
An Anonymous Werewolf: Lewd Epilogue 2 (Fluttershy)

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. >You finish the last layer, using a trowel to spread the plaster. Within minutes, the drywall is fully repaired.
  2. >”Thank you again, Anon,” Fluttershy says with a smile as you stand up and wipe your hands clean on your jeans.
  3. “Well, it was my fault that we busted that huge hole in your wall.”
  4. >”Oh, no, no, it was all my fault. I wasn’t myself, and I just lost it,” she insists.
  5. “Yeah, but I was the one trying to steal a rabbit from you,” you point out. “Ah well. Water under the bridge, right Flutters?”
  6. >”Right,” she beams. “How about dinner, Anon? My treat.”
  7. “Well, I’ve never been one to refuse a meal offered to me by a vampire,” you tease as you move past her.
  8. >You miss her blush as she straightens herself. “It’s a recipe of my own making. No blood, I promise,” she jokes.
  9. “Not even in your salad dressing? Come on, I know you’ve got to work some of it into your diet.”
  10. >”No, really! Everything’s blood-free. It helps to avoid stains.”
  11. “So where do you keep it? The blood, I mean.”
  12. >She walks over to the fridge and opens it, revealing a number of blood bags. “I like to use straws,” she admits sheepishly.
  13. You chuckle. “Kind of like a juice box for vampires, huh?”
  14. >She smiles and fetches some foodstuffs out of the fridge and cupboard, preparing your dinner.
  15. >You walk over to the window and look outside at the setting sun as it slowly falls behind the trees of the Everfree National Forest.
  16. >It’s one of those nights where the moon is visible in the early hours of dusk. You reach up and touch the moonstone, feeling the aura it gives off.
  18. >The smell of something sweet reaches your nose.
  19. “Cookies?” you ask.
  20. >”I baked them all myself! Well, I practiced with Pinkie Pie, but these are all mine,” she says proudly. “Want one before dinner?”
  21. >She holds out the tray and you pick one. They’re rather thick and chewy, and still warm from the oven. They’re delicious—the chips alone are sweet and chunky.
  22. “Wonderful,” you say as you chew. “You definitely learned from the best.”
  23. >She nods and places them on the table as she goes back to making dinner. Her cottage is very comforting. Though it’s not the largest of places, it’s downright comfortable.
  24. >You sit down on one of her living room chairs and smile as you can’t help but watch her work.
  25. >She’s fussing over small details like the arrangement of the flowers on the table and checking on the progress of the meal.
  26. >It’s honestly really cute. She doesn’t need to work so hard around you, but it’s her home and she’s more than within her right to be a hospitable as possible.
  27. >As she leans over to examine the food in the oven, you can’t help but notice her rather curvy behind.
  28. >You look away as she stands up, dusting off her hands.
  29. >”It’ll be ready soon,” she says as she slips the apron off. She walks into the living room and sits opposite you.
  30. >You didn’t really think anything of it before, but her yellow sweater and spring green skirt is very attractive on her.
  31. “You know, you look really nice today,” you say, making her avert her eyes a bit and hide behind her long, pink hair.
  32. >”Oh, um… Thank you very much,” she says with a shy smile. “I think you… also look nice.”
  33. “In my work clothes?” you joke.
  35. >She quickly puts her hands up, shaking her head no. “Oh, no! That’s not that I meant at all! I meant that, um, I…”
  36. >You smile as you reach over and take her hands. They’re a little cold.
  37. “I know what you meant, Shy, I was just playing around.”
  38. >You look at her, but are unable to sense her emotions. Your newfound empathy that the white wolf gives you seems to not work on her during the night, when she is a vampire.
  39. >Suddenly you realize that, damn, her hands are actually really cold.
  40. “Are you alright? Is it cold in here, or is it just me?”
  41. >”It’s just me, actually,” she says, retracting her hands and folding them in her lap. “When it gets dark, I get… cold.”
  42. >You look her in the eyes, though she isn’t looking at you.
  43. “What’s it like?” you ask.
  44. >”I don’t like it very much,” she admits, quietly. “It’s something I’ve always had, but still, I… I don’t like having to feed. It’s blood that could be used to help people, and I… I always feel so selfish when I drink it.”
  45. “But you drink it to stay normal,” you counter. “Otherwise, you might get too hungry and risk hurting someone. Isn’t it better to keep yourself in check?”
  46. >She blinks a few times. “I guess that’s true… Still, I feel bad about—”
  47. >A small buzzer rings in the kitchen. “Oh! That’s the oven!” she says, leaping up and running inside, slipping a pair of ovenmits on.
  48. >You enter the kitchen as she removes a delicious-looking chicken. She sets it down and goes about preparing it.
  50. >In just a few minutes, you’re ready. She smiles and hands you a generous portion. When she’s seated, you smile and thank her and chow down.
  51. >She watches for a moment as you tear into the chicken, eating it like a ravenous dog would. You stop when you realize what you’re doing.
  52. “Sorry, it’s just, uh… it’s really very good,” you say, causing her to giggle.
  53. >”I thought the animal in you would like it,” she says as she takes out a small vial, dripping some blood onto her slices of chicken.
  54. >The two of you eat in relative silence. She really did go all out for this—the chicken is tender, juicy, properly basted and seasoned and the meat just falls off the bone. Your stomach approves as you practically attack the chicken and swallow it down.
  55. >Fluttershy watches, fascinated both by your behavior and the bottomless nature of your appetite.
  56. >You eat nearly half of the chicken before you’re all full.
  57. >She smiles and goes about putting the dishes away, before breaking out desert. You eat only two cookies, as any more and you’d feel a bit too full.
  58. “That was all great. Top compliments to the chef,” you say, holding a thumbs-up out.
  59. >”The least I could do, after all that’s happened,” she says. “You know… it’s liberating to be able to talk to someone all of this. I don’t know why I kept it from the girls for so long… It’s silly now, of course, since they all ended up having secrets of their own!”
  60. “Yeah,” you shake your head. “Things definitely got… interesting.”
  61. >”And I was a little silly myself… burning down Applejack’s barn… I still don’t know how I’m going to repay her for that.”
  62. “We could help her build a new one,” you suggest. “Yeah, using our powers! We both have enhanced strength, you can fly, Sunset’s got magic. Spike’s got enhanced strength too, and Gummy… well, I don’t know how long he can be out of the water, so…”
  64. >”You know, I visited Gummy in the swamp the other day!” Fluttershy says, sitting back down at the table. “He’s such a fascinating creature. We had a picnic with Pinkie Pie. You should join us sometime!”
  65. “I think I should steer clear of Gummy for a while,” you say, scratching the back of your head. “We had a bit of a scrap.”
  66. >”Yes, but he’s looking nice now,” Fluttershy says. “But I’m worried about him with the winter coming up. I know he’s lived in the swamp his whole life, but part of me wishes we had a warm pool we could keep him in until it warmed up again.”
  67. “Hmmm…” you scratch your chin. “We’ll have to see.”
  68. >You look at her hands resting on the table, and decide to reach out and touch them. She reacts by pulling them away, surprised.
  69. “I’m sorry,” you say. “I just… wanted to feel them.”
  70. >”They’re… cold…” she whispers.
  71. “I don’t mind.”
  72. >You reach out once more, holding your hands out. Slowly, she places them in your own.
  73. >You feel the chill of her touch as your fingers slowly rub her skin.
  74. >”You’re…”
  75. “What?”
  76. >”You’re very warm,” she says soflty.
  77. >You lean down and bring her hand to your lips, kissing them. You hear her gasp as her lips part in surprise.
  78. >”Why… why did you…?”
  79. >She’s blushing.
  80. “You can’t be all that cold if you’re blushing,” you say with a smile.
  81. >She looks away, embarrassed.
  82. >You kiss her hand again.
  84. “You were going to say something earlier. Something you felt bad about…?”
  85. >”Oh…”
  86. >She looks at you underneath her bangs. “I feel bad because the blood I drink is stolen. It could help people who need it, people hurt in accidents. And I take it because I need to.”
  87. “Maybe we can find another way,” you suggest. “Maybe work out some kind of deal with someone?”
  88. >”That would only lead to suspicious people investigating where the blood trail is leading,” she says. “No… no, the blood must be taken. I’m a vampire… we take blood.”
  89. >You squeeze her hand affectionately and smile.
  90. “Unless it’s willingly given.”
  91. >”Yes, but who would… give…”
  92. >Her voice trails off as she looks into your golden eyes.
  93. “I would.”
  94. >She seems a bit flustered, not knowing how to respond.
  95. “I mean, you’ve drank my blood twice. I don’t know how fast my new body produces it, but I’ve healed every time. You don’t need to steel blood if mine is easily available for consumption with no side effects.”
  96. >”Anon… I… I don’t know what to say… I never thought anyone would… for me…”
  97. >You smile and lift a hand to gently touch her cold cheek.
  98. “For you, anything.”
  99. >Her eyes lock with yours, her cheeks reddening.
  100. >You lean in a little closer, and she does as well.
  101. >Her eyes slowly drift closed, and she shakes a little, nervous.
  102. >You close the distance, capturing her lips in your first kiss with her.
  103. >She practically melts as she quivers against you, nervous and excited at the same time.
  104. >Her hand is squeezing yours tightly. You smile against her lips before parting and staring into her beautiful blue eyes.
  105. “Was that alright?” you ask, wearing a knowing smile.
  106. >She nods absent-mindedly as she subtly licks her lips.
  108. >You show her your tongue, and she seems a little confused. Then, you bite down on the end of it, just enough to draw a little bit of blood.
  109. >She’s mesmerized now as she sees the bright red fluid paint your white teeth.
  110. >You smile and lean in again.
  111. >She thrusts her lips against yours, voraciously licking and suckling at your lips, eager to taste of your blood.
  112. >Soon, your mouth is open and her tongue is exploring yours, dancing around it and sucking it into her mouth.
  113. >Upon tasting it, she moans deeply against you as you hold her shoulders. Her hands find your back and hold on tightly as you both find yourselves moving away from the table, down onto the floor.
  114. >There, things start getting very steamy. Her breathing grows heavier as she starts writhing against you.
  115. >It seems your blood awakened something within her, and she wants more.
  116. >Your hands slide down to her waist, then her rear, which you cup and play with.
  117. >She moans again as her breasts rub against you through her sweater. Her nostrils flare as you dig your hands into her pants, touching the bare flesh of her ass.
  118. >She rolls you over, ending up on top of you. Her hips grind against yours as she feels the hardness inside them.
  119. >She breaks the kiss and sits up, her panting revealing her fangs to you. You smile as she looks down at you, hungry for more than just blood.
  120. >”Anon…” she breathes. “You’re… so warm…”
  121. >You lean up and rest your head in the valley between her covered breasts as you lick her neck. She gasps and holds tightly onto you as you continue to grope her ass.
  122. >Her fingers at your back reach down to the bottom of your shirt and start working it upwards. You sit back to allow her to pull it off completely, leaving your chest bare, save for the moonstone hanging at your neck.
  124. >She licks her lips and fangs as she looks down at you. She all but tears herself out of her sweater, revealing her bountiful orbs of supple, gropeable flesh contained in a light pink bra.
  125. >You reach up and take hold of both of them, causing her to cry out as you squeeze and roll them around, kneading and playing with them.
  126. >You kiss the exposed parts of the flesh, licking between them as she holds onto the back of your head, whispering for more.
  127. >Your hands follow the straps of her bra backwards, until they reach the hooks. It takes a moment, but soon they’re unclasped and the bra falls free, letting you see her bare, beautiful chest.
  128. >She almost recoils out of shyness, but when your head moves to kiss and suckle upon one of her nipples, she rolls her head back and lets out small coos of pleasure as you tease the other nipple with your fingers.
  129. >Her flesh is cold, but it’s getting warmer. Her nipples point out, and when you bite softly down upon one, she cries out in pleasure.
  130. >”Oh, oh Anon… yes… yes! Mmmmm!”
  131. >You smile as she gasps. Your hands move up her bare back as you kiss your way back to her lips.
  132. >Your tongue wrangles its way into her mouth, feeling her fangs. You let her gently bite you, causing you only a small amount of pain, but her response to your taste reinvigorates and excites her all the more.
  133. >When she pulls back from your vigorous tonguing, a small line of blood trails down from her mouth onto her chin. You smile as she licks it up, finding it oddly erotic.
  134. >Hmmm… you’ve got an idea.
  135. >You reach up and grab a knife from the table, holding it in front of her.
  136. >”Anon… what are you…”
  137. >You take it and drag it slowly across your chest, just above your heart, only deep enough to draw blood.
  138. >Her eyes widen in shock as you do this. The pain stings you, but at the same time, feels good.
  140. >She doesn’t hold herself back as she dives down onto the wound, licking and sucking. You can’t help but moan at the stinging sensation, feeling her sucking the blood out of the wound.
  141. >Her fingers find your face, cupping it, allowing you to suckle on her fingers a bit as she licks the wound clean before it heals.
  142. >She brings her face up, the bottom have caked in smeared blood, which she tries licking up. She wipes some of it off with the back of one hand before licking the hand.
  143. >”Anon… you taste so good…”
  144. >You smile and hold up the knife, doing the same thing on the other side of your chest. Again she feeds, only this time she moves her legs and with her free hand starts rubbing your rock-hard erection through your pants.
  145. >As she drinks, sending painful yet pleasurable shocks throughout your body, she unzips you and works your cock out into the open air. She starts jacking it up and down as she sucks your blood. Her cold fingers feel fucking amazing; the contrast between the heat of your hot, hard organ and the chill of her touch is what makes the sensation truly unlike anything else.
  146. >You moan as she pulls away, the wound healing due to your natural regenerative factor.
  147. >Now she works her way down, coming to face your cock. She licks it and you shiver as her cold tongue touches it.
  148. >”So warm…” she whispers, closing her lips around the head and sucking.
  149. >You feel her fangs on the sensitive skin and shudder, both fearful and harder than ever.
  150. >She sucks away, taking you deeper and deeper in the cool, wet cavern of her throat, using her fingers to massage your balls and working the shaft with her tongue.
  151. >You feel yourself buckle and sharply draw in breath as she pulls up and blows on your cock, making you shiver from the cool air.
  152. >She’s slid her pants off, and is now crawling upwards with a smile on her face. She positions your cock at her entrance.
  154. >”I… I want to feel your heat inside me, Anon…”
  155. >You nod as she lowers herself onto you.
  156. >You both gasp at the sensations it brings. She, from the warmth and heat of your hard cock, and you from how cool and wet she is.
  157. >She places her hands on your chest and begins bouncing up and down, her cushiony behind jiggling each time she slams down to the base of your cock.
  158. >Your hands find her cheeks and spread them apart slightly as she rocks her hips back and forth, feeling your cock buried within her.
  159. >She bites her lips, not hard enough to draw blood, and cries out with each small thrust you give.
  160. >”Anon… I want…”
  161. You smile. “What?”
  162. >”I can’t… I can’t say it…” she pants, blushing from embarrassment.
  163. “Tell me…”
  164. >”I want you to… to turn into… the wolf…” she moans. “…Inside me…”
  165. >Your eyes widen.
  166. “Are you sure?”
  167. >”YES!” she says, slamming down again. “Turn, Anon, pleeeaaassse, oh god… Turn and take me like an, AH! LIKE AN ANIMAL!”
  168. >Your smile widens, and you let out a low growl that causes her to pause.
  169. “If you say so…”
  170. >You close your eyes as you feel the change coming on.
  171. >Like every time since you mastered your power as a white wolf, the change is swift. Flesh grows, expands and alters as your limbs change, hair grows and mouth extends with sharpened teeth.
  172. >Suddenly, Fluttershy gasps and nearly screams in pleasure as she feels something buried inside of her changing.
  173. >Your cock changes within her, and she feels it, her face part curiosity and part ecstasy. It grows, changes shape and thickens, causing her breathing to grow heavier and more labored as her body struggles to adapt to it.
  175. >She throws her head back and screams as you begin thrusting up into her again, reaching new places and stretching her like never before.
  176. >And the heat… she’s practically melting around your cock.
  177. >”OH, GOD! YES YES YES YES YES!” she cries as you move to stand, taking her with you.
  178. >You stand up, holding her backside in your large clawed hands as you bounce her up and down. You growl as she wraps her arms around your neck.
  179. >But you’re far from done. You move towards the wall, fucking her all the way, until her back is pressed up against it. With this new leverage, you position your legs spaced apart a bit and begin driving into her with a speed and power she never knew could be real.
  180. >Her eyes go wide and her mouth hangs open as she moans incoherent words of encouragement, urging you to go even harder and faster, that she can take it.
  181. >You know she can, and you’re eager to fill her up.
  182. >You howl as you plow away with abandon, thrusting into her like there’s no tomorrow. She reaches another orgasm—as for how many there have been since you transformed, you cannot say, but you keep going, feeling the muscles of her pussy clamp down around you, milking your wolfen cock for all its worth.
  183. >Her eyes make brief contact with yours as you fuck her, hard and fast. She’s begging you for more.
  184. >”Anon… ANON! YES, oh, oh, OH, OH! YES, YES, MMMM! HMM-MMMMMMPH OHHHHH!!!”
  185. >You slam into her one more time, feeling your climax build up to a breaking point.
  186. >The walls of the dam are broken, the floodgates are opened, and your seed spills out of you like a hose.
  187. >Her eyes roll upwards as she feels the hot, sticky spunk fill her completely. You pull out a bit, painting the wall and her stomach with a few more spurts of the thick gobs, but it doesn’t end until one shoots up and lands on her face, causing her to close her eyes.
  189. >Then, your cock starts to slowly lose its hardness and go flaccid. It rests on her stomach amidst a puddle of thick white cream.
  190. >You pant, staring down at her.
  191. >Her breathing is slow. Your canine seed drips out of her ravaged pussy and onto the floor.
  192. >Slowly, she opens her mouth and licks her lips, tasting you. She wipes the spunk out of her eyes and stares lazily into yours.
  193. >You look down at her and say nothing. Instead, you carry her to the shower and crank up the warm water.
  194. >As you clean her, transforming back into your human form within the shower, her face wears a calm, peaceful look.
  195. >She’s warm again, both inside and outside.
  196. >Her blue eyes open. “Hey…” she says. “I’m still a little hungry…”
  197. >You pause in your washing of her and smile.
  198. >Time for a steamy round 2 in the shower.
  199. >You hope it won’t need to be replaced by the time you two are through…
  200. >But you also couldn’t care as she grabs your rapidly hardening cock.
  201. >That’s the thing about enhanced stamina.
  202. >It doesn’t take long to get back going.
  203. >You don’t know how much stamina vampires have, but something tells you that until the sun rises, you’re going to be keeping her warm.
  204. >Both inside, and outside.
  206. End of Epilogue 2.
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