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House d'Tremaine Timeline

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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. 3 IE: House al'Tremaine officially comes into existence in the Old Colony, according to written records
  3. 4 IE -20 IE: House al'Tremaine conquers most of the northwestern lands of the fledgling Old Colony on behalf of First Emperor Darius, either driving out their natives or assimilating them. As a result of their aid and valor, they are given a sizeable portion of lands and become a dukedom.
  5. 881 IE: Following the conversion to the One Faith, the last scion who believed in The Many dies and House al'Tremaine becomes increasingly devoted to the One Faith henceforth.
  7. 1357 - 1397 IE: House al'Tremaine fights valiantly during the Forging Wars and ultimately bend their knee to Aequor once the conflict concludes. The house is re-fashioned House d'Tremaine. They lose a considerable amount of men and resources with the retreat of the Vir Sidus Empire and are forced to part with some of their land and titles as a result, but remain a county.
  9. 1769 IE: House d'Tremaine happily joins the Crusade, but they are under the inept leadership of a teenage count, Count Geoffroi, and thus their aid is greatly hindered and they lose favor with the king.
  11. 1775 IE: House d'Tremaine is reduced to a Barony when Count Geoffroi attempts a truce with an Icenailan warlord, greatly offending the King, in an attempt to hold onto some land. As a result, they are forced to forfeit it.
  13. 1777-1794 IE: Civil war! The generals and knights of House d'Tremaine begin to support Lady Jehanne, older sister of the sitting baron (former count), when she challenges her brother for his title - due to his incompetent leadership and poor stewardship over the county and it's people. Battle erupts between Geoffroi's supporters and the dissenters under Jehanne's banner. The war is ended when Geoffroi flees when his fortifications fall, never to be heard of again, and his sister is made baroness.
  15. 1796 IE: The baroness wisely negotiates allegiance to House al'Callenta and restores House d'Tremaine's favor with the King.
  17. 1798 IE: Succession law is changed from primogeniture to absolute primogeniture, allowing the eldest daughter to inherit titles. There is some grumbling from the older generation.
  19. 1799 IE: Baroness Jehanne is killed by an assassin's blade five years later. Her heir, her son Hamon, is an infant - and raised away in House al'Callenta for his safety while his great uncle rules as regnant.
  21. 1816 IE: Hamon officially becomes Baron d'Tremaine. He continues the road to recovery his mother and uncle began, but it is interrupted by...
  23. 1818 IE: The Thirty Years War. House d'Tremaine is compelled to aid King Robert against the southerners in spite of the state of their fortunes, and pay dearly for it. They engage House Tarris on the battlefield in defense of their land and liege and lose in spite of their valiant efforts.
  25. 1837 IE: Baron Hamon is forced to sell most of House d'Tremaine's holdings back to the crown in order to keep the war-wracked economy afloat.
  27. 1851 IE: Baron Hamon dies. His eldest son, Benjamin, takes up the mantle of baron.
  29. 1860 IE: Lady Antonia - Baron Benjamin's eldest child and initial heir - is betrothed and ultimately wed to Prince Sylvain al'Ramar in an unconventional arrangement. The agreement forfeits her place in the succession, giving it to her brother Elrick instead, but it is regarded as a splendid trade considering it is a match between a royal house and a mere barony.
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