

Dec 22nd, 2019
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  1. Focusing here on what strats you could do differently. Includes making judgements about whether you didn’t go for things because you didn’t know about them or because you just missed a strat. Will be wrong on that sometimes. We also watched without sound so didn’t hear your commentary as you did the run
  3. ceres 1: hold right+jump as you’re coming down the elevator to jump immediately to save some frames
  4. ceres 1: jump up the right side? Would expect that would save frames
  5. climb: you probably could have clipped through the platform by staying in spin or standing up. Worthwhile to memorize which positions work from each platform
  6. after morph: shooting the block while falling saves ~10f. We don’t go for it because it’s not consistent for us
  7. construction zone: downback
  8. construction zone: turn around before unmorphing to save 5f of animation
  9. pit room: downback is what we usually see with shooting up first. Probably only saves frames
  10. parlor: only 3 walljumps at the start
  11. palor: shoot the door into terminator without stopping. Different setup for doorbonk vs not so you’d have to learn that backup to do this safely.
  12. terminator: missile pea missile with the full runspeed setup. If you’re going to have to stutter in the room, you’re going to be better off learning the doorbonk setup.
  13. dachora pit: shoot the rio to get a smaller jump over it to save some frames.
  14. big pink: jumping over the ledge rather than rolling over it is supposed to be faster, but we haven’t timed it. After charge, don’t morph until after hitting the ceiling.
  15. green hill: dboost should save frames
  16. noob bridge: don’t need to jump before shooting the cac. Should save a frame or two
  17. red tower: lay a bomb when entering. Downback
  18. kraid entrance: shooting out the bottom block first for the quick entrance is fastest and not too difficult
  19. kraid zeela: how does the dboost compare to the turnaround kago -> softmorph?
  20. kraid hallway: faster to tank the spines from minikraid than jump
  21. kraid gedora: jack’s setup here is amazing
  22. kraid: 2 missile is probably 1s faster, but transitioning to that is really hard
  23. kraid hallway: shoot minikraid with a super if you have >2. Just use the 3 missiles rather than the pseudoscrew with that ammo.
  24. kraid zeela: just use a missile to save frames over 2 peashots
  25. business center: the downback is really nice. Is ball down all the way faster than soft unmorphing where you bounced then spinjumping down?
  26. hjb etank: etank on the way in to increase the chance of a missile/super drop, quickdrop through while shooting down.
  27. hjb: shoot the blocks all out at once without aiming down. Hard, but saves time
  28. business center: there’s better walljumps you can do there. Watch what arc/z/jack do there. Jump through the door as low as possible for the best door transition
  29. cathedral entrance: just burn the missiles. There’s a good setup Z uses where he shoots the shotblock then flashing selects missiles. Each dessgeega can be killed with one missile and a peashot. Downgrab when exiting for the door transition
  30. cathedral: aim down/unspin another way to get the charge earlier
  31. bubble mountain: no need to open the door. That timeloss probably messes with the waver dboost setup
  32. bat cave: crouch shot shot to start. Farm before going through the door.
  33. speed hallway: don’t need to stutter by the door
  34. speed hallway: does jumping through the door on the way back actually save time if you don’t manage to time shooting the bugs? We normally just run through and kill the bugs with blue
  35. double chamber: this is the most important of the red doors to open with a super. If you’re going to use missiles to save a super, use them on the speed door or the door into double chamber
  36. double chamber: better setup for jump -> walljump exit where you have to run less far left
  37. single chamber: using a single wave shot straight up to open the door saves missiles and frames
  38. maridia tube tunnel: stop on a dime in the room right after the tube with a buffered shot to maximize runspeed into below spazer
  39. red tower: wasteful farm. Learn the downgrab bullshit for 2s extra timesave
  40. hellway: wasteful farms, don’t end the dboost early
  41. top of the red tower: learn the static strat! Almost as fast as the optimal strat and so so easy. We do this in our run
  42. top of the red tower: there’s an amazing setup exiting alpha pb’s. Bonk the door, run through the door, then let go of run during the transition. This gets you the perfect jump height to reach the first platform without a walljump. Watch cutie/Z for a more optimal exit
  43. crateria kihunter: farming the second crab is one of the worst farms between norfair and botwoon. pseudo screw the left crab, don’t farm the right crab. See cutie’s run
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