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Jun 18th, 2016
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  1. [1:52 AM] tricky minaj: A bit of an ambitious idea is that the channels could be open to users on a sort of opt-in basis
  2. [1:52 AM] tricky minaj: I.E if you want to roleplay, you get the roleplay tag and you can see the rp channels
  3. [1:52 AM] ExPorygon: apparently this might be something you could program a bot to do
  4. [1:52 AM] tricky minaj: But that either requires admins being bugged all the time or some bot work
  5. [1:52 AM] ExPorygon: so admins dont have to be bothered a lot
  6. [1:53 AM] ExPorygon: it really isnt necessary but i think it'd be pretty neat if nothing else
  7. [1:53 AM] DeityDiz93: Could be a good idea for Googie to impliment with RoboNitori.
  8. [1:55 AM] Eleky: tl;dr: Bot gives role to user by a command?
  9. [1:55 AM] tricky minaj: Yeah
  10. [1:55 AM] ExPorygon: not all roles obviously
  11. [1:55 AM] Eleky: ah
  12. [1:55 AM] ExPorygon: but the ones in question
  13. [1:55 AM] tricky minaj: A select few
  14. [1:55 AM] ExPorygon: for example, if you wanted to be involved in roleplay
  15. [1:55 AM] ExPorygon: you could use some command to add you to the roleplay group
  16. [1:56 AM] ExPorygon: which would then allow you to see and participate in the specific text chats
  17. [1:56 AM] ExPorygon: BUT since you can already mute rooms you dont care about it wouldnt be a huge deal not to have
  18. [1:56 AM] ExPorygon: and there is also the problem of people discovering those rooms in the first place if they can't be seen by default
  19. [1:57 AM] tricky minaj: Another benefit is that if you mute a room, you still show up in the userlist
  20. [1:58 AM] tricky minaj: So if I absolutely don't care about RP, but if someone in a RP room uses a @ command to everyone in the room, I'll get a notification(edited)
  21. [1:59 AM] tricky minaj: If the server uses a system of assigning roles, such that only people who want to be in a room are in it, users could ping the entire room knowing that everyone there cares
  22. [2:00 AM] tricky minaj: That assumes pinging is even a thing - if not then it simply means that the user list on the right is 100% people who want to be there and share the interest
  23. [2:01 AM] ExPorygon: we actually have experience with such a system in another group that I run, but there are way less members so admins handle role assignments directly
  24. [2:01 AM] ExPorygon: the only big thing i can think of is members not using the role assigning commands corretly
  25. [2:01 AM] ExPorygon: and then having to ask us anyway
  26. [2:01 AM] tricky minaj: When it's time to RP, someone can ping the room and get it started easily. No one is bothered at all, since it's opt-in.
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