
/optcg/ stuff

Apr 17th, 2015
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  1. NOTE: this pastebin is only meant to be a starting point for new players and not an all-encompassing encyclopedia, so don't start whining like a little bitch if it doesn't answer every question you might have; for that, there are the various guides linked below, WHICH YOU SHOULD CHECK.
  3. NOTE 2: since apparently this needs to be said, DON'T BE A FUCKING DICK. We're all people trying to enjoy a fucking game because of our love of One Piece, just because there is a pastebin with some instructions written on it, you are not entitled to be a total edgy douchebag to every new player that posts in the thread. Yes, there are idiots who needs everything spoonfed to them; being a dickwad still helps no fucking one. Stop acting like an angry 12 year old kid with asthma, jesus fucking christ.
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  6. # LINKS #
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  9. Game (Android):
  10. Game (iOS):
  11. Android Emulator (PC): (there are others, but this generally works the best for OPTC)
  13. English Guide (Global):
  14. English Guide (Japanese):
  16. Official Guide (Global): (not really too useful, use the other one)
  17. Official Guide (Japanese): (not really too useful, use the other one)
  19. Forums:
  21. /optcg/ DB (form):
  22. /optcg/ DB (entries):
  24. Other shit posted in /optcg/ threads:
  25. - Drop/EXP/Stamina guide: (publicly editable, don't trust it too much)
  26. - Tally for mats: ("You'll have to copy it into your own account to edit it, though (File > Make a copy)")
  27. - Team building guide?:
  28. - Fast rerolling guide:
  29. - Event log (both Japanese and Global):
  30. - Damage calculator for Mihawk: (also works for other bosses)
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  36. 1) The RNG hates you.
  38. 2) Devil Fruits are called Rainbow Gems because Bandai.
  40. 3) If you "pull" shitty characters at the start, it might be worth rerolling (read the English guide linked above).
  42. 4) Save your gems for Sugofest events and other events that make unique characters available.
  44. 5) Save your cola bottles for the Merry Go, it's the best ship right now (gives 1.2x to 1.5x ATK bonus).
  46. 6) Save your friend points (FP) for events that give you the chance of pulling evolvers when doing FP pulls.
  48. 7) Any given character can only appear once in a team (eg. you can't have Gear Second Luffy and Gear Third Luffy in the same team, as they're both Luffy), so don't waste your time trying to build a team of Zoro's or Chopper's. Friend captains are not included in this.
  50. 8) You generally want to start your combo chains with the weakest characters and end them with your strongest characters. That way, your strongest characters will receive the highest ATK bonuses, provided you don't miss (Great attack = 0.1 bonus to ATK, Perfect attack = 0.3 bonus to ATK).
  51. 8bis) A matching orb (an orb of the same type of the unit) will double a unit's attack; an opposite orb (an orb of the type the unit is weak to) will halve a unit's attack. Try not to end your chains with characters having an opposite orb.
  53. 9) Some characters (Enraged Arlong, Gear Third Luffy, Miss Wednesday, ...) are very hard to get Perfect hits with unless you disable SFX (Main Menu > Others > Options > SFX).
  55. 10) The clock on the English guide gives you the correct PST time, don't trust Google's (which uses DST).
  59. 12) If you're not sure what the hell you are doing, post in a /optcg/ thread.
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  65. 1) A unit can only be evolved once they reach max level. Different units require different amount of EXP to reach max level. A unit gains EXP when they are fed other units, just like explained in the tutorial at the start (which I'm sure you remember).
  67. 2) Feeding a unit X to a unit Y of the same color as X will grant a 50% EXP bonus. eg if a green marine gives 1000 EXP when fed to a red unit, the same green marine would give 1500 EXP when fed to a green unit. For this reason, feeding units of the same colors is usually the fastest and most cost-effective way to level up a unit.
  69. 3) Feeding a unit X to a unit Y will grant a 50% EXP bonus if the two units are the same CHARACTER. eg. if you feed Gear Second Luffy to Gear Third Luffy -both of which are Luffy- you get a 50% EXP bonus.
  70. 3bis) The bonus only applies to the EXP generated by the character itself. eg. if you feed G2 Luffy (1000 EXP) and four other units (1000 EXP each) to a G3 Luffy, you will only get 1000*1.5+4000 = 5500 EXP, not (1000+4000)*1.5 = 7500 EXP.
  72. 4) When feeding, you have a chance of getting a Super Success, which grants a 50% EXP bonus. While Super Successes are officially random, it is widely believed that the game has long since achieved self-awareness and will only give you Super Successes when you least need them.
  73. 4bis) There are often events that double the chance of getting a Super Success; for that reason, a lot of people like to save their turtles and porcs (see the next section) for such events, in the hope of getting more Super Successes.
  75. 5) All the EXP bonuses mentioned above stack with each other. eg. if you feed a unit to itself (eg G2 Luffy to another G2 Luffy) and get a Super Success, the overall bonus will be 1.5*1.5*1.5 = 3.375 = 237.5%.
  77. 6) Most of the Strawhats have two evolution paths leading to the third and final stage. DO. NOT. USE. the evolution that requires a crab, you'll be wasting 256k EXP for no good reason.
  78. 6bis) The only exceptions to this are Usopp and, to a lesser extent, Nami (see the section below)
  80. 7) Some characters have two different and separate evolution trees (eg Standard Luffy who evolves into Gear Second Luffy and Balloon Luffy who evolves into Gear Third Luffy). Make sure you do not feed/sell these characters thinking you already have them.
  82. 8) Feeding a unit X to a unit Y has a chance of leveling up Y's special if X's and Y's specials have the same name. When a special levels up, its cooldown period is decreased by one. If Y evolves into unit Z and Y's and Z's specials have the same name, the level of the special is carried over; otherwise, it resets back to 0.
  83. 8bis) For all intents and purposes, manuals (drops that can be gotten only on challenge islands) are simply units having a special of the same name as the manual itself (meaning they do NOT grant a certain special level up when fed to the correct character).
  84. 8bisbis) You can keep feeding manuals to a character even after they've reached max level.
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  87. # TURTLES AND PORCS 101 #
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  90. 1) Turtles and porcs are used as a source of EXP. In fact, they are the best method to level up your characters quickly.
  92. 2) Don't fucking sell the turtles you get at the start.
  94. 3) Don't waste turtles and porcs on crappy characters.
  95. 3bis) Don't waste turtles on characters already near to max level, the EXP does not carry over. eg., if a turtle gives you 55k EXP and the character only needs 20k EXP to reach max level, don't use the turtle, you'll be wasting 35k EXP.
  97. 4) When possible, save your turtles and porcs for Super Success boosting events (see the section above).
  99. 5) The best way to obtain turtles is to complete turtle island. Turtle island is an island that only shows up on Monday at "random" times. The island appears twice per day (two 30-minute windows 10 hours apart from each other), costs 15 stamina and has 5 rounds, each with a guaranteed drop. Depending on your luck, you may either get 4 baby turtles and 1 adult turtle (worst case scenario) or 3 adult turtles and 2 elder turtles (best case scenario).
  100. 5bis) The exact schedule of turtle Mondays is usually posted on the English guide a few days in advance, so keep an eye out.
  101. 5bisbis) The best teams to tackle turtle island are the marine tandem team (read the English guide) and double Marco teams.
  103. 6) Porcs are obtained from the Jeweled Porc Sanctuary island, which can only be accessed by spending three keys. Keys, in turn, are obtained from barrel breaking (Friends > Friend Game). You can only do barrel breaking with people in your friends list if the two of you are geographically close to each other. Since most people in /optcg/ threads are a bunch of autistic creeps with no IRL friends, we generally resort to using fake GPS apps to trick the game into thinking we are in the same location (read the English guide for instructions on how to do so). The location we generally use is "Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture" (birthplace of Oda).
  104. 6bis) You can technically do barrel breaking any day of week, but a lot of people do it on Monday when the counters reset, so watch out.
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  110. 1) Captains (more specifically, captain abilities) are the most important part of a team. Your team IS your captains. Having good captains but shitty crew members makes things a little more difficult, having good crew members but shitty captains makes things impossible.
  111. 1bis) The best captains are (generally) those who grant a boost to ATK.
  112. 1bisbis) You can't use a helper's captain ability unless the two of you are friends and you can only have a limited number of friends, so choose your friends well.
  114. 2) There are generally two ways to build a team: by type (STR, DEX, QCK, ...) or by class (slasher, fighter, shooter, ...). Type-based teams need captains that boost their respective type; class-based teams need captains that boost their respective class. Try to have as many crew members as you can who can take advantage of your captain's captain ability.
  116. 3) Golden Pound Usopp (aka GPU, crab-evolution of standard Usopp) is widely considered one of the best units in the game for his special ability to delay all enemies for 3 turns and his low cooldown period. GPU's only downside are his shitty stats, which usually relegate him to the start of the combo chain. Sogeking (standard Usopp's third and final form) has better stats than GPU but also a higher cooldown period, which makes him worse than GPU (you won't be using Usopp for damage anyway); for this reason, evolving GPU is generally considered a terrible idea.
  118. 4) Mirage Tempo Nami (crab-evolution of standard Nami) is also considered a good support unit for her special ability to block INT enemies for one turn, which usually comes particularly in handy when fighting tanky bosses who can inflict a world of pain (eg Rainbow Dragon, 2m HP and 18k damage)
  120. 5) Arlong is a popular captain for starting teams, since he can be acquired early on, he has the third highest attack in the game and he has a decent captain ability (2x to slashers, meaning you can build a decent slasher team).
  122. 6) A popular captain for taking on raid bosses with weak or underleveled teams is Vivi, more specifically Princess Vivi (third form of standard Vivi). You can actually build two different kinds of Vivi teams:
  123. - Princess Vivi + Lionsong Zoro (or Streaming Wolf Swords Zoro): Zoro will reduce all damage by 80% as long as you have full health, Vivi will constantly heal you at the end of your turn. With a Vivi+Zoro team you have to make sure that Vivi can heal you enough to always be at full health before the enemy attacks (eg if the enemy does 10k damage every turn, Zoro will reduce it to 2k and Vivi will need to heal at least 2k HP to get you back to full health and reactivate Zoro's captain ability)
  124. - Princess Vivi + Laboon (or Brook, Kid Sabo, ...): Laboon will keep you alive as long as you have more than 50% health (even if the enemy is capable of one-shotting you), Vivi will constantly heal you at the end of your turn. With a Vivi+Laboon team you have to make sure Vivi can heal at least 50% of your total HP before the enemy attacks (eg if the enemy attacks every turn, Vivi has to heal at least 50% of your health every turn). YOUR BOAT'S HP BONUS AND YOUR FRIEND CAPTAIN'S HP ARE COUNTED TOWARDS THIS LIMIT. This effectively puts a cap on the number and type of characters you can bring in a fight, and it generally means you'll have to resort to using weaker characters; for this reason, Laboon teams are generally considered a much safer and yet much slower alternative to Lionsong teams (which are already slow on their own).
  125. Regardless of what strategy you decide to use, make sure to remember that a) Vivi teams can only help you when fighting a single enemy, multiple enemies will wreck you; b) battles will be agonizingly slow (you won't have any captains providing a boost to ATK); c) Vivi+Lionsong can't tank all enemies: Princess Vivi can only heal 2385 HP at level 99, meaning you can't tank any enemy capable of doing more than 2385*5 = ~12k damage (assuming the enemy hits every turn, that is).
  127. 7) Good captains to consider when building your team ([] = not yet available on global at the time of this writing):
  128. - Any team: Gear Third Luffy, Whitebeard, Rayleigh, [Sengoku], [Log Luffy]
  129. - STR teams: Kuma, [Strong World Luffy], [Strong World Franky], [Blackbeard], [Fossa]
  130. - DEX teams: Asura Zoro, Law, [Strong World Zoro], [Decalvan Brothers], [Duval]
  131. - QCK teams: Jozu, Ace, Killer, Hancock, [Thatch], [Enel Raidboss], [Marco Commander]
  132. - PSY teams: Shanks, Marco, Garp, Hancock, [Strong World Shanks], [Squard], [Marco Commander]
  133. - INT teams: Vista, Towel Nami, Moria, Drake, [Whitey Bay]
  134. - Slasher teams: Arlong, Mihawk, [Doflamingo], [Doma], [Mihawk Shichibukai]
  135. - Fighter teams: Zeff, Jinbei, [Namur], [Hack]
  136. - Striker teams: Urouge, Eustass Kid, [Aokiji], [Rakuyo],
  137. - Shooter teams: [Zephyr], [Strong World Ace], [Oars Jr.]
  138. - Freedom teams: [Adult Sabo], [Ivankov Gatcha], [Calgara]
  139. - Knowledge teams: [Crocodile Logia]
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