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May 30th, 2017
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  1. (12:53:09 AM) duckie: i do like him yes.
  2. (12:53:14 AM) John: Well thats it
  3. (12:53:19 AM) duckie: what
  4. (12:53:31 AM) John: Thats probably the worst thing.
  5. (12:53:36 AM) duckie: what
  6. (12:53:55 AM) John: He's the one you like in that way then?
  7. (12:54:28 AM) duckie: in what way.. i just said i liked him..
  8. (12:54:39 AM) John: You know what way I mean
  9. (12:54:50 AM) duckie: yeah i like like him.
  10. (12:54:55 AM) John: In that way
  11. (12:55:03 AM) duckie: in what way
  12. (12:55:10 AM) John: Like like.
  13. (12:55:19 AM) duckie: john i just told you i do..
  14. (12:55:23 AM) John: Well then thats it
  15. (12:55:29 AM) duckie: whats it..
  16. (12:56:36 AM) duckie: talk to me..
  17. (12:56:47 AM) John: You cheat on me with him
  18. (12:56:50 AM) John: He uses you
  19. (12:56:56 AM) duckie: no
  20. (12:56:58 AM) John: Then you break up with me
  21. (12:57:04 AM) duckie: ive never chated on you with him.
  22. (12:57:09 AM) John: You did.
  23. (12:57:13 AM) John: You even agreed that you did
  24. (12:57:15 AM) duckie: and i didnt break up with you for him
  25. (12:57:26 AM) John: That doesn't matter
  26. (12:57:42 AM) John: The fact that you could like a person that just uses you
  27. (12:58:01 AM) duckie: how did he use me
  28. (12:58:21 AM) John: He was being nice to you, when I was being a douche bag
  29. (12:58:31 AM) John: Dont interrupt let me say it
  30. (12:58:46 AM) John: He was being all nice n shit to you, because he saw what was happening with us
  31. (12:58:57 AM) John: Every time he gets the chance to get close to a girl he will
  32. (12:58:59 AM) John: He does
  33. (12:59:08 AM) John: He's nothing but a user
  34. (1:00:27 AM) John: I'm done.
  35. (1:00:49 AM) duckie: ok
  36. (1:02:58 AM) duckie: idk what to say john
  37. (1:03:08 AM) John: ok
  38. (1:03:17 AM) duckie: please dont hate me
  39. (1:03:59 AM) John: I'm going to be honest.
  40. (1:04:08 AM) John: It's hard not to hate you right now.
  41. (1:04:19 AM) duckie: i dont wanna talk anymore
  42. (1:04:23 AM) John: Ok
  43. (1:04:59 AM) duckie: i dont know what to say
  44. (1:05:02 AM) duckie: im so sorry
  45. (1:05:21 AM) John: I love you with all my heart Ariel.
  46. (1:05:28 AM) John: You mean everything in the world to me
  47. (1:06:38 AM) John: If somethign were to happen, and the only way you could live was me dying. I would do it for you
  48. (1:06:46 AM) John: I can't explain how much you mean to me
  49. (1:07:16 AM) John: I can keep going on and on like this until my fingers are rubbed raw from typing and it still wont be enough
  50. (1:08:47 AM) duckie: i dont know what to say
  51. (1:09:14 AM) duckie: i could turn this around on you.. but its mean.. and id just rather take everything for it.. so idk what to say
  52. (1:09:29 AM) John: Go ahead, turn it around
  53. (1:09:57 AM) duckie: if you wouldnt have been acting like a douchebag for the whole time we were down there this wouldnt even have happened
  54. (1:10:13 AM) duckie: you waited until the last minute to start doing things
  55. (1:10:19 AM) duckie: why couldnt you have done it
  56. (1:10:28 AM) John: I can ask you the same thing
  57. (1:10:38 AM) John: You were so miserable and you wanted to go to school an all
  58. (1:10:48 AM) John: But you never lifted a finger to even try down here
  59. (1:11:31 AM) duckie: lol.. because i spent all myt ime on you.. trying to get you to do things.. trying to help you..
  60. (1:11:54 AM) John: Don't even
  61. (1:11:55 AM) duckie: im sorry that i gave up everything for myself to help you.. and you still didnt do anything..
  62. (1:12:15 AM) John: You're number one pryority should have been yourself at the time
  63. (1:12:42 AM) John: Getting yourself in college, then getting to me
  64. (1:13:12 AM) duckie: you know i was getting into college.. then i moved down there with you
  65. (1:13:27 AM) John: I know that
  66. (1:13:33 AM) John: But you didnt even try down here
  67. (1:13:43 AM) duckie: because im not relying on your parents.
  68. (1:13:53 AM) John: How would you have to?
  69. (1:13:55 AM) duckie: and ive told you that
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