
Final Words *FireShadowFox*

Jul 2nd, 2013
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  1. ****************************************
  2. i see nothing in the master list under their name
  3. also no pastebin
  4. in this one it goes
  5. ****************************************
  7. >Anon undid the large hatch-lock on the door of the containment bunker.
  8. 'Had it really been a month since the out break of a virus that wiped out half a nation in just days?'
  9. >For some unexplained reason, Anon was immune and left for supplys.
  10. >redoing the hatch and cleaning up to make it didn't spread in the bunker, he went down several flights of stairs and through a narrow hall stopping at a purple door.
  11. "Hey, Twilight, you in there?"
  12. >no response.
  13. "I'm coming in."
  14. He looked around the dimly lit room, papers and science equipment strewn about hap hazardly. Finally Anon spotted a small lump under the bed.
  15. >going over he shook the lump.
  16. "Wake up sleepy head. I brought you the tea you wanted."
  17. >she didn't even stir.
  18. "Twi?"
  19. >Anon pulled off the bed sheets to reveal the motionless body of twilight sparkle. Her hollow stair seemed to look up at nothing, and matted mane and coat seemed dull.
  20. "No" he whispered "No, why you?!" He repeated much louder.
  21. >A tear rolled down anon's cheek, soon others followed suit.
  22. >>>
  23. A few minuets passed until he finally noticed a scroll on her bed side table. He began reading it.
  25. Dear, Princess Celestia
  26. I feel weakened by this infernal disease. Seeing as this is probably my last day, I wanted to share my experience when the pandemic first spread till the last. On the first day many were hospitalized amoung them my close friend Rarity. We didn't think much of it and did not visit her the first day... The next day she died... When we first came to the bunker we thought it was a safe place. Later we learned Fluttershy already had it and spread it to Rainbow Dash. We could not bare to see them suffer and they... They asked Applejack t-to end it all, and she did as asked. Not long after pinkie fell into depression and ended up killing herself. Applejack grew restless and slowly went insane, locking herself in a room and waited for death. after many days of trying to find a cure I have failed. I contacted the disease just three days ago.
  27. Yes I have it and sent Anon to find some tea, so he didn't have to see me go.
  28. >Anon wiped his streaming tears away.
  29. "Damn it twilight, I would have stayed with you till the end."
  30. >he read on
  31. Ever since he appeared in that house one night, without a clue of how or why he was there, i gave him a place to sleep, work, and eat, but much more I could since he was alone inside. So I gave him the best gift of all. Friendship, as time passed on this companionship left me feeling... No wanting something more. Though I had never been able to speak it publicly, I had fallen for this alien creature. My only regrets are not getting more time with him, and lying to him and hiding this disease too afraid to tell Anon either. I feel the end drawing near. I'm just gonna sleep for a minute and then I'll send this one last letter to you.
  32. Your faithful student Twilight Sparkle.
  33. >Anon's tears cascaded like a waterfall, as a flurry of emotions stormed through his mind most of them fixed on one purple unicorn and why he hadn't confessed to her as well.
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