
Squid Update 3/30/2021

Mar 30th, 2021
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  1. Hi everyone!
  3. So lately I've just been doing some thinking in general, mainly about life in general and about streaming/YouTube/gaming overall. I'll cover this in sections so that it (hopefully) makes logical sense and you can understand how I feel currently.
  5. First, I am NOT quitting anything. No I'm not done streaming, no I'm not done uploading to YT. That covers that part of this pastebin.
  7. Next, let's discuss my mental health. This has been a bit of a rollercoaster in the last year, but if we are discussing recent feelings, I would say my depression has slightly come back in the last month. It's not affecting my ability to go to work, but my enjoyment of things has slowly deteriorated, specifically games. Every game I try to play, I really just don't enjoy anymore. Covid has straight up made me play so many games to where I don't enjoy some games I used to play all the time. I never thought I would have to say that sentence in my entire life. I'm sure quite a few people can relate to that feeling.
  9. Onto speedrunning/streaming/YouTube shenanigans. As I said a few days ago, I'm taking a bit of a "break" from streaming because I'm not sure what to stream myself. If anything, I need to force myself to only stream one specific game or run and learn it/practice it/run it etc. What game would I do this for? No fucking idea yet. That's next on my list of stuff to do: figure out what to start hardcore streaming.
  11. The firered nuzlocke series on YouTube is almost done, about 3ish episodes left and then after that is a small project I'm working on with my editor (hi Jake) and after that, I'll figure something out.
  13. This was more of an update post on my current thoughts and the reasoning behind the short streams, the switching of games every 2 seconds on stream, the indecisiveness etc. I hope this all makes sense and that you understand how I feel.
  15. I'll probably be back in the next few days with some streams :)
  17. -Squid
  19. 3/30/2021
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