
Tali The Justice Obsessed Bluecoat (Asim)

Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. [19:26] Arriving at the beach, the man immediately moves to stand in the sand, his gaze in the distance, but soon after going towards something he got while Asim was looking at their stall.
  3. A pipe... Hmmm... He does have some soothing reed with him right now.
  4. (Rain Multhunder)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [19:32] Asim's mind is still thinking about what he just saw from Yumeko. He wants to know what happened, and if she was okay. However he thinks that waiting for a while before seeing her might be a great idea.
  9. Once they got to the beach he steps up the to the water. A quick glance is given to Rain when he took out the pipe. "I didn't know you smoke." He says, but he thinks this is a occasional thing. If so, than this is one of those moments no doubt.
  11. He doesn't aim to strike up a conversation for this very moment. If Rain does than he can go right ahead but he wanted to let him come down for now. Yellow hues watch far into the ocean. Watching to water calming move around them, and listening to the nice breeze. It was relaxing here.
  13. A nice place to calm down after what happened in the mines. Something that Rain doesn't know about nor will he. There is no reason to bring it up ever.
  14. (Asim)
  15. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. [19:37] "I don't."
  19. He states while continuing to hold the pipe.
  21. "Hmmm... So, how did it go at the mines?"
  23. After making the question, he moves to sit at the water margin, ignoring how it could come and make him wet at any moment. In fact, such a thing would happen quite a few times, but the water would twist and change it's path instead of coming towards him.
  24. (Rain Multhunder)
  25. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. [19:42] It was almost like Rain knew what he was thinking about. Perhaps they were talking in another dimension however its not mentioned.
  29. "It was... fine. I suppose. Just I have learned that the Order is actively hunting us down due to Task's orders. Whoever that is... Most citizens know what we look like apparently.
  31. A random one in fact told us. His name was Timothy..." He just remembered that fucker told him to tell Rain about something. "Uhh they send their regards. Something like its ashame you left the church to follow such shit beliefs or something? Really I don't remember.
  33. That guy just pissed me off." He admits.
  34. (Asim)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [19:48] Staring at the water for a gread deal of time even after what he was just told, he doesn't do anything, not even blink. Perhaps he should beat the shit out of Timothy the next time they met, same for Task, he wonders how strong they are, for even Crowley had managed to injure them in the past.
  39. They're not invicible... maybe he should pay them a visit in the future.
  41. "I don't think I have any beliefs at this point... and yeah, don't mind Timothy, I'll just beat him the next time I see them. Same for any Guard or Knight I come across."
  43. His tone of voice is pretty much indifferent though it's more because he can't decide what to think or do right now.
  45. After several moments, he gets up.
  47. "What you think of going to the mines or walking around? I don't really feel like just staying here and staring at the water to be honest. Could very well go about finding a Knight or Guard to beat the shit off right now.
  49. What you say?"
  51. A small smile forms on his lips as he asks Asim if he was up for it.
  52. (Rain Multhunder)
  53. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  55. [19:52] He looks over at Rain. He didn't want really to be lazy all day. However if they did find a Knight or a Bluecoat he might be a bit rusty. Hell if he can even do anything to the people they happen to find.
  57. "Uhhh Sure?" He reluctantly says. A slow few steps were had, before he meets him and follow behind. If they find anyone he hopes its Ka, so he can take his arm.
  58. (Asim)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [19:52] Satisfied with Asim's answer, he turns around and walks away from the beach, his friend following after him.
  62. (Rain Multhunder)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [19:52] Rain Multhunder says, "Let's take a look at the mines them. Li and the others might still be there hunting swuisarme."
  66. [19:53] Asim says, "Okay."
  67. [19:56] Rain Multhunder asks, "Wait, you're being hunted as well?"
  68. [19:56] Asim says, "Yup."
  69. [19:56] Asim says, "But its fine."
  70. [19:56] Rain Multhunder says, "Hm... if you come with me they would know what you look like."
  71. [19:57] Asim says, "They already know what I look like. They just don't know my name."
  72. [19:58] Tali Dianara says, "....."
  73. [19:58] Rain Multhunder says, "Hm..."
  74. [19:58] Asim says, "Oooh you again..."
  75. [19:58] Tali Dianara says, "Im growing tired of this."
  76. [19:58] Rain Multhunder says, "Heh... Greetings."
  77. [19:58] Tali Dianara asks, "Whats brings you here?"
  78. [19:58] Rain Multhunder asks, "Looking for a fight?"
  79. [19:59] Asim says, "Hmmm I would also like to fight her."
  80. [19:59] Tali Dianara says, "Id love to. To bad Assualt is Illegal behind walls."
  81. [19:59] Rain Multhunder says, "Pfft..."
  82. [19:59] Asim says, "Were aren't behin the walls though."
  83. [19:59] The man just starts to laugh.
  84. (Rain Multhunder)
  85. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. [20:00] Tali Dianara says, "Doesn't matter. I am a city watch member first."
  88. [20:00] Rain Multhunder asks, "Oh really?"
  89. [20:00] Rain Multhunder says, "Tell me then."
  90. [20:00] Rain Multhunder says, "Hasn't Task or maybe a Knight..."
  91. [20:00] Rain Multhunder asks, "Say there are some new wanted people around?"
  92. [20:01] Starts to step closer to the woman.
  93. (Rain Multhunder)
  94. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  96. [20:04] The woman would look towards the male. Her wings slowly beckoning forth for her.
  98. "Alright then. And so I am guessing that you actually did something? Perhaps killed someone? Threatening the livelihood of Orsona? Sorry, Reports don't often get relayed."
  100. She said with a smirk.
  102. "Especially if they don't pose a threat."
  103. (Tali Dianara)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. [20:09] The one-armed man grows a smirk. That might hold true for him but not at all for Rain. She really shouldn't have done that. Especially with how bloodthirsty he is right now.
  108. Yellow hues narrow upon the lass. "Oh? Your quite cocky for the position that your in." He threatens her, he has no care at all for what his reputation with Orsona might be from now on. They have already many times ruined his life and apparently till aim to do so after denouncing Dragmire.
  110. Pay homage to their Queen? They can fuck off with that bullshit.
  112. Asim places his hand on the hilt of his scimitar, not drawing it. He plans to wait for what Rain plans to do. Just he hopes that Rain will at least wait for him to fight first. They are one of the few people he could take on!
  113. (Asim)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [20:09] The man grins as he gets closer.
  118. "Awh... Your confidence in yourself is really cute you know that?"
  120. He nods his head several, his tone of voice amused as a small laugh escaping his lips, for he already knew that he could crush her if he so wanted. Still despite that, Asim had said he wanted to fight her.
  122. This would be a good opportunity for them to improve their abilities a little. Taking a glance at Asim.
  124. "You want to go ahead then? If not, I guess I will."
  126. He was acting pretty casually despite how he basically showed that he was out for blood or so it seemed. That was his way of showing that he wasn't intimidated or worried in the slightest.
  127. (Rain Multhunder)
  128. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  130. [20:18] The woman would slowly have her skin heat a radiant red, Red vapour erupting from her body. It seemed that the male was looking for a fight. And she was looking to moreso finish what she had started. She would love to engage the male before her, her anger for the moonfallers slowly growing.
  132. She wanted another fight. Another battle with the enemy before her.... She truly desired it. The enemies of Moonfall have been waltzing around the area way to often. And it has grown more apparent of the fighters indeed.
  134. Her rash emotions slowly growing as time as passed. Her will to continue on fueled drastically by her resolve... It was astounding that even the few that were here had the gall to waltz into enemy territory. She will put them justice.
  136. An deserter, and an enemy that bears the same grudge as the other that had lost before her. She wasn't intimidated by either of the two. Not one bit....
  138. "Hmph. Justice will prevail, and those who will continue toact against the queen will suffer the same fate. Your fabled sand king submitted to it. And lived, I will correct those who will step against it. Whether through words. Or through force."
  140. She spoke, her motives clear as day.
  141. (Tali Dianara)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [20:25] The man drew is blade as she stated what she felt about all this. However Dragmire submitted to Orsona. He would chuckle. "I knew he was a weak king. I guess he will die later then. We shall see, for now..."
  146. A thin blue aura covered the man, shards crystalized from it. They started to fly around him, almost like a shield. Afterwards he stance his strange combat stance. Lacking one arm might throw her off from his style of combat.
  148. "Care to battle in a better location? This would be bad for the both of us. Your explosions might cause a landslide. You wouldn't want Orsona to be crippled by your actions?" He says in a cocky tone, one to match hers.
  149. (Asim)
  150. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. [20:26] 'This dumb bitch...'
  154. The thought passes the Deacon's mind.
  156. "You said Reports don't often get relayed... truly a shame... for you that is. Let us show you why the relay of information is a vital thing for any organization."
  158. Laughing out loud after saying that, he allows Asim to go ahead, and attack the woman. Let them have their fun first. He was okay with not getting anything, for if he did, he might actually end up killing her here and now, and that wouldn't be very beneficial, would it?
  160. "Even bringing up 'Justice' and 'The Queen'... Oh Stars! You sure like to blabber. Who cares if the one we called King submitted themselves, I don't. He made his choice, and we made ours.
  162. By the way..."
  164. He steps back, behind Asim.
  166. "Fuck the Queen. Fuck the King. Fuck Osrona. They place themselves above everyone and everything! They forgot their people just like they forgot to the Faith, the Stars!"
  167. (Rain Multhunder)
  168. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  170. [20:39] The woman would smile. The young man was right, though the very fact that this was treated as if it were an exhibition match was an irritating feeling for her. Nonetheless, she was getting a fight that she wanted. And that was what mattered.
  172. Her breathing was controlled, and her skin still radiating red. Her sweat swiftly evaporating into vapour. Her Drakkanite aura dissipating the heat evenly... The feeling of something erupting still in her body. Her metabolic rate increasing drastically.
  174. Though she would try something different this time around. Her feet and hands glowing to a bright orange red... Red haze being emmited as scales would start to glow bright orange. The anger and passion that she felt with the disrespect that Rain uttered.
  176. He didn't care for the people Noor did Asim. She would give a small glaring daggers at them...How dare they. How dare they act like they could walk all over everyone... Her passion to set things right... Her will to set things correctly....
  178. Would slowly manifest further...
  180. "Fire Formation. Burstinarix form."
  182. She said. Dashing off the cliffs to the very ground before them. Awaiting her match.
  184. (Tali Dianara)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  187. [20:54] Once they find a good location for their fight he stopped and turned to face her. A smile is apparent on his face. This is needed for the both of them no doubt. She seems like she wants this battle as much as he does. However she better hope she is good enough to avoid any deadly blows.
  189. This one-armed man is gunna go full desert hobo. Crystals form in front of his and he places his blade on it. He takes his hand and places it into his bag, taking out a potion. He pops the cap and drinks all of it.
  191. Asim throws the bottle off into the forest somewhere as he seems to be engrossed with anger. A aura of pure hatred is emitted from him. He plans to rip off her arms his he is given the chance. Everyone will pay for what Ka did to him.
  193. He grasps his blade and readies himself for combat.
  195. "Time to fight, I hope your cockiness is well placed~" he says before rushing her like a berserker.
  196. (Asim)
  197. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  199. [20:59] The woman would slowly feel the burn especially in her hands and feet. Her attunement to the flame was being extended towards her physical limitations. Her body serving as her engine to push even harder. This fight was going to bring out the best and worst of each of them.
  201. The young woman would sigh. She expected the male to drug himself to increase his physical output. But she wouldn't resort to that level when fighting him. Not at this stage, She knew what was coming next. The fight that would decide a lot.
  203. She would see the bottle getting tossed. As his anger would slowly burn from within him all at once. She would see as he would go all out with his abilities. He was putting his life on the line to get revenge, to be fueled by vengeance.
  205. Her fists anticipating action, she dashes towards them.
  207. "I will show you true Passion! True will doesn't need an enhancement!"
  209. She yelled.
  210. (Tali Dianara)
  211. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. [21:08] Rain Multhunder says, "<I'll have to start whooping his ass daily from now on it seems. He's so fucking sluggish right now. Could've done that a lot better.>"
  214. [21:32] Another brutal fight would come forth towards the woman. The male who would just chuck out a rage pot would find out that the true strength would reside from within... It was a feeling of opportunity. She burdens the faith of her family. Her friends, Osrona….
  216. She would not fail them. Not now.
  218. Her scales slowly absorbing the rage induced blows from the male. Even when the going got tough for her. She was feeling the positive end of her resolve waking from within. Her formation, consisted of slipping in-between blows. And returning them in-between.
  220. Her sense of determination. A feeling to set things right, for Orsona to flourish her flames would burst out with intensity. Each blade strike would nick her. And blasts of crystals would slowly attempt to strike her down...
  222. But she would perform somersaults across the air, adapting and dodging Asim's dangerous blows, countering with Blazing Kicks in return. This form of fighting would conserve her energy whilst she was within the superheated state.
  224. She would switch to her arms, Weaving faster. And hitting him with Burning fists of fury. His angered state would only leave room for more sloppiness. A wide swing would allow her to duck And slip in to counter with searing blows to the stomach and punches to the liver...
  226. Whilst her was pushed beyond the edge with senseless anger.. She would push herself, Let her anger drive her good spirit. Only then could it be formed into passion. Only then if could become something greater than that of selfishness.
  228. At this point she could feel the exhaustion that Asim was feeling. It was time that she put a swift end towards this outward violence.
  230. Closing her eyes, she would dash towards them, Smashing their knee against his body. Pushing him back slightly, She would kick the air behind her, sending her towards her opponent. A flurry of blows would come towards him. Hitting him with all she could muster.
  232. At this moment. She remembered what the Inferno user spoke to her saying...
  234. "Learn to dance with the flames Tali. Let passion fuel it."
  236. Flashed back into the fight, Her blows would get hotter, Flames expelling out of the males body with each blow. She would wind her arm back, and hit him with a haymaker to the chest. Sending him flying across the area, with a hole with burn marks on his chest, and a red searing fist mark. Nothing serious however.
  238. "I have a goal to enact justice. And become the strongest flame user to exist. I will not be stopped, Or pushed back, I will push myself as far as I can if I have to."
  240. She said. Her fist extenging outwards long after the final blow was struck, breating heavily.
  241. (Tali Dianara)
  242. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. [21:44] The one-armed nomad had gone full berserk. He can't get away from explosion magi. The only people he has fought other than his friends are just that. It fills him with so much rage, and his potion just increase the large amount he already had.
  246. Watching her cast her more developed spell remind him of Ka Parsi. The man who took him arm. One day payback will be had and he intends on it being soon. The only issue is during this whole fight he is getting pressured.
  248. Explosions riddle the forest the battle took place in. Loud bangs rung throughout the valley, along with the shattering of crystals. Shards were going everywhere!
  250. Asim used the shards scattered around the ground as a way to erupt a wall of crystals out from in front of him. Still it was all to weak seeing as he had no idea how to use it. Plus Tali was able to out maneuver the spell, with her draconic flight.
  252. The man rushed at her with all his might attempting to end her. Rage filled him, both against her as a person and all she stood for. It was a just cause but only if she understood what really was going on. If only the man she was fighting was able to speak through his rage. His mind wasn't even thinking about talking in the slightest. All of his being was used to fight her.
  254. His strikes were hard but the range she had over him was horrible for him! The magicks he bares, held no range. As well as it was predominantly melee based. Which they were able to counter with moderate easy with Pyroclasm.
  256. The sloppy movements he held against his opponent, left a much desired set of skills. It seemed that he was stronger from that potion but if he learned to use a style much like this he might be able to fight anyone. Its a thought for the future however.
  258. After a horrible mistake, he fell for a faint attack. Allowing her to land a knee to his chest throwing him back a bit. Once he started to stabilize his footing her quick assault of blows kept him unable to really do much. Finally to end off her everlasting furry of blows she landed a fist-o-fire on him. Singing the skin on his chest slightly before knocking him really far back.
  260. He tumbled for a bit before getting on his feet. He was only injured with slight bruises and light marks left from the fire she wielded. Finally he came to, once he was unable to continue his fight. Still anger coursed through his veins.
  262. "Enact justice my ass. My whole village was slaughtered! Innocent people, that knew no better! One-hundred people that lost their lives on command of the man they call Task. If that is justice than your sense of justice is as corrupt as the fuckers around you. All Orsonians are the same! Corrupt bloodthirsty animals that will kill anything if they have the chance."
  264. He scoffed, as he looked to Rain. "Fucking end this yourself. I'm still too damn weak." The man steps aside.
  265. (Asim)
  266. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  268. [21:56] Closing his eyes as their final clash came about, the former Deacon already knew what the result would be. His friend being sent tumbling back, their following rage fueled words igniting something inside the man's heart as well, how he was unable to protect those people.
  270. Stepping forward as Asim tells him to end this... well, let's just say he didn't need to be told twice.
  272. "Your passion... truly beautiful, I'll admit that... I can feel it."
  274. A warm smile on his face as he states that, a smile which soon turns cold.
  276. "If only it was being used for true justice..."
  278. His arm is lifted in front of himself, palm down as it starts to send a stream of mana into the ground, slowly starting to fill their surroundings with holy magic, burning as fiercely as it should.
  280. "One could wonder how a man who appeared to be evil right now could use such magic. Let's just say there are always two sides of the coin, while some people will say certain things about me, some other people's opinions would also diverge."
  282. Chuckling at this piece of unnecessary information he just gave, a sigh is given.
  284. "I don't really feel bad for having to beat you now... I guess it's time to show you. No matter how much stronger you get, how many techniques you learn or how much you train.
  286. There's always a bigger fish."
  288. Water gathers around his body while the holy energy makes their surrounding feel as though it was getting heavier. A holy magic user, truly, he had been thinking about it, what if he fought for na unjust cause? Maybe he wouldn't be able to use his powers... doesn't seem like this is the moment he would see if such a thing was true, for the woman's words hit a very sore spot on both his and Asim's heart, all those innocent people...
  289. (Rain Multhunder)
  290. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  292. [22:06] The woman would slowly sigh as she would reach her limit. Her body to breathe heavily. The amount of stress that was pulled through with her body was something to marvel. Her body adapting much more to the drawback to her drakkanite blood.
  294. The fight has ended. Another tale to get through, she needed to push towards her goals. The beauty of hard work was it was often always payed back in full, just have to be patient is all. But for now. She had to take her leave.
  296. Unfortunately she didn't have enough strength to keep up with another fight before her. It was absolutely draining to keep her physical position. Her muscles aching after a match like that, the female breathing heavily... It would pain her to do this... However.
  298. "You and I will finish this, and you will be next to face justice. But fortunately for you. today will not be that day. you False Prophet..."
  300. With a snap of her finger she would create a form of flashbang, using the flurry of her explosion magic, she would obstruct her opponents view. Just about enough to encourage him to create enough space, and temporarily bother his vision.
  302. The explosion would send dust and debris flying into the air. As the smoke cleared, there would certainly be nothing left. With scorched grass, ashes, and remaining cinders being all that's left..
  303. (Tali Dianara)
  304. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  306. [22:15] Being blinded by the sudden flash for a moment, he didn't expect it at all, still, he can't let that be the end of this. Immediately using holy magic to heal himself and straighten his senses, he manages to at least identify the direction she's running towards, and dashes.
  307. (Rain Multhunder)
  308. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  310. [22:16] The woman makes her dash towards the gates, hoping her mage legs don't fail her.
  311. (Tali Dianara)
  312. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  314. [22:38] A chase starts, the man immediately dashing after them. A staff on his hand, and water whip on the other which shoots forward to grab at her feet and bring her towards himself.
  316. Having been brought into his area of control, she would feel his holy magic burning, a feeling so diferente from what she would usually feel with her own fire magic, which never truly harmed her.
  318. Despite being shorter than most people, the man could truly be said to be a Titan in battle compared to others, having come so far from being a simple street rat from Sudbury who would never think of challenging a Guard or Knight.
  320. As her attacks come towards him, flames burning his body, explosions tearing small patches of his skin, it didn't really matter, his combination of holy and water magic quickly healing any wounds he received.
  322. "At this point, no words will be able to get through to you... so I'll do it with actions instead."
  324. A flood of water hits her body, sending her a bit far away, a bit too much for his liking.
  326. Bringing his palms together, all the holy energy in the area, the one he had spread into the ground as welll as the one surrounding his body gather into a sphere of light, which he then shoots forward in a blast of light.
  328. It approaches her body at a high speed just as she would probably take the opportunity to escape. The sphere hitting the right side of her back as well as a part of her wing, piercing through her clothes and armor.
  330. Still, it wasn't enough to make her unconscious and thus, she would've been able to escape due to how close they were to Osrona territory.
  331. (Rain Multhunder)
  332. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  334. [23:06] The woman would have her mad dash.. However, the stress upon her muscles would prove to be a heavy problem indeed. The heat from the last battle would over time. Unfortunately for her, one of the most severe drawbacks of using this type of fire would be over exhaustion.
  336. She would swiftly have a water whip drag her back from the area... Her attempts at creating a flashbang would fail miserably. Bursts of holy magic would overwhelm her.. Hitting her with heavy physical light. One that would burn ever so slightly.
  338. The gap in prowess would be very prevalent with this fight. It was sad to take a look at how far she had came when it had involved her prowess. Only to be snuffed back with water once more... The change in power was almost Chimeric...
  340. But she wouldn't relent.. Her goal was to survive at this point. To go beyond the grasp of fate, and allowed her to survive the pain that was brought to her.. She would counter with explosions, only to see them shrugged off so easily...
  343. A blast of light would travel towards her. Shooting her wing, the piece of mana manipulated, It was truly a painfull sight.. To see her own blood drip from her back. Pieces of swollen muscle would be seen. But she would grit her teeth....
  345. "I. Won't....DIE! I will make your crimes known you bastard.... Both you and your Protégé. You won't snuff out the cinders of justice the next time that we meet. I promise you..."
  347. She said.. Her muscles straining and tightening as she moved. Every step would become painfull for her to adjust pieces of muscle tissue ripping and swollen. And it was the first time she would come back with something that she probably would have to live with her for the rest of her livelihood.
  349. But that didn't discourage her. This fight would expand her spirit to new heights... A dragon that has scars to prove that she wasn't worthless, that she would become a better person after this point onwards... But for now. She had one thing to do In order to accomplish her goals...
  354. (Tali Dianara)
  355. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. [23:11] The rage induced man watched the fight with a happy smile. The fight is going perfectly as planned. If he lost... much like he did. Rain ended it swiftly.
  359. He didn't dwell to much on his thoughts as its time to head off. More bluecoats will be here in no time!
  361. "Lets dip Rain. Good job as per usual."
  362. (Asim)
  363. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  365. [23:11] Rain nodding his head, the man gives a heavy sigh. Quite a bit of his previous hatred having been now relieved with this scene of violence.
  366. (Rain Multhunder)
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