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a guest
Oct 3rd, 2021
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  1. # Software Configuration File
  2. # ---------------------------
  3. #
  4. # You may edit this file when the VPN Server / Client / Bridge program is not running.
  5. #
  6. # In prior to edit this file manually by your text editor,
  7. # shutdown the VPN Server / Client / Bridge background service.
  8. # Otherwise, all changes will be lost.
  9. #
  10. declare root
  11. {
  12. uint ConfigRevision 42
  13. bool IPsecMessageDisplayed true
  14. string Region AE
  15. bool VgsMessageDisplayed false
  17. declare DDnsClient
  18. {
  19. bool Disabled false
  20. byte Key <cut_out>
  21. string LocalHostname <cut_out>
  22. string ProxyHostName $
  23. uint ProxyPort 0
  24. uint ProxyType 0
  25. string ProxyUsername $
  26. }
  27. declare IPsec
  28. {
  29. bool EtherIP_IPsec false
  30. string IPsec_Secret <cut_out>
  31. string L2TP_DefaultHub sailor_VPN
  32. bool L2TP_IPsec true
  33. bool L2TP_Raw false
  35. declare EtherIP_IDSettingsList
  36. {
  37. }
  38. }
  39. declare ListenerList
  40. {
  41. declare Listener0
  42. {
  43. bool DisableDos false
  44. bool Enabled true
  45. uint Port 443
  46. }
  47. declare Listener1
  48. {
  49. bool DisableDos false
  50. bool Enabled true
  51. uint Port 992
  52. }
  53. declare Listener2
  54. {
  55. bool DisableDos false
  56. bool Enabled true
  57. uint Port 1194
  58. }
  59. declare Listener3
  60. {
  61. bool DisableDos false
  62. bool Enabled true
  63. uint Port 5555
  64. }
  65. }
  66. declare LocalBridgeList
  67. {
  68. bool DoNotDisableOffloading false
  70. declare LocalBridge0
  71. {
  72. string DeviceName softether
  73. string HubName sailor_VPN
  74. bool LimitBroadcast false
  75. bool MonitorMode false
  76. bool NoPromiscuousMode false
  77. string TapMacAddress <cut_out>
  78. bool TapMode true
  79. }
  80. }
  81. declare ServerConfiguration
  82. {
  83. bool AcceptOnlyTls true
  84. uint64 AutoDeleteCheckDiskFreeSpaceMin 104857600
  85. uint AutoDeleteCheckIntervalSecs 300
  86. uint AutoSaveConfigSpan 300
  87. bool BackupConfigOnlyWhenModified true
  88. string CipherName AES256-SHA256
  89. uint CurrentBuild 9760
  90. bool DisableCoreDumpOnUnix false
  91. bool DisableDeadLockCheck false
  92. bool DisableDosProction false
  93. bool DisableGetHostNameWhenAcceptTcp false
  94. bool DisableIntelAesAcceleration false
  95. bool DisableIPsecAggressiveMode false
  96. bool DisableIPv6Listener false
  97. bool DisableJsonRpcWebApi false
  98. bool DisableNatTraversal false
  99. bool DisableOpenVPNServer false
  100. bool DisableSessionReconnect false
  101. bool DisableSSTPServer false
  102. bool DontBackupConfig false
  103. bool EnableVpnAzure false
  104. bool EnableVpnOverDns false
  105. bool EnableVpnOverIcmp false
  106. byte HashedPassword <cut_out>
  107. string KeepConnectHost
  108. uint KeepConnectInterval 50
  109. uint KeepConnectPort 80
  110. uint KeepConnectProtocol 0
  111. uint64 LoggerMaxLogSize 1073741823
  112. uint MaxConcurrentDnsClientThreads 512
  113. uint MaxConnectionsPerIP 256
  114. uint MaxUnestablishedConnections 1000
  115. bool NoHighPriorityProcess false
  116. bool NoLinuxArpFilter false
  117. bool NoSendSignature false
  118. string OpenVPNDefaultClientOption dev-type$20tun,link-mtu$201500,tun-mtu$201500,cipher$20AES-128-CBC,auth$20SHA1,keysize$20128,key-method$202,tls-client
  119. string OpenVPN_UdpPortList 1194
  120. bool SaveDebugLog false
  121. byte ServerCert <cut_out>
  122. byte ServerKey <cut_out>
  123. uint ServerLogSwitchType 4
  124. uint ServerType 0
  125. bool StrictSyslogDatetimeFormat false
  126. bool Tls_Disable1_0 false
  127. bool Tls_Disable1_1 false
  128. bool Tls_Disable1_2 false
  129. bool Tls_Disable1_3 false
  130. bool UseKeepConnect true
  131. bool UseWebTimePage false
  132. bool UseWebUI false
  134. declare GlobalParams
  135. {
  136. uint FIFO_BUDGET 10240000
  137. uint HUB_ARP_SEND_INTERVAL 5000
  138. uint IP_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME 60000
  139. uint IP_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME_DHCP 300000
  140. uint MAC_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME 600000
  141. uint MAX_BUFFERING_PACKET_SIZE 2560000
  142. uint MAX_HUB_LINKS 1024
  143. uint MAX_IP_TABLES 65536
  144. uint MAX_MAC_TABLES 65536
  146. uint MAX_SEND_SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE 2560000
  147. uint MAX_STORED_QUEUE_NUM 1024
  148. uint MEM_FIFO_REALLOC_MEM_SIZE 655360
  149. uint MIN_SEND_SOCKET_QUEUE_SIZE 320000
  150. uint QUEUE_BUDGET 2048
  151. uint SELECT_TIME 256
  152. uint SELECT_TIME_FOR_NAT 30
  153. uint STORM_CHECK_SPAN 500
  154. uint STORM_DISCARD_VALUE_END 1024
  156. }
  157. declare ServerTraffic
  158. {
  159. declare RecvTraffic
  160. {
  161. uint64 BroadcastBytes 1869213
  162. uint64 BroadcastCount 29065
  163. uint64 UnicastBytes 359120485
  164. uint64 UnicastCount 494102
  165. }
  166. declare SendTraffic
  167. {
  168. uint64 BroadcastBytes 3782491
  169. uint64 BroadcastCount 57703
  170. uint64 UnicastBytes 358925853
  171. uint64 UnicastCount 492098
  172. }
  173. }
  174. declare SyslogSettings
  175. {
  176. string HostName localhost
  177. uint Port 514
  178. uint SaveType 3
  179. }
  180. }
  181. declare VirtualHUB
  182. {
  183. declare sailor_VPN
  184. {
  185. uint64 CreatedTime 1633134347467
  186. byte HashedPassword <cut_out>
  187. uint64 LastCommTime 1633208624382
  188. uint64 LastLoginTime 1633208333154
  189. uint NumLogin 130
  190. bool Online true
  191. bool RadiusConvertAllMsChapv2AuthRequestToEap false
  192. string RadiusRealm $
  193. uint RadiusRetryInterval 0
  194. uint RadiusServerPort 1812
  195. string RadiusSuffixFilter $
  196. bool RadiusUsePeapInsteadOfEap false
  197. byte SecurePassword <cut_out>
  198. uint Type 0
  200. declare AccessList
  201. {
  202. }
  203. declare AdminOption
  204. {
  205. uint allow_hub_admin_change_option 0
  206. uint deny_bridge 0
  207. uint deny_change_user_password 0
  208. uint deny_empty_password 0
  209. uint deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option 0
  210. uint deny_qos 0
  211. uint deny_routing 0
  212. uint max_accesslists 0
  213. uint max_bitrates_download 0
  214. uint max_bitrates_upload 0
  215. uint max_groups 0
  216. uint max_multilogins_per_user 0
  217. uint max_sessions 0
  218. uint max_sessions_bridge 0
  219. uint max_sessions_client 0
  220. uint max_sessions_client_bridge_apply 0
  221. uint max_users 0
  222. uint no_access_list_include_file 0
  223. uint no_cascade 0
  224. uint no_change_access_control_list 0
  225. uint no_change_access_list 0
  226. uint no_change_admin_password 0
  227. uint no_change_cert_list 0
  228. uint no_change_crl_list 0
  229. uint no_change_groups 0
  230. uint no_change_log_config 0
  231. uint no_change_log_switch_type 0
  232. uint no_change_msg 0
  233. uint no_change_users 0
  234. uint no_delay_jitter_packet_loss 0
  235. uint no_delete_iptable 0
  236. uint no_delete_mactable 0
  237. uint no_disconnect_session 0
  238. uint no_enum_session 0
  239. uint no_offline 0
  240. uint no_online 0
  241. uint no_query_session 0
  242. uint no_read_log_file 0
  243. uint no_securenat 0
  244. uint no_securenat_enabledhcp 0
  245. uint no_securenat_enablenat 0
  246. }
  247. declare CascadeList
  248. {
  249. }
  250. declare LogSetting
  251. {
  252. uint PacketLogSwitchType 4
  253. uint PACKET_LOG_ARP 0
  254. uint PACKET_LOG_DHCP 1
  256. uint PACKET_LOG_ICMP 0
  257. uint PACKET_LOG_IP 0
  258. uint PACKET_LOG_TCP 1
  259. uint PACKET_LOG_TCP_CONN 1
  260. uint PACKET_LOG_UDP 0
  261. bool SavePacketLog false
  262. bool SaveSecurityLog false
  263. uint SecurityLogSwitchType 4
  264. }
  265. declare Message
  266. {
  267. }
  268. declare Option
  269. {
  270. uint AccessListIncludeFileCacheLifetime 30
  271. uint AdjustTcpMssValue 0
  272. bool ApplyIPv4AccessListOnArpPacket false
  273. bool AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute false
  274. bool BroadcastLimiterStrictMode false
  275. uint BroadcastStormDetectionThreshold 0
  276. uint ClientMinimumRequiredBuild 0
  277. bool DenyAllRadiusLoginWithNoVlanAssign false
  278. uint DetectDormantSessionInterval 0
  279. bool DisableAdjustTcpMss false
  280. bool DisableCheckMacOnLocalBridge false
  281. bool DisableCorrectIpOffloadChecksum false
  282. bool DisableHttpParsing false
  283. bool DisableIPParsing false
  284. bool DisableIpRawModeSecureNAT false
  285. bool DisableKernelModeSecureNAT false
  286. bool DisableUdpAcceleration false
  287. bool DisableUdpFilterForLocalBridgeNic false
  288. bool DisableUserModeSecureNAT false
  289. bool DoNotSaveHeavySecurityLogs false
  290. bool DropArpInPrivacyFilterMode true
  291. bool DropBroadcastsInPrivacyFilterMode true
  292. bool FilterBPDU false
  293. bool FilterIPv4 false
  294. bool FilterIPv6 false
  295. bool FilterNonIP false
  296. bool FilterOSPF false
  297. bool FilterPPPoE false
  298. uint FloodingSendQueueBufferQuota 33554432
  299. bool ManageOnlyLocalUnicastIPv6 true
  300. bool ManageOnlyPrivateIP true
  301. uint MaxLoggedPacketsPerMinute 0
  302. uint MaxSession 0
  303. bool NoArpPolling false
  304. bool NoDhcpPacketLogOutsideHub true
  305. bool NoEnum false
  306. bool NoIpTable false
  307. bool NoIPv4PacketLog false
  308. bool NoIPv6AddrPolling false
  309. bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 true
  310. bool NoIPv6PacketLog false
  311. bool NoLookBPDUBridgeId false
  312. bool NoMacAddressLog true
  313. bool NoManageVlanId false
  314. bool NoPhysicalIPOnPacketLog false
  315. bool NoSpinLockForPacketDelay false
  316. bool RemoveDefGwOnDhcpForLocalhost true
  317. uint RequiredClientId 0
  318. uint SecureNAT_MaxDnsSessionsPerIp 0
  319. uint SecureNAT_MaxIcmpSessionsPerIp 0
  320. uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSessionsPerIp 0
  321. uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSynSentPerIp 0
  322. uint SecureNAT_MaxUdpSessionsPerIp 0
  323. bool SecureNAT_RandomizeAssignIp false
  324. bool SuppressClientUpdateNotification false
  325. bool UseHubNameAsDhcpUserClassOption false
  326. bool UseHubNameAsRadiusNasId false
  327. string VlanTypeId 0x8100
  328. bool YieldAfterStorePacket false
  329. }
  330. declare SecureNAT
  331. {
  332. bool Disabled false
  333. bool SaveLog true
  335. declare VirtualDhcpServer
  336. {
  337. string DhcpDnsServerAddress
  338. string DhcpDnsServerAddress2
  339. string DhcpDomainName $
  340. bool DhcpEnabled true
  341. uint DhcpExpireTimeSpan 7200
  342. string DhcpGatewayAddress
  343. string DhcpLeaseIPEnd
  344. string DhcpLeaseIPStart
  345. string DhcpPushRoutes $
  346. string DhcpSubnetMask
  347. }
  348. declare VirtualHost
  349. {
  350. string VirtualHostIp
  351. string VirtualHostIpSubnetMask
  352. string VirtualHostMacAddress <cut_out>
  353. }
  354. declare VirtualRouter
  355. {
  356. bool NatEnabled true
  357. uint NatMtu 1500
  358. uint NatTcpTimeout 1800
  359. uint NatUdpTimeout 60
  360. }
  361. }
  362. declare SecurityAccountDatabase
  363. {
  364. declare CertList
  365. {
  366. }
  367. declare CrlList
  368. {
  369. }
  370. declare GroupList
  371. {
  372. }
  373. declare IPAccessControlList
  374. {
  375. }
  376. declare UserList
  377. {
  378. declare admin
  379. {
  380. uint AuthType 2
  381. byte AuthUserCert <cut_out>
  382. uint64 CreatedTime 1633135155706
  383. uint64 ExpireTime 0
  384. uint64 LastLoginTime 1633202738788
  385. string Note $
  386. uint NumLogin 5
  387. string RealName $
  388. uint64 UpdatedTime 1633135155706
  390. declare Traffic
  391. {
  392. declare RecvTraffic
  393. {
  394. uint64 BroadcastBytes 211796
  395. uint64 BroadcastCount 3337
  396. uint64 UnicastBytes 157435547
  397. uint64 UnicastCount 198800
  398. }
  399. declare SendTraffic
  400. {
  401. uint64 BroadcastBytes 161137
  402. uint64 BroadcastCount 1206
  403. uint64 UnicastBytes 161864208
  404. uint64 UnicastCount 186430
  405. }
  406. }
  407. }
  408. declare linux
  409. {
  410. byte AuthNtLmSecureHash <cut_out>
  411. byte AuthPassword <cut_out>
  412. uint AuthType 1
  413. uint64 CreatedTime 1633167591522
  414. uint64 ExpireTime 0
  415. uint64 LastLoginTime 1633208333154
  416. string Note $
  417. uint NumLogin 113
  418. string RealName $
  419. uint64 UpdatedTime 1633167591522
  421. declare Traffic
  422. {
  423. declare RecvTraffic
  424. {
  425. uint64 BroadcastBytes 440908
  426. uint64 BroadcastCount 7228
  427. uint64 UnicastBytes 0
  428. uint64 UnicastCount 0
  429. }
  430. declare SendTraffic
  431. {
  432. uint64 BroadcastBytes 0
  433. uint64 BroadcastCount 0
  434. uint64 UnicastBytes 0
  435. uint64 UnicastCount 0
  436. }
  437. }
  438. }
  439. declare phone
  440. {
  441. byte AuthNtLmSecureHash <cut_out>
  442. byte AuthPassword <cut_out>
  443. uint AuthType 1
  444. uint64 CreatedTime 1633140598201
  445. uint64 ExpireTime 0
  446. uint64 LastLoginTime 1633171852445
  447. string Note $
  448. uint NumLogin 12
  449. string RealName $
  450. uint64 UpdatedTime 1633140598201
  452. declare Traffic
  453. {
  454. declare RecvTraffic
  455. {
  456. uint64 BroadcastBytes 1094355
  457. uint64 BroadcastCount 16852
  458. uint64 UnicastBytes 32328112
  459. uint64 UnicastCount 56315
  460. }
  461. declare SendTraffic
  462. {
  463. uint64 BroadcastBytes 5276
  464. uint64 BroadcastCount 16
  465. uint64 UnicastBytes 7420920
  466. uint64 UnicastCount 49470
  467. }
  468. }
  469. }
  470. }
  471. }
  472. declare Traffic
  473. {
  474. declare RecvTraffic
  475. {
  476. uint64 BroadcastBytes 1869213
  477. uint64 BroadcastCount 29065
  478. uint64 UnicastBytes 359120485
  479. uint64 UnicastCount 494102
  480. }
  481. declare SendTraffic
  482. {
  483. uint64 BroadcastBytes 3782491
  484. uint64 BroadcastCount 57703
  485. uint64 UnicastBytes 358925853
  486. uint64 UnicastCount 492098
  487. }
  488. }
  489. }
  490. }
  491. declare VirtualLayer3SwitchList
  492. {
  493. }
  494. }
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