
Intersexual pony-dog

Apr 16th, 2012
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  1. >You've moved to another town with your fluffy pony.
  2. >Your new neighbor, two young ladies, have a regular pony.
  3. >A pretty, graceful female pegasus.
  4. >But it got a penis.
  5. >You are surprised but you think that's not a problem.
  6. >You found that this pegasus doesn't intelligent as a normal pony and acting like a dog.
  7. >It cannot speaks even a single word but only yelling "Naaaa~naaaa~".
  8. >It also totally cannot fly and seems that it didn't know what its wings for.
  9. >And it hanging its tongue out of the mouth all the day.
  10. >Of course it likes pissing on lamppost.
  11. >You think that's only a harmless pony-dog and feel pity for its graceful looking.
  12. >But a few days later you find something's wrong.
  13. >This creature likes raping other ponies with its penis.
  14. >You are terrified and immediately know that you cannot let this creature harm your fluffy pony.
  15. >You stay your fluffy pony at the house and do not let her play outside.
  16. >When the young ladies visit you with their pony-dog, you lock her in her safty room.
  17. >She has never went outside since moved to this house and of course she's not happy.
  18. Several monthes later.
  19. >One night, when you're sleeping, you hear screaming.
  20. >You wake up immediately, rush to the window where you heard the screaming come from.
  21. >You are shocked.
  22. >You see the terrible scene, that pony-dog is raping your fluffy pony in your garden!
  23. >"Hewp me! no pway dis! hewp! hewp!!!!!!!!!"
  24. >You see she is swelling like a balloon.
  25. >You don't know how your fluffy pony gets outside.
  26. >You rush out and try to stop it.
  27. >But it is too late.
  28. >Your fluffy pony explode in front of you. thousands of fluffy parts burst out, and also semen.
  29. >You stare at the pony-dog in furious.
  30. >It show you a naughty face, hanging its tongue out of the mouth as usual.
  31. >You hit this pony-dog in your full strength with a baseball bat that you took from your house when you were trying to rescue your fluffy pony.
  32. >"NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~~~" It screams painfully, and you can hear its bones break.
  33. >You proceed to beat it before it can escape, and make its bones cracking and bleeding profusely.
  34. >"WAAAA~~~~~AAAAHHHHH~~~~AAAAAHHHHHHHH~~~" The pony-dog crying and screaming like a poor little girl. But you show it no mercy and keep hitting it, and you are crying for your fluffy pony too.
  35. >The pony-dog laying on the ground in a puddle of blood and urine,twitching, still alive.
  36. >You drop the bat and find the gardening shears.
  37. >You grab the dog's leg up and cut its penis with your scissors.
  38. >"NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
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