
Xi Feng - Hangover Morning

Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. [14:13] <Deedles> Chiyoko had awoken first, her head aching, but not all too bad all things considered. She'd climbed out of bed to make her way to the kitchen so she could get some water and start making some food.
  2. [14:22] <Feldi> Xi meanwhile is a lifeless heap, kept motionless through stiffness and brainache. Eyes closed she has no idea where
  3. [14:22] <Feldi> she is and has no intention of opening them any time soon.
  4. [14:23] <Deedles> Chi decided not to disturb her and just quietly got onto making some food for both of them.
  5. [14:27] <Feldi> As the morning dawns, Xi's eyes crack open. She groans.
  6. [14:32] <Deedles> "Morning!" Chi called from the kitchen
  7. [14:35] <Feldi> "Moghfdff," Xi replies, burying her face into something soft.
  8. [15:08] <Deedles> Chi peeked her head through the doorway as she smiled "Want breakfast?"
  9. [15:09] <Feldi> Xi goes still then nods her head slowly.
  10. [15:15] <Deedles> "Alright, I'll bring some to you." Chi said with a sympathetic smile before she disappeared again.
  11. [15:18] <Feldi> Xi struggles to sit up, trying to fit slippery memories together
  12. [15:18] <Feldi> .
  13. [15:40] <Deedles> Chiyoko soon returned, carrying a bowl filled with rice that had been fried with egg, some veggies and chicked. "Here, hope it makes you feel better." She smiled softly
  14. [15:51] <Feldi> Xi tries her best to smile back taking the bowl with a soft thank you. She eats slowly and carefully mindful that she is in someone else's bed.
  15. [15:54] <Feldi> Eventually she asks, "did we really do...what I remember we did last night?"
  16. [15:55] <Deedles> "Snuck into the Fire Temple to steal booze?" Chi asked in return before she grinned "Yeah."
  17. [15:57] <Feldi> Xi groans, bowing her head so deeply her forehead touches the lip of the bowl in her lap.
  18. [15:57] <Feldi> Hands*
  19. [15:58] <Deedles> Chiyoko laughed "It's not that bad. Yoshi was the only one who saw us."
  20. [16:02] <AndChat|> "I hope so," Xi says. "I hope he doesn't tell anyone. I prefer to tell my own drunk stories."
  21. [16:03] <Deedles> Chi shrugged "I don't think he would." she said
  22. [16:04] <AndChat|> "Nice guy," Xi comments before turning back to her good.
  23. [16:04] <AndChat|> food
  24. [16:06] <Deedles> Chiyoko headed out into the kitchen again to get herself a bowl of the rice mix before she sat down to eat in front of her bed. "He is. Really cheerful and friendly." she smiled
  25. [16:20] <Feldion> Xi picks at her memory like a sculptor would attend a nearly-finished piece. "Did I promise to kill someone with him...for food?"
  26. [16:20] <Deedles> "You said you'd think about it." Chi chuckled as she recalled those events from the previous evening.
  27. [16:21] <Feldion> "At least I didn't go for it right away....his food was delicious though."
  28. [16:22] <Deedles> "It is!" Chi agreed as her smile widened
  29. [16:25] <Feldion> "I feel more alive after this." Xi takes the last easy mouthful of rice before placing the bowl away to the side. "Thanks, Chiyoko. For the food and letting me stay." She smiles.
  30. [16:30] <Deedles> Chiyoko returned her smile "No worries, Xi. Glad I could help." she answered sincerely
  31. [16:33] <Feldion> Xi lets herself drop back onto the bed wincing at the impact and the effect on her head. "I don't remember anything past leaving the temple. Did anything happen?"
  32. [16:37] <Deedles> "No, we got back here and just conked out on the bed." Chi told her
  33. [16:41] <Feldion> Xi rolls over onto her side. "Comfy," Xi murmurs. "And here I thought you were going to attack me~"
  34. [16:42] <Deedles> "Ohh?" Chiyoko raised a brow at that
  35. [16:43] <Feldion> Xi looks over her shoulder at her. "'re not as easy to tease when you're sober," she complains.
  36. [16:44] <Deedles> "I'm not into girls." Chi said as she leaned back slightly with a coy grin.
  37. [16:46] <Feldion> "Just into threesomes?" Xi laughs.
  38. [16:47] <Deedles> "Let's just say I'm only interested if there's at least one penis involved." Chiyoko replied nonchalantly, her grin widening.
  39. [16:52] <Feldion> "At least one? You're going to be a real terror some day!" Xi rolls over on the bed, feeling some energy returning to her.
  40. [16:53] <Deedles> Chiyoko laughed "Oh, I wish."
  41. [16:55] <Feldion> "I'm sure I can hook some guys over to you so you can reel them in~"
  42. [16:55] <Deedles> "You suuuure you won't want to use your newfound freedom to get them yourself?" Chiyoko retorted with a teasing smile.
  43. [17:00] <Feldion> Xi gives Chiyoko a very flat look with only a tiny quirk at the lips. "I'm not the nervous one."
  44. [17:01] <Deedles> She sighed as she put her bowl on the bedside table and laid down on her back "This is true."
  45. [17:04] <Feldion> "So next time," Xi turns to face her on the bed with a grin, "I'm getting you bedded by a guy." Xi chuckles. "Or two."
  46. [17:06] <Deedles> "I would love you forever!" Chi declared as she threw her hands up into the air with a laugh.
  47. [17:08] <Feldion> "I've got repay you for your kindness somehow. Paying with hot men means I don't even have to any of the sweaty work."
  48. [17:08] <Feldion> to do any*
  49. [17:09] <Deedles> "I can't argue with that logic." She chuckled
  50. [17:10] <Feldion> "Then! I'll find someone for me," Xi giggles.
  51. [17:16] <Deedles> "Heheh, yet another good plan."
  52. [17:20] <Feldion> "I'm full of them. And logic and skill." Xi licks her lips. "There is something I'm not full of though."
  53. [17:20] <Deedles> "Oh? What's that?" Chi asked curiously
  54. [17:21] <Feldion> "Not going to guess?" Xi asks with a raised eyebrow. Then, she gives up. "I'm really thirsty."
  55. [17:22] <Deedles> "I'll go get a drink." Chiyoko laughed softly as she got to her feet
  56. [17:24] <Feldion> "I'm also not full of myself," Xi says a smirk crossing her face. "That'd be rude to do on someone else's bed."
  57. [17:29] <Deedles> Chi emitted a short laugh as she came back carrying two glasses of water, handing one to Xi.
  58. [17:32] <Feldion> "Thanks." Xi goes quiet as she drinks.
  59. [17:44] <Feldion> "I got invited on that training trip too, didn't I?" Xi asks as she places her empty glass down.
  60. [17:45] <Deedles> "I think so, though I don't know anything about it other than what Yoshi mentioned yesterday." Chiyoko replied
  61. [17:47] <Feldion> "I wonder if I'm too late..." Xi looks out at the late morning sun. "But if I am...that means the Empress is free."
  62. [17:48] <Deedles> Chiyoko shrugged "There's always a silver lining." she stated with a smile
  63. [17:52] <Feldion> Xi sits up and then stands. "I should make myself presentable and find her."
  64. [17:52] <Deedles> "Good idea... Not that I think she'd notice the difference." Chi said as she smiled faintly
  65. [17:53] <Feldion> "Presentation is not just about looks," Xi shakes her head at Chi. "It is also about scent which I am sure the Empress has a very strong sense of!"
  66. [17:54] <Deedles> "Most probably." Chiyoko agreed as she nodded with a thoughtful expression.
  67. [17:59] <Feldion> "When we go out boy-hunting, I'll be sure to lend you a nice one~" Xi hums as she moves into the living room to retrieve her pack.
  68. [18:02] <Deedles> "Aww, I'm touched~" Chiyoko giggled
  69. [18:14] <Feldion> Xi gives her a grin before turning back to the matter at hand. "Now, what do you wear when trying to win the Empress's favor casually...." Xi peers down in her luggage inspecting her choices with the finest of eyes....
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