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a guest
May 19th, 2017
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  1. Bot: START Gen 7 Breding bot
  2. Bot: Update Egg seed
  3. NTR: Read 16 bytes of data starting at address 0x3313EDDC
  4. packet: cmd = 9, dataLen = 16
  5. Bot: Current seed - 5BDF1850B38CC9DA68C5B9B16ABE5EB9
  6. Bot: Produce Egg in Nursery
  7. NTR: Write value 0x00000001 at address 0x3313EDD8
  8. NTR: Write sucessful
  9. Bot: Start dialog
  10. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  11. NTR: Button command sent correctly
  12. Bot: Test if dialog has started
  13. NTR: Read data at address 0x006749A4
  14. NTR: Expected value 0x80000000 to 0x8FFFFFFF
  15. packet: cmd = 9, dataLen = 4
  16. NTR: Read sucessful - 0x80000000
  17. NTR: Value in range: YES
  18. Bot: Continue dialog
  19. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  20. NTR: Button command sent correctly
  21. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  22. NTR: Button command sent correctly
  23. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  24. NTR: Button command sent correctly
  25. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  26. NTR: Button command sent correctly
  27. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  28. NTR: Button command sent correctly
  29. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  30. NTR: Button command sent correctly
  31. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  32. Não é possível ler dados a partir da ligação de transporte: Uma ligação existente foi forçada a fechar pelo anfitrião remoto.
  33. Server disconnected.
  34. NTR: Command timed out
  35. NTR: Button press failed, try to free buttons
  36. NTR: Send button command 0xFFF during 250 ms
  37. NTR: Send button command 0xFFE
  38. Bot: Exception detected:
  39. System
  40. Não é possível aceder a um objecto eliminado.
  41. Nome do objecto: 'System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream'.
  42. em System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size)
  43. em pkmn_ntr.Helpers.NTR.sendPacket(UInt32 type, UInt32 cmd, UInt32[] args, UInt32 dataLen)
  44. em pkmn_ntr.Helpers.NTR.sendWriteMemPacket(UInt32 addr, UInt32 pid, Byte[] buf)
  45. em pkmn_ntr.Helpers.RemoteControl.<waitbutton>d__18.MoveNext()
  46. --- Fim do rastreio da pilha da localização anterior em que a excepção foi emitida ---
  47. em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task)
  48. em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
  49. em System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd(Task task)
  50. em pkmn_ntr.Bot.Bot_Breeding7.<RunBot>d__23.MoveNext()
  51. Bot: STOP Gen 7 Breeding bot
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