
Volcano notes

Sep 28th, 2011
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  1. Logs from convo...
  3. Have made a quick and shitty algorithm that shoves land upward from bedrock, fills in a tube of lava down the center and an internal pool at the base, but not much more than that, though have numerous theories as how to best have lava run in crevices down the side of the volcanoes and randomly erupt from time to time
  5. Make a BlockLavaController or something, and have it embedded at Y=0, surrounded entirely by bedrock so no player fuckery goes on unless they really want to break things, in which case, it looks and behaves like a mob spawner.
  7. As long as it has a proper unbroken chain of lava on top of it up to the top of the volcanic tube (a simple for-loop check), it can erupt
  9. yeah crevices would be needed, otherwise the entire mountain would be lava considering how it falls down hills
  11. For eruption, I imagine I'd do a straight-up copypasta of my "Dirt Fountain" block, but have it spew globs of lava instead
  13. Since the lava flow algo is documented in BlockFluids or whatever it's called, seed several points on the resulting mountain with lava, then simulate for N iterations
  15. Then process the whole big fuckoff volume of the volcano, placing dirt or cobble wherever air abuts a lava block, and in order to simulate peripheral hardening of the lava, transform lava blocks under a given primary height into cobble blocks, and lava blocks under a given secondary height into cobble steps
  17. ...
  19. (this part below already done by tornado and his dirt fountain code)
  21. ...
  23. Then all BlockDirtFountain does when activated is randomly spawn my EntityFallingBlocks at a random upward velocity with some random jitter along X and Z
  25. EntityFallingBlock has noclip set to true for a few frames until it gets clear of the launch area, then turns noclip off and kills itself + spawns a new block wherever it lands
  27. Same principle for having a volcano that flings globs of lava hither and yon when it erupts
  29. Yes, and an item-based entity renderer rather than a block-based entity renderer
  30. And have its item sprite be a red version of the snowball or sth
  31. Have flame particles come off of them as they fall
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