

Nov 20th, 2020
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  1. [11:29] A scratched up soul having wandered in from the wilderness stumbled himself into... Well, who knew? It was a long way from where he started. Bites from direwolves and a number of other scathings covered the rags he donned. Heavy breathing implied a good sprint just moments prior and judging from the confused expression on their face, it was obvious they were a tad bit lost.
  3. Dull blue eyes scoured through the scape, but didn't seem to react to anything in their proximity. Voices, came from every which direction, but nothing about the place felt like the city he was recently in.
  4. "Hello?" He called out, wandering straight into a red headed woman oblivious to her presence.
  5. (Nathan Elbi)
  6. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. [11:34] Nelly actually just looked at him for a moment. Exhaling lightly she got up from her spot on the wall and walked over putting a hand on one of the bites. Healing water poured out of her palm onto the cut.
  10. Moving to look him in the eyes she had a perfectly calm expression. "Are you alright?"
  12. The waters started to stitch and regrow cells closing the wound and cleaning it out bit by bit.
  13. (Nelly Deckard)
  14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. [11:38] Bumping into someone like this wasn't exactly the most flattering of means, but it was a means nonetheless. He was expecting something far more harsh, so the soft tone was something new. The loosening of his shoulders implied that he was disarmed by her voice alone -- the magic was an added touch. "Yes, sorry ma'am." He answered, "I got a bit lost and got nibbled on, by some dogs." He explained.
  18. While she healed him, his unresponsive eyes looked off into the distance, honing on nothing in particular -- otherwise blank.
  19. "If you wouldn't mind, could you tell me where I am?"
  20. (Nathan Elbi)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  23. [11:43] The water slowly moved across his body as she took his vitals through the water. Scanning his life and organic impulses through the water. The cuts and scraps would heal and the soothing waters would continue to move.
  25. Notably the water didn't leave any liquid behind as it traveled. Pushing her hair back behind her ear with her free hand she nodded. At least his hysteria seemed temporary. Getting to the bottom of this would be a might bit helpful to understand how to help.
  27. "This is Achyon. The grand machine. You got nibbled on by some dogs? Are you alright?" She wondered if he was a magi for a moment. Though to be honest even magi's weren't all above dire wolves.
  28. (Nelly Deckard)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [11:56] Achyon.
  32. He heard of this place before! Though he didn't know anything about it beyond a mere name drop.
  33. "Yeah." He confirmed to her question, "A bit, they broke the skin and I wasn't exactly geared up or ready to face them. I got lucky and got away though, so I still have my neck intact!" He chimed with enthusiasm.
  35. It was growing obvious by now that the person he came in contact with, was probably thinking him to be something like a "Yes, I know, it's not wise for non-magi to wander alone, but I really wanted to look for a marketplace, and got seriously lost on my way back." He claimed, some sadness in his tone.
  37. "--wanted to try some independence for once... It didn't really work out in my favor, but it was a shot. Right?" That forced smile wasn't fooling anyone, not even himself.
  38. (Nathan Elbi)
  39. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [12:01] Thinking to herself she wondered what she should do for him. There were a few things to worry about. Taking a deep breath she messed with her hair again shaking it out lightly.
  43. "Alright, were do you live?" She was rather straight forward. "If you were looking for a market place there is one behind you, but I'm not so sure they will have the gear you are looking for. No telling for certain though."
  45. A brief pause.
  47. "I'll make sure you get back home safely. Making it through dire wolves is good enough for a non-magi." A small form of praise.
  48. (Nelly Deckard)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [12:07] "Honestly..." He started with a heavy heart. "I don't exactly have a home." His body seemed to go a tad limp from the admission. "I'm a wanderer, that stops from place to place to attempt a living, and move on when necessary. At least, until I find a place to settle down." He explained,
  53. "The last place I passed through was a bit untrusting, and expected me to be recruited into their ranks before I could live there." He sighed, turning his head offwards to blankly stare off into another direction.
  55. "I guess that's fair."
  57. "On the account of gear though?" He picked his tone back up, "Anything to keep me alive works. Perhaps I'll even find someone willing to help me pick up magic use and what not. Would be nice to be able to fare on my own without hoping and praying for outside help, y'know?"
  58. (Nathan Elbi)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [12:15] She sighed looking a bit exhausted.
  63. "Well, if you need a teacher I'm willing." She motioned to hold up a moment. "I only do water magic."
  65. Another sigh. "Otherwise I would suggest either leaving here for a place that doesn't require you to join. That's the only way you can still wander the whole world I would say."
  66. (Nelly Deckard)
  67. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. [12:18] The man hummed, thinking on the matter.
  70. "I know that water magic has unique properties." He claimed, "A mage in the past used their type of water magic to briefly give someone their hearing back, and my vision as well." He gave a faint smile.
  71. "So I know there's hope for me. I know that magic can change my life, though I don't know if I can accomplish it in the same way others do."
  73. He lowered his head to attempt facing Nelly, but his eyes didn't meet hers... They couldn't meet hers. "If it wouldn't be too far out of your way, could you teach me the fundamentals? Of course, this would be a lot to ask of a total stranger."
  74. (Nathan Elbi)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. [12:21] Nelly nodded.
  79. "Water magic is the best, and easiest magic to learn. Though the hardest to master. It's all about how you think of it." She motioned him to follow her.
  81. "You are right. Water magic has very unique properties that don't stop at restoring hearing or eyesight. It is the fountain of life, and can be manipulated in more ways than any other element."
  83. She wouldn't wait long for him to follow her.
  84. (Nelly Deckard)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [12:24] Nathan Elbi says, "Huh? I smell... Salt."
  88. [12:24] Nathan Elbi says, "Water... A shore? No, this is a dock."
  89. [12:31] Taking a deep breath she know the first thing she had to teach him. The very first step to everything. As well as the path he would need to take.
  91. The sound of flowing water started to fill the area. Under Nathan's feet would change a bit. It seemed to grip and support him as he was moved forward more and more. The sound of foot steps in water much like if she was walking in a puddle started sounding.
  93. "This is the docks. You are now standing on water." Getting straight to the point. Luckily he didn't have sight to hinder him. Another exhale could be heard from Nelly. Doing anything impressive would be a bit at a lost.
  95. "I think I'll skip trying to get you to feel something you have yet to feel. Instead I'm going to start flowing a special mana into your circuitry. Tell me when you are ready."
  97. Her hands were placed on his throat and his chest carefully.
  98. (Nelly Deckard)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [12:39] Something didn't... Feel right.
  102. He could smell salt... Hear the water gently brushing against the docks, and even signs of a boat close by -- so he had an idea of what the setting was. The question was, what part of that setting was so wet that he'd find his feet splashing against water.
  104. It almost didn't even feel too much different than a gelatinous surface, versus hardened solid ground.
  106. 'This is the docks. You are now standing on water.' - Nelly
  108. That was all it took to jut at his heartrate.
  110. "I'm WHAT?!" He exclaimed, picking his legs up to his knees in a high leap to the air, but where was he going to run? He didn't even know where the actual dock -was-. As much panic filled his soul, it wasn't longlived -- without sight, there wasn't much hope of finding refuge on his own out here. That, and... Well, he wasn't sinking, nor straining to keep afloat.
  112. "... Wait...But I'm not... Sinking?" He asked back to the woman, "What sort've magic trick is this?" He asked of her.
  113. "Circuitry? What do you mean? I don't have any circuitry. I'm not a magi." He assured obliviously.
  115. Nelly's hands placed upon Nathan's neck and throat, and in the moment he cringed -- a healing wound was disturbed at the chest region. The purpled flesh would give with any remote pressure, insinuating at a fracture on the fringe of full breakage if too much force was applied.
  117. He grunted at the touch, "Be careful... I haven't had the best of encounters with some water magi. They like to push people they think they're stronger than, around."
  118. (Nathan Elbi)
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  121. [12:48] Nelly took a deep breath the water started to glow a bit.
  123. "To become a good water magi you have to understand all the properties of water. One of those is water tension. What I did was make the water tension of the water high enough to stand on. Think of it like if you took a bunch of sand or feathers and gathered them up." It wasn't really what was happening. Though the best way to explain it if they didn't know. To be honest her magic was strengthing the bonds between the water molecules that then created a higher surface tension.
  125. "I'll be very gentle. Don't worry. I'm not here to push you around. I'm only here to teach you." He didn't say he was ready yet so she didn't start. Instead she made the water under him more solid still.
  127. "You have circuitry. All living things do. Your circuits are just small and need to be exercised. Maybe they have no natural affinity, but they are there. I'm only going to pour a very small amount of this special mana into you. It'll let you know what it is like. You have seen before." Nothing to much on that last piece for now.
  129. Her voice was calm and understanding. Not reacting to much to him freaking out. "Just tell me when you are ready and we will begin."
  130. (Nelly Deckard)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [12:53] So strange, "Like a science?" He asked, finding his balance mildly troubled. The water was still water afterall -- waves and ripples included, but the surface didn't break. He didn't sink, a phenomenon he was still not getting over.
  134. "I think... I think I understand now." He claimed, really thinking on the matter.
  136. That meant that anything in theory could become a magi, right? From himself, to even the wolves that hunted him earlier. That would explain how drakanites, dragons, kitsunes were different in one way or another -- as with every other creature around, yet they could all conduct magic.
  137. "I think... I think I'm ready." He took a deep breath, and blinked... No reason to keep his eyes closed, the veil of darkness had them months prior.
  138. (Nathan Elbi)
  139. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  141. [13:05] She could make the water more solid. To be honest it was a lot like if you kept jam packing gelatin into water. Adventually there would be no ripples, and it would be solid. Though she didn't bother with that.
  143. "I'll start then." There was a strange presence of the ocean. Not the one they were next to, but a second one appeared. It felt like a large body of water standing in front of him. Mana oozed out of her hands touching the surface of his skin.
  145. Instantly it felt like on the surface of his skin was a new life. A living entity in some respects. Pure life in the form of water mana. Not forming water, but remaining in the purely magical state.
  147. It was pure and untainted. Letting out a small breath she closed her eyes. She could feel the life force within Nathan and slowly drop by drop very small portions of this mana would trickle into him.
  149. He would now get the feeling of life from the ocean. That distinct magical life that flowed through every living being. At the same time he could almost see Nelly's form now. Though it was more like he was sensing it then his eyes actually receiving light. The life in the mana echoed out to everything around it and since it was coming from Nelly it was easily done that some small sense could start sensing her form.
  151. It wouldn't be in much detail. Since he couldn't take much mana at all, but she kept increasing the amount until it looked like it was uncomfortable. Most likely it would come in the form of him feeling like he was about to burst or his body was being strained since unlike other manas it was very harmless.
  152. (Nelly Deckard)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [13:25] There wasn't quite a sensitivity to mana for Nathan, making him blind in more ways than one. Though, perhaps that would change today.
  156. He could feel something beyond the presence of her touch... Something there, yet not quite tangible in the same fashion as the water surrounding them. A divergence of pure mana from the aquatic element was taking root upon the unknowing soul. If only he had the slightest clue as to what that truly meant.
  158. Like a leak in a faucet, it trickled in... Entering from the neck and chest points, to interact with the numerous circuitry points location in those respective regions.
  159. The study of symbolic and wordcasting styles focused on these regions, for the collection of points there, but from those points, the intrusive mana seeped further, spindling through in its explorative endeavor through his many points.
  161. The ocean entered a cycle within this human body, tapping into and through all 3100 connective lines that buzzed within, initially dormant until now. It felt like a breath of new air, of life where brumation took stead.
  162. For the moments he experienced this, he could... See? No, this wasn't vision, he could make out anything beyond the darkness outside of the glow of sapphire that oozed an ambigious miasma from his own appendages. He looked where his arms would've been -- to see veins of blue, dotted with glowing spots: freckles of the ethereal element.
  164. "It's... This... What is..."
  165. A total stranger was able to give him something he never would've comprehended until now.
  166. "What is this?" He asked. The typical awakening would have someone meditate, to close their eyes from the distactions of vision to bare witness to their own circuitry. Nathan, on the otherhand, had no such distraction... For once, his disability, would be his empowerment.
  168. In that instant, he could see... The energy coursing through his veins, no beyond them: His circuit, being fed on by a foreign body -- was this, Nelly?
  169. "I-...I..." It was! Who else could it be.
  170. "I can.... See you?" He said with a quizzical twist, "But it's not like I would normally... It's all... Blank." He claimed.
  172. There were no silhouettes like Fleurosa's magic would have it. No, instead, all he saw was his own, and this individual's circuit, liberated of any vessel. "What are these?" He asked, before taking the moment to answer himself. "Circuits?"
  173. His body began to feel bloated, swollen in some fashion that wrought veins to his forehead, neck and extremities - pushed to their limit. Nathan scathed off the urge to admit to pain, aching but too excited in the moment to admit to weakness.
  176. (Nathan Elbi)
  177. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  179. [13:43] She smiled lightly slowly withdrawing the mana from his veins. Leaving perhaps the faintest wisp of mana in him for his circuits to start producing more on their own. Using it as a guiding post.
  181. "This is mana. This is more accurately the font of life that fills everything." Calmly her hands were removed from him. Her voice calm and kind. She could feel his vitals and every cell that lived in his body. It would be apparent to her when he could no longer handle the mana.
  183. "It is Circuits. It's only the first level of you being able to see. I can take water from any source. I can also create it." Her hand waved in the air pulling some moisture out of it forming a ball of water. She then made this this and attached it to his skin. A small strand of healing magic connected to him. The water started to glow and a soothing sense went into his arm where it was connected. This was different from the pure mana. It was actually instructed to heal and relieve pain.
  185. "Image being able to sense life through water. The very moisture in the air and seeing that way. Sensing the water inside some one. The life that it carries and that is imbued in it." Taking a deep breath Nelly felt out with her reach in magic. The waters responded around her and the bubbles of water surrounding her started to glow. The air was changed a bit at her sense linking to all the mana in a very large radius. It reached high into the skies and deep into the sea. There was a slight stirring of spirits as she took a few deep breaths.
  187. "Nothing is beyond the reach of an experienced water magi. Since it's already so prone to containing mana more so than the other elements it's easier to manipulate and sense mana through it. As well it is naturally imbued with life. Using your mana you can sense this down to the smallest degree. Remember it's not marco control that makes a good magi it's micro control. Being able to focus enough to effect something small efficiently."
  189. Bringing back to the docks the water rushed away.
  191. "As long as you are by water you have nothing to fear. I suggest submerging yourself into water and feeling the ocean. Find it and connect to it with your mana. It will train both your mana, and your connection to water."
  192. (Nelly Deckard)
  193. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  195. [14:05] An awakened circuit, but unbound to an element beyond the taint that came with the intrusive essence. Nelly withdrew her own energy to leave Nathan's own circuitry to begin producing on their own. It became a shadow of what it was in those fleeting moments, but was a feeling he would never forget.
  197. So that, was what power felt like?
  199. The ability to... Forgo sight... To feel beyond feeling: To truly sense other beings.
  201. 'That is mana' - That was all he needed to hear from Nelly. This was a feeling he never knew he wanted, that he needed. He had a taste and now, he had a craving for more. The weakness that he had felt less like mere feebleness and more akin to a ceiling; a barrier preventing him from simply reaching to take what he wanted.
  203. Nelly explained further, going on to point out exactly what he saw -- confirming his assumptions, and drawing forth a conclusion that ultimately temptedthe mind to wander on the topic. "Not only can you control it," he turned towards her, "--but you can create it? Out of thin air?" To him, that felt divine. "If you can create something out of nothing, then what truly limits a mage from a god?" He asked.
  205. In some light, the line between the two blurred further in his mind. The envisionment of raw circuitry began to fade away with the absence of excess mana, leaving him as blind as he began. He didn't forget that sensation though.
  207. No. That was simply not something he could simply abide.
  208. "You can use mana to sense life through water? That is... Amazing." He admitted, "--but magic can also do all sorts of strange things, from controlling the air, sound... Fire and water, hell, I wouldn't be surprised if controlling the mana itself was a magic on its own." He went on.
  210. "... So, what's to stop you from going straight to the source?" He asked of her, "Just sensing life, with mana?"
  212. "If everything has a circuit, then doesn't that mean there's something to be felt in every living thing?" He prodded. Perhaps that was the point she was already getting at. Then again, she was a water mage -- everything about this was based on water.
  214. … But what if it could be extrapolated for another element? How different were they all from each other anyway?
  216. "Submerge myself in water for a connection to it." He parroted to himself.
  217. That'd probably be some good meditation advice... Then again, what if he submerged himself into another element?
  219. … The logic didn't seem to work out very well with some thought put into it.
  220. Fire wasn't exactly the kindest element, when placed at mind.
  221. Earth, equally as ruthless...
  223. "I take it, this is a technique that primarily works with water then?"
  224. (Nathan Elbi)
  225. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  226. [14:14] She nods lightly.
  228. "Water is the only magic that is connected to life on such a deep level. It's more effiecent to sense through the connection that water has to life." Taking a deep breath she put a hand on his shoulder.
  230. "It is a method that works best with elements that are harmless. Magma, and electricity are much harder to do this with at a low level. Part of what makes this a good training method of water and wind is that there is such an abundance of it that the training will never drop off in efficiency. There is always more that you can try to sense and connect to."
  232. She shook her head a little bit. "Air and water also pass through you so it's easier to take them in even when you are weak. As well Water is further special as it's the actual source of all life. Nothing grows without water. It's so close to who we are that it resonates differently then all the other elements." With that she started to walk away.
  234. "Feel free to discover your own methods."
  235. (Nelly Deckard)
  236. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  238. [14:28] That made sense.
  239. Perhaps, because water was so closely affiliated with life, it allowed someone a frame of reference to everything else.
  240. "I suppose you have a point." He answered, before she went on to explained the relation of other elements to the concept of sensing.
  242. Then again, there was the matter that weakness was declared his barrier.
  243. "I will." he claimed, "But I have one question for you..." He followed her footsteps, reaching out to pat at (hopefully) what would be her back.
  244. "How does it turn to strength?" He asked.
  246. "I know the ability to control magic is powerful and useful, but how..." He took a pause, with mild frustration from taking surface in his voice. All of the times he had to struggle, with just the basic necessities. All of the times he had been treated differently because of his disability. All of the times, he perceived others to treat him less-than, it was ebbing at him in the moment.
  248. "How do mages turn their knowledge and experience into power? How do they get strong enough to do things like that? To use their elemental control, or basic understanding of the fundamentals, to sense? To see without their eyes? To amplify their control to something greater. There has to be something in common with them all."
  250. "Something that all mages share. Something that they all exercise to bridge that gap. I just..." He lowered his head and went limp...
  251. "I refuse... To go on, without being able to stand on my own two feet and know I am in control of my own life..." He felt as though he was just on the verge of pouring it all out for all to see -- at least for Nelly to see.
  253. To finally have power...
  254. To finally have control...
  255. To finally, live a dream robbed from him by the cruelties of life itself.
  256. To finally, be free of what could be imposed on him, once and for all.
  257. (Nathan Elbi)
  258. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  260. [14:41] She nodded lightly.
  262. "Understanding of their element. Knowledge of mana and circuitry. That's what makes you more capable. It's all about thinking of what you can do. Understanding how to do that. You'll figure it out as you go. Essentially manipulating magic and elements is like learning to use a tool. Rather your arm or leg. With the right now how you slowly get acculuated to how it works. How it functions. How to change it to how you want. Partly how it relates to you."
  264. Stopping a moment she nodded. "That's about the best I can explain it I think."
  265. (Nelly Deckard)
  266. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  268. [14:52] "I see..." He nodded, "In that case..."
  269. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, thinking to himself.
  270. "I can't say I can really read any books, and I don't want to bother anyone to start reading me through a library." He started walking alongside Nelly, hoping for some form of guidance away from abruptly sinking beyond the waters abroad.
  272. "So I suppose in time, I'll just figure it out." The thought that he'd have only such to go on, without much ability to see other options -- no clean cut answers to his desires beyond the veil and suggestion of others.
  273. Certainly, many of his problems could be fixed by simply getting stronger...
  274. But -how- did he simply -get- stronger?
  275. He'd have to invest in the magical element...
  276. He'd have to understand it... Something that, before this, was simply beyond him.
  278. At least, he had a taste... But a lick could never sate starvation.
  279. The twisted emotions and frustations within, choked at him -- warping beneath the surface. A fury that burned, without an outlet. No explosion, but a slow rot of the poisoned soul within.
  281. The shallow weakness of the poor man.
  282. (Nathan Elbi)
  283. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  285. [14:57] She sighed.
  287. "You can learn of things many ways. For now find a foundation then talk to me again. Everything comes with time." continuing to walk she thought carefully. To be honest part of it was truly that you had to feel to understand the first portion of magic.
  289. It's mystical in many a sense, but not unknowable.
  290. (Nelly Deckard)
  291. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  293. [15:16] Find a foundation.
  295. That made sense - it was a place to start.
  296. He didn't exactly know where to go or what to do … He didn't know much beyond some of the basics of water, but perhaps that was all he needed.
  298. But was it really?
  300. At least, he had something to recollect: Memory, of that feeling.
  301. That surging through his circuitry. His circuitry alone, was no longer something he was oblivious to anymore. He knew of its presence... It felt the pulses, the weak palpitations - akin to the first few beats of a child's heart.
  303. He remembered what it was like, to see something. Not like the silhouettes introduced to him before, nor the faint colors before his dead sight, but something new.
  305. "Then, perhaps I have exactly what I need..."
  307. He slowed his pace in pursuance of Nelly, and proceeded to sit down right there, on the dock. It wasn't as though he could see for certain a better place.
  308. This place was quiet, serene by many standards... Surrounded by nothing but the grandest of natural elements.
  310. No need to close his eyes...
  311. Just breath... In...
  313. His chest ached due to his wound.
  315. ...and Out...
  317. The ache subsided briefly.
  319. … And in...
  321. The ache returned, irking his brow.
  323. ...And out...
  325. If there was nothing else he could focus on, it'd be that pain. A constant reminder of his weakness. That someone stronger than him demanded of him, and despite being challenged for respect, earned it.
  326. A reminder that might, made right.
  327. A reminder of his weakness demanding nothing but manipulation in this cruel world, spared only by those whom pitied him.
  329. All he had to do, was remember the feeling: What power truly felt like.
  331. "Remember." He muttered to himself.
  333. The sternum fracture stung at him, earning his wince.
  334. Through his teeth, he hissed before repeating to himself.
  335. "...Remember."
  337. (Nathan Elbi)
  338. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  340. [15:18] She waved him off as she felt him leave her side.
  342. "Good luck." He was eager. That was good in some ways.
  343. (Nelly Deckard)
  344. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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