
Joker, justice, peasantry, global crisis

Dec 13th, 2019
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  1. ForexTrader: It was one of the best artistic portrayals of a human mind dealing with suffering in a cruel world that I've ever seen.
  2. EonEcho
  3. Have you seen it?
  4. ForexTrader
  5. yes i saw it earlier
  6. ForexTrader
  7. EonEcho i share ur view
  8. ForexTrader
  9. he didnot intend to be cruel
  10. ForexTrader
  11. until people just pushed him around to his limits
  12. ForexTrader
  13. and people missed the good he was doing in some of his actions
  14. 19:36 EonEcho
  15. In the film, I believe he hurts zero people who did not hurt him.
  16. ForexTrader
  17. like those wall st. bastrds were abusing a woman
  18. ForexTrader
  19. the midget guy
  20. ForexTrader
  21. another thing i learned was... that we r in such an angry mob-like society
  22. ForexTrader
  23. liberal awoke 1
  24. ForexTrader
  25. that anything is being politicized
  26. MadCatX
  27. american society
  28. ForexTrader
  29. like the clown mov't that started as result of shooting 3 wall st guys
  30. ForexTrader
  31. that came outta nowhere
  32. ForexTrader
  33. n all of sudden he was their chief leader
  34. ForexTrader
  35. without any plan to start a mov't
  36. ForexTrader
  37. its like everyone is so angry at the RICH
  38. ForexTrader
  39. that they r looking for excuses to march togethher and turn it into chaos
  40. ForexTrader
  41. movie, joker
  42. EonEcho
  43. There is mental illness, factionalism, and legitimate grievances in people. The goal of any just society is to reduce as much as possible the legitimate grievances in people to undercut one of the primary motivators for mass violence movements.
  44. EonEcho
  45. Although, that shouldn't be a primary focus of the US at this time.
  46. EonEcho
  47. The overwhelming, singular problem is that powerful people have too much power and they're mistreating the people of the US.
  48. ForexTrader
  49. grievience i do see, but to blame it one rich is too simplistic isnt it
  50. ForexTrader
  51. on*
  52. EonEcho
  53. The overwhelming, singular problem in the US is the powerful and rich have too much power and too much money and are abusive to everybody else.
  54. ForexTrader
  55. EonEcho hmm how are powerful mistreating people of US?
  56. EonEcho
  57. Worrying about some fictional Joker character is a way we worry about being good peasants.
  58. EonEcho
  59. ForexTrader: They bribe our 'representatives' so that we can't get gun control that is overwhelming popular.
  60. EonEcho
  61. About 92% of Americans support more gun control.
  62. ForexTrader
  63. im glad im not the only one who sees more of a societal problem behind the movie than just a psychotic killer
  64. ForexTrader
  65. oo interesting so the lobby is so strong that we r under-representing the 92% majority
  66. EonEcho
  67. ForexTrader: In a time when the lords are completely out of control, worrying about the peasants is shockingly unethical.
  68. ForexTrader
  69. that is a big majority
  70. ForexTrader
  71. Raven`X they ought to be... its why what makes art interesting
  72. ForexTrader
  73. it has so many angles to look at it from
  74. EonEcho
  75. ForexTrader: There is no plan among the rich except to stay rich and stay powerful. The underlying ideology and mechanisms of their power and wealth, however, are self-destructive.
  76. EonEcho
  77. They are aware that self-destruction is coming.
  78. EonEcho
  79. They are trying to mitigate it by using their wealth and power to insulate themselves while not worrying about everybody else.
  80. ForexTrader
  81. self-destructive? hmm really... i mean if we were rich we'd want to mantain the same if not grow in wealth? is there anything wrong with such motives
  82. EonEcho
  83. There is an trend of the rich and powerful buying exotic disaster shelters in remote areas, to wit.
  84. EonEcho
  85. ForexTrader: Absolutely not.
  86. EonEcho
  87. You're implying people can only do motivated reason from their own perspective.
  88. EonEcho
  89. There's overwhelming evidence that is not the case.
  90. ForexTrader
  91. hmm well if its colllective effort, ideologies form n become THE motive
  92. EonEcho
  93. If I am rich and powerful, and I want to stay rich and powerful at all costs, and the world is heading to a climate change crisis, and it will collapse global human civilization, then I have a deep pathology.
  94. 19:46 EonEcho
  95. And I should not be able to exercise any meaningful decisions.
  96. EonEcho
  97. ForexTrader: I also don't care what they want.
  98. ForexTrader
  99. but how is it self-destructive?
  100. EonEcho
  101. Are you at all educated in this space at all?
  102. EonEcho
  103. It gets tedious walking you through basic stuff.
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