
Races (Marea)

May 12th, 2018
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  1. Races.
  3. Marea is home to many races. Humans were once the dominating species, however the influence of the bird lords changed that. Now, many other creatures inhabit the world, who were once humans and other beings, altered by the magic of the Birds. They all possess something of a supernatural nature. Below, is a list of the most prominent varieties:
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  7. Travelers
  9. An odd species. Their bodies are oft humanoid, and made of star-matter (dark blue, with glowing, moving white dots, creating something resembling the night sky). Travelers can glide in the air for brief periods of time, and powerful Aura users can even fly. Stronger Travelers can easily move between planes. Travelers have glowing eyes that allow them to perceive magic. They are primarily nomads, and cover their whole bodies in cloth.
  11. It is a very rare sight for one to be able to see an uncovered Traveler, as their clothes are oft enchanted to remain on, and boost their magic. Travelers do not take last names. They are all named after a star, specifically the first one whose name they can pronounce. The Traveler race is granted the boon of each living individual having a different name. A dead Traveler having the same name as a living one, is said to be the living one's ancestor. Travelers live for hundreds of years, usually 300-400.
  13. They reproduce through reincarnation. A dead Traveler's psyche flees the living world, and congregates in Corona, whereas their raw soul essence is re-cycled in the world to give birth to a new Traveler. Travelers who have undergone significant spiritual development, can produce more than a single 'soul-seed' from their reincarnation.
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  17. Sirens
  19. A race of only women, humanoid for most part. They oft look like amazingly beautiful human women (although it is not quite it. Each siren looks her own standard of a peerless beauty, and their conceptions can be quite different from human ones. Thus, there can in fact be things like really young sirens, really old sirens, or even cripOpled sirens). While they appear to be the most 'human' species, this is only in the surface. On the sides, hips, and the back of their arms, they have shimmering fish scales.
  21. When exposed to fresh water, their ears turn webbed, and so do their fingers, their scales cover a whole lot more of their bodies (barring a V-shaped opening in the center of their torso, covering it's whole length, and at the top, reaching the edges of the shoulders), and when submerged, their whole skin turns blue, and their legs merge into a fish tail. They also seem to be able to breathe and live underwater just fine. They are also known to have a very charming voice, able of inflicting slight suggestions on others.
  23. Sirens that choose to live underwater are called mermaids. There is a considerable schism between the two societies, the mermaids and the earth dwelling Sirens. They meddle with other races quite a bit, and are very social. Their society is highly structured as well. Pure sirens have human lifespans. They can mate with members of other races, and the child is always a Siren.
  25. Mermaids live longer, up to a few millennia, and reproduce by converting others to mermaids. Sirens and mermaids both have an oft overlooked trait, of being very good with handling cold. It is what allows them to populate southern Marea.
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  29. Sprinters
  31. Tree-centaurs. Their lower halves are tree-like, and shaped like various woodland quadrupeds, such as horses, deer and even things like wolves. Some unique Sprinters can have hardier, bulkier and larger lower halves. Depending on their life cycle, their upper half changes too. Most domestic sprinters turn green and can grow various useful plants out of their skin, or simulate the growth in nature. Warriors instead form thick, enchanted wooden armor, whereas sages and sorcerers often grow large amounts of leaves and some of the armor.
  33. Their forms are oft deeply infused with magic, and that is not all. Often, Sprinters are made of wood that is not natural and is in and of itself, magical. It may possess abilities such as being unable to burn, resisting magic or transmitting it quite well etc. Sprinters have an organized, but still somewhat primitive society, they live in villages, and organize assemblies. They are highly family-based, and one's family name is very important in determining their future and role in life.
  35. Sprinters are free spirits, and Aura is suited to them as a race. They are potent with it, and have a strong connection to certain Deep Magics.
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  39. Rock Men
  41. The Rock Men. They look humanoid, but are made of rocks. Their basic form is oft human, and underneath their eye holes, tiny lights glow. Their form is known to emanate wind, often, when they are in a state of intense emotions, making them perfect candidates for the Breath Aura. They do however, choose not to practice sorcery out of respect for their creators. The Rock Men, while human looking, can shift to a multi armed form, with multiple pairs of wings as well. There are variations, however the multiple arms, presence of wings and the face remaining human are oft common among them.
  43. Rock Men were created as messengers of the Bird Lords. They were made to be immortal, when their body is destroyed their Inner Wind spreads, and when it coalesces it possesses a new chunk of rock. Sometimes, the inner Wind of a single Rock Man may split, and it has to fuse with other split portions of other destroyed Rock Men. Thus, new Rock Men cannot be born, their number remaining constant, but DIFFERENT Rock Men can in fact, and are often formed this way.
  45. They do not have any society, but the more wings and arms a Rock Man has, the more respected he or she is among her peers. They are unstoppable warriors, but oft refuse to use magic as stated previously. The ones that DO, are considered rogues among their kind.
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  49. Flame Sprites
  51. Once the nation of Pelinn was a thriving, multicultural center, where humans gathered from all over the world. While it wasn't particularly renown for anything, it did have the most resources of almost any competing power at the time. They attempted to gather many of the most respected magi of the world, and with no little interference from Deep Magic, tried to ascend from their plane, to another. They were noticed by the Phoenix, who punished all of Pelinn, by turning their bodies into rock, and evicting their souls.
  53. The evicted spirits, altered by the energy of the Phoenix, became flame-sprites. Human looking, but made of pure Soul-Fire. Mostly androgynous although they possess genders, which become more pronounced as they enter a relationship with their fellow Flame Sprites. Their statures are oft between 1.2 and 1.5 meters tall. However, it is unlikely that one sees them. Flame Sprites travel using the human bodies that remained behind in Pelinn, petrified, to travel around. Altered, and modified to serve as armor (through the Flame Aura), they hide inside these bodies, when traveling outside the land of Pelinn.
  55. Flame sprites reproduce exactly as humans do. Their life cycle can end when they are extinguished, if killed by magic, and if they lose the will to live which will have them extinguished. Their fondness for covering their bodies (mostly out of necessity though) makes them good friends to Travelers. Flame Sprites and Travelers can in fact, produce children with one another.
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  59. Drinkers and the Undead.
  61. The name Drinker, is misleading. They were once human (like all other races here), but were altered by an entity that was not one of the Bird Lords: The Dark Drinker, known for being a simple furred creature that drunk from the Crown Path. That made it's body much bigger, granted it immortality, and magic powers. Which, it used to dark ends. It corrupted a settlement of humans into Drinkers. Drinkers are in average, taller, more muscles and stronger than humans.
  63. Their mightiest, most trained members can go up to 2.5-2.7 meters, and capable of feats of strength considered supernatural by normal standards. Their lower canines form into tusks, and their nose resembles that of a boar sometimes. They are often bald (although not always) and have black, red or dark purple eyes. Drinker society is centered around magic use, especially necromancy, with the strongest mages being on top.
  65. They possess a considerable level of organization and power, however most leaders tend to heavily disagree with their predecessors, and thus change the organisation quite a bit. Fortunately there are times when potent leaders raise an apprentice to take their place, and a chain of sorts can be formed. Oft, major changes brought during these times are not reverted, allowing for something like a sense of permanence to their societal and governmental organism.
  67. A strong part of Drinker culture is however, the use of necromancy, and the presence of undead. Necromancy is a strange art, not propagated or endorsed by the Bird Lords, but by the Dark Drinker, and thus works separately from Auras. It requires a specific item to be made, and a Drinker mage to empower it. The set of empowered objects must then be split in two categories. One, the Focus, is given to the Necromancer, and the Amulets are placed into corpses.
  69. This raises them as undead, under the control of the necromancer. Undead corpses oft have little semblance of autonomy, intelligence or personality, barring whatever the necromancer considers necessary. If their Amulet is destroyed, they return to the world of the dead. With it, they will continue to regenerate. If a Focus is destroyed however, the undead are freed. Undead cannot use Auras, however they can use enchanted items.
  71. A freed undead slowly forms a new persona, with whatever they experienced in their service to a Necromancer, and what little they can recall of their former life. Undead bodies rot, but if the amulet is attached to it, they will continue to be considered 'alive' even if not functional. Drinkers can live anywhere between 90 and 150 years at max.
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  75. Harpies
  77. Or Bird-folk. While the name can be confusing, they are not ACTUALLY all female, and in fact are simply a race of winged, feathered humanoids. Only some of them can fly however, and as a species, they are highly territorial. Not very advanced or even intelligent for most part, they are looked down upon by many of the other races. A grave mistake as it is, as harpies can show surprising brilliance. Their skills with the Lightning Aura are strong as well, not to mention the Bright, Base and Breath auras which they also excel at.
  79. Being magically gifted, the few harpies that do make it out there, and are educated sufficiently, become prized members of whatever group they end up landing in, and as thus are given a lot of attention and seen as rarities. Harpy communities do in fact exist, and are something between Traveler and Sprinter communities, in the sense that they are heavily clan-based but also nomadic in a sense. Harpies live surprisingly short lives, something between 50 and 60 years old.
  81. There is little really known about them, only that they are born in a clan and left to fend for themselves for a period after their infancy. Their return to their families must be within a time frame that differs for each clan. The 'tougher' clans, who try to breed warriors tend to have a longer period, whereas more cultured ones, tend to re-accept them early enough, focusing on the spiritual value of understanding that one is, ultimately on their own, even if they CAN sometimes rely on their family, and seek to waste no time in teaching their younglings about the world.
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