

Dec 6th, 2017
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  4. • Topic: Explore the difference between the way a company advertizes a product and how a newspaper article analyzes and reviews a product. 
  5. ◦ -Understand the differences in language use by different groups to describe the same product
  6. ◦ -Understand the differences in purpose between the two texts and how language reflects that.
  7. • -Comparing and analyzing: Iphone 6 Official trailer video, article Iphone 6 review: still worth buying in 2017?
  8. • Audience of both: Potential customers for the iphone 6.
  9. • Purpose: Iphone 6 trailer: Persuade people to buy the product, improve people's opinions of the product
  10. ◦ Review: Inform people about the pros and cons about buying a product
  12. • From the title we can already see differences between the two texts
  13. ◦ Article's title: essentially says: Is this product worth buying
  14. • Reflects it being a product review(which tells whether product is worth or not worth buying)
  15. ◦ Advertisement's title: Iphone 6 official trailer
  16. • Trailer is a word mostly used for movie advertisements and games rather than phones
  17. ▪ Implies that the iphone 6 is not just a product, but also an experience.
  18. • Makes it seem very impressive
  20. • Themes
  21. ◦ Ad
  22. • One
  23. ▪ Words "Integration", "continuous", "seamless transitions" "singular"
  24. • conveys: everything is in this product, nothing else is needed
  25. • much more important theme of : Impressiveness
  26. ▪ Iphone 6 is impressive, the features are impressive, the company is impressive
  27. ▪ Examples, from the first sentence:
  28. •  "a truly great product" "most significant design and engineering efforts"
  29. • Adjectives clearly linked to "important"
  30. • Making seem impressive = fulfill purpose, as  people will have more of a positive opinion on an impressive product
  31. ◦ Review:
  32. • No significant themes to speak of
  33. ▪ Due to being informational rather than persuasive
  35. • Content:
  36. ◦ Significant difference in the content and subject of the two texts
  37. ◦ Both talking about iphone 6
  38. ◦ Article gives comprehensive overview of product
  39. • Allows audience to understand more of the product to make a better informed decision
  40. ▪ Purpose of inform
  41. • is Extremely long compared to the advertisement in word count
  42. ▪ 6000 words as compared to 900 words in the advertisement
  43. ◦ Advertisment however:
  44. • Focuses on new features, significant improvements
  45. ▪ Such as: camera, onetouch purchases, better chips, better internet speed
  46. ▪ By only touching on significant improvements, makes every part of the product seem new, revolutionary
  47. • Purpose to make people who already own an iphone would be more inclined to purchase the new iphone for the new features
  48. • Links to purpose of making people purchase the product
  49. • As if there is much more than is introduced but too long to be covered in a video
  50. • Links to the theme of impressiveness
  53. ----------------------------------------------------- 5 minutes
  54. • Tone and speaker
  55. ◦ Ad: formal, slow
  56. • Make it seem professional, provides emphasis on the adjectives used
  57. • Also makes it seem to be an informative, objective piece rather than an advertisement.
  58. ◦ Review: colloquial
  59. ◦ Ad uses first person plural
  60. • plural "we" referring to the company
  61. ◦ Review uses first person
  62. • Author is speaker
  63. ◦ Both address audience with "you" but in different ways
  64. • Review is conversational.
  65. ▪ example: I’m going to assume you know this
  66. ▪ Impression: "You" is someone in front, listening of the speaker, who the speaker is explaining and informing the audience
  67. • Ad
  68. ▪  "capture YOUR cinematic video" "lets you adjust shots"
  69. ▪ makes it seem personal
  70. ▪ combined with earlier first person plural speaker role creates the impression "we're doing this for you, this product is for your use"
  72. • Language techniques
  73. ◦ Review:
  74. • At the top of text, uses sarcasm"Is the iPhone 6 the GREATEST handset EVER made in the ENTIRE Universe?"
  75. ▪ Draws audience attention
  76. • Sarcasm also sets the colloquial tone of the rest of the text.
  77. • Hypophora:
  78. ▪ Do I like the way the iPhone 6 looks? Yes
  79. • Makes it seem more casual
  80. • Follows up with: Is it the best-looking, most exciting phone, I’ve tested this year? Not by a long shot 
  81. • Contrasts with previous line, says that while the looks good it isn't close to the best.
  82. • Defines the limits of how good it looks
  83. • Fits with purpose as the author is not promoting the product rather evaluating it
  84. ▪ Capitalizes certain words entirely
  85. • Places emphasis when it's an adjective
  86. ◦ Ad:
  87. • Listing describing a component as "is smaller it is faster it's got better"
  88. • Rule of three describing a function as "fast easy and secure"
  89. • Both help to put emphasis on these adjectives and put it in people's mind
  91. • Theory: Marxism and commodity fetishism
  92. • The review article and the video both prescribe the iphone as having intrinsic, objective value in the form of money
  93. ▪ Derived from the subjective value of it's functions
  94. • what Both texts do is:
  95. • Describe and evaluate various functions and new functions
  96. • Say what the price tag is, implies that the functions have objective value
  97. • Even when value of functions is derived from subjective wants
  98. ▪ Same method but different purpose:
  99. • Advertisement: With objective value, people would be more likely to buys the product
  100. • as Subjective value is less valuable by nature
  101. • Review: Attaches objective value to make the reader be able to better understand the value of the product
  102. • Subjective may differ from reader to reader but if objective value(money) is attached it won't
  103. • Puts an objective value to the functions to help evalute the functions individually and the phone overall
  104. • Allows the author to easily determine and convey whether the product is worth the price or not
  105. • Author gains more credibility as subjective value would be personal opinion of the author but objective value would be applied to everyone
  106. • comes back to: wider issue of Commercialism by media
  107. ▪ Mainly advertisement
  108. • Advertisement's theme of impressiveness
  109. • it Makes the audience feel a need for a product that they otherwise would not need
  110. • Just because it's impressive
  111. • not just this one, but Many advertisements also do this and contribute to commercialism
  112. • links to Purpose of making them buy products
  113. • Review does not have purpose of making people buy the product, is different
  114. •  
  116. • Usage of facts and statistics:
  117. ◦ Review has a portion dedicated to graphs
  118. • giving Numerical scores and performance indicators
  119. • Adds on to giving the phone objective value with commodity fetishism
  120. • again Increased credibility for the author
  121. ▪ Statistics back up author's point
  122. • in Part about cameras, there are many images as example of pictures taken by iphone
  123. ▪ again Provides evidence for the author's point regarding improved cameras
  124. ◦ in Advertisement:
  125. • has Video of people taking pictures and videos using new functions
  126. ▪ since it's Taking pictures, not the results, shows audience what they could be doing with the new functions
  127. • rather than just the result
  128. • also, Shows impressive methods of taking photos and videos, makes phone's new functions seem more impressive
  129. • Links to theme
  132. Conclusion:
  133. The purpose of the two articles are very different and the language use reflects that. Both are very effective in conveying their ideas, although the advertisement may sometimes seem overbearing. While tone, theme and content are very different, both texts convey a similar, positive impression of the product towards the audience in their own ways. Thank you.
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