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a guest
Nov 28th, 2021
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  1. [21:03:38] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  2. [21:03:38] [main/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, bukkit
  3. [21:03:38] [Worker-Main-1/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
  4. [21:03:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.17.1
  5. [21:03:39] [Server thread/WARN]: ****************************
  8. [21:03:39] [Server thread/WARN]: FOR MORE INFORMATION, SEE
  9. [21:03:39] [Server thread/WARN]: ****************************
  10. [21:03:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties
  11. [21:03:39] [Server thread/INFO]: This server is running Paper version git-Paper-388 (MC: 1.17.1) (Implementing API version 1.17.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 22aaf91)
  12. [21:03:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Using 4 threads for Netty based IO
  13. [21:03:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Server Ping Player Sample Count: 12
  14. [21:03:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Default game type: SURVIVAL
  15. [21:03:39] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  16. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
  17. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Using default channel type
  18. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using Java 11 compression from Velocity.
  19. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Paper: Using Java cipher from Velocity.
  20. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsUtilsPlugin] Loading LorinthsUtilsPlugin v1.0.4
  21. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicDrops] Loading MythicDrops v8.0.1
  22. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loading Essentials v2.19.0
  23. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Loading EssentialsProtect v2.19.0
  24. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [OtherDrops] Loading OtherDrops v3.2.7
  25. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat v2.19.0
  26. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Loading PlaceholderAPI v2.10.10
  27. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Loading MythicLib v1.1.3
  28. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Detected Bukkit Version: v1_17_R1
  29. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsAntiBuild] Loading EssentialsAntiBuild v2.19.0
  30. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Loading MMOItems v6.6.1
  31. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Loading HolographicDisplays v2.4.9
  32. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn v2.19.0
  33. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] Loading LorinthsRpgMobs v1.10.2
  34. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  35. [21:03:40] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicDrops] Enabling MythicDrops v8.0.1
  36. [21:03:41] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicDrops] [ACF] Enabled Asynchronous Tab Completion Support!
  37. [21:03:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing level "world"
  38. [21:03:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
  39. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 157 ms
  40. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_nether
  41. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 75 ms
  42. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:the_end
  43. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Time elapsed: 110 ms
  44. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsUtilsPlugin] Enabling LorinthsUtilsPlugin v1.0.4
  45. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Enabling Essentials v2.19.0
  46. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Attempting to convert old kits in config.yml to new kits.yml
  47. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] No kits found to migrate.
  48. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Loaded 36837 items from items.json.
  49. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using locale de_DE
  50. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] ServerListPingEvent: Spigot iterator API
  51. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
  52. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Using superperms-based permissions.
  53. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect v2.19.0
  54. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Continuing to enable Protect.
  55. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsProtect] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
  56. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [OtherDrops] Enabling OtherDrops v3.2.7
  57. [21:03:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [OtherDrops:3.2.7] Loading file: otherdrops-drops.yml
  58. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [OtherDrops:3.2.7] Error: unknown material (deny33333).
  59. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [OtherDrops:3.2.7] Config loaded - total targets: 1 sections: 5 failed: 0
  60. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [OtherDrops:3.2.7] OtherDrops loaded.
  61. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Enabling EssentialsChat v2.19.0
  62. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsChat] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
  63. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Enabling PlaceholderAPI v2.10.10
  64. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Fetching available expansion information...
  65. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Enabling MythicLib v1.1.3
  66. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LumineUtils] (io.lumine.mythic.utils.) is bound to plugin MythicLib - io.lumine.mythic.lib.MythicLib
  67. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Started up bStats Metrics
  68. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Hooked onto HolographicDisplays
  69. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MythicLib] Hooked onto PlaceholderAPI
  70. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsAntiBuild] Enabling EssentialsAntiBuild v2.19.0
  71. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsAntiBuild] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
  72. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Enabling MMOItems v6.6.1
  73. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems Item Templates] Loading template modifiers, please wait..
  74. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems Item Templates] Loading item templates, please wait...
  75. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Loading crafting stations, please wait..
  76. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'magic-essence' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=3,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
  77. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'arcane-helmet' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=6,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
  78. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-chestplate' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=9,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
  79. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-leggings' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=8,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
  80. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-boots' from crafting station 'arcane-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=MAGIC_FRAGMENT,amount=5,display="Magic Fragment"}': Could not find a template with ID 'MAGIC_FRAGMENT'
  81. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'soulstealer' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MISCELLANEOUS,id=HUMAN_SOUL,amount=8,display="Human Soul"}': Could not find a template with ID 'HUMAN_SOUL'
  82. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'fire-essence' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
  83. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'fire-totem' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=8,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
  84. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'blaze-soul' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=5,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
  85. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'hell-bow' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=2,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
  86. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'fire-greatlance' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=4,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
  87. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'molten-blade' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=FIRE_ESSENCE,amount=13,display="Fire Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'FIRE_ESSENCE'
  88. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'wither-essence' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not find a template with ID 'WITHER_ESSENCE'
  89. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'marking-bow' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=WITHER_ESSENCE,amount=1,display="Wither Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'WITHER_ESSENCE'
  90. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'cursed-wither-skull' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=WITHER_ESSENCE,amount=1,display="Wither Essence"}': Could not find a template with ID 'WITHER_ESSENCE'
  91. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'dead-pharaoh-helmet' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not find a template with ID 'DEAD_PHARAOH_HELMET'
  92. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'mossy-skeleton-skull' from crafting station 'mythical-forge': Could not find a template with ID 'MOSSY_SKELETON_SKULL'
  93. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-sword' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  94. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-sword-upgrade' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  95. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'two-handed-steel-sword' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=SWORD,id=STEEL_SWORD,amount=1,display="Steel Sword"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_SWORD'
  96. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'katana' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=6,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  97. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-helmet' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=6,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  98. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-chestplate' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=9,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  99. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-leggings' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=8,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  100. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-boots' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=5,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  101. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-ingot' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  102. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-dagger' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  103. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'hardened-steel-claymore' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=15,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  104. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'stiff-greatstaff' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  105. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-pickaxe' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=4,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  106. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] An issue occurred registering recipe 'steel-shovel' from crafting station 'steel-crafting-station': Could not load ingredient 'mmoitem{type=MATERIAL,id=STEEL_INGOT,amount=2,display="Steel Ingot"}': Could not find a template with ID 'STEEL_INGOT'
  107. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Hooked onto PlaceholderAPI
  108. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: mmoitems
  109. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [MMOItems] Loading recipes, please wait...
  110. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [HolographicDisplays] Enabling HolographicDisplays v2.4.9
  111. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Enabling EssentialsSpawn v2.19.0
  112. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [EssentialsSpawn] Starting Metrics. Opt-out using the global bStats config.
  113. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] Enabling LorinthsRpgMobs v1.10.2
  114. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Enabling v1.10.2...
  115. [21:03:43] [Server thread/WARN]: [LorinthsUtilsPlugin] Loaded class net.Indyuce.mmoitems.MMOItems from MMOItems v6.6.1 which is not a depend, softdepend or loadbefore of this plugin.
  116. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [Error][LorinthsRpgMobs] : Invalid mmoitems id in: SWORD KATANA
  117. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Loaded 2 custom items
  118. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Loaded loot tables for ZOMBIE
  119. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Loot System Enabled! {ReplaceVanillaDrops: false}
  120. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Successfully registered expansion: rpgmobs
  121. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Butchering in world...
  122. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Removing the following entities, Monsters, Ambient, Zombie Villagers, Flying
  123. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Done!
  124. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Butchering in world_nether...
  125. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Removing the following entities, Monsters, Ambient, Zombie Villagers, Flying
  126. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Done!
  127. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Butchering in world_the_end...
  128. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Removing the following entities, Monsters, Ambient, Zombie Villagers, Flying
  129. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Done!
  130. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : EliteMobs Level Override is Disabled
  131. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Loaded permission, with exp multiplier 1.5
  132. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : HealthBar system enabled! {Type: Placeholder}
  133. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Heroes Integration is Disabled
  134. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Loaded Region, undeadkeep (Level:40)
  135. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Loaded World, world
  136. [21:03:43] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : MMOCore Integration is Disabled
  137. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Mob Variants Enabled!
  138. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : MythicDrops Integration is Enabled!
  139. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : MythicMobs Integration is Disabled
  140. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : SkillAPI Integration is Disabled
  141. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : SkillsPro Integration is Disabled
  142. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Loaded, 37 indicator events!
  143. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : PlaceholderAPI Found! Able to use placeholders in formulas.yml
  144. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [LorinthsRpgMobs] : Finished!
  145. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Placeholder expansion registration initializing...
  146. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Running delayed init tasks
  147. [21:03:44] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 2 - Essentials/INFO]: [Essentials] Fetching version information...
  148. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: No expansions were registered!
  149. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Done (4.350s)! For help, type "help"
  150. [21:03:44] [Server thread/INFO]: Timings Reset
  151. [21:03:44] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 5 - MMOItems/INFO]: [MMOItems] A new build is available: 6.6.4 (you are running 6.6.1)
  152. [21:03:44] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 5 - MMOItems/INFO]: [MMOItems] Download it here:
  153. [21:03:44] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4 - MythicLib/INFO]: [MythicLib] A new build is available: (you are running 1.1.3)
  154. [21:03:44] [Craft Scheduler Thread - 4 - MythicLib/INFO]: [MythicLib] Download it here:
  155. [21:03:53] [User Authenticator #1/INFO]: UUID of player Sharmox is 9d5798a9-bc16-4b9c-80bd-fdc303a7de60
  156. [21:03:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox joined the game
  157. [21:03:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox[/] logged in with entity id 129 at ([world]-61.5, 63.0, 194.5)
  158. [21:03:53] [Server thread/INFO]: [Essentials] Set god mode to false for Sharmox because they had it enabled without permission.
  159. [21:03:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox has made the advancement [Getting an Upgrade]
  160. [21:04:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity GlowSquid['GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/291, uuid='d44f0d76-77ca-4d64-a8f6-c6205f6f421b', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-17.40, y=15.00, z=96.40, cpos=[-2, 6], tl=153, v=true, rR=null] died: GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly] was slain by Axolotl
  161. [21:04:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/139, uuid='ed74829a-04b2-4b69-ae97-2ca26be5e9eb', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-91.57, y=20.84, z=197.17, cpos=[-6, 12], tl=371, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly] tried to swim in lava
  162. [21:04:17] [Async Chat Thread - #0/INFO]: <Sharmox> ...
  163. [21:04:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /pl
  164. [21:04:38] [Server thread/INFO]: Made Sharmox a server operator
  165. [21:04:46] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /spawnmob Spider
  166. [21:04:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox was slain by [Lvl.5] Acid Bomber Spider - ?????????? [Bruised] using [Common Wooden Shovel]
  167. [21:05:04] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /kit tools
  168. [21:05:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /spawnmob Spider
  169. [21:05:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox has made the advancement [Monster Hunter]
  170. [21:05:20] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntitySpider['[Lvl.5] Spider - ?????????? [Alive by a hairs Breath]'/457, uuid='9f07ac74-3613-4193-acd6-a18f121592e0', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-61.98, y=65.09, z=209.06, cpos=[-4, 13], tl=234, v=true, rR=null] died: [Lvl.5] Spider - ?????????? [Alive by a hairs Breath] was slain by Sharmox
  171. [21:05:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox was slain by [Lvl.5] Acid Bomber Spider - ?????????? [Bruised] using [Common Wooden Shovel]
  172. [21:06:59] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Hurt]'/529, uuid='e8f54a9f-ca2c-46d1-ada8-d8e5917c99a8', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-109.50, y=10.54, z=220.17, cpos=[-7, 13], tl=1892, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Hurt] tried to swim in lava
  173. [21:07:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity GlowSquid['GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/288, uuid='cbe6a27a-f0b6-44af-b7fe-caf053f230c9', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=8.40, y=30.00, z=183.42, cpos=[0, 11], tl=3819, v=true, rR=null] died: GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly] drowned
  174. [21:07:19] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/526, uuid='8a4564d6-f5ad-4f9f-8f23-d5d09b8f54a4', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-112.46, y=10.78, z=211.20, cpos=[-8, 13], tl=2323, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly] tried to swim in lava
  175. [21:07:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /day
  176. [21:07:57] [Server thread/ERROR]: [STDERR] [org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.legacy.CraftLegacy] Initializing Legacy Material Support. Unless you have legacy plugins and/or data this is a bug!
  177. [21:08:00] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox was slain by [Lvl.5] Acid Bomber Spider - ?????????? [Bruised] using [Common Wooden Shovel]
  178. [21:08:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityFox['Fox - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/47, uuid='2af3bd3f-9077-4c5b-83da-bbcdeb5e8520', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-226.40, y=64.00, z=231.17, cpos=[-15, 14], tl=2370, v=true, rR=null] died: Fox - ?????????? [Injured Badly] was slain by Wolf
  179. [21:08:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox was slain by [Lvl.5] Acid Bomber Spider - ?????????? [Hurt] using [Common Wooden Shovel]
  180. [21:08:13] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /god
  181. [21:08:21] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity GlowSquid['GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/453, uuid='f56d6b9f-9222-4ffb-ab3b-4b54bd708d10', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-85.40, y=21.00, z=164.58, cpos=[-6, 10], tl=3900, v=true, rR=null] died: GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly] drowned
  182. [21:08:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /spawnmob spider
  183. [21:08:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/588, uuid='9584d465-be5d-474e-8ee1-55a50b372956', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-112.06, y=15.92, z=213.36, cpos=[-8, 13], tl=1344, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly] burned to death
  184. [21:08:55] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugins (13): Essentials, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, HolographicDisplays, LorinthsRpgMobs, LorinthsUtilsPlugin, MMOItems, MythicDrops, MythicLib, OtherDrops, PlaceholderAPI
  185. [21:09:12] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity GlowSquid['GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/663, uuid='76d4144f-e476-4e83-803c-2b9e85540890', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-169.74, y=61.90, z=173.31, cpos=[-11, 10], tl=930, v=true, rR=null] died: GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly] was slain by Axolotl
  186. [21:09:17] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Hurt]'/672, uuid='69c61df0-2c74-4fe9-8d03-28d8fde3b1fb', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-116.66, y=11.16, z=214.44, cpos=[-8, 13], tl=965, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Hurt] tried to swim in lava
  187. [21:09:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity GlowSquid['GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/752, uuid='743b2c7f-2240-4bc8-80d7-b478fbfef32d', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-87.40, y=12.03, z=167.60, cpos=[-6, 10], tl=586, v=true, rR=null] died: GlowSquid - ?????????? [Injured Badly] was slain by Axolotl
  188. [21:10:03] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/807, uuid='6203de6b-5bb0-4b50-972a-8e674b526d24', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-142.47, y=13.12, z=234.51, cpos=[-9, 14], tl=338, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly] burned to death
  189. [21:11:58] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Hurt]'/978, uuid='23592956-9bae-47cd-8bd7-3f335c49198a', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-90.66, y=20.99, z=201.71, cpos=[-6, 12], tl=616, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Hurt] tried to swim in lava
  190. [21:12:06] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Hurt]'/1032, uuid='c491f09e-74af-4572-8fd0-562869751bfc', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-115.89, y=10.88, z=240.80, cpos=[-8, 15], tl=110, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Hurt] tried to swim in lava
  191. [21:12:18] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/987, uuid='3d3d9fad-77cb-4ffe-bd43-df9b19201de3', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-97.27, y=13.05, z=231.81, cpos=[-7, 14], tl=793, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly] burned to death
  192. [21:13:28] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/1039, uuid='09963ca8-9523-4202-bc49-c1510a237662', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-13.61, y=42.07, z=132.66, cpos=[-1, 8], tl=1625, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly] burned to death
  193. [21:13:29] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntitySpider['[Lvl.4] Poisonous Spider - ?????????? [Alive by a hairs Breath]'/662, uuid='d51da3a0-197d-4213-94cb-6b4c7e26334b', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-54.18, y=64.00, z=192.70, cpos=[-4, 12], tl=6091, v=true, rR=null] died: [Lvl.4] Poisonous Spider - ?????????? [Alive by a hairs Breath] was slain by Sharmox
  194. [21:13:32] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox has made the advancement [Diamonds!]
  195. [21:13:40] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /kit tools
  196. [21:13:48] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntityBat['Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/1150, uuid='789e6e28-7d35-4d59-9311-5411508c56e1', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-12.07, y=29.27, z=285.96, cpos=[-1, 17], tl=914, v=true, rR=null] died: Bat - ?????????? [Injured Badly] burned to death
  197. [21:13:53] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /spawnmob Spider
  198. [21:14:02] [Server thread/INFO]: Named entity EntitySpider['[Lvl.4] Spider - ?????????? [Injured Badly]'/1259, uuid='1dd620fd-146b-45dc-a160-5cd1a04d8535', l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-52.23, y=67.15, z=188.15, cpos=[-4, 11], tl=178, v=true, rR=null] died: [Lvl.4] Spider - ?????????? [Injured Badly] was slain by Sharmox
  199. [21:14:07] [Server thread/INFO]: Sharmox issued server command: /spawnmob Spider
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