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a guest
Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. -
  2.     user: 420NoScope
  4.         -
  5.             link:
  6.             name: yt_Ugw_hH9sF-oLPcZXsuF4AaABAg
  7.             comment: >-
  8.                 Boring.
  9. -
  10.     user: ASAI
  12.         -
  13.             link:
  14.             name: yt_UgyY7VI30XYulCyEmH54AaABAg
  15.             comment: >-
  16.                 Why is this garbage stars? It's boring as hell.
  17.         -
  18.             link:
  19.             name: wao_viXccmLcMpUJ_ASAI
  20.             comment: >-
  21.                 Nice stupid job TASVideosChannel grabbing a fucker who
  22.                 can't encode.
  23.         -
  24.             link:
  25.             name: yt_8a19HOeIghb8a1CK3jGqD-
  26.             comment: >-
  27.                 Well he does TAS "Easy Games" so any originality in
  28.                 him doesn't even exist.
  29. -
  30.     user: AspireDesire
  32.        -
  33.             link:
  34.             name: wao_viXccmLcMpUJ_AspireDesire
  35.             comment: >-
  36.                 How about you kill this encoder like you primitively
  37.                 killed your other mistake?
  38.         -
  39.             link:
  40.             name: yt_8a19HOeIghb8a1CEjr8BFw
  41.             comment: >-
  42.                 >Pretty much stealing the suicide comments from the
  43.                 original publication.
  45.                 Such originality.
  46.         -
  47.             link:
  48.             name: yt_Ugjpo49BlEHb13gCoAEC
  49.             comment: >-
  50.                 Spikestuff's encode for the publication is better than
  51.                 what you did.
  53.                 He actually made the information work in a better
  54.                 presentation that what you did you filter spammer.
  55. -
  56.     user: Book
  58.         -
  59.             link:
  60.             name: yt_UgwaLWycX4wfqxhWUlF4AaABAg
  61.             comment: >-
  62.                 I like trains and blood.
  63.         -
  64.             link:
  65.             name: yt_8a19HOeIghb8a1CUMmJ-QO
  66.             comment: >-
  67.                 Jesus.
  68.         -
  69.             link:
  70.             name: yt_8aajC4SD4gQ8aajiE_MP_8
  71.             comment: >-
  72.                 Thanks for publishing this!
  73. -
  74.     user: Bruno
  76.        -
  77.             link: N/A (Discord)
  78.             name: Discord_1_Bruno
  79.             note: If you're hoping for private messages, bahahahaha.
  80.             comment: >-
  81.                 That's fine. I do encourage you to test me as well so
  82.                 that Spike doesn't use this card again
  83.         -
  84.             link: N/A (Discord)
  85.             name: Discord_2_Bruno
  86.             comment: >-
  87.                 If I understood correctly he was accusing me of being
  88.                 'MyFirst Name'
  89.         -
  90.             link: N/A (Discord)
  91.             name: Discord_3_Bruno
  92.             comment: >-
  93.                 A friend of mine learnt TONS of japanese in a few
  94.                 months
  96.                 with anime + vlogs
  98.                 mostly vlogs
  99.         -
  100.             link:
  101.             name: tv_kickoff
  102.             comment: >-
  103.                 I've been thinking for a long time whether I should
  104.                 make some facts public or not, and I feel this is a
  105.                 good time to share with the community some unfortunate
  106.                 events that have been happening in TASVideos Youtube
  107.                 channel. I believe everyone is aware of the
  108.                 controversies involving the SMB1 TASes last year, and
  109.                 it has always been my position that, while HappyLee
  110.                 has made some exaggerations, some of the attacks he
  111.                 was target of were plainly unfair. One example of such
  112.                 attacks were numerous Youtube comments attacking his
  113.                 run made by some accounts I had never seen before.
  115.                 What is interesting about these accounts is that none
  116.                 of them has any content, and they were all created in
  117.                 the same day: Jan/24/2017 (you can check this by
  118.                 adding /about after their channel link). This strongly
  119.                 suggests they are sockpuppets controlled by a single
  120.                 user, and the really worrisome detail is that there is
  121.                 an absurd amount of ways to connect these sockpuppets
  122.                 to a staff member of this site.
  124.                 I earnestly ask you to read each piece of evidence I
  125.                 collected and to draw your own conclusions based on
  126.                 them. I don't want anyone to get banned over this nor
  127.                 to enforce any conclusions, but some abuse has
  128.                 happened on TVC and it should be discussed. I really
  129.                 think we should not allow to freely insult TASers
  130.                 (or even regular members) in TVC comments.
  131. -
  132.     user: EyChanChan
  134.        -
  135.             link:
  136.             name: da_588956640
  137.             note: Just one contiguous segment from a journal entry.
  138.             comment: >-
  139.                 Please excuse the comic hiatus! I am slowly working on
  140.                 new comics between actual work-related things. It
  141.                 takes me longer to work on comics than the sketches
  142.                 and single-images I've been posting lately since the
  143.                 require more focus from me. Basically, it's easy to
  144.                 sneak-sketch while I'm on my lunch break (or slacking
  145.                 off at work OMG MOAR POEMS!) but difficult to
  146.                 concentrate on working on comics when I'm worrying
  147.                 someone is looking over my shoulder. I've made
  148.                 mistakes before because of this, such as saving over
  149.                 files and merging layers I wasn't supposed to touch,
  150.                 uggghh.
  151.         -
  152.             link:
  153.             name: da_474179972
  154.             note: Just one contiguous segment from a journal entry
  155.             comment: >-
  156.                 But when will DeviantArt stop being laggy and have
  157.                 issues whenever I try to upload something? I know it's
  158.                 not my internet connection because I've tried on three
  159.                 different computers at different locations. Also,
  160.                 submitting a deviation feels like I'm filling out a
  161.                 form and it leeches the fun out of it. I understand
  162.                 everything needs to be categorized and there are
  163.                 copyright issues, but maybe I'm just really really
  164.                 really really lazy and I'm finding it tedious and yes
  165.                 okay I'm complaining a lot.
  166. -
  167.     user: GraceLand
  169.         -
  170.             link:
  171.             name: yt_Ugy3xQf7D2i5_OYgpSV4AaABAg
  172.             comment: >-
  173.                 Fix the title it should be fastest time for discrediting someone
  174.         -
  175.             link:
  176.             name: yt_8hZAAdPtS1u8hdbS3zn1nH
  177.             comment: >-
  178.                 Go read the forums.
  179. -
  180.     user: greysondn
  182.        -
  183.             link: N/A (Discord)
  184.             name: discord_1_greysondn
  185.             comment: >-
  186.                 Let's be honest - my attitude is generally antagonzing
  187.                 and somewhere between "seriously, this is just stupid"
  188.                 and common condescension most the time. I don't
  189.                 imagine I need to be writing wiki pages.
  190.         -
  191.             link: N/A (Discord)
  192.             name: discord_1_greysondn
  193.             comment: >-
  194.                 I copied my notepad entries to the chat.
  196.                 It's literally just a scratch file, in the sense I
  197.                 scratch my mad ramblings into it, hit enter a million
  198.                 times, and then leave it until I have more.
  200.                 That way there's one file with everything in it.
  201. -
  202.     user: MyFirstName
  204.        -
  205.             link:
  206.             name: yt_UgyUzaRsq7rvzUtRMVt4AaABAg
  207.             comment: >-
  208.                 But... HappyLee used a TOOL to make this run!!! Kind
  209.                 of weird, after complaining so much that the dude who
  210.                 beat his previous run used a tool to create his.
  211.                 According to HappyLee, using tools to make tool
  212.                 assisted speed runs was an horrible offense. And how
  213.                 come this run exists, since HappyLee himself claimed
  214.                 his previous one could not be beaten since it was
  215.                 perfect because he knew everything there was to know
  216.                 about SMB (even though MrWint figured out some new
  217.                 things that strangely enough HappyLee did not know and
  218.                 are present in this run)?
  219.         -
  220.             link:
  221.             name: yt_8hgzmYpWlmu8hwU9vXQiOq
  222.             comment: >-
  223.                 I see. So, MrWint made a TAS while you made a RETAS.
  224.                 And since in his TAS he created the tool (quite a
  225.                 feat) and discovered new stuff (an impossibility
  226.                 according to you on, while you just
  227.                 used other people's tools, I think there is indeed a
  228.                 difference here.
  229. -
  230.     user: Nyaa
  232.        -
  233.             link:
  234.             name: yt_UgzQa5iWJ-7GLDnzPkV4AaABAg
  235.             comment: >-
  236.                 HappyLee more like I'm a jerk Lee.
  237.         -
  238.             link:
  239.             name: yt_UgzY1TNJR5fpwequL654AaABAg
  240.             comment: >-
  241.                 8k... what the hell?
  242. -
  243.     user: Spikestuff
  245.        -
  246.             link: N/A (Discord)
  247.             name: discord_1_spikestuff
  248.             comment: >-
  249.                 The video one I'm not aware of, and the screenshot thing
  250.                 never worked for me.
  252.                 Probably best to run that one by feos.
  254.                 Sorry that I don't know the answer for that.
  255. -
  256.     user: SpookDook
  258.        -
  259.             link:
  260.             name:yt_8hZAAdPtS1u8heRbYTQwoB
  261.             comment: >-
  262.                 It's not nice to assume that these people are "Fake".
  263.         -
  264.             link:
  265.             name: yt_8hZAAdPtS1u8hef8F9wbDl
  266.             comment: >-
  267.                 Now that's just an unfair assumption. I myself have
  268.                 majority of my information hidden like those what you
  269.                 say is "5 other users" and I only added an avatar and
  270.                 a background to my account for people not to think
  271.                 that I'm a "fake" because of people like you. You're
  272.                 being unfair about all this. After all the author did
  273.                 this to himself. Who are you calling troll ratings on
  274.                 TASVideos the same people HappyLee called as the
  275.                 trolls?
  276.         -
  277.             link:
  278.             name: yt_8hZAAdPtS1u8hhAuueEZVE
  279.             comment: >-
  280.                 You're so persistent that now you're calling me a
  281.                 fake? You're so blinded by facts that you rather be
  282.                 someone who's condescending, a false accuser and a
  283.                 person who would step on people's toes in order to
  284.                 just get a point across. I'm more shocked that people
  285.                 actually look up to you. You're evil.
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