

Nov 27th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was sitting on the nice grown up swing that was hanging from the tree house, his eyes set on Connor playing on the jungle gym as he just enjoyed the brisk air. He hadn't felt like he'd been able to take a deep breath in a while, but was desperately trying to regain some sort of normalcy in his life right now by taking Connor to the park to play.-
  2. Covet: Kelsey knew that Brad had taken Connor to the park, she'd been okay with that because it allowed her to do up something nice for him, because she kind of felt guilty about last night. She'd let the boys play for a good hour or so before she showed up at the park herself, climbing out of her vehicle with a tupperware in her hand, that was warm.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Giving a little kick off the ground, he pushed the swing to sway through the air, the motion comforting as he leaned his elbows down onto his knees and kept an eye on Connor doing his fun imagination thing. His eye caught Kelsey's car pulling into the lot, sitting up straighter to look for her getting out.-
  4. Covet: After climbing out she made her way over to where she could see Connor and Bradley playing. She waved to her son, but he was busy and involved in what he was doing to be bothered about coming down to see her. Kelsey gave a reserved smile to Brad, speaking up when she was close enough. "So... I wanted to do something for you, as a kind of... sorry for practically raping you last night, and thank you for putting up with that for me."
  5. Alexithymiaa: -He watched her make her way over in his direction, checking her out because she was wearing a cute skirt and he loved the legs. "Oh yeah? It's not really that big of a deal.... but I'm not about to deny whatever you've got there."-
  6. Covet: "Warm sugar free peanut butter cookies." She told him, then shook her head. "No, it was kind of a big me. And the way I went about it, well I'm just glad you were receptive to it... initially, and well.. yeah. I'm sorry for how it all ended. There was a lot of... emotions last night." She said gingerly, as she sat down next to him, handing the tupperware to him.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -He instantly made grabby hands for the tupperware because he so rarely gets delicious cookies anymore. Pulling the lid off, he dove right in and took a big bite of his first cookie. "It's okay. I know there's a lot of things going on right now and I don't blame you for reacting that way and needing that." And then he shoved the whole rest of the cookie in his mouth.-
  8. Covet: "Yeah... well that's kind of normal for us. I guess I just needed something normal with all this other crazy stuff going on. And well the last time I tried suggesting... well it ended up with you doubled over in a booth at the cafe... so... I more than owe this to you." Kelsey said taking a cookie for herself.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "That's why I thought it would be a good idea to take Connor to the park. Just needed something normal in my life for a change." He said as he reached for another cookie. "I'm okay with you owing me if it comes in the form of cookies."-
  10. Covet: "Well, not just in the form of cookies, I just know how to make you happy." Kelsey told him and gave him a bit of a nudge, with a slow smile then gave a soft sigh as that smile faded. "It's nice... even if it's just temporary."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "True. You can owe me pretty much anything and I think I'd be okay with it." He said with a laugh, pushing cookie into his mouth and watching Connor. "Yeah... temporary..."-
  12. Covet: Kelsey watched him and closed her eyes, "We're going to be okay? Through all this...right?" She asked him as she pulled back, and wiped a hand over her eyes.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Of course we are." He said quickly, pushing the cookie into his mouth fully and wrapping his now free arm around her shoulders. "Obstacles and bumps make us stronger, right?"-
  14. Covet: "Innocence lost is experienced gained." Kelsey said with a nod. "Provided we're strong enough to withstand those obstacles...together." She shook her head. "Sorry, I don't mean to kill our happy normal vibe."
  15. Alexithymiaa: "We'll get through it together. Nothing is going to stop us, only slow us down. Besides, do you really think there's anything we can't handle? Come on. We're like... the best at everything." He dropped his arm and gave her hand a squeeze. "You're fine. Why don't you see if Connor wants a cookie too? That'll bring back the normal vibe."-
  16. Covet: "Yeah, you're right. There's just... alot of doubt in everything, and I guess it's kind of become overwhelming, and hard not to think about." She said giving his hand a squeeze back. She cleared her throat a little and called out to Connor. " Hey kiddo, I brought some cookies if you want one." // Connor of course perked up and came running over for a cookie, because what kid doesnt' want a damn cookie.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Brad watched Connor tear over to them for a cookie, smiling because he'd been right. It did help him feel normal. "Everythings going to be okay. We're all sticking together, right buddy?" He asked, hoping to catch him off guard because cookies.-
  18. Covet: Kelsey nodded her head taking a deep breath. "As long as I have you both, I'll be okay." She said. // Connor looked up, "Yes, but we're not really going to be sticky are we?"
  19. Alexithymiaa: "No little man, we're not going to be sticky. It's just a saying." He started to crack up, shaking his head. "I think no matter what, as long as we have you around to make us laugh all the time, everything is good."-
  20. Covet: Kelsey gave a chuckle, then leaned over to give Connor a kiss on the head, but he quickly pulled away once she was done. "Only if you laugh when I'm trying to be funny. Other wise you're just laughing at me, and that's not nice. That's bullying."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "We are always lauging with you, not at you." He corrected. "No bullying here. We would never do that to you."-
  22. Covet: "We love you kiddo." She told him with a smile. // Connor looked at Brad, "Good, because if you did, you'd have to go to the principal's office."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Oh you would tell on us?" He asked in a mock offended tone, looking to Kelsey and then back down at Connor. "But we're your family."-
  24. Covet: "Yeah but, it's not telling on you. That sounds like tattling. This is different. This is letting the teacher know about something bad." Connor said, though really it's totally all the same thing. // Kelsey laughed, " Okay, We will make sure there is no bullying so you don't let the teacher know."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, and if there is any bullying in school, you let the teacher know. And then you can come home and tell us, okay?" He asked as he reached for another cookie, just loving this everyday conversation.-
  26. Covet: "What are you some gossipy house mom wanting to know all the details of what happens at school?" Kelsey teased. // Connor looked at Kelsey, then at Brad, "You want to know everytime there is bullying?" He was confused.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -He lifted his head to stare at Kelsey, giving her a soft nod. "Actually I am. Got a problem with it?" He asked with an attitude. "Yeah, I want to know whats going on in school there. Is that so bad?"-
  28. Covet: Kelsey laughed, "If you want to know all the good stuff, you should join the PTA. Private Academy PTA's have all the gossipy partent stuff going on. They know all." // Connor just looked between them, " Okay, Dad. I'll tell you next time it happens, but only if I can have another cookie."
  29. Alexithymiaa: "I could join the PTA." He said, puffing out his chest. "All the moms would be wanting to sit next to me at all the meetings and junk. They'd get nothing done, though." He started to laugh, pulling a cookie out of the container and splitting it in half. "You can have half. It's late, kid."-
  30. Covet: "Oh really now? So while you're commanding your harem of PTA moms, I can hang out with the teacher's after hours?" Kelsey suggested teasingly. // Connor took the cookie then ran off to play because when the parents say it's late he knows they will have to go soon.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "Uh no? I'll stick my harem of PTA moms on you and the teachers. When mombies attack." He said with a grin.-
  32. Covet: "Wait, why do you still get a pta harem then?!" Kelsey said in protest, giving him a shove. "I'm going to show you mombie here in a second."
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Because I can't stop the mommys from loving me. What am I supposed to do?" He asked, laughing again and pushing up to his feet. "C'mon Connor! Pack it in, we need to head home!"-
  34. Covet: "And I can't say the same about the teachers loving me?" Kelsey said as she got up and grabbed the tupperware of cookies as Connor came running in to cling to Brad.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "You're searching for the teachers. The mommys flock to me. It's different." He put his arm around Connor when he came running over, giving his head a rub. "Have fun buddy?" He asked him trying to start walking towards the car.-
  36. Covet: "Pffft, The teachers could flock to me too." She said feeling slightly offended as she started walking towards her vehicle parked next to Brad's car. // "Yep. Lots of fun. But it's almost bedtime. So no more fun." He said as he ran ahead to Brad's car, because it was the cool car.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Ehhhhh..." He said, trying to tease Kelsey a bit. Unlocking his doors, he helped Connor up into his car, waving at Kelsey. "The boys will meet you at home. We get to travel in style." He said with a grin before ducking down into his car so they could head home.-
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