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Oct 12th, 2024
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  2. Dave Theurer has refuted a curious urban legend, according to which, arcade patrons in 1984 were intimidated by his video game "I, Robot", due to it being more complex than what they were used to, so it was decided to load 500 arcade cabinets of it onto a ship leaving for Japan, with the order to dump them overboard half-way during the voyage.
  3. Imagine that this event actually happened in the SCP Foundation storyverse, and write a brief story about it.
  4. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6. SCP-XXXX - "The Lost Voyage"
  8. Threat Level: Safe
  10. Description: SCP-XXXX is the collective name used to refer to the fragments of ship and cargo recovered in the Pacific Ocean after the event occurred in 1984, known as "The Lost Voyage", in which 500 arcade machines of the video game "I, Robot" were loaded onto a ship directed to Japan, with the intention of dumping them overboard halfway through the voyage.
  12. The ship, named SS Abyssus, left the port of San Francisco with the goal of getting rid of the "I, Robot" cabinets. However, during the voyage, the ship's crew began to experience abnormal phenomena. They reported sightings of disturbing figures that seemed to emerge from the screens of the cabinets. Many crew members also reported strange mental disorders, including hallucinations and paranoia.
  14. As the ship approached the point where the cabinets were to be thrown overboard, the darkness and tension increased. The crewmen had the feeling that someone was watching them, and heard whispers coming from the cabinets. Some crew members disappeared, and those remaining on board were scared and distraught.
  16. When the SS Abyssus reached the designated location to drop the cabinets, darkness enveloped the ship and a powerful storm suddenly arose. The "I, Robot" cabinets started vibrating and emitting an ominous light, while a malevolent presence seemed to spread through the air.
  18. In a cataclysmic event, the ship was engulfed by a dark vortex and disappeared into thin air, leaving only fragments of wreckage floating on the ocean's surface. No survivors were ever found.
  20. It is believed that the malevolent presence inside the "I, Robot" cabinets was responsible for the anomalous event. The connection between the real world and the virtual world represented by these cabinets has created a breach, allowing dark entities to manifest and consume the ship and its crew.
  22. Additional Notes: "The Lost Voyage" event represents one of video games' first forays into anomaly territory in recorded history. It is a warning of the potential dangers that can arise from the connection between the real and virtual worlds, and requires careful investigation and containment to avoid further similar incidents.
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. SCP-XXXX - "I, Robot" arcade cabinet
  27. Threat Level: Safe (update to Keter might be required)
  29. Description: The first polygonal video game in history, "I, Robot" was intimidating for gamers of the time because it was considered too complex. For this reason, Atari decided to get rid of the unsold cabinets by loading them onto a ship leaving for Japan, with the order to dump them into the sea.
  31. On September 14, 1984, at 3:00 local time, 500 cabinets were sunk near the East Japan Subduction Zone. Less than 6 hours later, a crystalline creature with the ability to invert gravity emerged from the [REDACTED] volcano, flew towards the [REDACTED] Prefecture, detached 3.45 million cubic meters of rock from the southern face of Mount [REDACTED] and dropped the mass onto the village of [REDACTED], destroying it.
  33. Due to the event, 29 people were reported dead or missing. Survivors could observe rock and trees shooting off the ground at great speed where the creature passed, while the ground vibrated with accelerations greater than Earth gravity.
  34. The creature was stopped by diverting the flow of the [REDACTED] River with dynamite, which submerged the creature and led to the formation of Lake [REDACTED].
  36. This cabinet was found 25 years later, completely intact, at the bottom of the lake, despite the serial number identifying it as one of those that were sunk into the sea. It is unknown whether its presence awoke the creature, or if the creature is the cabinet itself in another shape.
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