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Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. Even if there was a low amount of stress at work today, 11 hours is a lot to wind down from, especially with after-work home chores obligations. I realize I should have at least said afk so that you'd understand the lack of reply, and for that I apologize, especially considering that I promised we'd talk more after work. This mistake that I have done doesn't have to do specifically with the content of your post, though I do realize that the content of your post is very meaningful, it has to do with my lack of attention span right after completing tasks. Right now my mom is chastizing me for spending so much time typing when I should be removing the dishes from my room, but I'd rather she be disappointed in me than you, because I love you and there's nothing that can change that, and I care about you. I may not be able to reply every time, but I do read through your links every time. I want you to know that.
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