

Jan 31st, 2020
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  1. function GuiFillForge(p: player,s: number,m: material):
  2. set {_times} to {_s}
  3. set {_slot} to 0
  4. loop {_times} times:
  5. create gui slot {_slot} of {_p} with {_m} named " " with lore " " to do nothing
  6. set {_slot} to {_slot}+1
  7. if {_m} is red stained glass pane:
  8. create gui slot {_s}-5 of {_p} with barrier block named "&4&lEXIT" with lore " " to run:
  9. close player's inventory
  10. on craft:
  11. if event-item is helmet or chestplate or leggings or boots or sword or pickaxe or axe or shovel:
  12. cancel event
  13. on click on anvil:
  14. if block 2 below event-block is emerald block:
  15. if block below event-block is sea lantern:
  16. cancel event
  17. open virtual chest with size 4 named "Forge" to player
  18. wait 2 ticks
  19. GuiFillForge(player,36,red stained glass pane)
  20. wait 2 ticks
  21. GuiFillForge(player,27,black stained glass pane)
  22. wait 2 ticks
  23. create gui slot 11 of player with iron ingot named "Forge Iron Items" with lore "Click to forge iron items" to run:
  24. close player's inventory
  25. wait 2 ticks
  26. open virtual chest with size 5 named "Forge Iron Items" to player
  27. wait 2 ticks
  28. GuiFillForge(player,45,red stained glass pane)
  29. GuiFillForge(player,36,black stained glass pane)
  30. wait 2 ticks
  31. create gui slot 1 of player with iron helmet named "Helmet" with lore "Price:" to run:
  32. close player's inventory
  33. create gui slot 10 of player with iron chestplate named "Chestplate" with lore "Price" to run:
  34. close player's inventory
  35. create gui slot 19 of player with iron Leggings named "Leggings" with lore "Price" to run:
  36. close player's inventory
  37. create gui slot 28 of player with iron boots named "Boots" with lore "Price" to run:
  38. close player's inventory
  39. create gui slot 7 of player with iron sword named "Sword" with lore "Price:" to run:
  40. close player's inventory
  41. create gui slot 16 of player with iron pickaxe named "Pickaxe" with lore "Price:" to run:
  42. close player's inventory
  43. create gui slot 25 of player with iron shovel named "Shovel" with lore "Price:" to run:
  44. close player's inventory
  45. create gui slot 15 of event-player with diamond named "&c&lForge Diamond Items" with lore "Click to forge diamond items" to run:
  46. close player's inventory
  47. wait 2 ticks
  48. open virtual chest with size 5 named "Forge Diamond Items" to player
  49. wait 2 ticks
  50. GuiFillForge(player,45,red stained glass pane)
  51. GuiFillForge(player,36,black stained glass pane)
  52. wait 2 ticks
  53. create gui slot 1 of player with diamond helmet named "Helmet" with lore "Price:" to run:
  54. close player's inventory
  55. create gui slot 10 of player with diamond chestplate named "Chestplate" with lore "Price" to run:
  56. close player's inventory
  57. create gui slot 19 of player with diamond Leggings named "Leggings" with lore "Price" to run:
  58. close player's inventory
  59. create gui slot 28 of player with diamond boots named "Boots" with lore "Price" to run:
  60. close player's inventory
  61. create gui slot 7 of player with diamond sword named "Sword" with lore "Price:" to run:
  62. close player's inventory
  63. create gui slot 16 of player with diamond pickaxe named "Pickaxe" with lore "Price:" to run:
  64. close player's inventory
  65. create gui slot 25 of player with diamond shovel named "Shovel" with lore "Price:" to run:
  66. close player's inventory
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