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Jan 4th, 2019
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  1. fba-aspect = "DAR"
  2. fba-cpu-speed-adjust = "100"
  3. fba-hiscores = "enabled"
  4. fba-samplerate = "48000"
  5. fba-sample-interpolation = "4-point 3rd order"
  6. fba-fm-interpolation = "4-point 3rd order"
  7. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Difficulty = "(Default) Normal"
  8. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Number_of_Joysticks = "(Default) 2"
  9. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Control_Configuration = "(Default) Joystick"
  10. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Demo_Sounds = "(Default) On"
  11. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Cabinet = "(Default) Upright"
  12. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Service_Mode = "(Default) Off"
  13. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Coin_A = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Credits"
  14. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Coin_B = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Credits"
  15. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Credit_configuration = "(Default) Start 1C/Continue 1C"
  16. fba-dipswitch-wrallyat-Free_Play = "(Default) Off"
  17. fba-diagnostic-input = "None"
  18. fba-macro-xmcotau-P1_3x_Punch = "None"
  19. fba-macro-xmcotau-P1_3x_Kick = "None"
  20. fba-macro-xmcotau-P2_3x_Punch = "None"
  21. fba-macro-xmcotau-P2_3x_Kick = "None"
  22. fba-dipswitch-outrunra-Coin_A = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Credit"
  23. fba-dipswitch-outrunra-Coin_B = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Credit"
  24. fba-dipswitch-outrunra-Cabinet = "(Default) Mini Up"
  25. fba-dipswitch-outrunra-Demo_Sounds = "(Default) On"
  26. fba-dipswitch-outrunra-Time_Adjust = "(Default) Normal"
  27. fba-dipswitch-outrunra-Difficulty = "(Default) Normal"
  28. fba-dipswitch-contra-Coin_A = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Credit"
  29. fba-dipswitch-contra-Coin_B = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Credit"
  30. fba-dipswitch-contra-Lives = "(Default) 3"
  31. fba-dipswitch-contra-Bonus_Life = "(Default) 30000 70000"
  32. fba-dipswitch-contra-Difficulty = "(Default) Normal"
  33. fba-dipswitch-contra-Demo_Sounds = "(Default) On"
  34. fba-dipswitch-contra-Flip_Screen = "(Default) Off"
  35. fba-dipswitch-contra-Service_Mode = "(Default) Off"
  36. fba-dipswitch-contra-Sound = "(Default) Stereo"
  37. fba-dipswitch-ddragonub-Coin_A = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Play"
  38. fba-dipswitch-ddragonub-Coin_B = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Play"
  39. fba-dipswitch-ddragonub-Cabinet = "(Default) Upright"
  40. fba-dipswitch-ddragonub-Flip_Screen = "(Default) Off"
  41. fba-dipswitch-ddragonub-Difficulty = "(Default) Medium"
  42. fba-dipswitch-ddragonub-Demo_Sounds = "(Default) On"
  43. fba-dipswitch-ddragonub-Bonus_Life = "(Default) 30k and every 60k"
  44. fba-dipswitch-ddragonub-Lives = "(Default) 2"
  45. fba-dipswitch-aburner-Coin_A = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Credit"
  46. fba-dipswitch-aburner-Coin_B = "(Default) 1 Coin 1 Credit"
  47. fba-dipswitch-aburner-Cabinet_Type = "(Default) Upright 1"
  48. fba-dipswitch-aburner-Demo_Sounds = "(Default) On"
  49. fba-dipswitch-aburner-Lives = "(Default) 3 x credits"
  50. fba-dipswitch-aburner-Allow_Continue = "(Default) Yes"
  51. fba-dipswitch-aburner-Difficulty = "(Default) Normal"
  52. snes9x_next_overclock = "Disabled(10MHz)"
  53. snes9x_next_overclock_cycles = "disabled"
  54. snes9x_next_reduce_sprite_flicker = "disabled"
  55. pcsx_rearmed_frameskip = "0"
  56. pcsx_rearmed_region = "auto"
  57. pcsx_rearmed_pad1type = "default"
  58. pcsx_rearmed_pad2type = "default"
  59. pcsx_rearmed_pad3type = "default"
  60. pcsx_rearmed_pad4type = "default"
  61. pcsx_rearmed_pad5type = "default"
  62. pcsx_rearmed_pad6type = "default"
  63. pcsx_rearmed_pad7type = "default"
  64. pcsx_rearmed_pad8type = "default"
  65. pcsx_rearmed_multitap1 = "auto"
  66. pcsx_rearmed_multitap2 = "auto"
  67. pcsx_rearmed_vibration = "enabled"
  68. pcsx_rearmed_dithering = "enabled"
  69. pcsx_rearmed_duping_enable = "enabled"
  70. pcsx_rearmed_show_bios_bootlogo = "disabled"
  71. pcsx_rearmed_spu_reverb = "enabled"
  72. pcsx_rearmed_spu_interpolation = "simple"
  73. pcsx_rearmed_pe2_fix = "disabled"
  74. pcsx_rearmed_inuyasha_fix = "disabled"
  75. snes9x_up_down_allowed = "disabled"
  76. snes9x_overclock = "10MHz"
  77. snes9x_overclock_cycles = "disabled"
  78. snes9x_reduce_sprite_flicker = "disabled"
  79. snes9x_layer_1 = "enabled"
  80. snes9x_layer_2 = "enabled"
  81. snes9x_layer_3 = "enabled"
  82. snes9x_layer_4 = "enabled"
  83. snes9x_layer_5 = "enabled"
  84. snes9x_gfx_clip = "enabled"
  85. snes9x_gfx_transp = "enabled"
  86. snes9x_gfx_hires = "enabled"
  87. snes9x_sndchan_1 = "enabled"
  88. snes9x_sndchan_2 = "enabled"
  89. snes9x_sndchan_3 = "enabled"
  90. snes9x_sndchan_4 = "enabled"
  91. snes9x_sndchan_5 = "enabled"
  92. snes9x_sndchan_6 = "enabled"
  93. snes9x_sndchan_7 = "enabled"
  94. snes9x_sndchan_8 = "enabled"
  95. snes9x_overscan = "auto"
  96. snes9x_aspect = "auto"
  97. nestopia_blargg_ntsc_filter = "disabled"
  98. nestopia_palette = "cxa2025as"
  99. nestopia_nospritelimit = "disabled"
  100. nestopia_overclock = "1x"
  101. nestopia_select_adapter = "auto"
  102. nestopia_fds_auto_insert = "enabled"
  103. nestopia_overscan_v = "enabled"
  104. nestopia_overscan_h = "disabled"
  105. nestopia_aspect = "auto"
  106. nestopia_genie_distortion = "disabled"
  107. nestopia_favored_system = "auto"
  108. nestopia_ram_power_state = "0x00"
  109. nestopia_turbo_pulse = "2"
  110. mame2003-frameskip = "0"
  111. mame2003-dcs-speedhack = "enabled"
  112. mame2003-skip_disclaimer = "enabled"
  113. mame2003-skip_warnings = "disabled"
  114. mame2003-sample_rate = "48000"
  115. mame2003-external_hiscore = "disabled"
  116. mame2003-dialsharexy = "disabled"
  117. mame2003-mouse_device = "mouse"
  118. mame2003-crosshair_enabled = "enabled"
  119. mame2003-rstick_to_btns = "enabled"
  120. mame2003-tate_mode = "disabled"
  121. mame2003-skip-rom-verify = "disabled"
  122. mame2003-vector-resolution-multiplier = "1"
  123. mame2003-vector-antialias = "disabled"
  124. mame2003-vector-translucency = "enabled"
  125. mame2003-vector-beam-width = "1"
  126. mame2003-vector-flicker = "20"
  127. mame2003-vector-intensity = "1.5"
  128. mupen64plus-cpucore = "dynamic_recompiler"
  129. mupen64plus-rspmode = "HLE"
  130. mupen64plus-43screensize = "320x240"
  131. mupen64plus-169screensize = "640x360"
  132. mupen64plus-aspect = "4:3"
  133. mupen64plus-BilinearMode = "standard"
  134. mupen64plus-MultiSampling = "0"
  135. mupen64plus-EnableFBEmulation = "True"
  136. mupen64plus-EnableCopyColorToRDRAM = "Async"
  137. mupen64plus-EnableCopyDepthToRDRAM = "Software"
  138. mupen64plus-EnableHWLighting = "False"
  139. mupen64plus-CorrectTexrectCoords = "Off"
  140. mupen64plus-EnableNativeResTexrects = "False"
  141. mupen64plus-EnableLegacyBlending = "False"
  142. mupen64plus-EnableFragmentDepthWrite = "True"
  143. mupen64plus-EnableShadersStorage = "True"
  144. mupen64plus-CropMode = "Auto"
  145. mupen64plus-txFilterMode = "None"
  146. mupen64plus-txEnhancementMode = "None"
  147. mupen64plus-txFilterIgnoreBG = "True"
  148. mupen64plus-txHiresEnable = "False"
  149. mupen64plus-txHiresFullAlphaChannel = "False"
  150. mupen64plus-astick-deadzone = "15"
  151. mupen64plus-astick-sensitivity = "100"
  152. mupen64plus-r-cbutton = "C1"
  153. mupen64plus-l-cbutton = "C2"
  154. mupen64plus-d-cbutton = "C3"
  155. mupen64plus-u-cbutton = "C4"
  156. mupen64plus-pak1 = "memory"
  157. mupen64plus-pak2 = "none"
  158. mupen64plus-pak3 = "none"
  159. mupen64plus-pak4 = "none"
  160. mupen64plus-CountPerOp = "0"
  161. parallel-n64-cpucore = "dynamic_recompiler"
  162. parallel-n64-audio-buffer-size = "2048"
  163. parallel-n64-astick-deadzone = "15"
  164. parallel-n64-astick-sensitivity = "100"
  165. parallel-n64-pak1 = "none"
  166. parallel-n64-pak2 = "none"
  167. parallel-n64-pak3 = "none"
  168. parallel-n64-pak4 = "none"
  169. parallel-n64-disable_expmem = "enabled"
  170. parallel-n64-gfxplugin-accuracy = "veryhigh"
  171. parallel-n64-send_allist_to_hle_rsp = "disabled"
  172. parallel-n64-gfxplugin = "auto"
  173. parallel-n64-rspplugin = "auto"
  174. parallel-n64-screensize = "640x480"
  175. parallel-n64-aspectratiohint = "normal"
  176. parallel-n64-filtering = "automatic"
  177. parallel-n64-dithering = "enabled"
  178. parallel-n64-polyoffset-factor = "-3.0"
  179. parallel-n64-polyoffset-units = "-3.0"
  180. parallel-n64-angrylion-vioverlay = "disabled"
  181. parallel-n64-virefresh = "auto"
  182. parallel-n64-bufferswap = "disabled"
  183. parallel-n64-framerate = "original"
  184. parallel-n64-alt-map = "disabled"
  185. parallel-n64-vcache-vbo = "disabled"
  186. parallel-n64-boot-device = "Default"
  187. parallel-n64-64dd-hardware = "disabled"
  188. reicast_cpu_mode = "dynamic_recompiler"
  189. reicast_boot_to_bios = "disabled"
  190. reicast_internal_resolution = "640x480"
  191. reicast_mipmapping = "enabled"
  192. reicast_volume_modifier_mode = "disabled"
  193. reicast_widescreen_hack = "disabled"
  194. reicast_audio_buffer_size = "1024"
  195. reicast_cable_type = "TV (VBS/Y+S/C)"
  196. reicast_broadcast = "4"
  197. reicast_framerate = "normal"
  198. reicast_region = "3"
  199. reicast_precompile_shaders = "disabled"
  200. reicast_enable_rtt = "enabled"
  201. reicast_enable_purupuru = "enabled"
  202. genesis_plus_gx_system_hw = "auto"
  203. genesis_plus_gx_region_detect = "auto"
  204. genesis_plus_gx_force_dtack = "enabled"
  205. genesis_plus_gx_bios = "disabled"
  206. genesis_plus_gx_bram = "per bios"
  207. genesis_plus_gx_addr_error = "enabled"
  208. genesis_plus_gx_lock_on = "disabled"
  209. genesis_plus_gx_ym2413 = "auto"
  210. genesis_plus_gx_ym2612 = "mame (ym2612)"
  211. genesis_plus_gx_sound_output = "stereo"
  212. genesis_plus_gx_audio_filter = "disabled"
  213. genesis_plus_gx_lowpass_range = "60"
  214. genesis_plus_gx_blargg_ntsc_filter = "disabled"
  215. genesis_plus_gx_lcd_filter = "disabled"
  216. genesis_plus_gx_overscan = "disabled"
  217. genesis_plus_gx_gg_extra = "disabled"
  218. genesis_plus_gx_aspect_ratio = "auto"
  219. genesis_plus_gx_render = "single field"
  220. genesis_plus_gx_gun_cursor = "disabled"
  221. genesis_plus_gx_invert_mouse = "disabled"
  222. genesis_plus_gx_overclock = "100%"
  223. genesis_plus_gx_no_sprite_limit = "disabled"
  224. beetle_psx_hw_renderer = "hardware"
  225. beetle_psx_hw_renderer_software_fb = "enabled"
  226. beetle_psx_hw_internal_resolution = "1x(native)"
  227. beetle_psx_hw_filter = "nearest"
  228. beetle_psx_hw_depth = "dithered 16bpp (native)"
  229. beetle_psx_hw_wireframe = "disabled"
  230. beetle_psx_hw_display_vram = "disabled"
  231. beetle_psx_hw_pgxp_mode = "disabled"
  232. beetle_psx_hw_pgxp_vertex = "disabled"
  233. beetle_psx_hw_pgxp_texture = "disabled"
  234. beetle_psx_hw_widescreen_hack = "disabled"
  235. beetle_psx_hw_frame_duping = "disabled"
  236. beetle_psx_hw_cpu_freq_scale = "100% (native)"
  237. beetle_psx_hw_gte_overclock = "disabled"
  238. beetle_psx_hw_gpu_overclock = "1x(native)"
  239. beetle_psx_hw_skip_bios = "disabled"
  240. beetle_psx_hw_dither_mode = "1x(native)"
  241. beetle_psx_hw_display_internal_fps = "disabled"
  242. beetle_psx_hw_initial_scanline = "0"
  243. beetle_psx_hw_last_scanline = "239"
  244. beetle_psx_hw_initial_scanline_pal = "0"
  245. beetle_psx_hw_last_scanline_pal = "287"
  246. beetle_psx_hw_crop_overscan = "enabled"
  247. beetle_psx_hw_image_crop = "disabled"
  248. beetle_psx_hw_image_offset = "disabled"
  249. beetle_psx_hw_analog_calibration = "disabled"
  250. beetle_psx_hw_analog_toggle = "disabled"
  251. beetle_psx_hw_enable_multitap_port1 = "disabled"
  252. beetle_psx_hw_enable_multitap_port2 = "disabled"
  253. beetle_psx_hw_gun_cursor = "Cross"
  254. beetle_psx_hw_mouse_sensitivity = "100%"
  255. beetle_psx_hw_cd_access_method = "sync"
  256. beetle_psx_hw_use_mednafen_memcard0_method = "libretro"
  257. beetle_psx_hw_enable_memcard1 = "enabled"
  258. beetle_psx_hw_shared_memory_cards = "disabled"
  259. beetle_psx_hw_cd_fastload = "2x (native)"
  260. dosbox_machine_type = "vgaonly"
  261. dosbox_emulated_mouse = "enable"
  262. dosbox_cpu_cycles_0 = "0"
  263. dosbox_cpu_cycles_1 = "0"
  264. dosbox_cpu_cycles_2 = "1"
  265. dosbox_cpu_cycles_3 = "0"
  266. prboom-resolution = "320x200"
  267. prboom-mouse_on = "disabled"
  268. prboom-find_recursive_on = "enabled"
  269. prboom-analog_deadzone = "15"
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