

Feb 19th, 2020
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  1. We start in space. We see a shifty black mass hurtling across the galaxy. In its wake is a solid bolt of light, shaped vaguely like a sword. The black mass speeds towards Earth, the sword in pursuit.
  3. Then we cut.
  5. We see a school. A middle school. It's recess. All the kids are off doing their thing, but there's one kid, a particularly dweeby kid, just sort of sitting by himself doodling. He looks... depressed. And weak-willed. He wears an oversized droopy black sweatshirt and his hair is really long and unkempt. He has a rather protruding overbite. His name... is Max.
  7. The black mass passes over a park. No sign of the sword. The mass seems to know exactly where it's going. It seems to sense that the park is near a school...
  9. We cut again.
  11. School's now out, Max is going home all worn out and dejected as he usually does. The rest of the kids all ride around on their bikes and skateboards, Max prefers to walk. With his head down.
  13. Max wanders into the park, heading towards the secluded benches where nobody usually sits. He seems to prefer being alone... but also seems to dislike it. He sits down and continues to doodle, now with no other kids to bother him.
  15. After a few moments, a girl steps out from behind a tree. She is about Max's age. She's absolutely beautiful, or as beautiful as a middle schooler could be considered, but has ghoulish white skin and solid black hair, with solid black clothes. She slowly approaches Max's bench.
  17. She sits down in front of Max and says 'Hi'. Max is taken aback. Girls usually never come near him. Not like this. Max sits there, his heart racing, with no idea what to say.
  19. The girl seems to be into him. Max is terribly confused, as he really didn't seem to do anything to warrant this kind of attention.
  21. In a fit of anxiety, Max attempts to get up and leave, but the girl follows him. She eventually corners him, his back to a tree. She's determined to get him to come with her someplace else, but Max is really skeptical. And almost terrified.
  23. Max starts to suspect something is not normal about this girl. He has no idea who she is or where she's from. She certainly doesn't go to his school.
  25. And then..
  27. *SHWING*
  29. The sword comes shooting down out of the sky.
  31. It slams into the ground, right between Max and the girl. It gives off an explosion, a big ball of blinding light. Max shields his eyes but is otherwise unaffected. The girl on the other hand is flung back several feet away.
  33. Max opens his eyes again. He sees the sword planted in the ground in front of him. Then he sees the girl on the ground, coming to. She appears to be... dripping. As in, some sort of black liquid is seeping off of her as she adjusts herself. Definitely not normal.
  35. Then Max looks back at the sword. It gives off a glow, a warm, comforting glow. Max swears he can hear a voice coming out of the sword. A fatherly voice. Without further hesitation, Max steps forward and draws the sword from the ground.
  37. Max stands frozen for a moment. Suddenly he feels a rush of energy flowing through his every orifice. He hasn't felt like this since elementary school. Like he can take on literally anything.
  39. The girl, now standing back up, sees Max in front of her brandishing the sword. Her expression immediately turns to a combination of fear... and intent to murder.
  41. Without a hitch she shapeshifts into a tall... humanoid.... thing. A very imposing tall humanoid thing.
  43. Without even thinking, Max assumes a battle stance. His reflexes have never been this on-point before. It's as though he's not really himself.
  45. Then Max and the girl-turned-shadowy-thing lunge at each other and a fight scene breaks out. Max and the sword win.
  47. The girl-turned-shadowy-thing is now just a clump of shadowy mass on the ground, still alive but not exactly prepared to continue fighting. The mass bids Max and the sword a promise of revenge before shooting back into the sky and flying off.
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