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a guest
May 19th, 2019
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  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Fakes
  3. // @include http*
  4. // @grant none
  5. // ==/UserScript==
  7. var tempo = 100;
  8. var x = 0;
  10. javascript: var FakesPorAldeia = 1; var sp = 0;var sw = 0;var ax = 0;var scout = 0;var lc = 1;var hv = 0;var cat = 0;var ra = 0;
  11. var coords ='486|548 493|548 493|533 470|537 475|536 485|549 481|533 480|534 487|530 483|538 471|536 471|548 467|546 473|553 471|553 476|557 486|560 466|551 491|562 475|560 488|532 479|533 479|541 470|535 487|544 487|542 488|538 489|531 486|546 489|529 480|543 483|547 496|534 495|550 489|551 488|539 478|548 477|551 490|555 473|548 474|554 473|555 494|562 ';
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  13. console.log("xxx");
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