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Apr 23rd, 2018
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  1. Hyht (1): You around?
  2. M374L: pon league with justin
  3. Hyht (1): So..
  4. Hyht (1): We kinda dick moved
  5. M374L: how so
  6. Hyht (1): The guild is smaller then it once was
  7. M374L: People quit? or what
  8. Hyht (1): Yep
  9. M374L: namely?
  10. Hyht (1): Like... Half the raiders
  11. Hyht (1): Bam, Ren, Karo, Coolwhip, Ivarious and myself
  12. Hyht (1): Woodzie
  13. M374L: uh
  14. M374L: why?
  15. Hyht (1): Because we were not happy with how things where going
  16. Hyht (1): So... we left
  17. M374L: Taht doesn't make sense considering you were the ones running it
  18. Hyht (1): Eh..
  19. Hyht (1): Basically Karo and I were done with the guild as it was
  20. Hyht (1): And... most the guild followed
  21. Hyht (1): Im not trying to be a dick
  22. Hyht (1): Wanted to just dip out and not cause issues
  23. M374L: I'm still confused. Again you were the guys mainly running it
  24. M374L: and what was not to like?
  25. M374L: Just curious
  26. Hyht (1): I dont like wiping on shit we shouldnt
  27. Hyht (1): Because people 1) Dont know how to play the game
  28. Hyht (1): Or 2) Dont put the time and effort into gettin gear
  29. Hyht (1): Example : I went from 365 to 378 last week
  30. Hyht (1): And im now 383
  31. Hyht (1): And I dont like Lily
  32. Hyht (1): So that doesnt help
  33. M374L: So is it, you left to exclude me? Or what? I hadn't heard anything which only leaves to to feel like this wasn't just something everyone decided
  34. Hyht (1): Well
  35. Hyht (1): Last week I was pretty pissed off with how shitty it went
  36. Hyht (1): This week was about the same
  37. Hyht (1): We did WORSE on the boss then last week
  38. Hyht (1): With bad attitudes to boot
  39. Hyht (1): I said this before and I will say it again
  40. Hyht (1): I came back to kill Deathwing
  41. Hyht (1): The group we had wasnt going to get it done
  42. Hyht (1): So im moving to a group that can
  43. Hyht (1): And Ivarious and Karo agreed and moved with me
  44. M374L: So I'm excluded now? Or what?
  45. Hyht (1): If you would like to join us you are more then welcome to come over
  46. M374L: I only came back to WoW to play with you guys.
  47. Hyht (1): But there is a different level of commitment we are going to be putting forward
  48. M374L: But, it's lookingl ike I've wasted my time.
  49. Hyht (1): Well how it felt to me is
  50. Hyht (1): I waisted my time getting my priest up
  51. Hyht (1): To only have us wipe
  52. Hyht (1): And have people play half assed
  53. Hyht (1): Then bitch when we dont do well
  54. Hyht (1): Or get pissy when we call out who fucked up
  55. M374L: Who was bitching? cause as far as I could tell everyone was fine knowing that it was progression
  56. Hyht (1): Lily has about the worst fucking attitude ive ever seen
  57. M374L: She hasn't even had a bad attitude...
  58. Hyht (1): That might be your opinion
  59. Hyht (1): But it is not the opinion of the group
  60. Hyht (1): I like you dude
  61. Hyht (1): I really like you
  62. Hyht (1): But im done with failing over and over because of people who arent doing well
  63. Hyht (1): I dont like Lily's attitude
  64. Hyht (1): I dont like Justin's fail
  65. Hyht (1): He bounded the ball twice
  66. Hyht (1): When we told him to move
  67. Hyht (1): Its just a cluster fuck
  68. Hyht (1): An entire cluster fuck
  69. Hyht (1): Our healers in general are completely under geared
  70. Hyht (1): And its very appartent
  71. M374L: Maybe on raid heals, but we didn't have a single wipe because I couldn't keep tanks up.
  72. Hyht (1): This is true
  73. M374L: You're talking about people with piss poor attitudes dude, but you're not so different yourself with the way everyone went about this progression business.
  74. Hyht (1): On DPS we have 2 people doing over 20k consistantly
  75. Hyht (1): Myself and Karo
  76. Hyht (1): Thats unacceptable
  77. Hyht (1): My attitude?
  78. M374L: Just the whole talking about progresison thing and then all of a sudden getting incredibly upset about it
  79. Hyht (1): Progression?
  80. Hyht (1): What progression?
  81. Hyht (1): You mean doing worse then last week?
  82. Hyht (1): which was 6 hours of wiping on a boss we should have downed when we figured out the mechanics
  83. M374L: Jesus christ Hyht, we got the other boss down.
  84. M374L: Yeah remember when we wiped for 5 hours straight on putricide?
  85. Hyht (1): 5 bosses in?
  86. Hyht (1): Sure did
  87. Hyht (1): And we got better each time?
  88. Hyht (1): I remember that too
  89. Hyht (1): I also remember today people not moving
  90. Hyht (1): not fucking going to their reset positions
  91. Hyht (1): Thats raiding 101
  92. M374L: Jesus hyht, don't fucking unload on me.
  93. Hyht (1): Im not
  94. Hyht (1): Im telling you how it is
  95. Hyht (1): Im not mad at you
  96. M374L: So is it you karo collin ren and bam? cause two out of those 5 are problematic.
  97. Hyht (1): Ren is a big problem
  98. Hyht (1): And he will not be raiding with us till he fixes his dps
  99. Hyht (1): Bam has been steadily getting better at tanking
  100. Hyht (1): I agree, he needs to get better
  101. Hyht (1): However, he also has been getting better each season
  102. M374L: Well, good luck to you. I'm upset for obvious reasons but it's whatever. Now I don't have obligations to force myself to play WoW anymore. I feel kind of screwed over by friends. Like this is a big fuck you to my face. Enjoy raiding.
  103. Hyht (1): Its not like that at all
  104. Hyht (1): If you would like to join us
  105. Hyht (1): We would be more then happy for you to come over
  106. Hyht (1): But understand shit is going to be a little different
  107. Hyht (1): As in, we have set goals and we try and meet them, and weak links are cast aside or replaced
  108. M374L: If I can't play with my old friends then I'm not itnerested. I might play to play with some other casual friends, but I don't care for raiding. I've got more important things that I need to focus on.
  109. Hyht (1): And I will not play with Lily or her friends
  110. M374L: I assumed as much. You'd think it'd be understandable for her to be upset just as much as you are about raiding. I think you targetting her is a bit unecessary. But just throw the blame around. I'm defending her cause she's my friend and I don't let my friends talk bad about other friends.
  111. Hyht (1): You need to understand
  112. Hyht (1): Not once did I say anything out of malice
  113. Hyht (1): Im just stating the facts as I see them
  114. M374L: It seems like the opposite.
  115. Hyht (1): Im fact orientated
  116. Hyht (1): Everything I have said has been backed up with reasons I think that way
  117. M374L: You're targetting her "poor attitude" like her and justin specifically when there's far worse in the group.
  118. M374L: Yeah, I know how you think, I'm the same way.
  119. Hyht (1): Justin is actually quite nice
  120. Hyht (1): And I like him alot
  121. Hyht (1): He needs help with his raid mechanics...
  122. Hyht (1): Alot
  123. Hyht (1): But otherwise I like him alot
  124. Hyht (1): However..
  125. M374L: He bounced it like twice. There's been worse fuck ups.
  126. Hyht (1): He and Lily are a package deal and I understand that
  127. Hyht (1): Lily has always been the one to say negative things first
  128. Hyht (1): She bitches at Karo all the time
  129. Hyht (1): Which I dont like very much
  130. Hyht (1): She never wishes to continue with the raid
  131. Hyht (1): Which I dont like
  132. Hyht (1): She get extremely grumpy in the past when Karo and I start out DPS wars
  133. Hyht (1): our^
  134. Hyht (1): She can not take critizism well
  135. M374L: I haven't seen any of that.
  136. Hyht (1): She gets frustrated extremely easily ie: Doesnt want to do DS anymore yet wanted to do Firelands because its easier
  137. M374L: Well it would have geared people. Everyone said no purely because it was old content.
  138. Hyht (1): These are things that more then myself have noticed
  139. Hyht (1): No
  140. Hyht (1): It would have been a waste of time
  141. Hyht (1): If you need gear, get in heroics
  142. M374L: Valor and 378 gear? Yeah ok.
  143. Hyht (1): They drop the same level of gear at a faster rate
  144. Hyht (1): I would rate you farm out 10 heroics in the time it takes us to figure out and down 2-3 bosses
  145. M374L: Would also help with raid xp. Working as a group.
  146. Hyht (1): Same gear... faster
  147. Hyht (1): Im not here to teach people the game :p
  148. Hyht (1): If people need their hand held on what not to stand in and how to move... they need to find a different place to do that
  149. Hyht (1): Because its not near my side
  150. M374L: It's whatever man. It's over with. I don't want to be upset with you anymore than I am already. I just feel fucked.
  151. Hyht (1): As I said before and say again
  152. Hyht (1): This move was nothing against you
  153. Hyht (1): Or you as a player
  154. Hyht (1): If you wish to join us
  155. Hyht (1): You have an open invite
  156. M374L: I know. Can't helpm it though, especially when there was no preivous mention other than us just talking about the guild and improvments.
  157. Hyht (1): And it wasnt like this was planned :p
  158. Hyht (1): Karo and I talked about it and decided the best option for us was to leave
  159. M374L: Also "we left get used to it" doesn't exactly leave a good taste in my mouth either.
  160. Hyht (1): Its a joke lol
  161. Hyht (1): We are here
  162. Hyht (1): We are queer
  163. Hyht (1): Get used to it?
  164. M374L: Not the time for funnies, old buddy.
  165. Hyht (1): Eh... tried to be nice about it I guess
  166. M374L: I still want to be friends don't get me wrong.
  167. Hyht (1): Sorry if it was given the wrong way
  168. Hyht (1): We better be friends!
  169. Hyht (1): I like you alot dude :P
  170. Hyht (1): You have an open invitiation on my couch
  171. Hyht (1): And I demand you come see Colorado :p
  172. Hyht (1): Pali... if you want to play with us
  173. Hyht (1): By all means
  174. Hyht (1): Open arms dude
  175. M374L: i sitll plan to come up and hang out. Eventually man.
  176. Hyht (1): You and Vahloo, as long as Vahloo can get his dps up but... thats the expectation with everyone
  177. M374L: I'm done raiding. If I play I'll probably pvp or something. Or just hang out
  178. Hyht (1): Well I am sorry for how it happened
  179. Hyht (1): Wasnt ment to cause harm or poor feelings
  180. Hyht (1): Btw
  181. Hyht (1): The name of our guild is my EvE Corps name
  182. Hyht (1): So dont think its in spite of you guys either
  183. Hyht (1): Just btw
  184. Hyht (1): :p
  185. Hyht (1): And as always my vent is your vent
  186. M374L: What was it? Trustless?
  187. Hyht (1): Yep
  188. Hyht (1): In eve is "Trustless Inc"
  189. M374L: Ah. You'll still see me around, don't worry about it.
  190. Hyht (1): Alright then
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