
Guy Shonin Quest Part 2

Mar 29th, 2017
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  1. The next day was luckily a safe day and a weekend. Not only that the day was shining through your window. It seem like a good day to get out, do some stuff and test out the new gear you got. You really need to think of a name for that thing.
  2. So why exactly is your cousin sleeping on top of you, with none of her clothes?
  4. You wake up with a familiar scene, her laying on top of you buck-naked as you’ve seen in times past when you would spend the night at her house as kids. You were familiar with this so it didn’t really bother you, it was what if someone came into your dorm and see this?
  6. Thankfully, she stopped when you got this school and you got roommates. However, yours decided to fuck off and get thrown into jail so now you’re undefended.
  8. Grabbing her by her shoulders and tossing her off you, you got out from your bottom bunk and stretched. Behind you, you could hear a groan.
  10. “Owww, hurting me after we had such a loving night of wonderment? You’re a mean husband, Guy.” Gal whines behind you.
  12. “Hush you. How did you even get into my dorm anyways? I locked the door, made sure the window was locked. The fuck?”
  14. “I had a spare key, you know.”
  16. “….Who the-“
  18. “Takeshi.”
  20. “FUCKING!” You scream out before calming down. “Whatever, get out through the window, people are gonna think things.”
  22. “Aww, come on, it’s Japan. There’s nothing wrong with some ‘family bonding’ here.”
  24. “Your idea of family bonding involves molesting me.”
  26. “Family. Bonding.”
  28. “I’m going nowhere with you, just go.”
  30. “Fine, fine~” She says before slipping on her clothes. You manage to turn around before you could see anything. Fucking perv. You hope
  31. she didn’t steal any of your shit like she normally does. Speaking of-
  33. “Hey, mind giving me back my game system?”
  35. “Hmmm? Whatever are you talking about?” God, you hate that tone of voice, it means she definitely has it and wants something for it.
  37. “You know what I’m talking about. What’s the cost?”
  39. “Hmmmm. A kiss, one of your shirts, or a dinner. Your pick~”
  41. >Kiss
  42. >Shirt
  43. >Dinner
  45. >Underwear
  47. Sighing, you go into your laundry hamper and search through your dirty clothes. You can figure out why she wants these. But fucking hell, you’re running low. You need to go shopping for the 3rd time this year. Wondering what else you could offer, you find one of your undershirts. Technically counts as shirt and doubles as underwear. Hopefully that will hold her off.
  49. “Here, take it.” You say, throwing the balled up clothing at her. She catches it unfolds it, smirking at her prize.
  51. “Thanks, cuz. You’ll expect the item in your room by the end of the day.”
  53. “Yeah, yeah, just get out and do your masturbating elsewhere.”
  55. “It’s not masturbation! It’s getting ready for our wedding night.”
  57. “OUT!” You scream, pushing her out the room, and shutting your door.
  59. “God, that woman drives me up the wall. Let’s just go and do some work.” You get dressed and clean up before heading into the kitchen and picking up something to eat before heading into your shed.
  61. As you open the door, you hear some beeping from your table. Walking towards it, you see the weapon’s skull eyes are glowing softly in a rhythm. Pulling up your COMP, you see words come up.
  63. *Where am I? Who are you? ...Who am I?*
  65. Shit, how do you introduce yourself?
  67. >”Hello, my name is Guy.”
  68. >”A good weapon doesn’t talk.”
  69. >Silence
  71. >”Hello, my name is Guy.”
  73. You proceed to type your name and explain you’re on Earth and where you found…..him? It? Text doesn’t convey gender like voice.
  75. *Guy…. Guy….. I will remember that. Tell me more about this Earth and this Dark World. Both sound familiar.*
  77. You explain what you can about Earth, but you’re currently lacking on information on the Dark World.
  79. *Are you sure you don’t remember anything? Like your name or the Dark World?*
  81. *I….I………Swords……Carnage…….Blood far as the eye could see……and laughter……..But a name…….no…Arghsoqr;eqrjaf9dafaaf0af-af0f……………………………………………*
  83. Jumping back, you see the pack spark before going cold. Edging forward, you poke a bit before the glowing eyes come back.
  85. *Thanatos…….That a name I remember. Whether it’s mine, or someone else’s, is unknown to me.*
  87. *Then Thanatos is what I’ll call you. Now then, let’s see what you can do.*
  89. Picking Thanatos up, you try to attach it to your back, feeling a sharp pain in the nape of your neck and spine.
  91. “Oww! The fuck!?”
  93. “Apologies, Guy, I feel like that was required for me to attach to you.” A hum sounds in your head.
  95. “Well, try warning a- Wait, I can hear you?”
  97. “So it seems, and I can hear you as well without relying on a separate item. Now then, let’s ‘See what I can do,’ as you put it.”
  98. Rolling your eyes, you walk over to the testing room that Tekina made. You seriously wonder how the hell she made that, but you’re not complaining. Thankfully, nobody is here and it seems she’s *cough* busy with Takeshi from what you see, so you’re able to sneak in. Setting up some targets, you wonder how you’re going to do this.
  100. >Throw a sword
  101. >Shoot a chain
  102. >Try using Thanatos’ claws to attack
  104. >Try using Thanatos’ claws to attack
  106. You decide to use its claws to attack, though granted, it seems its claws a bit short ranged. Rushing forward, you try to relay a signal to it to strike forward and to your surprise, the claws seem to extend forward and strike from under your arms and stab into the target.
  108. “Impressive, Thanatos. Let’s try to speed it up it a bit.”
  110. You spin and signal forward for a strike again and it does, but you decide to add a magic bolt into the mix. The stab is clean and recedes back right before the bolt hits the target. Direct hit.
  112. “Okay, Okay. We’re doing well. Let’s try two at a time.”
  114. Two more targets come out, one in front and behind as you tell it to stab behind while you shoot in front. Two more targets down.
  115. Turning to your back, you tell Thanatos to strike quickly, its claws striking against a test dummy multiple times over, reminding you of some anime with punching ghosts Gal made you watch. That was an interesting summer.
  117. Lastly, you slide back and shoot a fireball at it, causing it to burst into flames.
  119. “Well, it seems I won’t be lacking in close range. Let’s try out one of your weapon types.”
  121. >Swords
  122. >Chains
  124. >Chains: 53
  126. “This might be a bit awkward for you, but I put in an additional weapon in your systems. Let’s see how it works.”
  128. You focus forward, sending your arm out send out a chain. From the top of the claws, a chain is fired forth, in the direction of the target, before flying off into the side and hitting the wall, bouncing upwards.
  130. “Aw shit, looks like we might need to pra-“is all you can say before the chain bounces off the ceiling and aiming towards you. “Oh shit! Thanatos, stop-“are your last words before the chain binds to you. You feel your hands get tied to your sides as your legs are bound next.
  132. Unable to hold your balance, you fall over, landing hard on your side. “Guah! Ahhhh….. Well at least it can’t get any worse.” Fumbling, you try to escape, taking 10 minutes to get out before managing to get free. “Okay, let’s do this again, at a closer range.”
  134. You then spend the next 15 minutes at 15 feet away and sending chains out, able to hit the targets and bind. You then direct Thanatos to explode them with a crush of your hand, causing a small explosion. Seems like it would make for a good distraction.
  136. “Alright, let’s see how good I can get across this place.”
  138. ROLL Bo3
  140. >94
  142. Throwing the chain behind you, you feel it grasp the wall. Directing to reel it in, you’re flung backwards, not as fast as Gal’s normal running speed, but faster than what you normally go. Before you hit the wall, you direct another chain above and detach the old one and fly upwards, disconnecting again before you splat against the ceiling.
  144. As you free fall, you take some time to shoot some targets, most missing, but a few hitting despite your lack of binocular vision. Before you reach the ground, you fire two chains out at your side and both hit the walls in time for you slow down and not kiss the floor.
  146. “Well, it seems that went well. Now then, let’s try out your main function, your swords.”
  148. “Would you like to wield them or just shoot them out?”
  150. “Any difference?”
  152. “Yes. If you were shoot them out, they would fire out quickly, but only in straight line. If you were to wield them then throw, you would be able to control where they got, but they wouldn’t go as fast as you’re the one throwing them.”
  154. “Interesting…Anything else?”
  156. “Yes, it seems I’m able to have them appear in a place ahead, or around you, but they remain stationary, but make for excellent traps.”
  157. Thinking over your options, you think about what you would like to try first.
  159. >Wield and throw
  160. >Straight shoot
  161. >Stationary Trap
  163. >Straight Shoot: 95
  165. “Let’s go with straight ahead. See what damage you can do.”
  167. Focusing, you wave your hand and swords come from the back of the claws, shooting forward and piercing the targets. With a snap, you cause them to explode, demolishing it.
  169. Willing more, you shoot behind you, hearing more targets break. Adjusting the settings, you set the targets to start moving in an irregular pattern. You fire forth a flurry of swords to them, a few missing, but most hitting the mark and exploding. Sending a chain up, you get some air, before firing a sword and hitting two targets straight through and taking both out.
  171. Thinking of something, you fire a sword, but then shoot a lightning bolt on it, coating it. When it hits the target, it seems you can’t cause it to explode. Disappointed, you fire more swords and will them to explode. At that time, the electrified sword explodes, arching lightning over to the other swords as you duck to evade the singeing bolt. Looking up, you see all the pierced targets were destroyed, including the one with the “Bolt Sword”. Curious, you try out with the other elements.
  173. >Congratulations! You figured out how to add elements to your swords.
  174. >Fire Swords cause a napalm effect.
  175. >Bolt Swords cause other swords to be used as lightning rods.
  176. >Frost Swords can freeze.
  177. >Wind Swords don’t explode, but can cause a “ghost” sword to appear, causing two hits
  178. >Earth Swords have high piercing power, but are slower, even slower than if you were to throw them.
  180. You tried this out with your chains, but it seems only lightning and frost effect the chains, the other elements don’t work quite as well. Perhaps more practice?
  182. As you decide to take a break, you see that the battery hasn’t gone down. Do the swords not take a lot of energy? Or is Thanatos self-sustaining?
  185. Thinking, not much of it, you get back up and decide that you need to face something bigger than targets. Good for target practice, not so much for actual fight. But at least you know you hit things despite your disability. You head over to the switchboard and decide on what you want to face and what you think might need improving.
  187. Thinking over yourself, you know you’re smart and great with magic, so you don’t really need to focus on those much. If you want to get smarter, just study and with magic, just practice. No, what you need is to *shudder* exercise. You were never a fan, but you figure since you now have an actual weapon, you might as well.
  189. You know your sight is absolute trash, so that might be something you want to do, and you’re slow as get out, you never were a runner. You’re also not great with strength, but you can throw a decent punch to get a ghoul off you. But if you’re wielding your swords, you’ll need some muscle behind those swings. Lastly, other than your intelligence and magic, you’re sorta tanky, not like Slice, fucker is like a reinforced steel wall with a cement layer and bricks, but you can take a punch and live.
  191. “Guy, it seems you are troubled by something. Might I ask what it is?”
  193. “Yeah, I’m trying to figure out what I’m lacking. I have to get stronger. Stronger so I don’t die. Stronger so I can……Well, that’s for a different time.”
  195. Thantos stays silent for a bit as you think before speaking again. “After analyzing your fighting style and your body, I summarize your most needed place for improvement would be to work on your aim. You missed quite a bit of your projectiles when you were firing. But that is my own assessment.”
  197. Thanking Thanatos, you take a look again, thinking about what needs to be improved.
  199. >STR (Moderately High DC)
  201. >CON (Moderate DC)
  203. >INT (Unavailable)
  204. >WIS (Unavailable)
  206. In addition, you need to figure out how strong of an enemy you want to face. A higher tier simulation means you might have a better chance of getting better at what you’re improving, but if you fail, you’re going to feel like trash in the morning. Lower tier means you’ll just be a bit sore, but still functional but your gains will be less. Putting a hand to your chin, you think.
  208. >High difficulty (+15 to all gain DCs but higher chance of failure)
  209. >Medium difficulty (+10 to all gain DCs with moderate failure)
  210. >Low difficulty (+5 to all gain DCs with almost no chance of failure)
  213. >PER, High difficulty
  214. “Well, I do need to learn how to aim. So let’s see how good I can get.” Selecting your choice, your hand hovers over the difficulties before selecting High. You’re probably going to regret this in the morning, but you’re on a roll.
  216. As you press the button, you feel the floor shift and see your surroundings change into a forest area, foggy and dark. Taking a step forward, you can almost feel the crunch of the twigs under your shoe before looking around. Various sounds are heard from a river in the distance to a something sounding like a tiger’s growl. Perking your ears up more, you can hear the pitter-patter of small animals going through the foliage but that’s about the range you can hear.
  218. Deciding that you better keep on moving, you walk along, keeping track of what’s around you and making sure nothing’s sneaking up on you. Again, you hear a growl go in the air and its closer. Looking again, you don’t see anything but the tree and foliage. Taking more cautious steps, you make your way deeper in the forest and reach a small clearing.
  220. As you get there, a roar is heard. Quickly looking the direction, you see a spike flying towards you. Using one of your chains, you hook to a tree and fly backwards, evading the attack. At once you can see a pair of red eyes and the face of the creature. You go through your mind and at once remember what it is. A Night Stalker. Able to blend into the darkness like a shadow itself. At soon as you make an attempt to fire a sword at it, it slinks back in the forest, quickly masking its get away.
  222. Looking, you see no trace of it. It seems you may have to concentrate to figure out where this creature is.
  224. >ROLL BO3
  227. >70-1
  229. You quickly look around, trying to find out where the creature is. Hearing a snarl, you throw a sword in that direction, but it seems you missed as another one is right behind you. Again, you throw, but it moved to another location. Calming down, you try to focus on its location. Taking a moment to listen, it seems it’s not fast enough as the Stalker bursts out and rams its shoulder into you.
  231. Rolling from the blow, you lay on the ground, coughing as you feel your stomach hurt like it got rammed by a truck. Getting up on one knee, you take another look, the eyes seeming to taunt you as they fade back into the dark. Using a tree for balance, you take measure as how you’re going to do this.
  233. “Guy, that blow did massive damage to your body. I can estimate you can take two more of the blows before you’re knocked out.”
  235. “I can tell, Thanatos, thanks.” You say dryly. “Got any ideas?”
  237. “Looking at the creature, it seems that it relies on the dark to evade and attack. I recommend that you use light in the area. Or you can set up the chains to make a trap for the creature, but that comes a risk of it attacking you as you set it up. Lastly, your listening strategy was excellent, but far too slow to pull off. I can analyze the area faster than you normally process it and feed it to you directly to your COMP or your brain, but the latter option comes at the risk of your brain overloading. The choice is yours.”
  239. Thinking over your options, you hear another growl. It seems the beast is getting ready for another attack.
  241. >Light up the area
  242. >Chains for a trap
  243. >Listen normally
  244. >Have Thanatos process
  247. >Have Thanatos Process: 65+11, 1
  249. “Alright, Thanatos, process it.” With whir, you feel a jolt of electricity flow into your brain. You feel your brain trying to load the information, but it’s almost too much for you to handle it. You fall back on the ground, coughing up blood as you feel yourself fry from the inside.
  251. But you can see it, you see the beast make its way towards you. And then, it leaps. But you were ready. Rolling from where you were, you evade the beast and managed to shoot a bolt sword at it. As it impales the Stalker’s shoulder, it roars in pain as the electricity flows into it.
  253. Getting up you try to shoot another one into it, but it evades into the dark, back into safety. Thankfully, the bolt sword didn’t go off, so you can see small sparks in the forest, telling you where it is. But what Thanatos did was killer to your body. You have to end this. Having Thanatos process, you think on your next move.
  255. “Apologies, Guy. I did not think that would happen to you. It seems there must be something wrong with my systems that caused that violent reaction to you, but you managed to deal a blow the monster. However, it seems you can only take one more hit before you are knocked out. I recommend ending this battle now.”
  257. “Yeah, I agree. Either way, I need to fix this, cause this actually pretty cool. I see a small area around me, even though the darkness as well as heat signatures. Just how am I going to end this though?”
  259. >Sense it out and attack
  260. >Trap then attack
  264. >CROSS-COUNTER: 97
  266. Screw it, you’re almost down to your last legs. Might as well go out like a man. “Flock off, Feather Face! Come get some!” you roar out. As if feeling your heated emotions, the Night Stalker runs in, shooting out a spike towards you. But you were prepared.
  268. A sword intercepts it as another one goes in the Stalker’s direction, hitting the other shoulder. Roaring out, it bounds to you. Using a chain to move away, you shoot out a Frost Sword at its foot, the ground freezing as well as its leg. Stuck, it struggles to get out as you fire more swords, each one piercing its body with accuracy, from its back and hind legs to even one its eyes. Bloodied and tired, it manages to pull itself out of the frost. It looks at you, anger in its eyes and foam in its mouth.
  270. “Pissed off? Yeah, now you know how I feel. Let’s end this, you over sized turkey.” As if it could understand you, the Night Stalker roars, making one last bound to you, its body in midair, front legs stretched out to rip you apart.
  272. A burning will in your heart, you feel something being pumped into your brain. Thanatos? Something from inside you? Either way, it’s something that wants to be let out. Stretching your arm behind you, your hand wide out. You feel a sword in your hand, but it grows, heavier, stronger, a chant from your mouth comes out.
  274. “Charge Sword.”
  276. A flash of light is in the corner of your eye, but you don’t pay attention to that. What matters is the beast in front of you. Running up to it, you release your own roar, sword at the ready. Its claws nearing your head, you evade. Its wings getting in your way, you move. And its beak, well, it’s no matter to you. What matters is you get to pierce that heart. And pierce it you did.
  278. Blood flowing from the blade as you stab it into its chest, the Stalker whining as it feels its life ebbing away. But you’re not done just yet. Forcing lightning into the blade, you feel the pulsating shock go through its body, frying it inside out. It bounces from sword to sword, until it gets to the original bolt sword. Overloaded with such crackling energy, all the swords explode, a shock wave that knocks you back into a tree, the blast enough to cause the simulation to glitch out before going back to the original training room.
  280. Tired, but fulfilled you black out.
  283. >You have unlocked Charge Sword Level 1.
  284. >Charge Swords are more durable, able to survive being exploded.
  285. >You can store up to 10 Level 1 Charge Swords at a time in Thanatos’ pack. Anymore must be used else they will fade out.
  288. Due to your overwhelming use of lighting spells, you can learn a new spell!
  291. >Blast Processing: allows you process more data and think faster, but does not affect your perception of time.
  292. >Dual Mind: By allowing excess electricity in your brain, you can do two actions at once!
  293. >Thunder Wall: A wall of Lightning will from in front of you, blocking attacks.
  296. >Thunder Wall chosen!
  299. Groggy, you turn in your bed, pulling the covers up your neck. Next to you, you feel something hard. Desiring something to hold on to, you grab and pull it towards you. You think you hear a yelp, but think nothing of it as you snuggle up to it. Quickly, you pass out again.
  301. Once again, you wake up, feeling something cool in your face. Looking up, you blink the sleep out of your eyes. Then you get a big lick in your face. Getting up you wipe the drool off your face and take a look at your bedmate. “Hey Armos. Sorry. Didn’t mean to grab you like that.”
  303. The robotic dog whines, hopping out of the bed and sitting nearby. You had made this originally out of one of those old robot dog toys. It wasn’t hard to make an AI, just that that the shell was flimsy. Thankfully, your trips in to the Dark World have come up with some interesting findings. You’re glad Tekina was eager as you were when you found ore there. Tough, but light, it was perfect for your pal. Making the body was easy, but processing the ore was difficult as it required a high heat, but you managed to do it.
  305. He was a good pet, always there for you, but when the Dark World came up, he never was there. But eh, at least you got a dog that doesn’t shit the floor whenever. But he seems to be very fond of the two cats, Daisuke and Ryoji. You never understood why, but hey, at least Nariko isn’t freaking out, though you have seen her twitch every time he comes by. Clarence on the other hand fucking freaks out. Doesn’t matter if he’s friendly or not, he readies to kick him every time before Armos backs off. Asshole.
  307. Getting out of your thoughts, you look around and find yourself in the nurse’s office. Seems like someone found you and brought you here. Reaching to scratch your back, you find that Thanatos is not there, but something else is.
  309. Cold metal is on the nape of your neck, ridges and whatnot going down your back to your tailbone. Feeling it, you wonder where the hell this came from before you remember something. Thanatos. Quickly, you get up and find it next to you on the table. Its arms gone, it now resembles a backpack more than anything. Picking it up you pull it towards your face.
  311. “What the ever loving fuck is going Thanatos? What in the hell is this shit on my back?”
  313. “It seems you have awoken, Guy. Glad to see that you were able to recover. I was having a lovely conversation with Armos here for a time. As for what’s on your back, that is my plug.”
  315. “Plug? No way in hell this is a plug of any kind.”
  317. “Comparing it to your other plugs is not simple. I do not require power like most machines from these….’outlets’. I am fully capable of sustaining my energy levels by myself. Though with a jump start from some like yourself. No, this plug is for me to send information to you directly rather than utilizing your COMP. See of how I’m able to communicate with being on your back?”
  319. You think about it and find out he’s right. You are talking without use of the COMP or it being on your back. However, you are still angry that something like this was pulled over. “I would have liked a little warning before you pull shit off like this. Now I got a metal spine on my back. Next time, warn me, alright?”
  321. “I can tell you are displeased. If you would like, I can have the plug come off your back, or I can have it replace your old spine.”
  323. “Why the fuck would I want that? And how the fuck would you even?”
  325. “It would simply dissolve and flow into your pores, and…what is you humans call it….’nanomachines’, yes those things from your fiction. Before you ask, I am connected to your COMP and able to access the internet through it. Very interesting place.”
  327. “Get to the point.”
  329. “Yes, yes, those ‘nanomachines’ would reconfigure your spine and replace it with themselves and would become your new spine. That incident we had with the data overload? Wouldn’t happen again. As well, you would be able to use a small amount of my powers without me being on you.”
  331. “Wait, really?”
  333. “Yes, ‘really’. The choice is yours, Guy.”
  335. Shit, what do you do? Take the offer? Have it pull it off?
  337. >Take the deal
  338. >No dice
  341. >No dice
  343. Thinking it over, you try to weight the pros and cons.
  344. If you go with the deal,
  345. Pros: More power, fix the processing problem and instant communication
  346. Cons: You are losing your fucking spine.
  347. If you don’t,
  348. Pros: You keep your spine.
  349. Cons: Less power, still have that processing problem and no instant communication with Thanatos.
  351. You can probably fix the processing on your own, just need to do some tinkering. Same deal with the communication. What really grabs you is the power. Able to use Charge Sword, elemental blades and those chains anytime you want? That’s great. That’s really great. It’s so tempting if you weren’t losing YOUR FUCKING SPINE.
  353. “Hell no, Thanatos. Get this shit off of me, now.”
  355. “Very well. This may hurt a bit.” As it said that, you feel small needles being pulled out of your neck and back as the plug falls off. Wincing in pain, you grab the plug and hold it up getting a good look at it. It’s bizarre and freaky, but to think this thing was on your back. Looking up, you find your comp beeping.
  357. Picking it up, you see that you have a few new messages.
  359. From Thanatos:
  360. I do apologize for my actions for the plug. If you could please reattach it to me so I do not lose it that would be helpful.
  362. Picking it up, you bring towards Thanatos and a slot opens up. Inserting the plug in, it reels in, the slot closing. Looking again, you see a new message of Thanatos thanking you and that it will research ways for it be less forceful with its actions. Thinking this couldn’t mean good, you look at your other messages.
  364. >From Chihiro
  365. Hey, Guy! I want to talk to you about something. How about a date over by the pond?
  366. To which she ends it with a winky emoji. Fucking Chihiro.
  368. >From Gal
  369. Hey, I heard you were in the nurses. What went wrong? Did something happen? I’m worried. Please contact me.
  370. You got a many like that from Gal many times over. Seems like she really is worried.
  372. Which should you contact?
  374. >Chihiro
  375. >Gal
  378. >Chihiro
  380. >To Chihiro
  381. Fine, let’s see what you want.
  383. Chihiro Toriyama. What can you say about her? Flirty? Yes. From money? Yes. Gossiper? Yes. Attractive? Ye- “Wait, no, stop brain!” Shaking your head from those thoughts. You won’t deny she’s one of the more…..pretty in the school, but her attitude could leave something to be desired.
  385. The constant gossiping is one part that could be fixed. Always getting in your business despite her not being a part of it. You shudder at the rumors that might float around if she found out Gal snuck into your bunk. You already get enough looks by your cousin being by your side nearly every day. Imagine after the rumors.
  387. And then there’s the flirting. Always trying to make a pass at you. You constantly ignore them, but you can only take so much before she pisses you off. And you know Gal isn’t a fan either. You can always feel the burning eyes on your back whenever she sees that scene, not to mention her getting all defensive and touchy-feely. You swear, she only does it for that reaction.
  388. As you are having those thoughts and sending Gal a text that you were find, you reached the pond and see her sitting by the trees, waiting for you.
  390. “Oh, Guy! You came early for our date, didn’t you? Very punctual.”
  392. “Cut it Toriyama, what do you want?”
  394. “What, I just can’t look at your handsome face?”
  396. You proceed to give her a look. “If all you’re going to do is flirt, I’m leaving.”
  398. She sighs, standing up and dusting herself off. “Fine. You know Sayeka, right?”
  399. Sayeka Ohko. A beautiful woman that unfortunately got blinded by a trip in the Dark World. You were helpless in trying to prevent her from going through with The Fool’s deal, but even still, it did not make her any less beautiful. N-not that you like her or anything.
  401. You cough to clear your throat and mind. “Y-yeah, what about her?”
  403. “She’s…very lonely. And was wondering if you had wanted to go out for a dinner.”
  405. …..A date with Sayeka…..
  407. >”Uh, sure, I mean, uh, yes.”
  408. >”Sorry, I have somethings to take off.”
  409. >”Is this a joke or what?”
  412. >”Is this a joke or what?” : 83-10
  414. “Is this a joke or what?” you say, trying to keep the edge out of your voice.
  416. “No, just an honest questing, dear. But it seems you’re not interested are you?” Chihiro says. Apparently you managed to keep your cool somewhat.
  418. “Sorry, I got things to do. I’m afraid I’ll have to pass.”
  420. “Well, it didn’t hurt to ask. I’ll be seeing you around, Guy,” Chihiro says as she walks away. Seems like you managed to get past a silly sidequest, but it doesn’t really matter anyways.
  422. You proceed to head down to your shed, putting Thanatos down on the bench and pulling out your tools to work. Before you can even start, you hear a loud pounding on your door.
  424. “Just who can that be?” You sigh. “Yes, yes, I’m coming.” You open the door and see a girl with white hair holding what seems to be a giant longsword grafted with a machine gun underhand.
  426. “Oi, Cyclops, fix it.”
  428. “Dammit Chris, you broke it again? I’m not going to keep doing this for you if you can’t maintain your shit.”
  430. “Devilsaurs, Cyclops. They’re nasty урод, you know?”
  432. “I don’t know what is, but it sounds like an insult. But fine, drop it on the bench and I’ll see. You can pick it up by tonight.”
  434. “Can’t you do it any faster?”
  436. “Not unless you want to pay for that service.”
  438. “Xуй.”
  440. “Whatever tit monster.” She covers her chest as you say this. “You’re lucky I’m doing this for free.”
  442. She gives you a look and drops the weapon on the bench before walking away and flicking you off.
  444. “Cunt. Well, whatever. What should I do first?”
  446. (5 Actions remaining)
  447. >Work on Chris’ weapon
  448. >Work on Thanatos
  449. >Practice Magic
  450. >Study a bit
  453. >Work on Chris’ Weapon: 47+16
  455. You have worked on her weapon in the past, so you’re fairly familiar with it. But it seems she must have busted it really badly. Taking your pliers, you fix some of the wiring and get some of the debris out. It takes some more tinkering and fixing, but you mostly fixed the blade. Seems like you’ll need to hammer out some dents and reaffix the gun barrel.
  457. Doing that takes a lot longer, about an hour more. You managed to get it affixed and taken care of. You then take a look at the shield. Spotless like always you see while sighing. You need to tell that woman to use that thing more rather than use the flat of her blade.
  458. It hurts your soul to see it be this busted up all the damn time.
  460. You managed to finally get it all repaired. After giving a shine with a cloth and some oil, it’s ready to be used again. You even managed to fix the switching mechanism a bit so it change from sword to gun and vice versa quicker. Damn gun barrel still overheats too quickly, but what are you going to do?
  462. Regardless, that a lot longer than needed to be. Now what else are you going to do?
  464. (3 Actions remaining)
  465. >Fix Thanatos
  466. >Practice Magic
  467. >Study
  468. >Perhaps…Exercise?
  471. >Study: 92
  473. You decide that maybe you should hit the books. You pull out some of your textbooks and get some studying. As you do so, you find receive a message. Checking your COMP, you see it’s from Thanatos.
  475. *Guy, what is it you are looking at?*
  477. *Ah, it’s a textbook for school. You think that with the constant trips to the Dark World, they wouldn’t care much for education, but they have to keep up test scores somehow, I guess.*
  479. *Interesting. Do you mind telling me about what goes on in these…textbooks?*
  481. Deciding why not, you proceed to explain to Thanatos about the various maths and sciences that you humans have studied and put in. It serves a good teaching experience to Thanatos and you also get a refresher on some of these subjects.
  483. Eventually, you come to stop as Thanatos stops asking you questions and decide to do a report you need to complete and manage to get done in about an hour and a half. Getting up to stretch, you take a look at Chris’ weapon to see if anything else is out of place, but nothing seems to be wrong.
  485. Looks like there’s enough time left in the day to some extra stuff. You ponder over your options before you get a text from Gal.
  487. >From Gal
  489. Hey, Guy, I’m hungry. Let’s get something to eat in the town! Call me when you get this.
  491. Looks like Gal has some other plans for you. What to do?
  493. (2 Actions remaining)
  494. >Fix Thanatos
  495. >Practice Magic
  496. >Exercise
  497. >Eat with Gal
  500. >Eat with Gal
  502. Eh, why not. You’re feeling hungry yourself since you skipped lunch after passing out from training. You clean up your stuff and tell Gal to meet you by the gate. You shudder from the smooch she gives you when she ends the call.
  503. You make your way towards the front gate and wait a while until you see her come by.
  505. Jesus, you know her tits are big from her uniform, but fucking hell. Do they also make shorts that short nowadays? It leaves almost nothing to imagination. You feel your gaze start to drift as she makes her way towards you.
  507. “Heyyy. Seems like you woke okay. What happened?”
  509. “Oh, I just trained a bit too hard, you know. I guess, I just need to pace myself, you know?”
  511. “Awww, look at you. Getting all strong. Trying to protect someone are you?” She says as she bends forward a bit, showing more of her cleavage. You know she’s testing you, you know it.
  513. Closing your eyes, you proceed to walk towards the town, with Gal falling in behind you. “So, hungry for anything?”
  515. “Barbeque. I haven’t had any since I left the States. Fucking Japan and not having any good places this far out.”
  517. “Well, sorry. There’s a Family Diner and a burger place nearby.”
  519. “Let’s hit the Diner. We’ll be able to get some decent food from there.”
  521. “Alright. Oh, and I did see you checking me out earlier,” she says with a smile. You say nothing other than a slight blush that you hope the sun covers up and just keep on walking.
  523. You get to the diner and are seated after sometime and get seated after a bit. You give your orders, Gal a curry plate, while you order a steak. You know it’s going to be pansy ass steak, but whatever, food’s food.
  525. “So Guy, what did you find on the last trip in the Darkworld? I know you found something when you slipped out.”
  527. Ah, here we go. What do you want to tell Gal?
  529. >”Just some interesting technology. Nothing more.”
  530. >”A weapon to help me fight.”
  531. >”Why do you want to know so badly?”
  536. >”How about instead, I motorboat your chest and you don’t bring it up?”: 99-10
  538. A silence is heard as you try to think of something to say. Gal gives you an expression, almost like she’s asking, “I’m waiting.” Finally, you just blurt out the first thing that comes out in your mind.
  540. “How about instead, I give you a motorboat, and you don’t bring it up?” you say, shutting your eyes. Silence is heard for a time. You open your eyes and swear you could see Gal having hearts in her eyes, drool from her mouth and blood from her nose.
  542. “Y-y-y-y” Ah, you broke her.
  544. “H-here, clean your nose before someone sees,” you say as you hand her napkin.
  546. “A-a-ah…” She takes the napkin and starts cleaning up, quickly excusing herself to go to the restroom. She takes a while to get back from there, the food is already there by the time she comes out and you’ve finished your meal. Fuckers over cooked your steak and the potatoes were shit.
  548. “S-sorry. H-had to rush to the restroom real fast.” You can see her legs are wobbly and her face is flush, but she managed to get back to her seat alright. “L-let’s dig in.” She quickly eats her curry, downing it in seconds. She quickly calls over the waitress and you both pay your bills and leave. (Thank god for no tipping in Japan.)
  550. The trip back is awkward and seems like it takes a bit longer than usual. You can’t stand to look your cousin in the face, but you feel her burning gaze on you every so often.
  552. ‘Why did I blurt that out loud? I’m a goddamn mad man. I’m better than this, I know I am. What would Dad-no, dad would probably tell me to go for it. Asshole,’ is what you think to yourself as you make your way towards the school. You’re not even 2 feet from the gate before Gal pulls you by your arm and throws you into some dark corner.
  554. She kabedon’s you, her chest right in your face, heaving and huffing. “W-well come on. You were going to do this weren’t you? Come on, do it, do it, do it, Do it, DO It, DO IT!” she frantically yells at you.
  556. Your hands shake as you grasp her chest, her soft pillows making your hands sink into them. F-fuck, you’re feeling yourself sweat. ‘Come on Shonin, you’re a man. You can do this!’ Taking a deep breath, you press your face into them, hearing her squeak as you feel them on your face. Soft. So damn soft. You feel like you want to take nap on them. But you have a job to do.
  558. Taking another breath, you accidently smell her. C-cherries? ‘O Lord, help,’ is the last thing you think before your start. You start to move your face between the pair of tits, hearing her squeal and moan as he feels her chest being felt up. It isn’t long until you accidently flick her nipples, feeling the hard nubs under her thin shirt. Gal yelps as she feels your hands touch there, her jump pushing her tits more in your face.
  560. ‘Fuck, t-this is-oh boy…’ You feel her hands wrap around your head and she pushes your face deeper in her cleavage as you hand rub more. You look up and, Jesus Christ, she actually does have heart eyes. You thought that was only in fucking hentai. “C-can’t breathe” is all you muster before you start to see spots in your eyes.
  562. It seems she snapped out of it, because she pulled your head away from her chest, allowing you to breathe. “T-to think you were able to do that, Guy. W-Were you practicing with someone?” she says as her hands grab a bit of your hair.
  564. “N-no, this was my first time, Gal. Can’t say I’m e-experienced with this.”
  566. “I-I see. Well, I’ll uphold my end of the deal. I won’t ask…..this time.”
  568. “Oi, I said-“
  570. “You said never to bring it up. You didn’t say never again,” she responds with a finger on your nose. “In any case, thanks for the date and the entertainment.” She quickly gets off of you and quickly runs off, leaving you alone.
  572. “That fucking-“
  574. “Oh, right,” She runs back towards you and lifts you up before grabbing your face.
  576. >ROLL 1D100
  579. >87
  581. It was nearly a blur, but you managed to pull away before it happened. Immediately afterward, a kiss was on your neck. S-she just tried to kiss you! It seems she was displeased and tried to do it again, but she must have not been putting all her strength into it as you two were fighting for a bit before she started to get serious and pushed you against the wall.
  583. “J-just what are you trying to-“
  585. “Seems like you won’t take my gift. Then I’ll just have to force it on to you.” Gal says.
  586. The two of you struggled more before she wised up and grabbed both your arms and held them above your head. Trapped and bounded, the only thing you could was watch as she kissed you.
  588. The first thing you noticed was how soft her lips were. Next the taste of them, fruity to say the least. You struggled to escape, but she was too strong. She broke the kiss to look at your eye, seemingly amused at your angry reaction, before going back in for another one, this time with her invading tongue.
  590. It explored your mouth, invading every corner it could, tangling around yours. Each time you tried to retreat, she would attack. After what seemed hours she broke the kiss, and let go of your arms, letting you drop down. You coughed, as she wasn’t letting you breath, drawing in the air you so need. You looked up and saw Gal licking her lips, her long tongue, 4 inches from the tip to her lips, poking out every so often.
  592. “Thanks Guy, for the dinner and the kiss. I’ll see you soon!” is all she says before she ran off.
  593. ……….
  594. Violated. Assulted. Kissed and all sorts of other words. You should be furious, angry even.
  595. ……..
  596. But why is your face burning like a blushing school girl?
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