

Aug 15th, 2015
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  1. Back at the Money Inc. Christmas party, the time had come to exchange gifts. Okada opened his first. The tag read Terry, and inside was a vinyl record, Terry Funk's GREAT TEXAN. Okada's eyes lit up, and he almost cried.
  3. "I--how--I can't believe it! I wanted this so badly as a child, but it was always sold out!"
  5. Terry shot him a lopsided grin. "Well, hoss, when it's your album, you find a way to get a few copies complimentary." Next up was Funk, whose tag read FUKTRANE. He opened up the box and pulled out some sort of leather contraption.
  7. "Well, uh, this is nice and all, but... I can't seem to figure out what in tarnation its use is." Fucktrain just rocked back and forth, giggling.
  9. "IT-it's a MUZzle, cuz, CUZ, since that BACklund left... you just AIN'T BEEN ABLE TO SHUT UP ABOUT HIM! AAAAAHHAHAHAHAAAAAA!" Funk put the muzzle back in the box, insulted and more than a little weirded out. Fucktrain opened his next, a present from Okada in beautiful golden wrapping paper. As soon as DiBiase saw what was in the box, his eyes went wide and he urged Fucktrain to close the box.
  11. "FUCKTRAIN! I, uh, Fucktrain, I think that gift might be better opened... on your own time." DiBiase leaned over to Okada.
  13. "Jesus christ, Kazuya, we can't show that on camera! This is HBO, not... not... Jesus christ, I don't think you can show that crap in America, period!" Kazuya hung his head, embarrassed.
  15. "I admit, it is a bit racy, but what do you get for the man who's had everything?" Ted just sighed.
  17. "I guess you didn't know. Anyway, Fucktrain, open this next!" The gift was in plain black paper and the tag just read FROM TED. Fucktrain had a hard time getting it open, but when it finally yielded, there was a shiny new mask, just the same design as his old one, but not stained and ripped. Plus, it had beautiful shiny white trim. Fucktrain just looked at Ted, then looked at the mask, then looked at Ted again.
  19. "What... what is this?" Ted couldn't quite figure out a response, leading to an awkward lingering silence, which was interrupted by Steve Corino.
  21. "Uh... not to be rude, but what about my gift?" Ted didn't even make eye contact, just tossed him an envelope. Corino was excited, but that excitement turned to sorrow as he opened the envelope and found a notice reading TERMINATED: EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY. He tried to ask DiBiase about it, but Ted just shrugged him off as Fucktrain studied the mask, like he'd never seen anything like it before. Corino just stood and left, a tear in his eye.
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