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Episodes 07

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May 21st, 2017
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  1. Wonder Dream
  3. This story takes place a year after Magical Girl Raising Project’s battle for survival ends, and before Magical Girl Raising Project: Restart begins.
  5. The black-suited men fanned out around a girl, and they pulled out their machine guns with synchronized movements.
  6. 以一名少女为中心,呈现扇状散开的黑衣男子们,动作整齐划一地拔出机关枪。
  8. “This is the end for you, bitch! Better pray to Buddha or God to save you!”
  9. 「你这混帐也只能活到今天为止了!只能念佛祈求神明保佑你啦!」
  11. “Sorry, but I don’t believe in God or the Buddha.”
  12. 「非常抱歉,我并不信神也不信佛。」
  14. “Then you can die! Fire!”
  15. 「那你就这样去死吧……开枪!」
  17. On their leader’s command, the black-suited subordinates sprayed bullets with their machine guns. Wooden crates were destroyed, concrete walls were riddled with holes, glass windows were shattered, and ricochets bounced around the square room which was about 10 meters on each side. One of them stuck the thigh of the leader-type character, who screamed and bled.
  18. 遵照领导人的暗号,身为部下的黑衣男们立刻以机关枪扫射。木箱遭到破坏、水泥墙被射穿、玻璃窗碎裂,跳弹在十公尺的正方形房间内交错飞舞,其中一发贯穿头目级人物的大腿,他发出惨叫,迸出鲜血。
  20. “Cease fire! Cease fire! Cease fire!”
  21. 「给我暂停射击!住手!住手!」
  23. While their leader pressed his thigh from where he was collapsed on the ground, the men obeyed his instructions, releasing their fingers from their respective triggers. The thick gunsmoke slowly cleared, gradually revealing a silhouette of someone standing within.
  24. 听从按住大腿、倒在地上的领导人的指示,男子们纷纷放开扣住扳机的手指。浓浓硝烟缓缓散去,逐渐露出原本连轮廓都不甚明显的人影。
  26. “I may not believe in God or the Buddha, but I believe in my justice. As long as I... Masked Wonder, carry out justice, I won’t die to measly bullets like this!”
  27. 「虽然我不信神佛,但我相信我的正义。只要我……玛丝克德•汪达贯彻正义的一天,绝对不会死在子弹这种东西的攻击之下!」
  29. Amidst a sea of shell casings, cape flapping in the wind, was a girl whose proud attitude declared that she would bow to nobody as she raised her chin and stuck out her chest. She was unharmed.
  30. 一名女性在散落四处的弹壳中,将斗篷一翻,展现出绝不会向任何人低头的坚毅态度,抬头挺胸地站立其中。她的身上毫无一丝损伤。
  32. “D-damn you! You monster woman!”
  33. 「可、可恶!你这妖女!」
  35. “Give it up. If you resist, all you’ll earn is pain!”
  36. 「死心吧。白费力气抵抗只会落得难堪的下场喔!」
  38. Only two and a half seconds had elapsed between the girl speaking those words and the girl roundly defeating the men, who had drawn swords. She had taken them down in an instant. She rounded up the fallen men, piled them up in the center of the room, and breathed a sigh of relief, whereupon the sound of applause reached her ears.
  39. 从她说出这句话到将拔出剑来的男子们打得落花流水为止,只花了两秒半。瞬间秒杀。当她将倒下的男子们统一集中于房间中央后,吁地叹了一口气时,耳边传来鼓掌声。窗外有个女孩,正拚命地鼓掌叫好。
  41. “That was great! That was awesome! You felt just like a superhero!”
  42. 「不错喔!很棒喔!非常有超级英雄的感觉!」
  44. “Thank you.”
  45. 「谢谢。」
  47. The girl nodded in satisfaction several times. Konomi… Masked Wonder also nodded.
  48. 那名女孩一脸心满意足地点了好几次头。好也……玛丝克德•汪达也点了点头。
  50. It had been a month since her training had started. Compared to how she was before her training, she was like a completely different person now.
  51. 训练开始至今,已历经一个月的时间。与训练前的自己比较起来,如今的她简直就是别人。
  53. ***
  55. Before the secret training began. Mita Konomi had always been the sort of person who went by the book. The book in question was “the most efficient way of doing things”, born from countless failures and great effort. Finding one’s own way of improving meant that one could only rely on one’s own creativity, but in order to carry out in practice, one would need to put in more effort than those who went before. If that was a waste of time, then the best thing to do would be to honor one’s predecessor’s by doing as they did.
  56. 在秘密训练开始之前,三田好一直以来都是个标准手册至上主义者。所谓的标准手册,即为前人历经种种失败、劳心劳力的结果才诞生的「被视为最佳效率的方法」。如果想要靠自己找出向上爬的方法,只能靠创造力来取胜,但要实际执行的话,必须比前人花上更多心力才行。如果会消耗时间的话,最好的方式当然就是向前人致敬,沿袭既存的做法才是上上之策。
  58. That was very logical. Konomi liked logical things that did not waste effort.
  59. 这一点很合理。好喜欢合理且不会浪费多余心力的事物。
  61. If a company was forced into dire straits, the best approach would be to take the logical path and shed its fat while focusing on efficiency. Everyone respected the established rules, and made sure to carry them out. This way of doing things was arguably the most logical to Konomi.
  62. 如同被逼到走投无头的企业一定会走上合理主义般,裁掉多余、重视效率才是做好事情的捷径。大家尊重既定规则、遵守并确实执行。这种做法,可以说是好所认为的最佳的合理主义。
  64. In kindergarten, her friends did not obey the “park rules”, and they did not wash their hands or rinse their mouths, leading to all of them getting sick. This even led to the kindergarten closing down for a short while, and caused quite a stir. Fortunately, nobody died, and the incident became teatime conversation that people laughed about over drinks. However, Konomi had watched her friends groaning and grabbing their stomachs by herself, at a complete loss for what to do, and she could not bring herself to laugh over it. She panicked, she wailed, she cried, she shuddered. The hellish sight of her friends rolling around in agony seared itself into her soul.
  65. 就读幼稚园时,朋友们不好好遵守「园内规则」,也不洗手、漱口,导致集体感染,幼稚园甚至因此临时关闭,造成相当大的騒动。幸好没有出现死亡名单,而且这件事情在这之后被当成茶余饭后的笑话来讲。但对于当朋友们一个个按着肚子呻吟,独自一人手足无措、不知该如何是好的好而言,根本让人笑不出来。慌张、大闹、哭泣、颤抖不已。朋友们痛苦地打滚的模样仿佛地狱般的光景,深深烙印在她的心里。
  67. One could even say that Konomi’s character had been forged from that moment. She dared not disobey her teachers’ instructions, so she had been the only one who obeyed the “park rules”. As a result, she escaped the clutches of disease, evaded the devastating stomach pains, and could peacefully spend her time at home while her kindergarten was closed.
  68. 甚至可以说,好的基础人格就是在这个时候成形的。不敢违背老师的吩咐,只有她一个人乖乖遵守「园内规则」,因此逃过病毒的魔手、逃过腹痛的摧残,才能悠哉地在家里度过幼稚园关闭的时期。
  70. By obeying the established rules, one would not go wrong. She memorized everything in her textbooks, and learned it all by heart, be they mathematical formulae or historical dates. She accepted the rules, and did not act on her own. She always scored full marks for her tests, and was frequently praised by her parents and teachers.
  71. 只要遵守既定的规则,就绝对不会出错。她将写在教科书上的知识从头到尾全部背下来,无论是计算公式或历史年号也一个不漏地记住。接受既定的规则,绝不自作主张。她考试总是考满分,经常得到双亲与老师的夸奖。
  73. Konomi felt very proud too. That was because others had accepted what she felt was right.
  74. 好也感到相当骄傲。因为自己认为正确的事情,受到别人的认同。
  76. Konomi knew that the other students spoke of ill behind her back, calling her a nerd and a fake teacher’s pet, but she did not take it to heart. The number of books she had to memorize were piling up endlessly. It was not just her textbooks, but also reference materials, collections of former exam questions, all sorts of lecture notes, and many others which fell on her like rain. She had to carefully memorize and learn each one. She did not have the time to worry what her classmates said about her. While she did not have friends, they were also unnecessary to Konomi.
  77. 她也知道同学在背后说自己坏话,称她是死书呆、假乖乖牌,但她完全没有放在心上。好必须记住的标准手册接二连三地不断堆迭累积。不只是教科书上的事物,还有参考书、问题集、考古题,各种讲义仿佛雨后春笋般一个接着一个冒出来。每一样都需要仔细的背 默、学习。她才没有空理会同班同学在她背后闲言闲语。虽然她没有朋友,但对好来说,她才不需要那种东西。
  79. In truth, her parents were not particularly enthusiastic about their child’s education, but they did not stand in the way of their daughter’s studies. Her parents bought her whatever she wanted. She had been asked, “Do you want to watch a movie together?” “Do you want to learn ice-skating?” “Would you like me to buy you a manga?” “Do you want to try a video game?” “Let’s go rent an anime DVD and watch it?” and so on countless time, but Konomi had rejected each one, and eventually her parents did not try to get her interested in entertainment any more.
  80. 其实她的双亲并不会特别热中于孩子的教育,不过他们也没有阻止女儿的热心向学。她想要什么,双亲都会毫不吝啬地买给她。举凡是「要不要一起去看电影」或「要不要学看看溜冰」、「我买漫画给你看吧」、「你想玩看看电动游戏吗」、「我们去租动画DVD回家看吧」等,双亲邀约过无数次,但全部都遭到好拒绝,最后双亲也不再尝试让好去接触娱乐。
  82. What Konomi wanted was not leisure, but learning. New reference books or collections of exam questions were more useful to her.
  83. 好想要的并非娱乐,而是学习。新的参考书或问题集对她更有用处。
  85. Her parents had been born to good families and radiated an air of class and elegance. They did not reject Konomi for that, but simply thought, “that’s just the way our child is”. While they knew that their daughter liked being alone and did not have friends she got along with, they still let their daughter do as she pleased. Her parents even laughed that she might be an example of “a bad sprout producing good fruit”.
  86. 父母两人都是出生于家境良好的家庭,全身散发出高雅气质的双亲,并不会排斥如此的好,反而抱持着「我家的孩子就是这种个性」的认知。虽然会在意成积通知单中「喜欢独来独来,没有感情较好的朋友」的评语,但还是任由女儿做自己想做的事情。双亲还笑笑地自称,搞不好他们就是所谓的歹竹也能出好笋的例子喔。
  88. In middle school, Konomi got into one of the top-ranked schools in the country. Even in an environment like that, people still called her “nerd” and she did not have any friends, as usual. Konomi simply buried herself in her studies.
  89. 中学时,好进入全国数一数二的升学名校。即使在如此的大环境中,仍然被同学在背后叫她「死书呆」,并一如往常地没有交到任何朋友,好则是一头栽进读书用功的世界。
  91. The process by which this Konomi had become a Magical Girl was unclear and vague. This should have been a defining moment in her life, and it should have shaken her to the core, but for some reason, her memories were hazy. She could not recall them. Perhaps the shock had been so great that it made her pass out.
  92. 而如此的好会成为魔法少女的契机,其实过程相当暧昧、模糊不清。这件事明明应该是她人生中最大的变动,照理来说她的心情应该会受到相当大的动摇,但不知道为何她的记忆相当模糊。她想不起来。也许是太过震惊,导致她整个人失神了也不一定。
  94. Why could she turn into someone else? Why did she have superhuman physical abilities? Why could she violate the bounds of physics, that were otherwise known quantities?
  95. 为什么自己能够变成别人的模样?为什么自己的身体拥有超越人类极限的优越体能?为什么她能超越以质量守恒定律为首的物理法则的界线呢?
  97. When she asked those questions, she was told, “That’s magic for you”, and she was also told the basic rules of “hiding your identity and helping others” before being released.
  98. 她如此的疑问只得到「所谓的魔法就是这么一回事嘛」的回答,并且被告知「必须隐瞒身分,帮助人们」的基本规则后,就被放出来了。
  100. There were no textbooks, no reference materials, or even teachers. As a proponent of doing things by the book, when she had no book to follow, she could only feel her way forward, step by step.
  101. 没有教科书、参考书,甚至连老师都没有。被夺走标准手册的标准手册主义者,只能靠自己一步一步地摸索前进了。
  103. And so, she immediately learned the taste of defeat. It was too much for Konomi.
  104. 于是,她立刻尝到挫败的滋味。对好而言,这实在太过勉强了。
  106. More to the point, she had no idea what Magical GIrls were. While she knew that there were television shows based on such things, when it came to television, she ended up watching the news while taking notes in case something came up in an exam. She was stalled on everything regarding the rules and regulations of Magical Girls. She rented and watched quite a few Magical Girl DVDs, but she was still clueless. The actions and capabilities of Magical Girls varied between different titles and series.
  107. 更何况,她根本不知道魔法少女到底是什么东西。虽然知道有这类题材的节目,但提起电视的话,因为考试有可能出时事问题,所以她顶多只会一边做笔记一边收看新闻而已。对于魔法少女的规则、定律等所有的一切,在在都令她裹足不前。她也租了好几片关于魔法少女的来观赏,但仍然没有头绪。根据作品的不同,其中的魔法少女的行动或是能够做的事情相差甚远。
  109. The explanation she had heard was that she had become an idealized version of herself, but was this bizarre outfit truly what she hoped for? She could only react to that with doubt. She even thought to herself, “it probably feels like this, right?” about the image that she saw before her.
  110. 她听到的说明是,她变身成了自己期望的模样,但这种异样的打扮真的是好自己的期望吗?对此,她只觉得充满疑惑。她甚至暗自心想,「总而言之大概就是这种感觉吧」如此暧昧不清的画面,就这样实体化呈现在自己的面前。
  112. She had a mask and a cape, lustrous blonde hair, an ample bosom and a curvy, perky butt. There was the vague feeling that she had seen this getup before, but at the same time it seemed unfamiliar. In any case, even if this really was her, it was hard to get invested into it. She had also thought in earnest, can’t I change my looks?
  113. 面具加上斗篷、充满光泽的金发、丰满的上围,形状姣好的俏臀,她隐约觉得自己似乎曾经在哪里见过这个模样,但又觉得从来没见过。不管怎么说,即使这就是她本人,却难以投入感情。她也相当认真地思考过,难道就不能不改变外貌吗?
  115. She sent several messages to the Land of Magic which said, “I’d like a handbook to consult”, but received no reply, like she was throwing pebbles into the ocean. The things she should do and which she should not do were far too vague, and they paralyzed her. That said, doing nothing also made her worry that she might be violating the directive to “help people”, and it made her anxious to no end.
  116. 她前前后后传了好几则「想要标准手册」的简讯给「魔法王国」,全部都石沉大海,没有获得任何回音。该做的事情与不该做的事情,两者的境界实在太过模糊,令她动弹不得。话虽这么说,但什么都不做又令她忍不住担心自己是否违反了「帮助人们」的规则,焦虑得不得了。
  118. Time passed mercilessly as she bound herself up in a cocoon.
  119. 时间就在她作茧自缚的状态下,无情流逝。
  121. She had no friends to discuss matters with, and she could not ask her classmates or her cram school teachers. When she tried asking her parents in the most roundabout way possible, “What are Magical Girls? Also, what do they usually do?”, her parents smiled happily and replied, “Konomi, are you at the age where you like this sort of thing too?” and then they dragged her to watch a huge pile of Magical Girl anime, television series, and even movies, but there was nothing that was worth using as a reference, and her frustration had not been dospelled.
  122. 她也没有任何能够商量的朋友,而且也不适合去问学校或是补习班的老师。当她尽可能地拐弯抹角询问双亲「魔法少女到底是什么东西?还有她都在进行什么样子的活动?」时,双亲则是露出一脸开心的表情说「好也到了喜欢这类事物的时候了吗?」然后东拉西扯了一大堆以前曾经看过的魔法少女动画、电视剧,甚至一路聊到电影,但几乎没有任何的参考价值,而她的烦恼依然没有获得解决。
  124. Konomi thought to herself that she had become a Magical Girl in her first year of middle school, and now was the second year. It was time for her to prepare for her middle school graduation exams. The period after this would be the most arduous in her life. In addition, her Magical Girl activities were essentially a form of social service, so it would be better to carry them out when she had more time in her schedule. In other words, she ought to wait until she entered high school before making her debut as a Magical Girl.
  125. 好暗自心想,她是在国中一年级时成为魔法少女的,现在是国中二年级。已经进入开始准备高中升学考试的阶段。接下来,应该会是她人生中最辛苦的时期。而且,魔法少女的活动说穿了,就是对社会提出贡献,应该比较适合在课业有空档的时候进行吧。也就是说,她应该等到考上高中后,再以魔法少女的身分出道。
  127. While it felt like she was making excuses for herself, that line of thought had some persuasive logic behind it. Therefore, Konomi sealed away the fact that she had become a Magical Girl and tirelessly prepared for her exams, and in the end she managed to enter a high school wit ha very high academic cutoff point.
  128. 虽然暗自觉得她是在替自己找借口,但也的确有足以令人信服的道理存在。于是,好将变身为魔法少女一事封印起来,孜孜不倦地准备入学考试,最后顺利考上难度极高的高中。
  130. When she passed her arms into the sleeves of her high school uniform and looked at the brand new her in the mirror, Konomi remembered that the time when she had no choice but to become a Magical Girl had come. She had been putting the matter aside all this time, so until now she still had no idea what she ought to be doing.
  131. 将手穿过高中制服的袖子,看着映照在镜子里的全新自我,好忆起自己不得不成为魔法少女的时机已经来临。由于这件事情一直遭到搁置的关系,直到如今她仍然不明白自己到底该做什么才好。
  133. And so, she curled up into a ball of frustration on the bed, and combined with the accumulated stress from preparing for her exams, she soon fell asleep.
  134. 于是,她就这样怀抱着烦恼在床上缩成一团,再加上准备考试所累积的疲劳的催化下,不久之后便沉沉睡去。
  136. Konomi seemed to be in a place that felt just like Dreamland. White clouds spread under her feat and spread out endlessly in all directions. What stood in the distance was not the boundary between the earth and the sky, nor was it the boundary between the sea and the sky, but the boundary between the clouds and the sky. Be it to the front, back, left or right, her vision in all directions was filled with clouds.
  137. 好处在一个非常「像是梦境」的空间。纯白的云朵仿佛地毯般铺在脚下,永无止尽地朝四面八方延伸而去。那不算是地平线,也非水平线,应该说是云平线比较恰当吧。不管她看向前后左右,视线全都被云朵占据。
  139. This dreamscape really feels like a dreamscape~ Konomi mused as she thought that she might be dreaming. As she looked at her feet, she saw a television, a DVD player, and a metal rack filled with DVDs.
  140. 好像梦境的梦境呀〜好有自己正在做梦的自觉。当她不经意地望向脚边,发现电视、DVD播放器,以及堆迭在铁架上的DVD。
  142. She had not done anything, and more to the point she did not even know where the power socket was, but the television and the DVD player suddenly turned on by itself, a DVD box rose out of the rack and opened with a click, whereupon the disc within floated into the player and positioned itself. The clouds in front of the television swelled up and formed themselves into the shape of a sofa. Surely it was telling her to sit down, right?
  143. 她明明什么都没有做,更别提她连插座的位置都不清楚,但电视与播放器却自行打开电源,DVD盒子从铁架中浮起,啪喀一声打开来,里面的飘进播放器,并设定好。电视机前的云隆起,自动整理成沙发的形状。这是叫她坐下的意思吧。
  145. Just as she sat down on the clouds, the DVD player started itself up. Because she had been thinking about Magical Girls as she slept, she thought she end up watching Magical GIrl DVDs in her dreams, but surprisingly enough, she did not. The DVD which played was an old tokusatsu movie, old enough that it had come out before her father had been born.
  146. 当好一在云朵上坐下,DVD立刻自动播放起来。因为她是在思考魔法少女的事情时睡着的,还以为自己会在梦中观赏魔法少女的DVD,想不到竟然不是。播放的DVD是以前的特摄英雄片。古老到甚至连好的父亲都还没出生。
  148. A young man had been kidnapped by an evil organization and then remodelled and strengthened. Originally, he should have been brainwashed as well, but he escaped by the skin of his teeth. And so, the young man used his remodelled body as a weapon to fight said evil organization.
  149. 被邪恶组织抓走的年轻人遭到改造、强化,原本也会被洗脑,但他在千钧一发之际逃脱。于是,年轻人以自己被改造的身体做为武器,挺身对抗该组织。
  151. And so, Konomi watched the DVD. Once one disc finished, another would insert itself. It was only at the end, when the final chapter had finished finished and the credits scrolled across the screen, that Konomi realised that she was crying, and then she woke from her dream.
  152. 好就这样观赏起DVD。当一片播完后,就会放入新的DVD,一直到最后一话结束,跑出工作人员名单时,好才察觉到自己流下泪水,接着她从梦中清醒过来。
  154. After waking up, she forgot everything she had experienced in the dream. She had hazy recollections that she had dreamt of something, but she clearly remembered that she had trembled from it. After that, when she slept at night, she found herself in the same place once more.
  155. 醒过来后,她将梦中的经历忘得精光。只依稀记得自己似乎梦见了什么,但她仍然记得内心因震憾而颤抖。然后,晚上睡着后又会置身于同样的地方。
  157. The DVDs contained anime shows, tokusatsu shows, and many other kinds of content. Konomi sat seiza on the couch and watched them all. Among the shows were modified human beings with red scarves that flowed in the wind and racing on bikes; sentai teams where every member wore a different color; aliens who fought giant monsters hand-to-hand; homunculi who battled underground arms dealers and so on. Ther heroes in the shows adapted from American comics all wore super tight-fitting clothes which made her think of her own transformed outfit.
  158. 播放的DVD有动画、特摄片,与其他各式各样的内容,好则是跪坐在沙发上观赏。里面有任由围巾飘曳在风中、骑着摩托车奔驰的改造人;每个人各穿一种颜色的战斗部队;与巨大怪兽格斗的异星人;对抗地下军火商的人造人们。出现在以美漫改编而成的真人电影里的英雄人物,都穿着会令好联想到自己变身后身上所穿的超合身紧身衣。
  160. Of course, she had been moved by her studies before. Being able to do something she could not do earlier and knowing something that she did not originally know gave her a joy that nothing could replace.
  161. 当然,她曾经因勤学而感动过。能够办到原本无法办到的事情、知道原本不知道的知识,所带来的喜悦是任何事物都无法取代的。
  163. However, she had never once wept for the sake of her studies. Be it in regret or in joy, she had simply progressed ever onward.She had not cried, simply advanced forward without stopping, until she had reached this place
  164. 但是,她不曾因为勤学而落泪。不管是后悔的心情也好、开心的情绪也罢,如此的感情会持续不断向前迈进。她不曾流过泪,只是一直不停地向前进,一路来到了这里。
  166. What had she felt just now?
  167. 刚才感受到的情绪到底是什么呢?
  169. Every time something happened, Konomi would think back to her friends who did not obey the park rules writhing in agony, and so she felt that so long as she continued acting in an efficient and rational manner, she could live on in peace. However, the characters in the stories all chose to act in a way which was far from efficient or rational. Though they were scorned and mocked, they all chose to do things in order to protect others. For the sake of something undefined like “the smile of someone precious to them”, they unflinchingly exposed their lives to danger and stood up against foes who were far more powerful than them with only their own courage and determination to back them up.
  170. 每次发生状况时,好就会回想起不遵守「园内规则」的朋友们痛苦挣扎的模样,因此她认为只要维持有效率与合理的做法,就能够平安无事地活下去。然而,故事里的主角们所选择的生活方式,却与所谓的效率、合理性有相当大的隔阂。即使被人瞧不起、遭到嘲笑,仍然会为了保护别人而行动。为了所谓「重视的人的笑容」如此不明确的事物,不惜让自己的生命暴露在危险之中,仅凭勇气与毅力,挺身对抗远远强大自己许多的敌人。
  172. This was not a way of life that Konomi liked. Hiding away at a distance and watching from the sidelines was the way Konomi did things. At least, it should have been. However, what was this emotion swelling in her breast?
  173. 这并不是好所喜欢的生活方式。尽可能地躲得远远、以冷漠的眼神作壁上观,才符合好的行事作风。理应如此。然而,这股涨满她胸口的情绪又是什么呢?
  175. Right now, she was a Magical Girl, who possessed tremendous power. She would not lose even if she battled the protagonists of the stories she had watched. She had been given a valuable opportunity.
  176. 现在的自己是「魔法少女」,拥有强大的力量。即使与故事中的主角们并肩作战,也丝毫不会逊色。她得到了相当珍贵的机会。
  178. After watching the DVDs, Konomi actually began clapping without realizing it. Another set of applause overlapped her own. Konomi looked over and saw a girl in pajamas with a pillow under her arm, her hands going patapata as she clapped.
  179. 观赏完DVD后,好竟然在不知不觉间鼓起掌。掌声重迭了。好回过头看见一名身穿睡衣、手臂夹着枕头的少女,正以双手啪哒啪哒地鼓掌。
  181. “You are…”
  182. 「你是……」
  184. Konomi wanted to ask who she was, but froze as the words left her mouth. That was because there was a heart-shaped Magical Phone peeking out from inside the girl’s pillow.
  185. 好原本想问对方是谁,但话才刚说出口就停住了。因为那名少女的枕头里露出好也拥有的心型「魔法终端设备」。
  187. “Did you set up all these DVDs?”
  188. 「这些DVD是你准备的?」
  190. “Mm, I think so.”
  191. 「嗯,应该是吧。」
  193. “You think?”
  194. 「应该?」
  196. “I don’t remember.”
  197. 「我记不得了。」
  199. The pajama-clad girl scratched her head, and the ornaments on the tips of her hair floated around lightly.
  200. 睡衣打扮的少女搔了搔头,发尾上的装饰则是轻飘飘地摇晃。
  202. “Something special must have happened for things to turn out like this… but I have no idea what that something special is.”
  203. 「应该是有发生什么特别的事情才会变成这样……不过我完全想不起来那个特别的事情是什么。」
  205. The girl shook her head, and this time her hair shook with her. After that, the girl groaned:
  206. 少女摇摇头,这次连头发也一起跟着摇曳。接着从少女的嘴里发出沉吟声:
  208. “I can’t move freely in and out of Dreamland now. The only possibility I can think of is that my Magic ‘s become weaker, and for some reason, I haven’t been able to leave Dreamland all this while… still~ this is what you need right now, right? I can vaguely sense it from you.”
  209. 「我现在无法自由进出梦境,唯一想到的可能性就是魔法变弱了,而且不知道为什么,我一直没办法离开梦境……不过〜这个对现在的你而言是必要的吧?我隐隠约约能感觉到这一点就是了。」
  211. She looked at the girl who was pointing at the DVD set and hesitated for a while. Then, she shook her head as though to clear away her indecision and nodded deeply.
  212. 看到指着DVD组的少女,好梢微犹豫了一下,接着她像是要挥去那份犹豫般,摇了摇头,最后深深地点头。
  214. ***
  216. After Konomi explained the situation to the pajama-clad girl, the other party said, “I’m not quite sure, but I feel like I can help you a little.” While there was no basis for this, the girl seemed quite confident.
  217. 当好将来龙去脉告诉身穿睡衣的少女后,对方说「虽然我不是很淸楚,但是我好像可以帮上一些忙的感觉」。虽然没有依据,但少女似乎相当有自信。
  219. Her name was Masked Wonder. Her true identity was unknown. She was a hero among heroes who preached justice, struck down the wicked, and reached a helping hand out to the weak. She was an S-ranked ability user who could control the weight of any object. She was an old friend of the President, and more than once, she had been tasked with the mission of saving the nation when it was in danger. No matter how difficult the task, the word “impossible” was nowhere to be found in Masked Wonder’s vocabulary.
  220. 名为玛丝克德•汪达。真实身分不明。主张正义,她是打击邪恶之人,并对弱者伸出援手的英雄中的英雄。能够操控任何物体的重力的S级超能力者。她与总统为旧识,并且不只一、两次在攸关国家存亡的危机中,被托付拯救国家的使命。无论面对多么困难的任务,在玛丝克德•汪达的字典里绝对找不到「不可能」这个单字。
  222. “...Is all this backstory really necessary?”
  223. 「……这个设定是必要的吗?」
  225. “Of course it its! When the Pentagon or the FBI contact you, these things will score a lot of points with them!
  226. 「绝对必要!当五角大厦或是FBI、梵蒂冈主动联络你的时候,有这种东西绝对会加分不少!」
  228. After waking up in the morning, Konomi had forgotten everything that had happened in her dream, including the backstory the two of them had thought up together. Or at least, that should have been the case. However, when she came to, she found herself in class, her penstrokes flowing like water as she wrote the backstory down. Fortunately nobody had noticed. Konomi secretly sighed in relief.
  229. 早上起床之后,好将梦境中发生过的一切,包括两人一起思考的设定也都忘得一乾二净。明明应该是这样子的。但当她回过神来,竟发现自己在上课中,下笔如行云流水般写出设定。幸好没有被别人发现,好偷偷松了一口气。
  231. ***
  232. “I am Masked Wonder. My mission is to eliminate the enemy.”
  233. 「我的名字叫做玛丝克德•汪达。我的使命是收拾敌人。」
  235. “No no no! Don’t talk like you’re reading from an English textbook! You have to be cooler!”
  236. 「不对不对不对!才不是那种像是在念英文课本般的腔调!要再更威风一点!」
  238. “I am… Masked Wonder?”
  239. 「我是……玛丝克德•汪达?」
  241. “Don’t ask it!”
  242. 「不可以用问句啦!」
  244. “I, I am Masked Wonder! I won’t let off the bad guys!”
  245. 「我、我是玛丝克德•汪达!我绝不饶恕坏蛋!」
  247. “More like an American comic!”
  248. 「要再更美漫一点!」
  250. “My name is Masked Wonder! I shall not forgive the forces of evil!”
  251. 「吾名乃玛丝克德•汪达!绝不放过邪恶势力!」
  253. “Exactly! That’s how it should feel!”
  254. 「没错!就是这种感觉!」
  256. ***
  258. There were ten black-suited men in all, each holding a machine gun which they were pointing at her.
  259. 黑衣男子总共有十人,全部都手持机关枪,将枪口对准好的方向。
  261. “Ah… isn’t this kind of dangerous?”
  262. 「那个……这么做不会危险吗?」
  264. “It’s fine, besides, we’re in a dream.”
  265. 「没问题的,反正是在梦里。」
  267. “Eh~”
  268. 「呃〜」
  270. “If you beat them, their numbers will double. Then, take it away, gentlemen~”
  271. 「你打赢的话,人数会增加一倍喔。那么,就请各位多多指教啦——」
  273. “Ohh, live it to me! We’ll get Masked Wonder for sure.”
  274. 「喔!包在我身上!我一定会取下玛丝克德•汪达的性命。」
  276. “Don’t look down on us, you shitty bitch!”
  277. 「少瞧不起人了!臭女人!」
  279. “Because of you, our organization lost… just thinking about it makes me mad!”
  280. 「都是因为你的关系,害我们的组织蒙受损失……光是回想起来就让人火冒三丈!」
  282. “Is it really going to be alright?”
  283. 「真的不会有事吗?」
  285. ***
  287. The girl in the super-revealing western gunman’s outfit and wearing the ten-gallon hat smiled.
  288. 身穿超级暴露的西部牛仔服装、戴着牛仔帽的少女露出微笑。
  290. “Kuku. I’m Calamity Mary. Pleased to meet you, Wonder-san.”
  291. 「呵呵。我叫做天灾•玛丽。请多指教喽,汪达小姐。」
  293. “Now then, we’ll have you fight 30’000 simulated battles with this Beautiful Calamity Mary.”
  294. 「那么就跟这位美丽的天灾•玛丽进行三万次的模拟战斗吧。」
  296. “Beautiful…?”
  297. 「美丽的……?」
  299. ***
  301. Sometimes, she would follow that girl into the dreams of other Magical Girls to watch and learn.
  302. 有时候,她会跟那名少女一起去其他魔法少女的梦里见习。
  304. “It used to be that I could freely enter anyone’s dreamscapes. Now it seems to come and go, and it’s only occasionally that I can view others’ dreams. Therefore, if we let this chance go, who knows when we’ll get one again?”
  305. 「我原本明明能够自由地去观看任何人的梦境,现在却变成只能像是心血来潮般,偶尔才能去观看别人的梦境。所以,如果让今天的大好机会溜走的话,下次不晓得什么时候才能再去了。」
  307. A Magical Girl dreaming in their Magical Girl identity was an extremely rare thing, and if they went to observe that Magical Girl’s dreams, they would surely be able to learn something. Saying so, the girl stood on her tiptoes and moved carefully so as not to make any sound as she crept into the dream.
  308. 「魔法少女以魔法少女的身分做梦」是非常稀奇的情况,去那名魔法少女的梦境中见习的话,一定能有所参考。少女如此说完,便踮起脚尖、蹑手蹑脚地不发出任何脚步声,走在梦境之中。
  310. There was a forest, and in it there was a girl sitting under a huge tree, her eyes closed as she restored her spirit. She was dressed in a strange blue outfit, and combined with her adorable features, her appearance seemed to say, “if I’m not a Magical Girl, then who could be?” This was what they called seated meditation, right? The girl gave off a vibe similar to that of a monk engaged in some sort of ascetic training.
  311. 森林里,有名少女坐在巨大的树下闭目养神。整体是一片蓝的诡异服装,配上讨喜的清秀五官,外观呈现出一副如果我不是魔法少女,还有谁会是魔法少女的模样。这应该是所谓的坐禅吧。那名魔法少女散发出一股修行僧的氛围。
  313. The blue Magical Girl’s eyes suddenly snapped open, and she looked at Masked Wonder, who was hiding behind a tree.
  314. 蓝色魔法少女毫无预警地睁开眼,便看见躲在树后的玛丝克德•汪达。
  316. “Eh? Are we the same kind?”
  317. 「咦?我们是同类吧?」
  319. That Magical Girl seemed to completely ignore the tree she was using as cover. After neatly closing the gap to Masked Wonder, who was curled up into a ball, she took hold of Masked Wonder’s hand and pulled her up, then squeezed it tightly. Wonder had no idea what to do, and she looked back, but the pajama-clad girl was gone.
  320. 那名魔法少女完全不把遮蔽用的树木当作一回事,俐落地接近玛丝克德•汪达后,拉起将身体缩成一团的汪达的手,并紧紧握住。汪达当下不知该如何是好,回过头去,但睡衣打扮的少女却消失不见了。
  322. “This, this isn’t a dream, right? You’re a real Magical Girl, right? Uwah~ I didn’t think anyone else could use the Dreamland Training technique that Master taught me! We’re practically comrades, then! Comrade, comrade! Although you’ll probably forget everything once you wake up so it’s a little annoying, you can vaguely sense that you’ve actually learned something. It’s really quite mysterious. Like training in your sleep or something like that..”
  323. 「这、这不是梦吧?你确实是真的魔法少女吧?哎呀〜想不到除了从师父那里学会『在梦境中修行』技能的我以外,还有别人办得到这件事呀。我们可以说是同志喽!同志、同志!虽然起床后就会忘记梦境里的一切,有点那个,不过还是隐约能够感觉得到自己确实有练成什么吧。真的很不可思议耶。就像是睡眠学习法之类的东西。」
  325. For some reason, she was acting like they were very familiar. In addition, Wonder felt that it would be best not to defy her because in truth she felt secretly guilty, and so she let the blue Magical Girl grab her hands until her legs went soft because of fatigue.
  326. 对方莫名其妙地表现出相当熟稔的态度。汪达也因为自己偷窥在先心怀歉意,不好忤逆对方,只能任由蓝色魔法少女一直握住自己的双手,直到她的双腿因为疲劳而疲软。
  328. ***
  330. She pondered the backstory over and over again, practiced a set of mannerisms which befitted a hero, underwent combat training, and used her Magic on all sorts of objects in order to refine the precision of her Magic.
  331. 反复思索设定、练就一身具备英雄风范的举手投足、接受战斗训练,并为了提高魔法的精准度,对各式各样的物体施展魔法。
  333. She forgot everything she experienced in Dreamland once she awoke, but it was not like she had not learned anything at all. Her body and her subconscious mind remembered everything that had happened in her dreams.
  334. 在梦境中的体验,待她清醒后就会忘得一乾二净,但也不是完全没有习得任何技巧。她的身体以及心底深处,依旧记得梦中发生过的一切。
  336. Currently, she had a very rough idea of the sort of things Magical Girls ought to be doing. Therefore, she shepherded drunk people, picked up rubbish, and even helped remove graffiti.
  337. 如今,她也已经隐隐约约地了解到,魔法少女该进行何种活动。于是,她会照顾喝醉酒的人、收拾垃圾,甚至是清除涂鸦。
  339. She took out an unsorted can from the trash and put it on her palm. Then, with immaculate control of the balance between weight increase and decrease, she crushed the aluminum can flat in the blink of an eye and then rolled it into a two centimeter-wide ball. The fact that she did not know where she had learned this puzzled her, but she still threw it into the non-flammable garbage can.
  340. 她将没有分类的空罐从垃圾桶取出,放在手掌上,以精确无误的平衡感操控重量化与轻量化,一眨眼的工夫,便将铝罐压扁,并揉成直径约两公分的球体。虽然对不记得自己学习过的技巧感到纳闷,但她还是将垃圾丢入不可燃垃圾的桶子中。
  342. The only thing that was not satisfactory was the lack of opponents. In the real world, there were no “showdowns between fated enemies” which heroes would charge towards.
  343. 唯一令人不满足的一点,就是没有所谓的敌人。令故事中的主角们勇往直前的「与宿敌之间的对决」,并不存在于现实世界中。
  345. There was only one occasion when she had experienced such a thing. Apparently, there was a high schooler going back from cram school who had been surrounded by several gangster-like youths. She recognized the face of the boy who was on the verge of tears as he was shoved around by the punks. He was a classmate.
  346. 唯独一次,她曾经有过那么一次的机会。似乎是补完习正要回家的高中生,被数名看似流氓的年轻人团团包围。她认得那个一脸快哭出来、被混混们推来推去的高中生。他是班上的男同学。
  348. Masked Wonder first climbed to the top of a power pole and then leapt down from there, making a suitably heroic and dramatic entrance. She did not give the opposition any time to react and in less than a second he had punched as many times as there were opponents’ striking their chins to knock them out. Then she left the dumbfounded boy behind and hastily left the scene. While doing this made her feel a bit like a roadside bandit or an indiscriminate murderer, she struck a victory pose in her heart. While one of the ironclad rules of Magical Girls was to act in a low-key fashion, surely they did not need to worry about such minor details when helping someone who was under attack.
  349. 玛丝克德•汪达首先爬上电线杆顶端,再藉由从那里一跃而下,演出英姿飒爽的登场效果。她完全不给对方反应的时间,在不到一秒内,挥出与人数相当的拳头,揍向下巴导致对方人马昏厥过去,然后留下一脸目瞪口呆的男生,急忙离开现场。即使这样的行为有点像过路强盗或无差别杀人魔,不过她还是暗自在心里摆出胜利姿势。虽然魔法少女的铁则就是要尽可能低调行动,但也不至于连帮助遭到攻击的人时,还要在意这种小细节吧。
  351. Then, it was the next day. When she went to school as usual, she found a lot of people gathered in the classroom. In the center of the group was the boy she had saved yesterday. He seemed to be talking about what he had encountered.
  352. 接下来,隔天。当她一如往常地上学时,教室里聚集了许多人。而人群的中心就是她昨天搭救的男学生,男学生似乎正在说明昨天遭遇到的事情。
  354. “I saw this super perverted woman.”
  355. 「有个超级夸张的变态女人。」
  357. --Perverted woman?
  358. ——变态女人……?
  360. “She appeared one moment, and then she ran off the next.”
  361. 「冷不防地现身后,下一秒就立刻跑走了。」
  363. “That really is very weird.”
  364. 「真的是很莫名其妙耶。」
  366. “And her outfit was just as crazy. When I looked at her I couldn’t help but think how thick-skinned she must have been to step out of the house while wearing that.”
  367. 「而且她的穿著也超级夸张的。让人看了会忍不住想,真亏你有脸穿那样子出门。」
  369. “Was she hot?”
  370. 「她美吗?」
  372. “No… I don’t remember. But her boobs were huge, my eyes were totally drawn to them. I didn’t have time to see her face.”
  373. 「不……我不记得了。她的胸部超级大的,我的视线都被胸部吸引过去了,根本来不及看长相。」
  375. “Hah, you dumbass,” the guys laughed; “You perv!” the girls giggle. As everyone laughed together, Konomi quietly returned to her seat.
  376. 超蠢的啦!男孩笑着说;讨厌啦!女孩也笑着说。在众人笑成一团的气氛下,好静悄悄地回到自己的座位。
  378. That’s not true! I’m not a perverted woman! Definitely not!
  379. 才不是!我才不是变态女人!绝对不是!
  381. He had left out the fact that she had saved him and simply used her clothing as a joke. This treatment was so insulting that her entire body trembled. She quietly declared to that boy, “I won’t save you again!” and she fumed with rage the whole day.
  382. 对方省略被救的事实,只拿她的奇装异服当笑话,如此的待遇令她因屈辱而气得浑身发抖。她在内心暗暗对那个男孩宣告「我再也不会救你了」,并在怒火中烧的情绪中度过那一天。
  384. ***
  385. “That does seem pretty bad.”
  386. 「这样子真的很不妙呢。」
  388. After her “Dream Teacher” listened to Masked Wonder’s activity report, she folded her arms across her chest and wrinkled that adorable face of hers before speaking the doubts in her heart.
  389. 「梦境中的老师」听完玛丝克德•汪达的活动报告后,双手环胸,皱起那张可爱讨喜的脸蛋,说出心中的疑虑。
  391. “Magical Girls need to avoid presenting a sexual image as much as possible.”
  392. 「魔法少女最好要极力避免带有性方面的色彩。」
  394. “From my point of view, I’d like nothing more than to avoid that myself. Besides, being a superheroine of justice has nothing to do with breast size.”
  395. 「站在我个人的立场而言,如果能避免的话,当然是再好不过了。更何况,正义的超级英雄与胸部的大小一点关系都没有。」
  397. Masked Wonder bit her lip as she said so. She was very familiar with getting into character after transforming.
  398. 玛丝克德•汪达咬着嘴唇如此回应。对于变身后的角色人格的塑造上,她也已经驾轻就熟。
  400. “But~”
  401. 「但是啊〜」
  403. The girl stared intently at Masked Wonder’s chest. There seemed to be a look of thirsty longing in her eyes.
  404. 少女紧紧盯着玛丝克德•汪达的胸部,看起来似乎带着点渴望的意味。
  406. “They really do stand out.”
  407. 「毕竟真的很有存在感。」
  409. “I can’t help that.”
  410. 「我也无可奈何啊。」
  412. “I guess… mmm…”
  413. 「也是啦……唔嗯……」
  415. Among the various suggestions such as binding them up with cloth strips or wearing something looser, one of them made her feel “that’s it”. And so the girl laughed happily, and Masked wonder clapped.
  416. 看是要用布条绑住、换穿比较宽松点的服装等五花八门的意见尽出,其中一项让人觉得「就是它了」。于是,少女笑容可掏地一笑,汪达则是双手一拍。
  418. “I am Masked Wonder! The embodiment of strength and justice—a Magical Girl!”
  419. 「吾名乃玛丝克德•汪达!力量与正义的体现者——『魔法少女』!」
  421. She held her right hand up high, bent her left in front of her chest and spread her legs wide in a trademark pose. It was noble, cool and majestic, it was filled with heroic style and filled onlookers with awe, and most importantly--it naturally pressed down on her breasts and kept them from jiggling.
  422. 右手在上,左手在胸前弯曲,双腿张开的招牌姿势。有种高尚、帅气、威风凛凛,能充分感觉到英雄风范、让见者铭感五内,最重要的是——能够极为自然地按住胸部的晃动。
  424. “That’s awesome! We’ll call that your victory pose!”
  425. 「真是太棒了!就命名为胜利姿势吧!」
  427. “This way, people won’t call me a perverted woman or something embarrassing like that.”
  428. 「这么一来,别人就不会用变态女之类的丢脸绰号称呼我了吧。」
  430. Masked Wonder took the victory pose several more times. However, her breasts jiggled on the last one.
  431. 玛丝克德•汪达重复摆了好几次胜利姿势。只有最后一次,胸部稍微晃动了一下。
  433. “I don’t think you bent your arm enough on that last one.”
  434. 「最后一次手臂弯得有点不够。」
  436. “Mmm… I accidentally slacked off.”
  437. 「唔……不小心松懈了。」
  439. “Your concentration vanishes once you get cocky. Better be careful of that.”
  440. 「你只要一得意起来,注意力就会涣散。这一点要多加留意。」
  442. The girl put her palms together with a clap.
  443. 少女啪的一声双手合十。
  445. “As long as you keep that in mind, you’ll become the best Magical Girl of them all. I’m sure of it.”
  446. 「只要好好留心这一点,你就能够成为最棒的魔法少女了。一定可以。」
  448. Masked Wonder felt her eyes blurring, and her feet grew unsteady. Her vision grew murky, and even rubbing her eyes did not help. The girl before her and the clouds wobbled and turned blurry
  449. 玛丝克德•汪达突然感到眼花,脚步显得不稳。她的视线模糊了起来,即使揉了揉眼睛仍旧没变,眼前的少女与周围的云摇晃不已,变得越来越模糊。
  451. “This is…?”
  452. 「这是……?」
  454. “I’ll bid you farewell here.”
  455. 「我就在此跟你说再见吧。」
  457. “Eh?”
  458. 「咦……?」
  460. “You need to work hard and continue being a Magical Girl, okay?”
  461. 「你要好好加油,继续当魔法少女喔。」
  463. Even the voice sounded like it was coming from far away.”
  464. 连声音听起来都变得好遥远。
  466. “You haven’t taught me everything yet!”
  467. 「你还没有教会我全部吧!」
  469. “I want to sleep… I’m so tired…”
  470. 「我好想睡……都使不上力了……」
  472. “How can--”
  473. 「怎么会——」
  475. “While it looks like we’ll be parting forever, I’ll continue hanging around in Dreamland for a while… I think… just like I’m dreaming… if you run into any problems… then… look for me again in Dreamland…”
  476. 「虽然这个氛围看起来很像是生离死别,不过我还是会继续在梦境中待上一阵子的……大概……就像是在做梦之类的感觉……如果你又碰上什么烦恼的话……那个时候……再来梦境找我吧……」
  478. Konomi woke up. Her right hand was raised high into the air, as though she were clutching at something. After sighing, she put down her right hand. She rubbed at the corner of her eyes, which felt a little wet.
  479. 好清醒过来。她的右手仿佛想抓住什么般,朝空中高高举起。吁出一口气后,放下右手。她擦了擦眼角,感觉到有点湿。
  481. Konomi’s parents had already left by the time she woke up.
  482. 好起床时,双亲已经出门了。
  484. Come to think of it, her parents apparently said that they would be leaving very early today. It had been a year since Konomi’s cousin… in other words, their niece, had passed away. Today was the one-year anniversary of her death.
  485. 这么说来,双亲似乎说过今天会很早出门。好的表姊……也就是他们的侄女,过世正好满一年。今天是一周年忌日的法会。
  487. She had died young due to a sudden heart attack. Since their homes were far apart, they had only met three or four times, but she still remembered how shocked she had been back then.
  488. 因突发性的心脏麻痹,年纪轻轻就过世了。由于两家住得很远,所以也只见过三、四次面而已,但她清楚记得当时自己有多么震惊。
  490. Her name… apparently she was Nemu of the Sanjou family.
  491. 名字……记得是三条家的合欢。
  493. “Let’s put that aside for now.”
  494. 「先姑且不想这个了。」
  496. Konomi fell into contemplation as she ate her breakfast. She felt like she had had a strange dream, but she could not recall it no matter what. What sort of dream had it been?
  497. 好一边吃着早餐的三明治一边沉思。总觉得她似乎做了一场奇怪的梦,却怎么样也想不起来。到底是做了什么梦呢?
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