

May 12th, 2016
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  1. Search "GSIV:Thondalar.+(hunting|alabama)" (54 hits in 37 files)
  2. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2015-10-06-6.log (1 hit)
  3. Line 27410: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I admit I haven't done much hunting since switching to UAC, but, I still 1-hit punch to the head from ambush"
  4. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2015-11-15-1.log (3 hits)
  5. Line 19509: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "that's true, Threm...I always laugh at people who say Florida isn't "the South"...they're talking about Coastland Florida....central FL is just as Country as Georgia or Alabama"
  6. Line 27399: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "don't be dumb...if your character is running all over the hunting area like a crazy person, and attacking everything in site, chances are they're going to be script-checked by either a player or GM"
  7. Line 27407: [Prime]-GSIV:Thondalar: "don't be dumb...if your character is running all over the hunting area like a crazy person, and attacking everything in site, chances are they're going to be script-checked by either a player or GM"
  8. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2015-12-02-9.log (1 hit)
  9. Line 19514: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "hunting past fried goes straight to fame"
  10. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2015-12-14-7.log (1 hit)
  11. Line 28224: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I've always had dogs...mostly hunting dogs, dad raised and kept hog dogs while I was growing up"
  12. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2015-12-16-7.log (2 hits)
  13. Line 22101: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "so, I just found this horn, digging through a pile of crap...pretty interesting analyze. It has three actions for everyone, and three more for rangers only. In the analyze, it states: "This item may be altered...; however, the noun must remain "hunting horn." Well alright, good enough, but...the item description is "a carved rowan horn" it already violates its own analyze"
  14. Line 22361: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "but, according to their own alteration guidelines, "hunting horn" would be illegal, because you can't assume that every character would be able to immediately recognize a "hunting" horn over any other sort of horn."
  15. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2015-12-28-8.log (1 hit)
  16. Line 11426: [Prime]-GSIV:Thondalar: "honestly...the Rift is the greatest hunting area in the game...if you've never been there, and you're of level to get there...go hunt there. Just for the environment."
  17. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2015-12-30-1.log (1 hit)
  18. Line 7901: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "my rogue loves some smastery, especially with 3x S&H....superfluous in some hunting areas, but works great on PC's"
  19. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-01-10.log (1 hit)
  20. Line 3169: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "Oeath...I've played GS since 1990...I'm also chairman of Paupers, and do plenty of other things in GS besides hunting"
  21. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-03-4.log (1 hit)
  22. Line 550: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "you can, but for pure smiths, you mostly have to sit around the tower waiting for boxes...for me it was a bit easier because I had hunting alts, I got all my own boxes, just not with my rogue"
  23. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-03-6.log (1 hit)
  24. Line 12435: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "been hunting my little wiz and little warrior together because they were within 2 levels of each other...the little wiz I've retrained to full enchanter now, I need to get the little warrior (forging alt) to 46 to use all of his forging enhancives...guess I'll be borrowing my wife's empath to make that happen quick and easy"
  25. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-03-7.log (1 hit)
  26. Line 1001: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "my main wizard died three times between 20 and 70, and all three were first trips to new hunting areas when I didn't know what to look for"
  27. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-10-11.log (2 hits)
  28. Line 15095: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "no...head hunting by Bur-whatever and the follow-up shoving the Ref by good ol' Pacman Jones sealed Cinci's fate...hey, honest to God, I wanted the Bengals to win that game...I was SO stoked when McCarron drove that shit down field and scored twice..."
  29. Line 15443: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "also, Burrfict's head hunting wasn't in question....that was pure bullshit....Pacman's unsportsman....maybe there is some give there...but what started the whole deal was pure headhunting taking out Brown"
  30. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-11-5.log (1 hit)
  31. Line 21318: [Prime]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I was hunting mine road with a guy, we killed an orc and found a gold ring...I slung my shield and picked it up, dude killed me and took it...AND my shield"
  32. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-11-6.log (1 hit)
  33. Line 1117: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "when I came back, leveling was less important to me...I focused more on creating that, I don't mean 100 chars under 20, but the chars I made...I focused more on creating THEM...their personalities, their stories...more so than just hunting and levels"
  34. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-20-9.log (1 hit)
  35. Line 28414: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "sorry, wtf does a high pair on LIR have to do with hunting anything?"
  36. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-22-9.log (2 hits)
  37. Line 5235: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "well, in the fact that I'm here...I'm saying, still hunting every day even though they're a zillion points post-cap"
  38. Line 15243: [Prime]-GSIV:Thondalar: "my actual fame is much greater...the fame number you can pull up is basically just how much stuff your character has killed. I haven't killed anything in about 5, wait, not true...I went on a hunting binge about a year ago, gained like 3 levels"
  39. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-23-1.log (3 hits)
  40. Line 17057: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "because nobody wants to have a capped rogue with good gear hunting them?"
  41. Line 17326: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "yeah, that's the best, Daiyon...that's what I used to do with Ajaxx...find out where they rested, sneak into the room and stalk them from there...ambush them when they were engaged with what they were hunting"
  42. Line 17328: [monitor: Inside def ignore_list. Line being tested is: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "yeah, that's the best, Daiyon...that's what I used to do with Ajaxx...find out where they rested, sneak into the room and stalk them from there...ambush them when they were engaged with what they were hunting"]
  43. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-26-8.log (1 hit)
  44. Line 10699: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "group hunting is necessarily easier"
  45. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-01-27-10.log (1 hit)
  46. Line 2212: [Merchant]-GSIV:Thondalar: "curled rolton horn banded with golden imflass...hunting horn, several zests for everyone, 3 special ones for rangers. First 75k"
  47. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-02-03-6.log (1 hit)
  48. Line 18852: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "my first experience with that was about 1990...somewhere in there....was hunting mine road with a dude, we killed an orc that dropped a gold ring...I slung my shield to pick up the ring, other dude went straight fuck you, killed me and took the gold ring AND my mithril broadsword"
  49. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-02-06-13.log (1 hit)
  50. Line 23220: [Merchant]-GSIV:Thondalar: "curled rolton horn banded with golden imflass...ranger hunting horn, several actions, with three special ones for rangers only. First 100k"
  51. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-02-06-14.log (2 hits)
  52. Line 2502: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "me too. All my hunting is still done via macro"
  53. Line 2661: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I know aliases, and I have a lot, mostly for travel, though...I still prefer macro for hunting."
  54. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-02-13-9.log (1 hit)
  55. Line 13505: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "well yeah, ensorcell lets sorcs print money if they play actively, but I'm just saying...any class can make money. You don't make money from hunting."
  56. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-02-16-9.log (2 hits)
  57. Line 16236: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "last buck I killed was a 10-point...I'm 35...17 years ago? Man...I need to get back out there. Life got in the way of hunting."
  58. Line 16387: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "had a hunt camp outside of Selma, Alabama for many Dad's Cousin is Ronny Raboud, owns RabCo...used to be a hunting supplier, now he does pre-fab metal buildings...anyway, used to have access to some really amazing hunting there in southwest Alabama"
  59. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-02-22-14.log (6 hits)
  60. Line 6102: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "aren't exactly a lot of options for capped hunting. It doesn't matter."
  61. Line 6146: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "just because I don't currently have a capped char, I've never had one, or I'm not friends with multiple capped people, or I don't know how this game works, or how hunting works?"
  62. Line 7192: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I don't recall talking specifically about hunting pressure"
  63. Line 9479: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "take a break from hunting and back up your libel"
  64. Line 17476: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "K, I'm not hunting, I can do that"
  65. Line 18028: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "[LNet]-GSIV:Sylpher: "which capped hunting area has the best loot?" [LNet]-You: "none of them" [LNet]-GSIV:Sylpher: "all equally bad?" [LNet]-GSIV:Droit: "what would you know of it?""
  66. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-02-29-19.log (1 hit)
  67. Line 15706: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I manage that by....not hunting"
  68. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-02-29-20.log (1 hit)
  69. Line 4740: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "empaths used to be the butt of every hunting joke...warriors were a close second. Both situations have been resolved."
  70. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-03-01-12.log (1 hit)
  71. Line 19939: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "problem is, Telum, the drugs "fix" your "problem" by basically making you numb to everything. It's like deer hunting with thermonuclear ICBM's"
  72. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-03-06-9.log (1 hit)
  73. Line 18: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I'm hunting Jerils"
  74. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-03-21-8.log (1 hit)
  75. Line 3034: [Prime]-GSIV:Thondalar: "everyone has their own opinion. Personally, I think Paladins are the strongest straight hunting class, can hunt anything anywhere any time. An argument could be very easily made for rangers, bards, empaths, wizards, warriors for the top spot. Rogues, sorcs, and clerics are the next "tier", if you will...still quite capable, but better off in certain situations."
  76. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-03-29-4.log (1 hit)
  77. Line 6505: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "we have doe tags we're supposed to's actually a requirement for our hunting lease. Why? Because half of them will starve to death over the winter anyway. I don't know about you, but...I'd rather get shot and have it done in a few hours (at the very worst) than starve to death slowly over 2 months"
  78. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-03-29-6.log (1 hit)
  79. Line 10860: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "never been one to die often, even hunting rift and OTF...haven't had a cap since Nelemar or scatter came out, though"
  80. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-04-06-5.log (3 hits)
  81. Line 22611: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "if you're only talking about straight hunting anything, I'd put Paladins at the top"
  82. Line 22647: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "as a bard, I use my sonic lance when hunting undead...any other time I use my 9x hcw superior golvern lance"
  83. Line 22697: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I think I remember hunting once"
  84. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-04-10-9.log (1 hit)
  85. Line 6124: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "there's a solid strip along the internal ridge of FL that is more Redneck than anywhere you'll find in Alabama, Georgia, or extends from the Panhandle down to the top of Glades County"
  86. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-04-13-8.log (2 hits)
  87. Line 7137: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "awesome thing for me is, my hunting grounds require no weapons...just savvy and skill"
  88. Line 7149: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "well, that's the hunting grounds vs. yours"
  89. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-04-13-9.log (1 hit)
  90. Line 5851: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "old sorcs make 1.5m a week on top of whatever they get for hunting, just by hunting...that's a win"
  91. E:\Gemstone IV\lich\logs\GSIV-Kalros\2016-04-27-5.log (1 hit)
  92. Line 3990: [LNet]-GSIV:Thondalar: "I don't think I've used 415 in normal hunting since I was a rogue in gs3"
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