedral?
  5833. Lampshade:
  5834. 300 xp to level
  5835. Lampshade:
  5836. Yes he did
  5837. Darth GW7:
  5838. Did we finish the cathedral though???
  5839. Darth GW7:
  5840. That is the question
  5841. Lampshade:
  5842. Although, technically we aren't out yet
  5843. DM:
  5844. :D
  5845. Darth GW7:
  5846. don't jump to con-
  5847. Darth GW7:
  5848. oh shit he smiled
  5849. Darth GW7:
  5850. shit shit shit
  5851. Lampshade:
  5852. I guess we could do the same with the levels as last time
  5853. Darth GW7:
  5854. reach for the lazers
  5855. DM:
  5856. Yeah, sure.
  5857. Lampshade:
  5858. Since leveling up between sessions goes easier
  5859. DM:
  5860. You guys level up
  5861. Lampshade:
  5862. Yay
  5863. DM:
  5864. Ooh, yeah, level 4, right?
  5865. Nirrti:
  5866. well fuckinghell
  5867. Darth GW7:
  5868. ooh
  5869. Lampshade:
  5870. Yep
  5871. Darth GW7:
  5872. extra abilities
  5873. Nirrti:
  5874. now i got to look up the rolls and shit
  5875. Darth GW7:
  5876. scores
  5877. Nirrti:
  5878. whatnot
  5879. Nirrti:
  5880. *whatnow
  5881. DM:
  5882. I'll help Nirrti, if you need it.
  5883. Darth GW7:
  5884. anyway
  5885. Darth GW7:
  5886. I must leave
  5887. Nirrti:
  5888. none of my characters before have reached level 4
  5889. Nirrti:
  5890. the highest one was 3
  5891. DM:
  5892. Just, uh, ask if you need help
  5893. Nirrti:
  5894. and it died
  5895. DM:
  5896. Oh?
  5897. DM:
  5898. Oh.
  5899. DM:
  5900. :(
  5901. Nirrti:
  5902. barbarians
  5903. DM whispers: Bye
  5904. Lampshade:
  5905. Can I roll for my hp?
  5906. Darth GW7:
  5907. guys
  5908. Darth GW7:
  5909. I...
  5910. DM:
  5911. Not right now
  5912. Darth GW7:
  5913. I still haven't used my wings
  5914. Nirrti:
  5915. life expectancy in my hands not so great
  5916. Darth GW7:
  5917. ;-;
  5918. Lampshade:
  5919. heh
  5920. DM:
  5921. Aaaw
  5922. Nirrti:
  5923. what was the barbarian HP roll again
  5924. Darth GW7:
  5925. are you guys trolling me
  5926. DM:
  5927. d12
  5928. Lampshade:
  5929. 12
  5930. Darth GW7:
  5931. I could have used my wings
  5932. Nirrti:
  5933. plus what
  5934. Darth GW7:
  5935. but
  5936. DM:
  5937. + con mod
  5938. Nirrti:
  5939. yeah, thought so
  5940. Darth GW7:
  5941. I would have left you behind
  5942. Darth GW7:
  5943. so I couldn't do it
  5944. DM:
  5945. We'll sort this out later, I guess.
  5946. Canuhearmenow:
  5947. Aww yea
  5948. Canuhearmenow:
  5949. Scorching Ray
  5950. DM:
  5951. We can use online rollers for the HP.
  5952. Darth GW7:
  5953. anyhow
  5954. Darth GW7:
  5955. toodle-oo
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